are thoughts about the episodes from while they was in mexico
are thoughts about the episodes from while they was in mexico
hello and welcome to the shit show I am Jessica and to my left of me we have the man with the plan to make you laugh today yeah I'll try okay all right so we are talking we've been talking about love is blind last time we did the first four or five episodes before they went to Mexico so and we talked about that talked about who we liked who we didn't like who we figured would end up together I think I was closer than you possibly and so right now we are gonna get on to Mexico this is after they propose and this is their what their honeymoon honeymoon before their wedding which is weird I believe what they do is that it's they what what is it when you're in the pod you don't see them so you fall for them emotionally is that they call it so now with being in Mexico they match physically and that's just like to me I I mean once you fall and you think that this is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with I mean why do you look all the sudden matter do you think I don't know ask Irene well we'll get to that bitch in a minute I mean all the ones I've seen when they open the doors they're happy excited of what they look like whatever no problem but I really mean yeah and and you know we're gonna get to the Mexico thing so basically we can talk about what she did there and then this is where salami and Micah but they made a whole different twist to they did now see that's like to me that whole thing so kind of like goes back to the dive diamond okay yeah diamond and Carlton Carlton when they did their little things so the is this scripted you think that they put that in there and said hey you two need to talk because we want more drama I don't know it seems like a true heartfelt conversation other than they both wanted to go back to the room and and this is between back Mary no oh my daddy and Micah Micah salami they're a little hard to say I guess the only way to ask to be asked one of them but I mean well let's get their number I would love to I'll look on their Instagram all their pages I'll go on that tomorrow on the work and see what I can find maybe we can get somebody just to call in for a podcast and just ask them certain questions which I'm sure I'm almost betting you ask that question they'll be like no I bet they had a sign an NDA yeah that's what I'm thinking too so I don't know I think some of the scripted but the Micah and salami thing yeah why do we got to keep on him why do you got to keep on him because that's what it sounds like when I say his name I like to call him salami I like to call him salami because on this show this cartoon that cash watches there's salami yeah anyway so now let's go back to you were saying okay for the first time okay and they were all happy except for Irene who said some horrible things yep like how rude could you be I mean you're on national TV and you're just making yourself look like a complete bitch like you are making yourself you're representing yourself absolutely very poor so she they open the door and she doesn't go running she doesn't she looks at him and then they sit down and she's like why are your eyes so wide open why can't you blink you look like a cartoon character how rude is that pretty fucking rude but I mean I guess at least she's on this so he already knows from the jump that it's not gonna work yeah and he fucked up he should have chose bliss right so now and then you saw the part where he goes in to lean and goes in for a kiss and she totally turns her cheek and she's just like oh well not right now because right this is all so much yeah and they're they're Mexico vacations suck for them to oh yeah definitely I mean they said they slept on both sides of the bed you know the ends of the bed facing away from each other and he totally called it to like he I mean he totally just said straight out he's like this has been the worst fucking time in my life I cannot believe that I have to sleep in a bed with you and then what did I really say to him um she says I I was I've been rude to you this whole entire time I've been a bitch to this whole entire time I thought that like he was like oh my god figure it out by now but she also said one other clue what else did you say that you should have chose bliss yeah she did she said that so I mean he fucked up and then you know and then you see that you know after they go they leave I'm pretty sure they left early right no they stayed the whole time and slept in the same bed same bed but they were on separate sides they stayed to the Mexico honeymoon thing the whole time well free vacation right and then he goes and it shows him and bliss walks in the door oh at the end yes yeah now if that was me like I don't even think I would have shown up just for the simple fact I'm not your second choice I'm sorry if I'm not your first choice sucks to be you you fucked up yeah but okay that will also go back to the 15 minutes of fame yeah bliss just in it for the fame see she seems genuine to me so I'm not sure she seems like I mean she's smart she's got her shit together she is to me she seems genuine but as the show goes on we will see now if she does talk to him and he proposes do they still get it go to the altar who um Zack and bliss oh I have no clue yeah they've never done it on any the other ones the other ones when the people broke up in Mexico or whatever didn't go to Mexico they didn't show any more of them going to the altars but then again it could be they might do it I don't well don't tell me watch the next three episodes and then watch she'll say I do and he says I don't so now let's get back to Swami and Chelsea all right the first couple of episodes I did not like Chelsea I thought she was this is the first episode this in the pod I thought she was kind of bitchy at first but then I really started to like her I agree and then here comes along the other drama queen in this show Micah she comes in and they're having a great time her and Paul are having a great time Swami and Chelsea are having a great time and then they get a meet everybody that went right and now yes I think those liquors involved too because they drink a lot on that show through the golden cup you've got those cups if I ever see one of those cups I cannot wait to like run it over do not like those cups they're so annoying and so you think that when they met each other that that was it I think was daytime wasn't it when they had the conversation because they were all by the pool yeah and then that's where Paul was like okay well somebody said I can't stop staring at Irene I want to look at her eyes but I can't in that yeah so Mike is gonna see this they know that this is gonna be shown on television right on the reunion okay but still but then again you got Mike at the top yeah and the shit they talk about so inappropriate when they're engaged yes let's talk about that if you were there with and you because she broke up with him right and the whole second choice thing so if that was you and you were engaged would you sit there and have a 20-minute conversation that you know it's gonna blow up at the end when you go home with your fiance would you do that to your fiance absolutely not I mean that's just horrible that's just not even I in my personal opinion I mean I'm not in that situation but if I was I'd feel like yeah okay I'm seeing somebody for the first time outside the pods introduce myself see how they're doing and then go back to who I'm with cuz I mean like said she broke up with him if it was me good to meet you no I mean I'm not I ain't gonna be the fucking second choice yes and then this just goes back to it is it scripted so I don't think that one is yeah it was very especially when she said you should have proposed or some shit like that and he got all fucking bent and pissed off about it thought he thought he should go talk to her and then that's when oh yeah that's right okay that's when his fiancee ripped at him yeah okay that's right let it go so and I think that if I was Chelsea in that situation I would have been livid I would have I my personality I would have probably went over there and I don't think Chelsea's allowed to go over there because if you remember I I think it was Micah that come up and said can I still him for a minute I think they're allowed to take somebody off to the side and talk without any interruption oh fuck that I I would have been right but I could be wrong but like like on the other shows I watch they do that a lot you know like when they're in the perfect match one you know by the end of the night who'd ever doesn't get matched up has to go home so somebody could be talking me and you can be talking right now you know about plans blah blah blah whatever some dude can walk up and be like hey can I still her for a bit yeah sure bro because you got five minutes and then my favorite thing is he says he's happy but yeah he keeps going back to talk to Micah and so Chelsea's gonna see this and she's gonna hear everything yeah and but they know that but who knows because we don't know what's going to happen at the altar yet no because they don't get married whatever they see it is what it is even though I'm sure when they watch it and they and they didn't get married or whatever it's still gonna eat them it would mean oh yeah and then do you regret that person or resent that person do you feel like I don't know if you're like if you're Marshall I'm sure you forgive cuz I mean look at how Tiffany acted how well Marshall handled her yes Marshall is amazing there's certain people that are out there that can deal with that type of I don't want to say crazy but bipolarness maybe I'm not sure so let's get into that in a second so when Swami and Chelsea get back to the hotel room cuz then she leave early I don't remember Chelsea left early or not I think she was mad yeah and then when he got to the room he was asking her what's wrong what seriously right you gotta ask that seriously if you have to ask that then you need to be like checking yourself and be like whoa well I guess I was right on him from the pods cuz I didn't care for him well obviously because you call him Swami so they get back to the hotel room and he's saying well what's wrong what's the matter blah blah blah blah are you kidding me what's wrong are you mad you broke with the chick who broke up with you and I'm gonna find out what you guys were talking about so is our love connection strong enough to survive that kind of situation guess they're bound to find out okay so let's move on to Micah and Paul okay I don't think in my opinion that from what I thought I don't think that it's going to work what well first of all can we say how dramatic and how much drama her and Irene was in the pods yeah but now they're out of the pods in New Mexico with their fiancee and but still they were still causing drama when they were on the floatie in the pool and so I mean come on really I mean if you're gonna be that dramatic how dramatic are you gonna be in your relationship so with me I'm a very difficult person I will admit to get along with and there's only certain people that can put up with me so with that being said you're one of them Kalani's one of them I mean I'm a bitch I complain I complain a lot and and I still you know I'm still loved you know my award-winning personality but okay so and then true story that I do have an award-winning personality I didn't say true story said your story oh okay I am I'll tell it I will put it on a t-shirt and then the last episode where they were Micah and Paul went to that little like cave thing I was really romantic and they seen that's the same cave that that dude in season two the one that asked if they can if he can hold them on their shoulder and shit like that like that oh really yeah they went to the same place now remember I didn't watch season two oh yeah that's right I just remember listening to you telling me about what a dick leopard print guy is no he wasn't leopard print oh he wasn't he was a vet he was a vet the Indian one correct uh-huh and he ended up with an Indian girl but they didn't get married who was the leopard print guy he was on this last season the season three no four the one we just watch because he says yes he was cuz he goes I'm I like leopard print and that's when Tiffany rolled her eyes and shit oh okay all right he's on season four me didn't go very far no he didn't okay so at that cave thing they seemed really happy really happy together so that's Paul and Micah and again I mean it all goes back to whether they say I do or I don't I mean that conversation with salami might come back to haunt her ass oh yeah cuz he's gonna see it too back all right yeah I good call I didn't even think about that yeah that's gonna come back to haunt both of them and the they were gonna talk who was gonna talk the Micah and Chelsea okay thunderstorm hit and that was kind of like crazy right it's kind of cliche right there right all the sudden thunder hit that's my thunderstorm and so it's kind of like is that a sign yeah I don't I did I'm glad that that didn't happen cuz I can see that conversation not going very well so I don't know I kind of wish they would have cuz I'd like to see where it would have went maybe there's been catfight so now it's on the show if you get violent or if you isn't that I don't probably so you think so but if you get kicked off I mean doesn't matter I mean you are still in love with this person so it shouldn't matter right right all right so Swami and Chelsea what do we think do we think that they're gonna say well you know we didn't even talk about Britain no we will we'll get to them but let's so we've talked about Paul and Micah and Swami and Chelsea do we think that Swami and Chelsea are gonna go to the altar and say yes or no no I think they'll say no actually actually I was gonna do this that's what I was gonna do at the end was go through them and pick yes or no on them see oh well that's why they call it a shit show because we don't talk about what we're gonna talk about and nothing's in order no and I don't have a pen so I can write this down here I've got a pen for you perfect it's my favorite color it's purple perfect okay so we're talking about Chelsea and Swami right yes yeah I think that's gonna be a no so I'm gonna say that's a total maybe for me I want to say yes because I want I want to see more people get married all right well but by the the next three episodes when they're in Seattle that's when they're living together right when we write for the altar when we do the podcast for that you have to say whether it's okay all right that works Paul and Micah that one's a maybe I have to see how they live together first but okay I have my hopes for them I think it'll be yes see I just I want everybody to be like oh love yeah it'd be nice you know five years later have kids and especially when yeah yeah I just had a brain fart never mind let's carry out okay okay what about back in my arena well obviously okay well they showed bliss so I'm kind of wondering if they're gonna bring her back on the show well yeah that's what I was saying so do you think that they will bring her back on the show and do they get a have a wedding if he proposes to her I'll say yeah I think they will just for the show just for the show so so Irene is out so we can stretch her out the list because she's a dumb bitch and then we'll add bliss now if it was me I would be all like this is what I would do just because I'm a complete bitch I would be like oh yeah oh my gosh I'm so in lovey-dovey with you and then live together and be all lovey-dovey so he says yes and then get to the other and say bitch please no no no no you cartoon character looking motherfucking bitch so we'll find out here soon when we watch those right so let's talk about threat and Tiffany all right how did you feel about Brit and the pot they can't remember those two seem just to work like a well-oiled machine I mean even in Mexico uh-huh they were fine they haven't had no issues yet okay now do you think that is a good thing or a bad thing I kind of think it's a bad thing that they haven't had no issues because they haven't really had a chance to work anything out but you know going back home going back to work socializing with friends and all that I think there's gonna be problems in Seattle for him but right now I mean there's a power couple you think and I'll say right now I think they'll go to the altar and say yes really I do okay so now when I I need a look at Tiffany really quick now I just even six or five but what or five or four okay so this has a totally different cast season four you know what you come up with a better word for me to use and I will totally try to use it well maybe you can go like oh my god like let's be like perfect we're like first of all like I so like don't like oh my god talk like that so I really that's not how I talk oh yeah it gives you a complete rundown of everybody on there what do you mean a rundown oh that's pretty cool yeah I was I was looking for a picture of Tiffany because I can picture her yeah you find her no because I'm on the guy more well fine Tiffany and then you can look at her I think all in all this love and blindness it's been pretty good I mean I'm kind of glad they have it in sessions but same time I wish they'd put all the episodes out look at her boobies in that one but this is a good looking female I'm looking for someone strong to work through that that's amazing that'd be somebody's number we should try to get yeah so you can be like hey fuck yeah I love that hey come to Utah I'll show you what's up good let's see Irina she says I didn't tell my future partner buckle up for the emotional rollercoaster of your life it was emotional all right and dramatic okay come on Tiffany where you at where you at Tiffany Tiffany Tiffany okay all right you can tell these have been photoshopped cuz that's what they really look like in real life yeah but it's pretty close Tiffany it's hard meeting men in public I need help I can't meet people in public but I'll meet somebody behind a door that I can't see and just talk to him and then I'll meet him and marry him hey why not it's a thing to do now it's reality TV shows how you meet people well like they need to make it for like 45 and over yes we said that time and time again we should call Michael Shay and hey look we have an idea if you do it we need a cut in that show or we just send you on it yeah okay but why not cuz I wouldn't make the final cut yeah you would no come on no I can't sit in a room sit there and just talk oh let's talk but if you found somebody that you connected with you could talk talk for days well then again they do supply liquor so yeah maybe and golden cups against the wall so I can give me some crown and we good to go so already right now you are saying that Brett and Tiffany are gonna make it yeah don't go all the way okay so yeah I think there's a power couple now from what I saw on like where it says coming up on the next few okay yeah the previous um yeah he was like kind of this isn't gonna work what this shouldn't be a problem so I guess we'll see but that probably has I don't know I bet you that has to do like space with space yeah no no no in there like apartments well this is at the altar they were dressing in tux oh yeah I didn't think they're showing the weddings next I thought it was no future previews of like the show I know I must have missed that one I'll have to go back I think it was at the end of the last episode of Expo like cutting up on but really it's not because the next week let's see they released my move in Seattle and we haven't watched those yet so you think they would show the altar previews so you say Brett and Tiffany yes Jackie and Marshall now I love Marshall I I do too he's a big guy he is a stand-up guy now this is what I was talking about I mean for somebody to put up with me half they have to be special because no they have to be a different kind of a man to have to put up with me I'm very complicated so I think that if Jackie can maybe figure out what's wrong with her and get on some medication I think that they make a very cute dorky lovable couple do you think yeah I like them I like I like Marshall I don't like her okay who would have you who would you have chosen for Marshall or Marshall who else was he talking to you do you remember um what thing he talking about okay no Amber no that was Paul Paul called it off of Amber to get with Micah you know to be honest I don't think I don't remember him talking to anybody else for her he really didn't did he not that I can remember I'd have to go back and watch but I don't know I I think it's gonna be her that calls it off I don't think it's gonna be him and he'll be heartbroken because he because he's a genuine guy yes he is and he has a very big heart and you can just see it in his eyes oh God impatience for days but I mean if you could take his patience and bottle it up just play the world would be a better place he's a good guy I like Marshall yes and so my my theory on them they gonna make it I think she's gonna be too much for the living situation I think that we'll find out if they're gonna make it you said that we need to come up with yes or no by then right so you're what it may be on there I want to say yes you want to say yes on them yes I do so what after the living situation we can change our mind on our answers of course all right well well I get that but when it comes to the altar I want to see who gets the most right okay and then I guess I mean we can say yes or no exact and bliss but I mean we don't know if they're going to continue on the show or not or if it was just showing him sitting down at the restaurant she showed up yeah if they're gonna continue on the show I mean right now my guess would be no they don't make it oh listen Zach I mean yeah she's a second choice and that has to either oh yeah definitely you chose Irina over me why what does that bitch have that I don't a lot she's better-looking no no no no bliss is asked probably gonna ask that what did that bitch have that I didn't nothing other than she's immature she she's a bitch oh yeah so that's what Zach wanted he wanted a bitch and immature hoe and and she definitely meets all that criteria yeah she meets a lot of criteria she's weirdo so I guess we'll wait for the living situation and we'll see if bliss comes back comes back back and bliss on the show and then you know the whole 15 minutes of fame which Irina definitely was there for 15 minutes of fame she wasn't looking for nothing now if she would have do you think do you think maybe she it finally clicked her that it's real what's going on no twice no no she knew what she was doing even though she's young she was like only what 25 so she yeah no she knows she knew what she was doing she's 26 and she is a business owner how to be a bitch just like I'm shameless the rest of you I don't know I didn't watch shameless I enjoyed it I wish I wish Fiona was on all 12 but that's all right now do you think if Irina was with because she seemed very superficial she seemed like let's say she was with or it let's say she connected with somebody who was hotter I I don't know I still think she's a bit in the same way I see I I don't know because who called she was just such oh my god she's a little bit yeah it might have been cuter or whatever but who says the dude would have been into her that's true but Paul was into her right yeah yes Paul was into her okay so say her and Paul chose I can't remember did she like she did she did and she was wearing that where her boobies hung out yeah yeah I can't keep my I can't look at her eyes yeah yeah so if it were if it would have been different and I think that if she was with somebody other than that I think that she probably would have had sex with him she's still too immature I don't think that she should how many of them consummated it I think everybody except for Zack and Irina I don't think Paul and Micah has no I don't think she gave him any meds yet huh I don't know I'll have to look that up and see living situation is totally different true what how long do they live together I think after the honeymoon is what 21 days until their wedding so under a month that they live together yeah it goes it's only like a total of what 28 days or something like that they're only in the pod for like 10 days and then they go to Mexico for a week they have 10 days to find a match okay and then they go to Mexico for a week and I think they live together for two weeks that's it or maybe it's maybe it's up until they go to the altar that's what I thought maybe it's that and then like a total of 30 days 30 maybe give or take but now the thing is though is after the altar which this is the whole living situation they basically see if they can live together problem is then they got a side where they're gonna move to they're gonna move to his place or her place are they gonna find a new place together yeah and that's kind of crazy because I mean what if you have an amazing job and do you to move to where somebody wants to be close to their family I mean I mean I guess if you have a remote job and the other one has a good job why wouldn't you just go to there cuz you know you work from home anyway so why does it matter it does yeah I shouldn't I mean it's true love I mean that sacrifices that you make so and if I remember I believe they all live in Seattle but two of them oh okay I think salami lives in Portland it's still in Oregon he lives in Portland and then I don't remember Seattle's in Oregon now Washington my bad my bad damn I ain't got a map in front of me I just guessed so I guess all right you only live once bitch I don't know sound good though sound good at time well that's Mexico quick and easy I mean is there any other thing that you remember about Mexico that was meant memorable to you um I think when salami drinks the thinks he's the shit when he isn't okay well most people do when they drink yeah but I don't know I'm open for surprises when they these next three episodes something really give us something to talk about I mean the whole Micah and salami thing that was good but I want something what about if they get to the altar and she says I'm pregnant but when that be some shit what would you do like right in front of your family and friends and sorry bitch I don't marry you bye I ain't paying child support either you better get a coat hanger no I'm just playing oh my gosh I'm gonna get all the feminist people after me yep they're gonna do a pitchfork let's make a jump yeah crazy right put it on all accounts on all counts yeah but they arrested him we got arrested him but now she has to pay him money because he of the same thing like the trial with Amber Heard and Johnny Depp for defamation of character he she has to pay him now huh like $300,000 but here's the question though since he's been arrested you can still run for president okay lucky for him yeah I don't think you should though should you run for president again well that's why we don't get into politics that's why we don't get into religion I like Trump yeah I think more people do then don't probably that is what it is yeah I'm not getting into politics like that so living together and we'll watch that now and then or next week April 7th we will watch the altar and see where they go that comes out on Friday actually yeah April 7th this coming Friday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday yeah but we still gotta watch the living together living in Seattle that's in Oregon funny kid funny I am I'm gonna take my show on the road so all right well let's wrap it up and everybody should wrap it up definitely you don't want to get a STD or you don't want her to say that she's pregnant at the altar I don't have that problem I've already been tutored tutored is what you call it yep okay you're such a weirdo been tutored then I do have an STD oh my god super thick dick I did test positive too oh my god here we go for what is that game game oh you're giving me shit over the state but I still gaming you're like oh with that yes why yes now put a in front of it what is it so I don't know well what I say EYES yes yes now put an E in front of it yes I'm gonna tell you and you're gonna be like oh my god okay so tell me I have you all right well thank you for listening to this shit show questions comments please leave them on Facebook and we will definitely respond to them no and we would appreciate your comments and your input and ideas of what you would like if you haven't yeah if you have a topic throw it out we'll eventually put it up there I mean I know there's a couple out there that we that we'll talk about after the weapons blinds done what you we got what the red flags boundaries and there's something else somebody put yeah I guess we'll do it yeah so thank you for listening to the shit show I'm Jessica and this is my address enough whatever you want to call me just call me just call me just call me all right peace everybody