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What is your Scriptural Identity in Yahoshua the Messiah -6

What is your Scriptural Identity in Yahoshua the Messiah -6


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The host discusses the importance of using the correct names for God and Jesus, emphasizing that Yahweh should not be translated as Lord, Signior, or Herr. He explains that these titles are actually names of foreign gods, such as Baal and G-D, which are pagan Babylonian deities. The host argues that using these names goes against scripture and is a sign of forsaking Yahweh. He urges people to embrace the true names of God and return to their biblical roots, as Yahweh is restoring his people and there is an awakening happening. The host concludes by stating that Yahweh wants to be called by his correct name and that it is important to honor his call. Hello, New Zealand and the world. Welcome to the program, Let Us Reason Together, a weekly radio broadcast to prepare us for the coming of the King and the restoration of the whole house of Israel. Our host today, Boaz Nuach. Good evening and welcome to the program. Well, last week we looked at, amongst other things, the book of Hosea. We saw how Israel was divorced by Yahweh because of running after other gods. We also briefly looked at the division of the house of David under King Solomon and how and when this house will be reunited from Ezekiel 37. I have been talking about the names that I use and this evening we are going to come to the part of Scripture where much of that is explained, why I use Yahweh for Lord and Yeshua for Jesus and Elohim for God and Torah for law because this evening we are going to deal with a part of Scripture which deals with not using the names of foreign gods. Let them not come over your lips and we are going to see from Scripture that some of these titles were indeed titles of other gods. We saw how Ephraim or the house of Israel was divorced but how the house of Judah remained in the love of Yahweh, Hosea 1.7 and as far as the Scripture is concerned the house of Israel departed from Yahweh but whilst it was dispersed among the nations Yahweh's love for His people never ceased and He took care of them, gave them silver and gold and all that they needed whilst they used most of it in the service of Baal. And we saw how the name Baal from Hosea 2 was going to be taken of the lips of the people of Yahweh and Baal in English is translated in Lord and if you study the name of Yahweh you see that in most languages the name Yahweh has been translated with either Lord, Signior or Herr or Herr whilst the Scripture is clear that for example in the book of Exodus in chapter 3 Yahweh makes very clear how He wants to be called. I read you from Exodus chapter 3 from verse 13 And Moses said to Elohim, Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, The Elohim of your father has sent me to you. And they ask me, What is your name? Or what is His name? You see at that time it is like now that the name of Yahweh has been forgotten by most and He is known as Herr or Lord or Signior or what have you. Then what shall I tell them? And Elohim said to Moses, I am who I am, that is what you are to say to the Israelites. I am has sent me to you. And Elohim also said to Moses, Say to the Israelites, Yahweh, the Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac and the Elohim of Jacob has sent you to me. This is my name forever, the name by which I am want to be remembered from generation to generation. You see I am who I am actually is the name Yahweh. So Yahweh translated here is I am who I am and by this name Yahweh I want to be known forever in all your generations. So Abba Yahweh does not want to be known by Herr or Signior or Lord and some of these titles are indeed titles of foreign gods. We will see that in a minute. What is important that we are made aware of this so that we can change it because it is actually a fulfillment of prophecy and a sign of what is befalling us in the latter days when indeed this awareness is made known to us. And I would like to refer you to a passage of scripture in Isaiah 65.11 and Isaiah 65.11 says but as for you who forsook Yahweh in one way or another you can argue about it or not we have all forsaken Yahweh in one form or another and we have all picked up foreign and strange customs that are totally contrary to scripture. So this should speak to all of us. But as far as you who have forsaken Yahweh and forgot my holy mountain who spread a table for fortune and this word fortune write it down on a piece of paper and filled bowls of mixed wine for destiny. This word fortune and this word destiny in the Hebrew are two distinct words. The one is G-D G-D and for destiny it is M-E-N-I fortune G-D and destiny M-E-N-I. In the King James Version this name fortune is translated with troupe. So it is troupe for G-D and number in the King James Version for destiny meaning M-E-N-I. Now but as for you who forsook Yahweh who spread a table for G-D and filled bowls of mixed wine for M-E-N-I which you therefore read G-D and M-E-N-I the gods of the Gentiles. M-E-N-I is the Strongsword 1408 and G-D which was later translated with GAD G-A-D because in English we have G-A-D. A variety of the Strongsword 1409 fortune or a Babylonian deity. So G-D which later became God is a pagan Babylonian deity. Most Bible scholars will agree with all this without any argument. So we have the pagan names Baal G-D meaning the Lord God. Baal is translated Lord and G-D is translated God. G-D as we saw according to the Strongsword concordance is a Babylonian deity and so was Baal. The scripture is clear that the set apart people who are to set themselves apart as a holy priesthood are not to use the name of other foreign deities. Baal G-D the Lord God derived from pagan names. Yahweh declares in that day declares Yahweh you will call me my husband. You will no longer call me Baal or Lord. I Yahweh will remove the name of the Baalim or the name of the Lords from her lips. No longer will the names of Baal be invoked. Hosea 2 16 17. And this is happening all around the world and by that you can see that the age is coming to a close because people are again embracing the true names of our true Elohim. Okay Israel the ten tribes will be scattered. They will be serving Baal. They will receive no mercy because they serve G-D and they will not be my people because they are prostituting themselves with other deities. Please look this up this Baal and G-D and you will find it to be correct. The house of Israel yet because of all that because of all their running after other gods prostituting themselves with other gods going against the will Torah and the teachings of Yahweh and becoming like Gentiles. The book of Hosea will tell us in Hosea 8 verse 8 that the house of Israel the ten northern tribes have become like Gentiles. They don't even know that they are Israelites anymore because Yahweh has taken all the relevant holy days and so on away from them. If you go back to Hosea 2 you will see that in verse 11 it says I will stop all her celebrations her yearly festivals her new moons her Sabbath days and all her appointed feasts. I will ruin her vines and her victories and Israel is amongst the nations and there it will be like Gentiles. Hosea 8 verse 8 Israel is swallowed up now she is amongst the nations like a worthless thing a worthless thing like Gentiles. They conduct themselves like Gentiles they keep Gentile pagan festivals and they have forgotten Yahweh of hosts the true Elohim of Israel. It's identical if you study the book of Kings you see how Israel well they claimed to be serving Yahweh but they served all sorts of things and then in the day of Elijah he finally came and said now look you've got to make a stand all those who want to serve Yahweh on this side of the line and all those who want to serve Baal on that side of the line and you know the consequences of the choices of the people which are made very clear in the story of Elijah. It is the same today today the call goes out that you must make a decision where are you going to stand behind Yahweh and Yeshua or behind the Lord and the gods of the foreign Babylonian deities it is an important decision because we see that Yahweh is restoring his people as he has taken the celebrations away from Israel and as Ephraim became amongst the Gentiles and lived like Gentiles we see that they are regathering we see that the regathering is about to happen because there is an awakening amongst the people who are returning back to their roots who are starting to embrace the Sabbath who are starting to embrace the biblical festivals who are keeping Passover the festival of unleavened bread the festival of first fruits and shavuot Pentecost the festival of trumpets the festival of Yom Kippur and the festival of tabernacles people are returning to their biblical roots Yahweh is speaking to their hearts therefore it is important that if Yahweh is speaking to you that you honor and return his call the reunification of the two houses of Israel the people of Judah and the people of Israel will be reunited and they will appoint one leader for great will be the day of Israel and to that effect we looked at the book of Ezekiel Ezekiel 37 and the prophet of Ezekiel told us that when the regathering from the nations is going to happen in Ezekiel 36 that Yahweh will then cleanse his people give them new hearts and new minds the heart of stone which was unwilling to receive the Torah instructions of Yahweh will be a heart of flesh on which he will be able to write so that your thinking will be Torah based so that your heart will be Torah based that your actions will be Torah based that you will embrace his name is that important absolutely the scriptures in the book of Malachi talk about the people that re-embrace the name of Yahweh that a special book has been written for those people a book that contains all those who honor the name of Yahweh do you think it's important Yahweh thinks is important isn't that enough it is not so much what I think or what you think but what is important is what Yahweh thinks and he wants to be called by the correct name GD you know lots of religious people they write G slash D because they don't want to dishonor any name is in fact a pagan Babylonian deity according to the Strong's Concordance look it up I'm not making this up I am NOT trying to be nitpicky people have said to me ah well you know Yahweh or God will know what I mean yeah it means that you want to be disobedient to what he says because he says by the name Yahweh do I want to be known in all your generations isn't that enough and he is our Elohim we do not serve any other Elohim or any other foreign God we only accept Yahweh as our Elohim he is our mighty one and it says in the book of Malachi in chapter 3 then those who fear Yahweh talked with each other like we are talking to each other now because we fear Yahweh the Elohim of Israel that doesn't mean to say that we are scared of him no we honor him and keep him in high esteem and we want to do what is right and what he wants us to do and Yahweh listened and heard you see he's listening to what we are talking about because he is interested who is going to answer the call a scroll of remembrance was written in his presence in the presence of Yahweh concerning those who feared Yahweh and honored his name there we are do you fear Yahweh and honor his name do you want to be written in the heavens in the scroll of Yahweh so that he will remember you when the time comes move over to verse 4 of chapter 4 chapter 4 of Malachi remember the law or the Torah of my servant Moses the decrees and the laws I gave at Horeb for all Israel see I will send you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of Yahweh comes he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children this day of Yahweh a great day of Yahweh not the greatest day of Yahweh because that will be coming at the end of the Millennial Kingdom which I'm going to deal with in the teaching on the book of Revelations but a great day of Yahweh is at hand where he will be gathering the house of Jacob into the wilderness of the nations that's where he will take care of them during the grain famine which will be right throughout the world and the signs are all there even the government of France has been making it clear to the United Nations was in the news yesterday that food riots will break out all over the world because of food prices rising sharply and supply diminishing fast read the story of Joseph then Yahweh will regather all his people he will reunite the house of Jacob in the wilderness of the nations and he says whilst this is happening he says remember the Torah of Moses why because that's how he's gonna find your way back to Yahweh that's the road back to Abba who is looking for you he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children the hearts of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the children will again go back to the teachings and the faith of the fathers this is the call which is right before us this has been sung in many Christian denominational churches we are in the days of Elijah but did they change did they go back did they remember the Torah of Moses the servant of Yahweh and the decrees and the laws because that's given according to the book of Acts in Acts chapter 7 to be passed on to us not to be done away with but to be passed on to us because it is the road back to Abba the reunification there will be as two sticks in your hand Ezekiel 37 verse 15 to 22 two sticks have to become one because the fallen hut of David has to be reunited and we read from Ezekiel 37 and we want to continue there now join them together into one stick so that they will become one in your hand and then verse 18 is very important when your countrymen ask you won't you tell us what you mean by this in other words there might be other Israelites or there might be Jews from a type of Judah who says what's all this about we don't understand either we don't understand or at the moment we don't want to understand because you see there is still a little arrogance there you see Orthodox Judaism says to Ephraim if you want to belong that's fine but you must convert to Orthodox Judaism no no no no we don't need to convert to Orthodox Judaism we must all follow the messenger of the Jabbok River Yeshua our Messiah it must be him who we are going to follow and we follow his laws and his decrees not the laws and the decrees of men when Yeshua was here on this earth in the book of Mark chapter 7 he warned us against the rabbis of the day and he said to the rabbis of the day you have a wonderful way of setting apart the word of Yahweh putting it far away and put in place your own traditions but we must serve Yahweh's word we must we must uphold the Torah of Yahweh not necessarily the Torah of the rabbis because they have a different Torah but the Torah of Yahweh Yahweh's word must be central and it is that word that the Prophet Malachi is saying remember the words of Moses not the words of the rabbis or the words of Orthodox Christianity or any form of religion for that matter we must go back to the word no I am NOT a seven-day Adventist and no I am NOT teaching British Israelitism and you've asked well what am I then well the closest I can I can formulate it is that I am a scripturalist and a follower follower of Yeshua the Nazarene so I believe in the scriptures and I follow Yeshua the Nazarene I hope this is clear but I do not follow the rabbis and their oral Torah made up out of Mishnah and Gomorrah or the Talmud there are good things in the Mishnah and the Gomorrah and the Talmud as there are good things in certain catechisms from Christian persuasions but it is not the word of Yahweh it is the formulation of man and Yeshua warned us against that in Mark chapter 7 I will read it for you and please also read it for yourself Mark chapter 7 verse 9 and he said to them the rabbis of this day you have a fine way of setting aside the commandments of Elohim in order to observe your own traditions for Moses said honor father and your mother and anyone who cursed his father and mother must be put to death you see Yeshua quotes the Torah of Yahweh but you say that if a man says to his father or his mother whatever help you might otherwise have received for me is Korban that is a gift devoted to God then you no longer let him do anything for his father or mother thus you nullify the word of Elohim by your traditions so they made a tradition that for example their parents were in need and they should really help their parents but they said no no no everything that I have I have offered unto Yahweh so therefore I cannot use it so I can't help you sorry well a wonderful story but it's nullifying the word of Yahweh by your traditions and your own rules and regulation that's not what it is about it is about upholding the word of Yahweh so Ezekiel 37 when your countrymen ask you what's all this about say to them this is what the sovereign Yahweh says not Belas this is what the sovereign Yahweh says I am going to take the stick of Joseph which is Ephraim and of the Israelite tribe associated with him and join it to Judah's stick making them a single stick of wood and they will become one in my hand hold before their eyes the stick you have written and say to them this is what the sovereign Yahweh says I will take the Israelites out of the nations where they have gone and I will gather them from around and bring them back into their own land I will make them one nation in the land on the mountains of Israel now this is a very controversial piece of scripture because the land of Ephraim which is Samaria the world wants to give to an other entity the world wants to give the land of Samaria to the Palestinians not only Samaria but also Judea and therefore Yahweh says in his word in Joel chapter 3 that when the land is divided which we are working on very very fast then judgment judgment will come upon the nations you see we are right on time in the prophetic timeline therefore watch the world's events unfold as biblical events will unfold because he says I am going to bring them back to the land you see and if Yahweh is not going to punish the nations for dividing the land then he would not be true to his word and therefore what's the point in following him but that land was province to the descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and was covenanted to the house of Israel and the house of Judah now anyone can belong but you must honor and uphold Elohim of the scriptures I will make them one nation in the land on the mountains of Israel and there will be one king over them all and they will never again be two nations or be divided into two kingdoms now some in the messianic world says this has already happened that's impossible because it is Messiah's task to regather this vast multitude out of the nations out of which Yahweh is going to pick a remnant to return back to the land to be united with Judah and become one nation at the end of the age when the world is about to divide the land and when the world is about to call upon itself judgment of Yahweh by the seven years famine they will no longer defile themselves with their idols and vile images or any of their offenses for I will save them from all their sinful backsliding and I will cleanse them they will be my people and I will be their Elohim yes you see where in Hosea 2 verse 23 we read and I shall show her for myself in the earth and I shall have compassion on her who had not obtained compassion and I shall say to those who were not my people you are my people whilst they will say my Elohim you see Israel was divorced by Yahweh they were called lo ami not my people well let's have a look in Romans 9 remember that I told you that the apostle Paul is the apostle to the kings both people or both of Israel now if we go to the book of Romans again we go to the famous chapter number 9 and we go to verse 23 Romans 9 verse 23 what if they did this to make the riches of the glory known to the object of his mercy whom he prepared in advance for glory even us even us who is this us remember the book of Romans for example in Romans 7 it says in verse 1 do you know brothers for I'm speaking to men who know the Torah so the apostle Paul is writing to an audience that is familiar with the Torah and here with the us he makes it clear who they are whom he also called not only from Judah but also out of the nations because the word gentile here is ethnos as he says in Hosea you see the apostle Paul is identifying the even us with the people of Hosea which are the ten tribes of Israel who have been scattered through the nations who became lo ami I will call them my people who were not my people and I will call her my loved one who was not my loved one and it will happen that in the very place where it was said to them you are not my people they will be called sons of the living Elohim so the apostle Paul is not talking to some sort of strange gentile pagan audience he is talking to an audience that knows the Torah that knows the history of the scriptures in relation to Hosea how they were scattered throughout the earth how they were called not my people but now they have become sons again of the living Elohim why because they have adopted Yeshua as their savior and master have been cleansed by his blood from all their Torah violations and when they rose with him they rose with him to a new life not to an old life serving God and Baal no to a new life serving Yahweh the way he wants to be served in upholding his Sabbaths his biblical festivals we do that to be safe no but if you love me if you really love me Yeshua says then you will keep my commandments so we do it out of out of an expression of our love for our savior I repeat that again we do that out of love and out of obedience to our savior if you love me you will keep my commandments remember that the apostles called him and said your mother and your brothers are here he says my mother and my brothers are those who do the will of my father and the will of his father Yeshua says I don't come here to do my own will I only do the will of my father and the will of the father is written in the Torah of Moses if you love Elohim how do you know that you love him have you got some sort of fuzzy fuzzy feeling for him or do you know that you love him because you keep his commandments and you want to be obedient to him remember if you keep and obey all of my covenants then when when you obey obedience is one of the most important facets of our faith so here we have it Romans 9 verse 27 no verse sorry Romans 9 verse 25 as he says in Hosea I will call them my people who were not my people that is the 10 tribes of Israel without dispute they were called not my people and here in the book of Romans the apostle Paul says now is the time to go out to them and to show them that they once again in Messiah are the people of Yahweh if you are in Messiah then you are Abraham's seed let us listen to this song Jewish faith in God is not just faith that he is but that he also acts in the history of our people one of the most favorite verses of scriptures from Psalm 121 behold he that guards Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps foreign is is is is is is is is is is Yahweh neither slumbers nor sleeps that's for sure because there's a lot going on in his world and the people in this world are making the mistakes which the scriptures are talking about because Yahweh says that Israel will be again his people and they are to return to the land as promised to Abraham Isaac and Jacob at the end of this age but the world is fulfilling the prophecies made by Ezekiel in Ezekiel 36 35 and 36 I would suggest that you read 35 for yourself which is all to do with Edom Edom is claiming the land of Israel for its possession so what do we have here we have the two brothers Jacob and Esau fighting for the land Esau claiming his birthright he says that the mountains of Israel are his but we know from scripture that Jacob is the heir because Esau sold his birthright and then we read in Ezekiel 36 verse 1 son of man prophesy to the mountains of Israel and say oh mountains of Israel hear the word of Yahweh this is what the sovereign Yahweh says the enemy said of you aha the ancient heights have become our possession this is exactly what is happening exactly what is happening right now are the descendants of Esau claiming Israel's Judea Samaria and all of Israel they want for their possession therefore prophesy and say this is what the sovereign Yahweh says because they ravaged and hounded you Israel from every side so that you became the possession of the rest of the nations because that's where they are and the object of the people's malicious talk and slander and have they been talked about and slandered for sure therefore oh mountains of Israel hear the word of the sovereign Yahweh this is what the sovereign Yahweh says to the mountains and hills and the ravines and the valleys to the desolate ruins and the deserted towns that have been plundered and ridiculed by the rest of the nations around you the nations around you the nations around Israel this is what the sovereign Yahweh says in my burning zeal I have spoken against the rest of the nations and against all Edom that is Esau for we glee and with malice in their hearts they made my land their own possession that's what they're doing right now so that they may plunder it and plunder his pasture land therefore prophesy concerning the land of Israel and say to the mountains and the hills to the ravines and the valleys this is what the sovereign Yahweh says I speak in my jealous wrath because you have suffered the scorn of the nations Israel has suffered the scorn of the nations therefore this is what the sovereign Yahweh says I swear with uplifted hands that the nations around you here they are again the nations around Israel will also suffer scorn what's happening right at the moment there are uprisings all around food prices are rising Egypt in the first year of the famine complained to the Pharaoh in this in this case to Husni Mubarak everything is right on time but you oh mountains of Israel will produce branches and fruit for my people Israel for they will soon come home and I'm concerned for you and will look on you with favor you will be plowed and sown and I will multiply the number of people upon you even the whole house of Israel you see because now this whole house of Israel is going to be reunited the towns will be inhabited and the ruins rebuilt I will increase the number of men and animals upon you and you will be fruitful and become numerous I will settle the people on you as in the past and will make you prosperous more than before then you will know that I am Yahweh are we not looking forward to this absolutely but the events must take its course Esau is claiming the heights of the mountains of Israel for their possession and the world according to Joel chapter 3 is going to divide Yahweh's land and then the judgment will follow this is as clear as light from day as light from day Joel chapter 3 it says verse 1 in those days and at that time at the end of the age at that time when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Yerushalayim I will gather all nations and bring them down in the valley of Jehoshaphat and there I will enter into judgment against them all nations represented most probably by the united nations concerning my inheritance my people Israel for they scattered my people among the nations and they divided my land they cast lots for my people etc so here we have it that this land must be divided but Yahweh is going to create his Zion you only have to read this in the Psalms Yahweh is going to create Zion and again in that he will write your name in a book Psalm 87 he has set his foundations on the holy mountain and Yahweh loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwelling places of Jacob so this Zion is very special to Yahweh and so it should be to us glorious things of the are spoken city of our Elohim I will record Rehab and Babylon amongst those who acknowledge me Philistia too and Tyre along with Cush and will say this one was born in Zion indeed of Zion it will be said this one and that one were born in her and the most high himself will establish her not the united nations not the zealous Israel movements no Yahweh the most high will establish her and Yahweh will write in the register of the peoples this one was born in Zion you see that's why Judah and Ephraim in the prophets in the prophets ask show us the way to Zion you see this is the Zion that Yahweh talks about which he is going to establish within the borders as described in the prophets and as promised to Abraham Isaac and Jacob and then gradually he's going to make it bigger and bigger this is right in front of us dear friends make sure that you have your theology right and that everything that you do is in accordance with the will of Yahweh but first you see we must acknowledge Hosea 6 verse 1 and Hosea 6 verse 1 says come and let us return back to Yahweh for he has torn but he does heal us he has stricken but he has bind us up after two days two thousand years after the Messiah he shall revive us this is happening as I speak and on the third day and we are close to the morning of the third day he shall raise us up so that we will live in his sight return to Yahweh but at this point in time Israel the 10 tribes have been swallowed up in the nations they have now become as the nations as a vessel in which there is no pleasure they will be wondrous among the nations until that time this era is coming to a close but according to the book of Romans chapter 11 verse 8 Judah and Israel are blinded Judah is blinded to his Messiah and walks after the Torah of the rabbis and Israel is blinded to Yahweh's Torah to Yahweh's teachings and is lost in the institutionalized church the institutionalized church is not Ephraim but Ephraim is found in the institutionalized church and should come out of her come out of her my people and don't touch that which is unclean Elohim gave them a spirit of stupor eyes that cannot see Romans 11 verse 8 are you starting to see what's happening here Yeshua is the stone of stumbling for both houses of Israel how do we know Isaiah 8 verse 14 and he shall be for a set-apart place but a stone of stumbling and a rock that makes for falling for failing to both houses of Israel is a trap and a snare in the inhabitants of Yerushalayim Yeshua is a stone of stumbling for both houses but Yeshua will regather both houses and make them into one as we have read in the book of Ezekiel his mandate is in Isaiah 49 verse 1 to 6 we have read it shall be a small matter for you to be my servants to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to bring back the preserved ones of Israel why why why does he do all this Judges 2 verse 1 I will never break my covenant with you here we have the book of Isaiah Israel was to be scattered Israel to have no more mercy Israel became not my people no army Israel was to become like Gentiles and when I speak of Israel here I speak of the 10 tribes the northern kingdom to Israel the Torah according to the book of Isaiah is a strange thing Israel served GD or God and Baal the Lord Israel is to be regathered in the last days of this age and Yeshua is the stone of stumbling to the house of Israel it is blinded to the Torah or to the teachings of Yahweh because in this other institution they have been taught that the lifestyle the Torah and the laws and the teachings of Yahweh were rendered inoperative even messianic teachers teach this still today it is a heresy my dear friends from which you should take your distance and just remember the words of Elijah here is the line in the saint today you must choose whom you will serve Yahweh of the scriptures or Baal GD the Babylonian deities in our next program we are going to discuss the two houses of Israel in the New Testament or in the Brit Hadashah because not only do we find it in the Torah we also find it in the New Testament or in the Brit Hadashah or in the covenant renewed and I want to remind you again of the book of Acts 9 verse 13 to 16 where the apostle Paul is he indeed the apostle to the Gentiles no he's not he's the apostle to the nations there are the kings and the Israelites both of the house of Israel as promised to Sarai and Jacob it's a wonderful thing to be able to show to be shown the scriptures for what they really say now am I saying that this is an exclusive sort of thing only for an exclusive club no way no way this teaching is all inclusive as it includes believing people from the tribe of Judah it includes all believers from the house of Ephraim or the house of Israel and it includes all the righteous Gentiles who have come to Yeshua by faith and acknowledge him as their savior and master so it includes Jews Israelites and Gentiles all inclusive no no one is excluded there is no replacement theology nobody replaces anybody the identities are clear you either belong to the house of Judah or you belong to the house of Israel or you are indeed a full-blown Gentile but the Gentile gets his identity the same way as Judah and Ephraim by accepting Yeshua as their savior and master and then becoming part of the Israel of Yahweh which the apostle Paul makes clear in the book of Ephesians and the book of Galatians which we will go into therefore the apostle Paul goes into the nations to find the Ephraimites who he teaches in the synagogues on every Sabbath as says in the book of Acts every Sabbath if there was no synagogue he would go to the river why why did he go to the river because he knew that Israelites would go to the river on Sabbath to meet and have fellowship that's where he would find them and he hammered and he hammered and he hammered about the kingdom the kingdom that Yeshua taught to his disciples for 40 days in Acts chapter 1 and this message of the kingdom of the restoration of the two houses of Israel in the latter days to be formed into one house so that the fallen booth of David was discussed in Acts chapter 15 and this message must go out to the whole world including New Zealand and that's what this ministry is all about to bring you back to your roots and to show you who you are and where you should be going therefore what we need to do is if we are still serving other gods take the name of the other gods from our lips and only acknowledge Yahweh bury all the idols at the big oak tree in Shechem cleanse yourself and be ready to meet Yeshua and you're going to meet him at the appointed times which are the appointed festivals of Yahweh of which there are seven and these seven festivals show you the complete salvation plan from A to Z in Messiah Yeshua and it is at these times that he will reveal himself to his brothers dear friends let us be encouraged look up because your salvation is near that Yeshua will come as the servant to restore the house of Jacob and return the remnant back to the land where they are going to build the house of Yahweh as prophesied by the prophet Haggai where Yahweh says are you guys still living in your wonderful paneled houses and my house lies in ruin well this is about to end but we are not going to build an interfaith temple with messiah with orthodox judaism and all sorts of other organizations which incorporates the current dome of the rock and what have we no no no no death interfaith the two houses of Israel reunited into one house they are going to rebuild the house of Yahweh very very shortly I hope to see you again and next Shabbat same time same place in the meantime keep well study the word of Yahweh and show yourself approved until then I bid you shalom you have been listening to let us reason together a weekly radio program hosted by Boaz Nuwav please do contact Boaz by email at the following email address boaz that's b o a z at batel.org b e i t hyphen e l dot org also if you would like to make a donation to cover the costs of this broadcast please do so on our website at www.batel.org that's b e i t hyphen e l dot org also you can download this program and the programs hosted by rob moore entitled in that day at www.inthatday.net from all of us here at let us reason together shalom

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