Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The host discusses the book of Revelations and focuses on the city of Philadelphia. He explains that the city served multiple gods, including the god of good fortune. He emphasizes the importance of using the correct names for gods and warns against mixing with other nations. He also addresses conspiracy theories and encourages listeners to have faith in Yahweh rather than being fearful. He references scriptures to support his points and reminds listeners that Yahweh will protect those who keep his word and name. Hello, New Zealand and the world. Welcome to the program, Let Us Reason Together, a weekly radio broadcast to prepare us for the coming of the King and the restoration of the whole house of Israel. Our host today, Boaz Nuon. Well, this morning we continue with the book of Revelations which is given to his bond servants and today we are going to the Keilah in Philadelphia of which it is said, because you have guarded my word of endurance, I also shall guard you from the hour of trial which shall come up all the world to try those who dwell on the earth. Philadelphia is somewhat west of or east of Smyrna, just above Laodicea. It is the city of Allah, there is two interpretations here. The city is called Malachia meaning either red city or the city of Allah and the original name came from King Atulus of Pergamon whose surname meant Philadelphus meaning loyal to his brother or brotherly love. It is a beautiful place as you can see, very much like down here. The old and the new, of course we don't have as many menagerettes as they will have and the important thing is, could we shift the bottle perhaps please, that they also served other gods. An inscription from Philadelphia mentions the number of gods and goddesses that they served. Zeus or Zeus was the chief god who said to have commanded people to be pure and to refrain from deceit, murder, theft, adultery and those other types of evil. There was an altar to Hestia, the goddess of earth and home. The inscription also mentioned the saviour gods including good fortune, including the god good fortune of health and other deities. Now the mention here of this god of good fortune is very important in relation to our scriptures which have slightly been altered to hide that name. Now we went through this some time ago and if we go to Isaiah 65 verse 11 there we have this, as you can see in our translation, this god fortune. But you have, you Israel have forsaken Yahweh to forget my holy mountain and to prepare a table that says to fortune, this other god, right? But if you take the name in the Hebrew, you go to your strongest concordance and I'll show it to you in a minute, that name is G-D. You know how many pious people today write G without the O, right? That's the name of this god they were setting their table aside for, which in our translation is then translated as fortune. You have prepared a table for G-D and that filled up mingled wine onto destiny, which is another god. Destiny is menai in Hebrew. And I will destine you to the sword. So those people who set their table to G-D are destined for the sword. A lot of people say, ah well it's not so important. This morning we're going to go into this thing about the name and I hope that you will see the importance from it. So therefore, we have two gods here called G-D because there's no, and the other one is called menai. And he says, you have set your table to these gods and you worship them and I will destine you to the sword and you shall all bow down to the slaughter. Because when I called, you did not answer. And this morning we are calling, Yahweh is calling for you to take notice of this god fortune who was served by this Kihila or part of this people who were living there in Philadelphia was serving this god of fortune. Or G-D. Here it is. The strongest word 1-4-0-8, G-D, fortune, a Babylonian deity. Now we say God because we put an O in there. Right? Who is God? I want you to know that God loves you. Which god are you talking about? Are you talking about fortune or who? Who are you talking about? Are you talking about the god fortune or about who? Or the god Allah or Buddha or who? Yahweh loves you. He is our Elohim. And we do not go for God, for destiny, you see that's another idol, nor do we go for fortune or G-D or God. Why? Because I say so? You don't take any authority from me, but our authority comes from the scriptures. No name of other Elohims are to come from your lips. I just showed you that this Elohim fortune's name is G-D or God, alright, that I put God or dead. That's why we don't use the name God. Because God is fortune to which Israel set their table and he says if you serve that one I'm going to slaughter you. So the choice is really yours. And in all that I have said to you take heed and make no mention of the name of other mighty ones that are not be heard from your mouth. Exodus 23 verse 13. Now here we have Joshua. Joshua is taking Israel back into the land. Moses says it has become too hard for me to go backwards and forwards. There is a time when teaching Torah is over. And that time is coming very shortly. Moses says it's too hard now to go backwards and forwards. Joshua he says is going to take you into the land. And see what Yahweh says. Yahweh your father himself will drive them out of your way. He will push them out from the front of you and you will take possession of their land. As we are going to go and do that Yahweh willing in the not too distant future. Just as Yahweh your father has promised you. Because he does fulfill his promises. Therefore, wherefore, wherefore is therefore therefore because he is going to take possession of the land. Therefore be very strong to carefully obey and do all that is written in the book of the commandments or the book of the law or the Torah of Yahweh given through Moshe. Then we got Micah. Micah chapter 4 has the message of Elijah. Remember the Torah that I have given to my servant Moses. That's the message that needs to be preached now. Without turning aside either to the right or the left. Do not mingle with these nations. Don't go and vote for John Key or Phil Goff. They are the nations. You must distance yourself from the nations and you must look towards Yahweh and forget about this world. But not mingle with these nations that are left with you by not pronouncing the names of their mighty ones. Nor causing anyone to administer a vow in their names. Is that clear enough? That's Joshua. Why he says I am going to trial you and I am going to put my trial upon all the earth. Because only those who have remembered my name I am going to save from this hour of trial. Therefore my people will know my name. Therefore they will know in that day. In what day? In the day of the end of the age. That I am he who spoke. Behold it is I. Now a lot of people are very frightened. And maybe you have seen that I have sent to some of you some flyers I have sent out rather regularly to people trying to bring home the point that there is nothing really to be worried about. Because fear is a lack of faith. There are also lots of conspiracies going around, right? And they are being fuelled by messianic people. When it says come out of her my people, right, that also includes as far as I am concerned the messianic movement which is full of error and people who are teaching people the wrong things. And I want to read to you two scriptures to hopefully encourage you to not get on the bank wagon when people start emailing you about the comet Elenin is coming and it's going to destroy the whole earth and it's going to wipe out an earthquake and all this type of carry on, right? Well the comet Elenin has been and gone and nothing has happened, right? So these people are bringing false prophecy and they are messianics, right? Now I want to read to you from Isaiah chapter 8 verse 10. Isaiah chapter 8 verse 10 says, take counsel and it comes to naught. Speak a word and it does not stand for Elohim is with us. For Yahweh spoke thus to me with a strong hand and instructed me that I should not walk in the ways of this people saying, these people who are saying, do not say a conspiracy concerning all that this people call a conspiracy nor be afraid of their threats nor be troubled. Conspiracy is the comet Elenin is coming and according to the book of revelations the whole two thirds of the earth are going to be destroyed and therefore it's this that's up, right? They don't know the difference between the end of the 6th and the end of the 7th day. They cannot be bothered to get into the word and study it because that seems to be too much hard work but they run with everything that the world throws at them, make a theory out of it, send it to their what they call fellow believers and everybody sits there shaking in their boots because they don't read the promises of Yahweh. Yahweh is your shepherd and you shall not want, right? He will lead you to the past is green, nothing will befall you although a thousand may die on your right and ten thousand at your left, nothing will befall you. So why should I go and sit here and shake here about a comet Elenin, right? This was very important but that's another story, that's Yahweh's story, not their story. It should be their story but it wasn't their story because they didn't do their homework. Do not say a conspiracy concerning all these people, conspiracy, conspiracy, nor be afraid of their threats nor be troubled, Yahweh your host, him you shall set apart, let him be your fear and let him be your dread. In other words get into the word of Yahweh and let him show you, right? And if you turn to Isaiah 30, verse 1, woe to the stubborn children, declare Yahweh, to make counsel but not from me and to devise plans but not of my spirit in order to add sin to sin. Friends, did Yeshua not say to this key lot there in Philadelphia, because you kept my word and my name, I will keep you from the hour of trial, right? That trial that will come up on all the world. Why? As to test them. Are you keeping the word and the name of Yahweh? Then don't fear because he is your rock. Don't listen to anybody who says you're going to sit in the wilderness for three months in darkness, right? It's another messianic fable, right? Because the scripture teaches me that in Goshen there was no darkness at all. It was the only place where not even a dog had a bad time, right? Because they were under the protection of Joseph. Therefore my people, right? How do I know who Yahweh's people are in that day? Because they are kept in his name. Do they know what his name is? A friend of mine asked a very prominent messianic teacher, why do you still use the name God and Lord? He says, you don't understand. We are the enlightened ones. You don't understand. This is his name. He who is, he who was, and he who will come. Here we see it, for example, down the bottom there in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Yod-Heh-Rav-Heh. This particular part refers to Psalm 119 verse 59 to 64. No other names that have not come over your lip. Just do it. Why? Because he says so. I am he who is true. I am he who is true. That's what he says to this Kihilah there in Philadelphia. Every time when he says something, it's pertinent to what's happening in that particular Kihilah. I am he who is true is the opening statement of the letter to the Philadelphians. Who had Zeus as their prior deity. Now he says, Zeus is not true, Baal is not true, GD is not true, the Lord is not true, Mithraism is not true, God, GD is not true, Mani is not true, I am the only true one. Now I know that there are people in the Netherlands who are listening to these teachings. And why I am bringing this out is that I taught in a congregation there, very close to Rotterdam, and I was advised that their minister and their leadership have now also denied the deity of Yeshua and his pre-existence. So I sent an email to this minister and I said, is this true? And he said, well, yes, blah blah, in a roundabout sort of a way. Because Yeshua, who is the one who speaks to this Kihilah, as we have seen, says that he is the only true one. And he says, for example, and to the angel of the assembly in Philadelphia write, these are the words of the Set-apart One. These are the words of the Set-apart One, the true one. So I sent to this minister quite a number of texts. And if we just go to Isaiah chapter 40, Isaiah chapter 40, this is the problem, as I said, I have this new bible, and I am getting better with it, but I cannot see, in this one I can find it immediately. Isaiah chapter 40, so I always bring Old Faithful, just in case I get into trouble, like right now. You see, and it is not 40, it is actually Isaiah 44, sorry. In Isaiah 44, in verse 6, it reads, this is what Yahweh says, so Yahweh is speaking here, Israel's king, so who is Israel's king? Yahweh, right? Israel's Redeemer and Yahweh El Shaddai, I am the first and I am the last, and apart from me there is no Elohim. And He says that He is the Holy One of Israel. If we translate this Holy One of Israel, then we read the Set-apart One. The Set-apart One is translated, the Holy One, right? So if it says here, and to the angel of the assembly in Philadelphia writes, these are the words of the Set-apart One, the Holy One, of which Yahweh says, I am the Set-apart One of Israel, the True One. And we know that Yahshua is speaking here because He is the Word of Yahweh. There is only one Set-apart One, or one Holy One. We need to be Set-apart and we need to be Holy, but we haven't attained that yet. Who is without sin? Yahweh. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. Who is without sin? Yahshua. You see? That will get them in. And we'll come to that in a minute. When we come to the part which says, they say they are Jews, but they are not. So let's be very clear that the one who is speaking here is Yahweh, represented through His word, and His word was from eternity to eternity, and therefore Yahshua pre-existed before He was born of Mary. Now, if you want to be angry with me about that, that's fine with me. He who has the key of David. It's not the Pope who's got the key of David, it is this one, the true one. He's got the keys to the kingdom. He's got the keys to the kingdom, and He opens, and no one will shut, and who shuts, and no one will open. So He has the authority. So if there's anybody you want to follow, so if you're still confused as to who you need to follow, right? Here's your answer. He's got the keys. Don't follow me. We're not here to build an empire. We're not here to build a big hup-lup-lup congregation. No. We're here to be obedient to the word of Yahweh. I know your works. Luke, I have set before you an open door which no one is able to shut. I know that you have little power, and yet you have kept my word, and you have not denied my name. Wow, they say. That name is not important. That's all semantics. Why do you get so complicated? He knows what I mean. Yeah, He knows what you mean, that you're too stubborn and you don't want to do it. Right? And other teachers say, well, sorry, you don't know about this. But we are the enlightened ones here. I'm going to show you this morning from the scriptures that only lest you know what this name is, you're in deep trouble. Right? You've kept my word, and you have not denied my name. What word have they kept? The words of Moses. Right? Because this is the prophet like unto Moses. And Moses says, you must listen to him. These people were observing the commandments of Yahweh as given to Moses. And they never denied his name. They didn't worship GD, which was worshipped, the god of fortune, right in that area where they were living. They were faithful to the word and to his name. And it cannot have been a Christian church, because they have denied his name and his word. And they said, his word is no longer in order for them. We don't want this old stuff anymore. We've got a new god now called Jesus, and he's all merciful. And the one from the Old Testament we don't want, because he only fights and kills people. Right? Marcionism it's called. And I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, they're going to come and lie on your feet. Is that what it says? I will make them come and bow down before your feet. And they will learn that I have loved you. Because you have kept my word of patience and endured. I will keep you from the hour of trial. See? There's nothing to worry about. You've got to stay in the vine. Don't listen to all these people with these conspiracy theories, right? About, oh no, here I'll give you the dates. On such and such a date this comet is going to come past and then it's going to destroy and you're going to have earthquake. Look, we've had them already in Christ. Blah, blah, blah, blah. And everybody's sitting there shaking in their boots. Right? He says, I'm going to keep you from the hour of trial. No problem. So listen to him. He is your authority. That is coming on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth. That's why Yahweh sends his trials on the whole earth. Not just part, not only New Zealand, right? And if you look around yourself in the world today and yesterday I sent you a little flyer with an email address. I don't know who receives it here. Now I've sent much information over the last 15 years and some of it you may have read. But this one you really must have a look at. This is incredible, this stuff. And it's very true. It's by Walter Vieth, who is a professor of, unfortunately, it's a seven day Adventist. He won't hold up against him. But he shows this, what's going on in the world in no uncertain terms. I am coming soon. We haven't heard this before in the other five congregations we've dealt with. But to this congregation, the sixth one, he says, I'm coming soon. To the congregation of the sixth day, or the six thousand years, he's now saying, I'm coming soon. Hold fast to what you have, so that no one may seize your crown. If you conquer, I will make you a pillar in the temple of Elohim. You will never go out of it. I will write on you the name of my Elohim, and the name of the city of my Elohim, the new Jerusalem that comes down from Elohim, out of heaven. And the one new name that he has, let anyone who has an ear, let him hear. So also Yeshua will have a new name. And the issues in Philadelphia are really, these are the words of him who is set apart and true. This is not Zeus talking or GD, this is Yahweh talking by his word, Yeshua, who is Yahweh who saves. He holds the keys of David. He is placing before you and I an open door. You have kept my word and have not denied my name. And I will make them come and fall down at your feet. You have kept my commands, I will keep you from the hour of trial. And I'm coming soon. Hold on to what you have, and I will write on them the name of Elohim, the name of the city of my Elohim, the new Jerusalem. My renewed name, Yah Shalom. These are the words of him who is the set apart and the true one. He who is set apart asserts Messiah's deity as the absolute righteous one. Can you be a man and be absolute righteous? Can you say of yourself that you are totally set apart and holy? Well if you can, you are a better man than I am because I can't. But he can. And he is the only absolute righteous one because he is the set apart and the true one. The one totally set apart from sin. Isaiah 40 verse 25. Yahweh calls himself the set apart one. It is a title of deity and contrasts him with the claim of emperor worship which they did in Philadelphia and all these type of places and still do today in Japan and other places. Who is true? True is the Greek word Alkinos. It means the real, the genuine. He is the genuine one. Forget about Zeus, the Lord, God, et cetera, et cetera, Baal. Forget about them, Allah. This is the real and genuine one. And stand opposed to what is false and to what is only a picture of a type of the real. And he says to his people, you have little power. Here we are, how many of us? A dozen of us. We are only small. What power do we have? He says, I know you have little power. They were small in number by comparison to the religious and the idolatrous people of their city. That is true of us today as well. You look around, the place is an absolute disaster. But small as we are and small as they were, they did have the power, spiritual capacity because they were operating from the source and the authority. The Torah, the word of Moshiach. That gives us the power. Because he says, if I am for you, who shall be against you? There is no problem. Look at Gideon. Gideon at this time would be an excellent portion of scripture to read. How Yahweh blessed him and how he trusted in Yahweh's word. You have guarded my word and you have not denied my name. How many times have we heard this to these kihilot there in Asia? Always about the faithful ones who guarded my word and my name. Look here, Psalm 138 verse 2. I bow myself toward your set-apart temple and I give thanks to your name for your kindness and for your truth. These are the commandments given to Moses. For you have made great your word, your name above all. So what's the most important? The name and the word. That has to be made great. Who does it? He does it. He does it, he makes it great in you and he makes it great in all the people all over the place that are faithful to keeping his word. All in small and little groups scattered all over the world, right? They are not in big denominations, you know, with flesh this and flesh that, right? They are small in number, very insignificant, trying to be a light in the cities which are turning to disasters. And above all, your name and your word. Then shall those who fear Yahweh speak to one another and Yahweh is listening, He is listening and a book of remembrance be written before Yahweh of those who fear Him, that is not who are scared of Him, but who stand in awe of Him, right? And those who think upon His name. What's His name? He who is, He who was and He who is to come. Not GD the God of fortune, right? Let those names not come over your mouth again, Joshua says, just before we go back to the land. Don't do it now, don't make any covenants in their name or any promises, don't even mention it. Above all, the word and His name. Let me go to Joshua himself. Those in Holland who deny that He is pre-existing and that He is only a man. He says, who says? He who is true, He who is genuine, I was guarding them, who are them, those you have given me, in your name. You are guarded by Joshua in the name of Yahweh. And then, look here, not one of them will perish. If you are given of Yahweh, as we will see, to Joshua, then He guards you in the name of Yahweh and not one of those will perish. So, is there anything to be afraid about? That things are going to get tough, is for sure. Well, they have been tough for a long time, right? We know how to live in tough circumstances. But no one, He says, is going to perish. So, don't worry about comets. Oh, they are on the radio this morning. There is a comet going past next week. If it were to slam into the earth, it would make a crater six kilometers long, all this type of thing. That's 35,000 kilometers off or something like that. Don't even worry about it, right? Set them apart in your truth. Your word is truth. What's the truth? According to Psalm 119. The Torah according to Moses is truth. Not the Torah according to the rabbis, as we will see in a minute. The Torah according to Moses. The commandments of Yahweh. And Joshua says in John 17, I have manifested thy name unto the man which thou gavest me. You see? How do you know if somebody is given by Yahweh to Yeshua, they will use his name. And they won't say, oh, you don't understand. We understand. We understand. Because we understand, I have manifested thy name unto them which thou gavest me out of the world. Thine they were, and thou gavest them to me. And they kept your word. Right? So anybody who does not keep the word of Yahweh, nor uses his name, has not been given by Yahweh to Yeshua to be kept safe. Is that what it says? I would hope so. Whilst I was with them, I kept them in thy name which thou gavest me, and I guarded them, and no one of them perished. You might die, but you won't perish. Because you will be raised up at the last day, transformed in the twinkling of an eye, and you will be seen before the throne of Yahweh, praising him. Revelations chapter 4. That's the next one after, in two months time. I have given them thy word, so how did you come by the Torah? Through Yeshua. He by his Ruach worked in your heart, and you might have said, well, you know, this guy is a lunatic, and I don't want to believe it. And all of a sudden he whacks you around the ears, and he says, well, you better go and take notice of this, because I want you in my number. Because we've all come to his word in a miraculous sort of way, because had we been left to our own devices, we'd be still praising GD, wouldn't we? I have given them thy word, and the world hates them. You go and stand up in the world, and you tell who you are and what you are, they will tell you crazy. They will shunt you. They want nothing to do with you. The whole of the leadership of the institutions, the biggest institutions in the world, are busiest with doing away with the things of Yahweh out of society. That's what they are the busiest with. And fundamentalists, as they call us, they are on their hit list. But don't worry, no one will perish, and I will take care of you. I have given thy word, and the world hates them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. See, you can't be of the world. So let the world go and do their thing. Let them go and vote, and do all their schemes and what have you, but don't be any part of it. Right? I pray not that thou shouldest take them from the world in a rapture bus to heaven, right? He is not saying take them in a rapture to heaven. He says, don't take them from the world, but that thou should keep them safe from the evil one. That's what he is praying for. Keep them safe from the evil one, but he gave you the word. Not me. And I have declared unto them thy name. Yahweh or Yahovah. That is his name. Not GD or Fortune. Even they have translated Isaiah with those names. He who, he who is true, and is a genuine one, he holds the keys of his father David. And your house and your reign are to be steadfast forever before me. Your throne is established forever. 2 Samuel 7.16 which is part of the Davidic Covenant as we will see later. He holds the keys, right? And I shall place the key of the house of David on his shoulders and he shall open and no one shuts and he shall shut and no one opens. Where do you think that comes from? It's quoted in Revelations. Here we are Isaiah 22 verse 22. In relation to two other gentlemen. This is written in relation to Eliakim and Hilkiah. Look at the meanings of their name. See? Eliakim is El of rising. Hilkiah is a portion of Yah. So although it was said to these two people, it is prophesying of an El that will rise and who is a portion of Yah. He is going to have the keys of David. That's what the book of Revelations is referring to. And he places before you an open door. Yahweh therefore said to them again, truly truly I say to you I am the door of the sheep. He is the true one. He is the only door. And unless you go through him there is no way. He is the door. He is going to keep you from evil. I am the door and whoever enters through me he shall be saved. But if he was a man he would not be able to make this statement according to the writings of Abba Yahweh in Psalm 49. Man cannot atone for the sins of another. It is impossible. Says who? Says Yahweh in the Psalms. I am not saying it. I am just repeating. So if you want to be angry about that, be angry with Yahweh. Whoever enters through me he shall be saved and shall go in and shall go out and find pasture. The thief does not come except to steal and to slaughter. So if the evil one can come and steal away from you your Redeemer, Saviour by some wishy washy doctrine you know which they hear out of apostate Judaism who says Yeshua cannot be the Messiah for all those reasons that they have. And the only object that a lot of these people have is to get back under the leadership of the Rabbis to be accepted there. It's all ego. It's all ego. The thief does not come except to steal and to slaughter and to destroy. I have come that they might possess life. Do you think any I don't know why these people don't get it. If you think about it is there anybody on this earth, any man who can say well Graham I will give you life eternally before Yahweh. Can you imagine it? There is no such individual. It is not possible. And that they may possess it beyond measure. So keep your faith in Yeshua. Who is Yeshua? Yahweh who saves. The King of Israel and his Redeemer. Who is your owner? Is it a hireling? But a hireling and not being a shepherd one who does not own the sheep sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees. Happens all the time. As soon as it gets too hot under their feet they are off. Don't forget they always take the money. Now the hireling flees because he is a hireling and he is not concerned about the sheep. He is not concerned about the sheep. Because if he is concerned about the sheep he would tell them the truth not to worry about anything. You know. There is this little girl you know and she is in school. She is the daughter of the fire chief. And all of a sudden the school is on fire and everybody is in pandemonium. And she is sitting there quietly in her little chair waiting. And the teacher says come on get out. And she said to the teacher what are you worried about? My dad is the fireman. He will be here any time now. And within seconds there was the fire truck. No problem. She trusted in her father. Flames are going up everywhere. People are ranting and raving and carrying on about comets coming to destroy us. I trust in my father. But do not believe because you are not of my sheep. You do not believe because you are not of my sheep. You can't even trust him. You can't even use his name or his word. You can't be bothered to check it out. They come up with all this stuff. Be warned. Because it is the door to Goshen. Truly, truly I say to you. He who does not enter through the door into the sheepfold. This is to the leaders. This is to the leaders. This is to the ones who are standing in the pupils saying Yeshua does not pre-existed nor is he Elohim. He is just a nice son. Right? That's for them. That's the guy who climbed over the wall. Right? He didn't go through the door. Who is the door? Yeshua is the door. Right? Because if you would have gone through the door, Yeshua would have said to him. Hang on a minute. I'm going to ask you if you care. Do you believe in Moses? Right? Because if you don't believe Moses, you won't believe me either. Right? What do you stand for? What are you going to teach my sheep? He says they climb over the wall to get to the sheep. Right? And they teach them all sorts of rubbish. It's only thieves and robbers do. What do they want to do mostly? Build their own empire and satisfy their own ego. We have now got 600 paying members. Yeah, it's important that they pay. Not 600 members but 600 paying ones. You know? Can you imagine it? And we're going from this room we're going to this big place now and we have you know? That's not what it's about. Yeshua, he says, I lead my sheep out one by one. You know why? Because he teaches them individually. He doesn't boot them out like a herd. No, no. One by one he takes them out. And he teaches them all about his father's name, all about his father's word. He said, I do nothing out of myself. Everything that I tell you is from the father. I'm only the word. It's the father who wills, he tells me, he instructs. I'm not here to build an ego trip. I'm here to do the will of my father. But he who enters through the door is the shepherd. He don't climb over the wall. He's the shepherd. The doorkeeper opens to him and the sheep hear his voice. What's the voice of our shepherd? The commandments of Moses. What's the name of his Elohim? Yahweh. He says, don't have any other names come over your lips. Particularly when you are just about ready to go back to the land. And he calls and his own sheep by name and he leads them out. He leads them out. See that? He goes before them. Don't have anybody else go before you. Say, come on, we go to Israel now. You give me money, then we make a farm down there. I will go there and buy it and you can come with me and we're all there in Israel, all a nice happy family. No, no, no. Wait till he goes before you. Micah 2 verse 12. I shall certainly gather all of you. This is not me speaking. This is the prophet Micah on behalf of Yahweh. I shall certainly gather all of you. Oh, Jacob. Are you part of Jacob? I shall bring together the remnant of Israel. Right? See that word remnant? It's not all of Israel. It's only a remnant of Israel. All these little groups. All these powerless people. But he says, I know that you haven't got much power. But you're standing in the word of Yahweh and you have not forsaken my name nor have you forsaken my world. That remnant of Israel, he says, and I'm going to put them together like sheep in a fold. That's Goshen. And there Joseph is going to protect you. Like a flock in the midst of their pasture. Like a flock in the middle of the earth. Right? He says in Ezekiel chapter 20, I'm going to meet you in the desert of the nations. Right? And then I'm going to put you in the sheep pen. In the nations. And I'm going to take the remnant of Israel and I'm going to protect them there. For this time of famine until they return to the land. This is what my friend Rob Moore wants to talk to you about in detail. He has seen the picture in the heavens. Yahweh says look up. For of course your salvation is near. And what has been written in the scriptures is written in the heavens. And it is impossible that what is written in the heavens that man can give it his calculation. It is incalculable what's happened. It is a sign of Yahweh. But he's going to give that only to people in close groups who know and accept Yahweh's word. And then he intends to go into the city and give an Elijah message to the city to repent. Remember the Torah of Moses. And the time is near. As a shepherd seeks out his flock on the day that he is among his scattered sheep. So I shall seek out my sheep and deliver them from all the places where they were scattered. Mount Roscoe. In that day of cloud and thick darkness. The clouds are settling and the darkness is getting darker. There is no two ways about it. Ezekiel 34 verse 12. Ok. And then we have this famous saying right here in the Keilah of Philadelphia. And he's talking about those who are of the synagogue of Satan. Now I want to say straight away that this text has been used for much anti-Semitism. This is wrong. This talks about those of the synagogue of Satan. The synagogue refers to a place of Israeli worship and study. That's what a synagogue refers to. Right. But this refers to a place of study and worship of Satan. A synagogue of Satan. Yeah. We are Israel. Right. We are a meeting place. You cannot say that we are here a meeting place of Satan. Right. We are a synagogue of Israel. Right. But Satan also has his synagogues. Right. Satan is given of Satan is a genitive of possession. Satan's synagogue that which belongs to him. Satan was its head and the power behind the scene. Now what I'm going to say now is true. And you are witnesses thereof. More crime and evil and persecution has been perpetuated in the name of religion and by the religious self-righteous type than almost any other source of evil. That's a hack. But you only have to look around yourself and see what's going on in the name of religion. And if you look at that link which I sent you yesterday then you will know why. Then you will know where the power really lies. Then you will know where the power really lies in relation to the United States, Europe, England in particular. Then you will know when they refer that they are subject to the crown Then you will know who actually owns that crown. And how they got that crown. And why all these world leaders from the United States and from England and from everywhere else all go and see for example the Pope dressed in black. The Pope is always in white. The person visiting is always in black. Doesn't matter if it's Helen Clark Princess Diana, Tony Blair or Obama they're all in black. And you will know why they are in black and what it signifies. It's unbelievable. You will not turn this thing off. You're going to sit there for two hours. Don't do it half an hour before you have to go to work because your boss will miss you that day. Religion is Satan's trump card. And one of his primary weapons that he uses to both deceive and hurt mankind. And the master's words to the religious leaders of his time in John 8 41 47 are fitting here. You are doing the deeds of your father. John 8 41 They said to him We were not born of fornication. We have our father even Elohim. How many people say that they have their father Elohim? We have our father Elohim. And Yeshua said to them If Elohim were your father you would love me. For I precede forth and have come from Elohim. He didn't pre-exist with Elohim at all. He's just a man. For I have not even come on my own initiative. But He sent me. Why do you not understand what I'm saying? It is because you cannot hear my word. You see there are those who cannot hear the word of Yahweh. You can preach, teach, jump up and down as much as you like and they won't get it. And I see people like that all the time. They just don't get it. Why? Ask Yahweh. I don't know. Maybe He doesn't want them. You are of your father the devil. I'm not saying it. He says If you cannot hear the word of my father then you are of your father the devil. Even if you claim that you are of Elohim Right? You can claim all you like. And you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand for the truth. He doesn't stand for the truth. What's the truth? The commandment is given to Moses and the lifestyle of Yahweh. That's the truth. Because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie he speaks from his own nature. He is a liar and the father of lies. But because I speak the truth you do not believe me. You see when you speak to people the truth they won't believe it. They say ah this Boaz is flipped. Don't worry about it. He wants to be Jewish. Which one of you convicts me of sin? If I speak the truth why do you not believe me? He who is of Elohim hears the words of Elohim and for this reason you do not hear them. Because you are not of Elohim. Here we are. If you do not accept the truth according to Psalm 119 the commandments as given to Moses or the Torah is truth and you wipe it. He says you are not of Elohim. I am not saying it. And what do we have in all this in all this these religious systems. People screaming no no no we are the true Israel. We are the true Israel. Says one lot. Because we have replaced the Jews. It's called replacement theology. We don't need to go into it. You know all about it. The church replaced Israel and we are now this and we are now that and we go into the heavenly. You know. And then there is another lot. No no no we are the Jews. And all this nonsense about Ephraim and his ten tribes is a lot of rubbish. Because they were already gathered in the time of Ezra and Nehemiah and it's all already completed and we are now the completeness of the Jews. Thank you very much. And you if you want to belong you Gentiles you then you got to convert to Judaism and subject yourself to the rabbis and I will show you that in a minute. Right. Because we are it. And Yeshua says of those Jews who reject you He says I am going to lay them down at your feet and they will tell you that I loved you. I am not saying He is saying it. They are saying it. It's a lot of Messianic Judaism. Right. Who are saying this whole Ephraimite movement is false. It's false. They are just Gentiles. And we want them to stay in their church. Right. They can come from time to time to our Messianic synagogues. Right. Yeah. But we stay separate. They stay in their church and we stay here. Although we will have dialogue. Right. But we are the Jews. It's like Ruth and Naomi and Orpah. Right. What did Naomi say? You go back to your people. You go back to Moab. Right. So Ruth said no no no no no. I am going back to where you are going. Because your Elohim is my Elohim and your people are my people. Right. And we claim to be Israel because it is Yahweh who says if you believe and are in Him you are Abraham's seed and you are an heir to the promise. And he says to Israel and he says now listen if any Ger or any Gentile accepts Yahweh as his Redeemer and Saviour he is part of Israel and you treat him as a legitimate born natural Israeli. But I don't want to read all that. Because they want to have some sort of superiority position. Right. You are the Jews and you are the Gentiles. Right. And we don't really want to talk to you too much because you still smell of pig. Right. He says I will lay them at your feet and they will tell you that I love you. Because he does. Why? Because you have honoured his name and you have honoured his word. There is much going on. The apostle Paul starts with this. Here is the false picture. Here is the false picture from a messianic two house congregation in Israel. Right. And it says reunification of the two houses of Israel without proselyzing the Kol Hattar that's the congregation's name. His vision recognises the great stumbling block evangelising the Jews presents in the reconciliation process between Judah and the 10 tribes. And the existing damage done to the Jewish people over the centuries by attempts to convert them to Christianity. I agree with part of this. I agree with the part that Christianity has gone there and said now unless you believe in Jesus, right, we are going to cut your head off. Right. Terrible. They have done terrible things to these people. That's true. But I also know of messianics who went to Israel and went with non-believing Jews on Israel tours and when they prayed in the name of Yeshua, they were told you don't do that anymore. Don't do that. What do you mean? No, you can't do that. You cannot pray in the name of Yeshua. See. Otherwise we get offended. Right. We can talk about all sorts of things but we cannot talk about Yeshua. You see. And he is he is the block of stumbling between both houses of Israel. You can see it. Then it says call Hathor as a representative voice of returning 10 tribes of Israel. Right. So they have claimed that position because I don't ask them to represent me. Right. Does not support any of these missionary activities either historically or currently. Call Hathor. Associates declare their commitment not to proselytize Jews or to influence Jews in any way whatsoever to abandon their historic and correct faith. Oh. Is the Jews' faith correct? According to what standard? To the standard of the rabbis or to the standard of the scriptures? Right. Rather call Hathor's tribes to influence re-identifying the 10 tribes to return to their very roots. Thank you very much. Of the original one true faith the Torah and to the Jewish halakha and to rabbinic authority. Right. So unless you accept rabbinic authority and the Jewish halakha. Right. Sorry. We don't want to know you. Here we are. The awakening and the re-identification of the 10 tribes. I have taken this from their website. Also the slides. So there they go on the road. See. Nominal Christianity becomes Christian Zionism. Then they go to the Hebraic roots and then they end up in Judaism. See that? Huh? Here we are. They'll say it in a minute. Normal, nominal Christianity is anti-Semitic. Christian Zionism are pro-Jewish and anti-Torah. The Hebraic restoration are pro-Torah but anti-rabbinic and anti-conversion. Right. And then they come to Judaism. The land, identity, conversion. Then, see you have to be converted. Right. And then there can be reconciliation and return. Who decides that you are going to return? Do they decide? Or does Yahweh decide? Here we are. Only look at the bottom. Right at the bottom. Right. You've got to return. Ten tribes, rebellion against Judah. Ten tribes, kingdom and capital in Samaria. Gives you all the dates when all these things happened. Right. And then we come down to the bottom to 2000, year 2000, Hebraic roots restoration. Return to Torah, Judaism, Torah and land awareness and to conversion to Judaism. You see that? And they say they are the mouthpiece for the two house movement. They are not your mouthpiece, are they? And then you may return to the land. They decide. But if there is no conversion to Judaism, sorry, as far as they are concerned, you are not coming. The Rambam, he is one of the great rabbis, Avimodidas. Introduction to the Mishnah, we read. If there are a thousand prophets, this is important, this is really important. This is one of the greatest rabbis who ever lived. Right. If there are a thousand prophets, all of them of the statute of Elijah and Elisha, given a certain interpretation and if there are 1001 rabbis giving the opposite interpretation, you shall incline after the majority. Alright. And the law is according to the 1001 rabbis, not according to the thousand prophets that Elohim did not permit us to learn from the prophets, only from the rabbis who are men of logic and reason. Here we are. They say, they say, I am not saying it, they say, that if the rabbinic majority says it is red and Yahweh says it is white, then he must incline after the majority. So Yahweh is subject to them. Ah. You want to read it? Go to the Avimodidas book, Galatians. That's the website where all this stuff comes from. You must incline, and do you know how they got to this? This is the Torah. This is what Moses says. You shall not go after the majority to do evil. Neither shall you testify in any matter of strife to incline after the majority to pervert justice. They are saying if 101 rabbis say something is unjust and a thousand and say it is not on, you must follow the 101. No, you must follow the word of Yahweh. This is incredible. And they say, this mouth piece of the two house movement says that you must be subject to this authority. What does your scripture say? You must be subject to Yeshua and his word. Yah, Yah, but you come up and you will say, but hang on a minute. In the New Testament it says that Yeshua says, the Pharisees, they sit in the seat of Moses, you must listen to them. Is that what it says? That's what it says. There is no two ways about it. They say, we sit in the seat of Moses, so you have to listen to us. Now, there are studies done about this particular verse by people who are much smarter than I am and read the original languages and what it means to say is this. Any rabbi or any Pharisee who sits in the seat of Moses and teaches Moses, right, you must listen to them. But any rabbi or teacher who says that he sits in the seat of Moses and doesn't teach Moses, you don't listen to them. That's the difference. It's a big difference. So you listen to anyone who teaches Moses. But if they say a thousand prophets as great as Elijah and Elisha but if there is a hundred and a thousand and one rabbis then you must automatically go with the majority. In other words the majority rules. Not the truth. The truth doesn't rule. Majority rules. Friends. And they say that we have to submit to that. We can't submit to lies. We submit only to the truth. To the word of Yeshua. And he says I'm going to lay these people at your feet and they are going to say to you because it will say Judah has been vexing Ephraim and Ephraim has been jealous of Judah but the time will change and this will be changed. It will be changed. He said come and lie on your feet and they will say to you yes Yeshua and Yahweh loves you too. And yes you are our brother Ephraim. But at the moment they say you must convert to Orthodox Judaism so that the rabbis keep their job and then they will talk to the two house movement. That's why all these two house people are all so charmed. Right? About a number of rabbis there in Israel and I can mention names where Messianic teachers go to and they go to these rabbis and they are invited with open arms but it comes to the crunch that unless you convert to Judaism, sorry we are not going to talk to you. And you must set up representatives in your Ephraim movement to come and talk to us. You see it's all empire building and ego. Who is going to be in charge of the movement? Right? That's not what we are about. We are here quietly as a small group without much power Yeshua says but you stand in the word of Yahweh to get ourselves prepared for His coming. Because He is our teacher. Who says they are Jews but they are not. The apostle Paul comments on what constitutes a true child of Abraham in Romans 9 verse 6 to 8. There he makes the clear distinction between racial Israel and regenerated Israel. Is the institute church part of the Israel of Yahweh and we can add to that orthodox Judaism as well. Romans 9 verse 6 to 8 However it is not as though the word of Elohim has failed for they are not all Israel who are Israel. Neither are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham. You can even descend of Abraham but not be a child says Paul. Right? Because they are not all Israel who call themselves Israel. But in Isaac your seed shall be called. That takes out all the descendants of Ishmael. That is those who are the children of the flesh these are not the children of Elohim. Right? Not all the fleshly Israelites are necessarily children of Elohim. But the children of the promise are reckoned as seed. Who was the promise? Yeshua was the promise, right? Yeah? If you are in Messiah Yeshua, then you are Abraham's seed. And as to the promise, what promise did he go back to the land? Right? I am not saying it. You want to be angry be angry with the apostle Paul. I ask David Silver what does this mean? He says I don't know. Because he doesn't want to know. Sorry David. You have kept my command I will keep you from the hour of trial. Because Elohim did not appoint us to wrath but to obtain deliverance through our master Yeshua the Messiah. Right? 1 Thessalonians 5 verse 9 Elohim did not appoint us who have kept his word and honored his name to wrath. But he is going to deliver us in Messiah. How do I know that? Read Isaiah 11 from verse 11 And I will send my hand a second time and this time I will bring you out from this place, that place and the isles of the sea. Right? By faith and only by faith will you stand because by faith they did pass through the Red Sea as through dry land. The Egyptians having received a trial of but they were swallowed up. Who went through the sea? Israel. How? By faith. You will not stand unless you stand in faith in the promises of Yahweh. What did Abraham believe? Yahweh's promises. He says I am going to give you a son. He says I am 100 years old. How are we going to do that? He says don't worry. And he believed Yahweh's promises and it was accounted to him as righteousness. By faith Yahweh will add to you righteousness. The Egyptians the world was swallowed up. And you have to stand in the covenant. Stand in the covenant. What does that mean? When thou art in tribulation and all these things are come upon thee even in the latter days. Are we in the latter days? I would have thought so. If thou turn to Yahweh your Elohim and shall be obedient unto his voice. What's his voice? The commandments of Moses are his voice. I will send to you the prophet Elijah and he says he says remember my servant Moses he will not forsake thee nor destroy thee nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he swore unto them. You must hold Yahweh to his covenant. But what shall we hold to if we don't know what the covenants are? You can go out there and ask what? They won't have a clue. The covenant is like the title to your house. If somebody says to you hey come here the house is mine. You say hang on a minute hang on a minute the title is in my name. It's a covenant between me and the council. Do you love it? Or the government or the land transfer officer whatever you want to call them. Same here. Deuteronomy 4 verse 30 says nor will he forget the covenant of thy fathers if you are a Messiah you are Abraham's seed so Abraham was your father and he's made a covenant with him. Not only with Abraham but with all these people. There is a covenant about the garden Eden. There is a covenant made with Adam, with Noah with Abraham, with Moses with David and there is a covenant renewed. And to sum that all up in one wonderful sentence is this There will be a garden or a land where the descendants of Adam will live in safety because he promised Noah that he will never again kill all mankind and the beasts with one flood. He says in this renewed garden you know Adam the man will live in safety and to Abraham he defined the borders of this land under the defined borders as agreed with Abraham. But they will live under the rules or the institution or the constitution the rules that I made with Moses in the Mosaic covenant. And he says I will have a ruler an eternal descendant as I promised to David. And all those covenants of Eden, Adam, Noah Abraham and Moses which Messianic say have all been done away with Right? Because one supersedes the other Right? Nonsense! They stack on top of each other exactly as I pointed them out there. And in the end exactly they are renewed with the two houses of Israel so that a garden for man to live in safety a land which defines the borders under the rules and the laws of Yahweh ruled by the eternal descendant The covenant renewed with the two houses of Israel so that the Messiah will rule over the united redeemed house of Jacob forever. That's the covenant that you got to hold before Yahweh. You promised in the Edenic covenant that we will have a garden and a land and he says he says in the book of Acts I am working on the renewal of all things. That garden is all, that land is going to be renewed. To Adam and Eve he says to Eve I am going to send you a redeemer. Eve was the first person gentlemen Eve was the first person who believed in the redemption of men. And when she bore Cain she says I have governed myself as son of Yahweh That's the literal translation She thought that Cain was this redeemer. But in the theology of the synagogue and the church women have been so degraded and in Mormonism they can't even be saved unless they are saved through their men as though the blood of Yeshua did not or was not able to save them. Can you imagine it? It is terrible. Don't get me started. Genesis 15 verse 18 One day Yahweh made a covenant with Abraham saying I have given this land to your seed from the rivers of Mitzrayim Egypt to the great rivers of the Euphrates. It's not a bad piece of land is it? Right? Isaiah 49 verse 20 We can go and say these words This place is too narrow for me make room for me to live. Because when we get there we are not going to get the whole place in one go. But there are the borders see It's not that the little piece there just along the sea but this whole piece there big enough for me to pitch my tent Danny, hey not a problem as close to the house of Yahweh as I can get I am not greedy The covenant of Shalom in Yeshua These things I have spoken unto you that in me you have peace If you know him and if he is in you then you have peace In the world you shall have tribulation. See the world has the tribulation you have peace It is not that you are going to go after punishment and after punishment and what have you You have peace But Egypt goes to tribulation But be of good cheer I have overcome the world John 16 verse 33 Peace Are you at peace or are you anxious? Here is the fourth picture about the covenant It is a wonderful picture but it is not true The covenant with Abraham Look here It says I will establish a new covenant and I will put my laws in their minds That is what they write but they don't do it On the other hand they say the laws have been rendered inoperative and you don't need to do it anymore But they write it there on their sheet and write them on their hats These people who wrote this because they don't do it They say it is no longer relevant I will establish a new covenant I will put my laws in their minds In context it is the two houses of Israel he is referring to I will renew the covenant with the house of Judah and the house of Israel Their minds Because it can't be in the minds of the people who wrote this because they don't believe it You see how this covenant is temporal It is only temporal the covenant with Abraham It has to be for them because they have now replaced Israel and now they are going to go to the spiritual heaven and not to the land that was promised to Abraham anymore That is why it is temporal Now The covenant is temporal You are the sons This is from the book of Acts You are the sons of the prophets and of the covenant which Elohim made with your forefathers saying unto Abraham And in thy seat shall all the families of the earth be blessed Was that temporal? I thought that is eternal Unto you first Elohim having raised up his servant sent him to bless you in turning away everyone from their iniquities This word iniquity Torah violations Acts 3 verse 95 Right And what does that confirm? It confirms that the Torah and I will establish my covenant between me and thy and thee and thy seat. Are you the seat of Abraham? If you are the Messiah you are Abraham's seat Right? So this is for you And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seat after thee throughout their generations for how long? Temporal They are making Yahweh out to be a liar For everlasting Genesis 17 verse 7 They say temporal Beautiful picture You see Replacement theology Calling Yahweh a liar How? Can you imagine? For I am Yahweh I shall not change But I say temporal He changes mine No, not Yahweh They have come up with a theology which is of the devil Malachi 3 verse 6 Yahweh changes not Yahweh changes not which confirms the book of Hebrews Yeshua is the same yesterday, today and forever He says you will go and be dressed in white robes in the robes of righteousness And one of the elders responded saying to me this is from the book of revelations Who are these dressed in white robes? And where did they come from? And I said to the master you know And he said to me These are those coming out of the great distress The world went through distress but remember he says You won't go through distress They have survived what the world is going through because he says My judgment will come upon the whole earth to test them but he says you I am going to say from the hour from the hour of trial Why? Because you kept my name and my word And you've come through all this and you will be dressed in robes of white and you then see this whole incountable number before the throne of Yahweh in revelations 4 and 5 But it's at the end of the seventh day Revelation 7 verse 13 John 17 verse 12 What does it say? I was guarding them in your name See? No one perishes They've come through the great tribulation, no promise at all Why? Because they're guarded by Yahweh in his name Nothing to worry about I am coming soon he says to this congregation It's the first time he says to any of these congregations This one particularly in the sixth congregation to me the congregation of the 6,000 years which is just about to go into the millennium. I am coming soon hold on to what you have and I will write on them the name of my Elohim and the name of the city of my Elohim the new Jerusalem Here we go The name of our Elohim. What's that? It's Yahweh right? You're gonna get Yahweh's name The name of the city of my Elohim is Yahshalom Yerushalayim Then Yeshua says you're also gonna get my renewed name and you find that in the book of Revelations the Davar Yahweh and his name is the name the word is his name I think in the English translation said and his name will be the name of the the word of you know what I'll give you the text in a minute And I shall make him a supporting post in the dwelling place of Elohim. Can you imagine? That we could even become a supporting post in the dwelling of Elohim Huh? It's unbelievable The Davar Yahweh the word of GD it says. Well it can't be it's the word of Yahweh. Revelations 19 verse 13 I will write on them the name of my Elohim Yahweh Shalom the Davar Yahweh to make you a pillar a supporting post in the dwelling place of our Elohim Davar Yahweh we praise you and we thank you Abba Yahweh we thank you for this message of comfort that indeed we don't need to worry but above all we thank you that you have worked in our hearts to honor your name and to keep your word because out of ourselves we would have never come there therefore we ask will you draw us unto you fill us with your Ruach HaKodesh and keep us protected and engraved on the palms of your hands and Abba Yahweh we thank you for Yeshua your eternal son who came from you as the word and pre-existed with you before the foundations of the world were laid He is our Savior and He is the only one to be able to save because no man can pay any recompense to you for another we thank you for this conviction and for this truth and Father we pray let no one ever take this away from us Father we give you all praise and honor and as times are worsening here in Egypt that we may know that you are the open door into Goshen where we can draw near to you and that Joseph Yeshua will protect us so Father be with us when we go from here keep us in your care forgive all the things that we have done wrong and Father we pray this in the name of Yeshua the only name under heaven by which we can find salvation Father we look forward to the return to the land but we want to be led by you we don't want to be led by any false shepherd or any hireling and we trust and we know that you will make clear to us when the time is because you will go before us as you went before our ancestors in the wilderness either by cloud or by fire or by whatever means you will make it known to us and a pass over in the not too distant future now we thank you for your assurances and we hold to your covenants that you will bring us to the land that is filled with milk and honey praise honor and glory be to your name now and always amen