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When we reach the red level, we need accurate understanding to achieve sustainable results. We must identify if any shortcomings are due to knowledge, skills, behavior, or confidence. These indicators will guide our coaching strategies. If improvement is needed quickly, we can increase coaching through various methods like reading, watching videos, practicing with peers, and receiving positive reinforcement. We can use up to four coaching strategies but should also assess willingness to put in extra effort. We need to be cautious when increasing coaching at the red light moment to ensure effectiveness. Now when we reach the red level, the red light, what we're looking for are predictable, sustainable results. So we have to be very accurate in our understanding. If there is a shortfall, if there's a gap, is it knowledge-based, is it skill-based, or is it behavioral or confidence-based? That really will be your lead indicators or indicators of success. as it relates to what supplemental coaching strategies. So again, if you're at that red light, things need to improve in a short period of time. You can increase your cadence of supplemental coaching. Knowledge, books, video, observe and journal. As it relates to skill, peer-to-peer, practice session, you can use something called rotating peers. Confidence, again, comes from positive reinforcement from when people actually practice. Now one of the things that you can do is you can get up to three or four supplemental coaching strategies, yet you also want to coach and ask questions such as, John, what's your willingness if we add some different tools to our coaching program, our coaching initiative here, to get you to that team leader position? Are you willing to put in the extra effort? So you want to also coach to willingness. At that red light moment, that red light moment is that stage where we want to see predictable, sustainable results. If we don't, you can increase the supplemental coaching, but we want to be careful.