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Grade 6: Excretory System

Grade 6: Excretory System


Short lesson on the human Excretory System



In this podcast, the teacher explains how humans get rid of body waste. The body excretes waste in three main ways: sweating, exhaling carbon dioxide, and urinating. Sweating helps get rid of excess salt, exhaling removes carbon dioxide, and urinating removes harmful waste substances like urea. These waste products are formed during processes like digestion, respiration, movement, and reproduction. It's important to regularly excrete waste to keep the body healthy. Hello my grade 6 student, I hope you are all doing well today. Welcome back to my podcast. In today's lesson we will be looking at how humans get rid of body waste. Let's get right into our lesson. Your body works like a factory 24 hours each day, every week of every year from even before you are born until you die. Your body carries out various life processes such as digesting food, respiring, moving and reproducing. Each of these involves many different chemical reactions inside your body. Useful products are often made but waste products are formed as well. Excretion is the process by which living organisms get rid of harmful waste products formed during various life processes. Your body excretes waste substances in 3 main ways. These are as follows. Number 1. When you are hot, your body produces sweat which you pass out through tiny openings or pores in your skin all over your body. Sweat is water with waste material such as salts in it. Your body needs to get rid of that excess salt. It does that when you sweat. Number 2. As your body uses oxygen during respiration to break down certain nutrients to release stored energy, your body produces carbon dioxide gas which you exhale from your lungs as a waste product. Muscles produce waste such as carbon dioxide when they contract. If that gas remained in your body, it would poison your body. Number 3. The liver breaks down excess protein into a substance called urea. Urea is released into the bloodstream and is carried to the kidneys to be removed or excreted from your body when you pass urine. Urine is mainly water with urea and other harmful waste substances which are toxic to your body. Urea can poison your body so urea must be quickly filtered from the blood by the kidneys as blood flows through them. That forms urine. They pass urine to your bladder which stores it for a little while. When your bladder is full, you feel the need to use the bathroom to excrete urine or urinate. You pass urine regularly to get rid of or excrete toxic harmful substances from your body. So just to recap, excretion is the process by which living organisms get rid of harmful waste products formed during various life processes. These life processes include digesting food, respiring, moving, and reproducing. Your body excretes waste in 3 main ways. The first way is by sweating. The second way is breathing carbon dioxide out of your body when you exhale. And the third way is your body breaking those excess protein into a substance called urea which you then urinate to excrete from the body. So here we are at the end of another lesson. I hope you will take the time to listen until you fully understand the concept and I will see you next class. Have a good day!

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