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Do not let the despising of others stop you from going to battle against the enemy!

Do not let the despising of others stop you from going to battle against the enemy!




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Sister Melissa delivers a message from the Lord, referencing Jeremiah 1:7. God tells Jeremiah not to be afraid, even though he is young. The message is about not letting others despise you, because God has already anointed and cleansed you. You have the power to fulfill your calling and overcome obstacles. Sister Melissa references David and Goliath as an example. Trust in God and have faith in yourself. Hello, everyone. God bless you. Sister Melissa here. I am back with another message from the Lord. It is 10 a.m., August 21st, 2023. And yes, let's get right into the message. God says in Jeremiah chapter 1, starting with verse 7, But the Lord said to me, Do not say, I am a youth, for you shall go to all to whom I send you, and whatever I command you, you shall seek. Do not be afraid of their faces, for I am with you to deliver you, says the Lord. Come on now, somebody. This is a powerful message from the Lord. Jeremiah was young, and when Jeremiah spoke to God, Jeremiah said to God, Basically, how are you supposed to use me when I am a youth? And God responds to him, and he says, Not to be afraid of their faces. This means that when God tells us that we are going to be in front of multitudes, that we need to be prepared, because many will reject the gospel. Many will not turn away from their sins. Many are going to say things that will cause you to become discouraged. But God says first and foremost, before he says he'll deliver you, he tells us not to be afraid. Why does God say not to be afraid? Because God knows that when he calls someone, the enemy rises up. The enemy tries to derail that person. The enemy tries to put discouragement in that person. The enemy tries to tell that person, You are too young. You are despised among the many. You will not be able to do what God is calling you to do. The calling that God has for your life, you will never reach your highest potential, because you will always be afraid. You will always walk with worry. You will always walk with doubt. But the Lord says here today, that do not let anyone despise you. Whether you are the least of them, whether you are minor, whether you think you have not the capacity, God says, through me, through my spirit, you will fulfill the calling that is upon your life. Another boy, that we mistaken in thinking that David, the boy, went to knock down Goliath, which in reality, if you read the scriptures, the Bible says that Samuel had already anointed David. So David went to the battlefield, not as a shepherd boy, but as an anointed king. Come on now, somebody. Somebody's got to understand this message right now. Somebody's got to understand that God has already anointed you. God has already anointed you for what lies ahead. Oh Jesus, you are amazing. I thank you for your word. And I declare over somebody today, do not let anyone despise you, because God has cleansed you. God has restored you. God has made you new. You are a new creature in Christ Jesus. If you have accepted Jesus into your heart, if you have made him Lord and Savior, then you have the spirit of God within you to knock down giants in the name of Jesus. Oh I pray, I pray this has blessed you today. Until the next time, bye bye for today.

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