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This is an urgent meassage from heavens broadcast! God is calling all sinners to the cross! Repent!

This is an urgent meassage from heavens broadcast! God is calling all sinners to the cross! Repent!




This is an important message God wants me to relay to all those God is calling to the cross. You are that person among billions God is calling to. We are living in times of discouragement, hopelessness, and difficulties. Jesus Christ has come to make all things new. But, in order for us to come to the knowledge of the cross we must come to the realization that we are sinners, desperately needing a Savior to intervene and cleans us from our iniquities and infirmities. Jesus is that savior.

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Sister Melissa delivers an urgent message from the Holy Spirit. The message speaks of redemption, hope, and God's calling. She reads from the book of Luke about Jesus being crucified and forgiving those who crucified him. The message emphasizes the power of Jesus' sacrifice and the need for true repentance and following Him. Jesus wants to save us and transform our lives. Through Him, we have resurrection power and can overcome any evil force. Sister Melissa encourages listeners to surrender their lives to Jesus and let Him rule in their hearts. Good morning, everyone. Sister Melissa here. I am back with an important message from our Lord Jesus Christ. It is 10 a.m., August 2nd, 2023. This is an urgent message from the Holy Spirit himself. This message, I believe, is going to touch many lives. This message, I believe, is going to transform many lives. This message, I truly believe, will be the message that will give you an entire switch to what God wants to do in and through your life. Because this message is a message of redemption, a message of hope, a message to encourage your faith to know that God is calling you. Stop resisting the calling of God because the calling that God has for you is a great calling because you are the one God is raising up for these times. He wants to do something amazing in your life, but it will cause you to realize and recognize that the calling on your life is not just any calling and not just anyone is calling you. His name is the Lion of Judah, the Christ, Jesus. He's the one that's calling us. He's the one that is telling us it's not tomorrow, it's now, it's today that I want to establish a work in you. And the word of God that I will be reading from is found in the book of Luke, chapter 23, starting with verse 33. And the word of God says, And when they had come to the place called Calvary, there they crucified him and the criminal, one on the right and one on the left. Then Jesus said, Forgive them, for they do not know what they do. And the people stood looking on, but even the rulers with them sneered, saying, He saved others, let him save himself, if he is the Christ, the chosen of God. The soldiers also mocked him, coming off and saying, If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself. And an inscription also was written over him in letters of Greek, Latin, and Hebrew, This is the King of the Jews. Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed him, saying, If you are the Christ, save yourself and us. But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds. But this man has done nothing wrong. Then he said to Jesus, Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom. And Jesus said to him, Assuredly, I say to you today, you will be with me in paradise. What a word from the Holy Spirit. As we can clearly see here, Jesus is being crucified. Jesus is now taking our punishment that was meant for us, and he was placing it upon himself, because through his sacrifice, we would become saved. When we believe in Jesus Christ, and we believe that he is the Savior of the world, and we confess our sins, and we come to God, and we say, God, I have sinned against you. God, I have wronged you in many ways. But God, I am choosing to believe that what you did for me on the cross, it is enough, because you, being a just man, took it upon yourself to save a sinner like me. And for that reason, God, I pray that you remember me. I pray that you remember a sinner like me. And Jesus replies, Yes, not only will I remember, but you will be with me forever in paradise. When God looked at the man, he saw a sinner, but the man recognized that the only way that he was going to make it out of here alive is confessing his sins, and confessing and believing in his heart that only Jesus was able to save him, not from the earthly life he was living, but for an eternal life that was coming to the man that was also crucified on the cross. He recognized and realized that I am here because of what I did wrong, but Jesus is on that cross not because of anything he did wrong, but it was because of what we have done wrong, and we have all been led astray by our own sins, by our own faults, and our own failures. But Jesus Christ looked at the man and said, Not only will I forgive you, not only will I remember you, but I have the power to allow you to come in to my glory when it's all said and done. Many times we want Jesus to save us, many times we want Jesus to come to our rescue, but the only reason why is because we want a now, a now saving, we want a now survival kit, we want a now Lord Jesus save me, and after I am saved, I will continue going in the path that I desire. That is not what salvation is all about. Salvation is becoming saved through the blood and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, realizing and recognizing our sins, and turning away from them, and following the only one true living God. And the reason why many of us, we may become saved in the moment, but then we go back to what we were doing, and the reason is, is because there is no real true repentance within our heart to say, Jesus, I know what you did for me on the cross, it was enough, you didn't have to do what you did, but you did it because your love is so strong, is so real, is so big for us. That you were willing to die a horrific death on the cross just to see me repent of my sins, turn away from my sins, and turn toward the only one who has the power and the ability to make all things new in my life. You see, Jesus just doesn't only want to save us, Jesus wants us to live our righteous holy life through Jesus, and when Jesus comes into the picture, he just doesn't come in to show himself, he comes in to show us that he is the only true way and life, that if anyone comes to Jesus, that person becomes a new creation, and all old things, they pass away, and Jesus Christ takes up residency within our soul, our spirit, our mind, and our heart, and he begins to do away with everything that was keeping us down, that was holding us down. God begins to do a new work within us, and the reason why we are still standing after it's all said and done is because of what Jesus Christ has fulfilled when he died on the cross, when he was resurrected on the third day, and that is the power that we all have, and it's called the resurrection power, and anyone found in Jesus Christ has that same resurrection power, hallelujah, I feel the presence of God almighty, hallelujah, and he's saying to you today, today is the day that I am calling you to come into my presence, today if you will surrender your life, and you will surrender it all to me, I will come in, and I will sit on the throne of your heart, and I will rule and reign in your life as the lion of Judah, and when we make that choice, there is nothing that can stop you, no evil force that can stop you, listen, there was no evil force that could stop the crucifixion, there was no devil that could stop the crucifixion, and there will be nothing that can stop you from making that eternal choice to follow after Jesus, he paid the way, and he paid a high price for you and me to live, hallelujah, and not die, oh I pray this has blessed you in so many ways, until the next time, God bless you, God continue to keep you, and to hold you, and to lead you into his immense presence, hallelujah, until the next time, bye bye for today.

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