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Nothing to say, yet
A woman and her son traveled to Japan and ministered to people there after meeting them in Washington. They were invited to Japan because missionaries struggle there. The son went to Japan for his wedding and ended up ministering as well. They also went to Taiwan where they met a man who had been delivered by the Lord and now runs a ministry sponsoring missionaries. They had a powerful prayer experience on a cruise ship around the islands of Taiwan. They were invited to oversee a ministry but it didn't work out. They also had a burden for defectors from North Korea in South Korea and wanted to minister to them. They believe in the power of God's visitation and healing to bring deep restoration and peace to people. we were able to go to another part of Japan and minister there among the people and But how did you meet the other people? I met them in Washington and then Just about not even a year ago I felt to go to the healing room and one of the ladies had flew in that day got there at that healing room and then we ended up taking her to the Ministry Center and the Lord touched her life and then She went back to Japan but They pleaded with us to come Because they say it said that Japan is like a cemetery for missionaries, you know Okay, so Did you go to Japan for your son's wedding? right and He thought he should go with her family Yes, I believe he used us with her family, you know, but how did you minister to your Okay, you go to Japan How do you want to minister in Japan? Because There was people that we had met in Previously in Washington in Washington and asked us to come while we were in Japan Yeah, they were from Japan, okay now let's talk about Taiwan, you have this guy who wants you to talk about him and he wants you to come over to Taiwan He's precious Scott came Actually, he wrote a book and we're in the book that he wrote How the Lord delivered him He was a psychiatrist and all those spirits that were in the people begin to overtake him so he we work with a Chinese pastor She called us and she asked No, if he could she could send him so he called and the Spirit of the Lord comes upon James and he says You get up here as fast as you can the Lord delivered him set him free and then Gifted him with him all the way from Taiwan. No, this one was in Rowan Hills, but he was from Taiwan. Oh, okay. You say he came over from Taiwan. He was 14 Yeah, and the Lord delivered him and then gifted him. I've seen how God deposits in people like That day he received the gift of Prophecy When he came to the ministry and he's still moving in it today. And how old was he when he came? He's probably Within his 20s Okay. Uh-huh. Oh, he's a psychiatrist. He was. Now he works full-time ministry So God set him free and delivered him with all the power that went on him as he's trying to get people all those Yes, okay. Yeah, and then sends him back Well, then then he goes back He's living Later after he married and had children, which he would come to the ministry quite often That was were his mother and father in the Lord and his grandkids my grandkids Right, they call me grandma, right? the Lord actually used me to prophesy both of his children's names and what they were and and He was just his son was just at the ranch and he came to visit me before he was because he's now Going to college Yeah He goes to a college Christian college and yeah, yeah, and he came to visit me before he went for the summer vacation but Wasn't hard to go back home then he writes a book and we're actually through his book We've had people from Taiwan come just because of his book that he wrote We're in his book of how God delivered him and how he was delivered of depression and and You know demonic and what is he doing out there now? he Actually he runs a ministry that sponsors missionaries that come from other countries and That fund them and helps give them visas to stay there to disciple He also He is a youth pastor as well, and he called me a couple of just a while back ago That he went He was impacted by this Taiwanese elderly man now, he's elderly That translated he translates his language into English. He's a translator as well. So when ministers come He's one of their translators He got inspired through an elderly man that translated in a church in Roanheim He was called by a sister Mary to go to a party where this young where this Older man was good They were celebrating his birthday But he didn't know it was the guy that inspired him to translate What he does now, right? so He goes and this guy is the one that started underground churches in China Wow like Many he's like a he's like a grandfather to China He's one of the ones that and through his ministry He disciples other people and they're doing the underground church in Iraq Wow and This gentleman immediately felt a connection with With Scott So Scott called me because they said we want to put him as a pastor of the Assembly of God Today said we don't want to take you from what you're doing, but we feel You're part of this connection Well, they said we have so much finances they said Because they bought have a lot of property the Assembly of God there. He said but we want you To be able to be free to use all the finances that you need And the what you have to Sponsor missionaries. We want you to be able to Fund through this they have thousands and thousands of dollars. Wow Dollars and They own the YMCA. They own big buildings and they also The church rents out to banks in the big buildings and they just have finances But they don't have enough pastors and they don't know how to use their finances. So they're actually trusting Scott to Use these finances for the kingdom. Wow, and of course, I'm his mother so But when we were there he They invited us to go on a cruise ship that went around the island for three days It was a 24-hour prayer for three days And it was all needed. It was only intercessors They were reading the Bible the whole Bible and prayer worship and prayer and all the islands of the land of Thailand all the indigenous People came. Wow, and it's amazing how the Lord financed them to be able to It was only us no other people, but only a Christian. So you went around the islands And we prayed. Yeah, we prayed and we had meetings we ministered Our sessions we brought a lot of deliverance and healing there and Then they asked us if we would come and oversee the ministry Jamie and I and they would pay for everything But the Lord didn't give us that open door Right, and then the whole thing of COVID happened. We bought the set. Yeah So this brings me to Just how God works You know, it's almost like a puzzle. It's like a domino effect. Yeah, so he gets to the psychiatrist enrolling high school Bring them to you and get set free. Uh-huh. And then in part That's right. Part of the training comes from originally with the practice. Exactly. Okay, it's just amazing So then this guy goes over to Taiwan and is entrusted with this unbelievable amount of money You know to be able to advance the kingdom. Yes, and and they're reaching the the Indigenous, how do you say this? people themselves on the island They you know when we go we go to those islands and we minister there So what I see is that the Lord has deposited in people Yeah, and then when we go the doors are already open. Yeah, because what they're through speaks and And it's entrusted and then we're able to go in and do what God wants. Another thing I see Diane, not everybody that's a Christian is an ancestor Right. True. Yeah There's a price you have to pay to be an ancestor We're talking about the flesh dying because you got to be up all night praying. Yeah, and yet God That was also part of what was deposited into you. That ability to pray for long periods of time very few Christians will do that. I'll tell you right now and So that's another thing I noticed that a Very necessary quality if it's not going to trust you It's the whole purpose the last thing he said upon leaving the earth Ascending in heaven. He said what? So the last words will be important, right? I'm going to go and make a sign. Right and so It's just like a full package God gave you when you sat at Agatha's feet When you were diswaveredly, you had no direction, no purpose to live and no education This is really remarkable that God is using you in Asia and For example, and then I want to talk a little bit about North Korea That you had a burden to the defector. Yes, that God said something to you. Yes about Korea I had a burden because the defectors that come from South Korea, North Korea to South Korea All that they go through before they even get there it can take them two to three years or longer just to get through China and then they're sold as sex slaves and then to even get through Thailand they walk through the jungle and then they have to Go undercover because in China they can get caught too. It is very difficult situation and when we met with the pastor from South Korea He said his church is just defectors and I thought oh my lord Those people need so much ministry. They need deliverance They need healing and I just really had a burden that if the Lord were to send me to South Korea I would want to go to that church and just be ministering to people ministering healing, ministering deliverance, you know and They need a deep restoration that God himself Can only give just like when Agnes said the Lord came and just took out things out of her mind that had been You know very difficult in her life, you know, he would visit her and he would People need those types of visitation We need visitations that go deep in those areas bring healing to the nervous system that created miracles Go in their minds and erase Isaiah 26 Visiting destroying every former Lord that had dominion over them causing the memory to perish and Sometimes it's not that they forget but it's that the effects Have been healed and I think maybe that's the deepest thing that I feel is Isaiah 26 coming in operation in visiting God's people and You know because people need peace and you see that there's so much Out there That don't bring peace to people right right But if we can get a hold of that scripture and we can grab on to that scripture And we can have someone like sister Agnes when I would sleep with her and she would bring Deliverance to the night with me and even Teresa. Teresa was a Teresa was a big part and I would sit by Teresa and she had the patience to work with me You know, she saw that it wasn't a rebellion when I did the opposite It was just I couldn't do it because I didn't have the ability Until God did a healing and restoration in my life to be able to walk in it and So really that's the deep part because if you see lives restored They're they're going to want to see other people's lives restored, you know freely we receive so freely we give Uh-huh, right. And so I look back and we'll end now, but let's just read what I really have 26 actually said Yes Which is such a key part of your life And the part we need to say Is Well the whole thing but What verse is it? Isaiah 11 12 Oh Destroy them and they have all their memory to perish So that what your sign is That is out of you. Yes, and then you you want to see it in others, right? Right? So for me to take time ministering it's it's It's my passion Right and That's also scriptural. Gordon probably knows where this was found exactly But it says when it works with them and you then you're able to do for others, right? So like you'll be able to go to South Korea and help those Poor defectors that have been so traumatized through everything, you know So Gordon, what's that scripture? when When God did that work in you you're able to do it in other people Okay, well, I agree that you have receiving free. Yeah, let's go somewhere else. I'm gonna be talking about. Yeah So, you know, even if you get a key person You know that person can do what? Is in your heart. Do you understand? Like it's bad to me. It's to me. It's not in numbers it's in Quality yeah, and I think that It's very valuable To invest into a person. Yeah that person but you have to be careful like Teresa and I were talking you want to invest into someone that you know is going to do something with this because And you never know because sometimes the ones you thought that work they rise up at the end So the first little Jesus so yeah Yeah, so they all his friends. Yeah. Okay, and yet one we trade him and we're late, right? Yeah, but he was ministering to five thousand men. So it's only fifteen thousand people at a time. Yes He put into those twelve, right? Yes, and yes Yes What God yeah, it's just amazing how God sets us up and it wasn't clear to me that is speaking to you today How Agnes the first person she asked? Yeah, we found our feet you receive And now God is using all of the world. Yes And you know, I'm very very proud. It's very hard. You just have to keep your eyes on him because You know Will you allow that work to be done with you back in? Agnes probably ministered probably sat with me through that door and yet you really See putting a lot into you and but you received it you weren't rebellious and it's really very powerful how It just keeps going Okay You