Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker emphasizes the power of speaking and the importance of using one's words intentionally. They explain that speaking the word of God goes beyond having a positive mental attitude and involves getting involved in the supernatural power of God's kingdom. They also discuss the significance of valuing our words and understanding that our mouth is the link to the power of God. They highlight the importance of speaking words of faith and not doubting the power of our own words. Additionally, they mention the need to speak words of praise and thanksgiving as a sacrifice to God. The speaker shares examples of instances where words have had a powerful impact, such as when Jesus spoke to a fig tree and it withered. They also discuss the consequences of speaking idle words and the importance of speaking words of faith and life. Overall, the speaker encourages listeners to be intentional with their words and to understand the power and significance of their speech. Many, many people, when they hear what the Bible says about the power of speaking, the power of your words, many of us in our mind do this little switch and think, oh yeah, positive speaking. Yeah, we all need to have a positive mental attitude, man, that's right. You know, yeah, we need to speak the word and just be positive. That is, speaking the word of God out of your heart is more than a positive mental attitude. Thank God for a positive mental attitude. You know, even the unsaved can have a positive mental attitude, all right? And many of those that are born again, born again, twice born, they don't have a positive mental attitude. So, when we talk about speaking the word of God, we're talking more than a positive attitude. We're literally talking about getting involved in the supernatural, yeah, getting involved in the supernatural power of the anointing, the supernatural power of God's kingdom. When Jesus spoke to the fig tree and it died within 24 hours, over in Mark 11, I think in Matthew and also in Luke, Jesus wasn't practicing a positive mental attitude, all right? I'm not against that. We should have that. But Jesus released divine supernatural power that literally killed that tree. It literally altered the laws of nature. It altered the laws of nature. So, when we're talking about speaking the word of God, we're talking about getting involved in a partnership with the kingdom of God, getting involved in a partnership with the power of God, with the anointing of God. And it's just so critical that we understand your words matter. And here's the thing about words. This is kind of coming up. This is sort of a hijacking here for a second, but, you know, Matthew chapter, I'm guessing this is right, Matthew chapter 12, I believe, yeah, Matthew chapter 12, verse 35, I'm coming halfway through the story, Matthew chapter 12, verse 35 says, a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil things. Then notice verse 36 of Matthew 12, but I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of crisis. The word judgment here is the Greek word crisis. It doesn't just mean judgment day, like when God comes back to judge people. It is the day of crisis. When you don't, when you don't value your word, Jumpstart Nation, when we don't value our words, when we don't use our words intentionally, when we speak the word of God for a few minutes from 9 to 9.30, Monday through Friday, but then we kind of just get real loose with our lips and we talk about all of our difficulties and symptoms and problems, and we just go on and on and on about it, and we just talk like the word's not true, then we literally are practicing a lifestyle that we don't believe our words really matter. We can speak either way and it doesn't matter because we don't really believe our words make a difference. So when you find yourself double talking, talking out of both sides of your mouth, and we've all done it, we've all done it, we end up negating our own faith in our own words. We end up limiting our own words. We end up doubting that our words really matter. That's why we just use them any old way. One minute we're talking the word, next minute we're talking all the stuff and the circumstances and the fear. We really haven't understood that our mouth is the link to the supernatural kingdom of God. Our mouth is the link to the power of God. And so in the day of crisis, as it says here, you'll give an account because you'll need your words to work in the day of crisis, but you've been so busy talking out of both sides of your mouth, speaking idle words, words that you really don't value, words you really don't believe, you don't really understand the power of your own mouth, then in the day of crisis, when you need your words to work, your heart has already been subconsciously trained to not believe in your words. And so your words lack power. They're idle. They're unemployed. And so Jesus said here in Matthew, he said, for I say to you that every idle word men may speak, they will give account. They'll have to come up with the accounting of it in the day of crisis. Verse 37, for by your words, by your word, your words, by your words, you will be justified or made right. You'll be made right. And by your words, you will be condemned. You can bring condemnation, destruction into your life by your own words. And I think we need to really not become legalistic, not become a confession cop like the Word of Faith can't. But on the other hand, we need to respect our mouth. We need to respect our tongue. We need to understand our tongue can hook up with demonic power or it can hook up with divine power or we can simply not believe our own words and it hooks up with nothing. It hooks up with no power, nothing. Praise God. Amen. Amen. And it's exactly right. John, Nancy, you know, you said you're in a season of him teaching and showing you the idle words you've spoken lately, not in condemnation, but conviction and peace is flowing from the teaching. I think that's exactly right. When Jesus teaches us, he doesn't condemn us. It comes as an instruction. Amen. Good, Jana. I think that's awesome that you're finding yourself canceling people's words when they speak negatively. Jana, I think that's awesome. And you don't have to do that in their face necessarily, depends on who it is. But I mean, you know, even Andrew Wommack made this statement and at first I thought, well, that's a little extreme. But the more I thought about it, the Holy Spirit dealt with me. He said when they're watching like an old Andy Griffith show and all the medicine commercials come on and all the, you know, all the drug commercials and they'll say, you know, you're going to have this or you need that or you need this or that and you're going to get sick and this is going to do that, this and the other. This is the hay fever season, the achy, you know, all that NyQuil commercial thing. He said, nope, not me. Not in my house. This is not flu season in my house. I resist that. I do not believe that. Amen. And very often what Rhea and I will do, we'll just turn the volume down. We don't watch TV that much anyway, but once in a while we may catch an old movie or old Andy Griffith show or something. And when that kind of commercial comes on on a billboard or whatever, we'll either turn it off, mute it, or we'll say, no, that's not me. I don't believe that. That's not for me. But it is even more than that. We need to intentionally take the time to hook our words up with God's words, to put his words in our mouth. This is an old teaching. I mean, this is something you've heard, praise God, you know, but don't, don't undervalue the power of your words. Praise God. Let's make some statements here. I think we need to just make some declarations right now. Say this out loud. I am a good person. I'm born of God. I am born again. I have the life and nature of God in me. My spirit, the real me, is full of power. And I am bringing forth good things out of my recreated spirit with the words of my mouth. Today I will mind my mouth. Come on, some of you are just listening, you're not speaking. Say this out loud. Let's pray this. Holy Spirit, show me how to hook my tongue, hook it up with my spirit, with the Word of God and with the Spirit of God. Show me how to hitch my tongue to the grace of God, to the kingdom of God, and to the power of God. Amen. Amen. I like that, Joel, when you catch yourself saying something dumb, you say, I pull up that weed. I do the same thing. Something else I'll also say is I cancel those words right now. I cancel that. That's not what I want. That's not what I'm having. I don't believe those words. And then I'll say, I believe these words. Hallelujah. Praise God. This is awesome. This is awesome. And so say it again, out of my heart, out of the good treasure of my heart, I am bringing forth good things, not evil things. I refuse to speak idle, unemployed words. I make every word count. I refuse to make my mouth ineffective. I refuse to speak out of both sides of my mouth. That's good, Sue. Praise God. I say, I cancel those words also in Jesus' name. Amen. It is awesome. It is awesome, Teresa. This is good, guys. I love this, what you're saying. I love this. Yeah, I'm prompted to stop the I'll said words. I love this. Praise God. Yes. Yes, Char. Amen. Praise God. Cancel them. Value your mouth. Your mouth was designed to be filled with God's words, to agree with God's words. Amen. Now, here over in Hebrews chapter 13, Hebrews chapter 13, I love this, and we're just working out today. We're working out today. We're going to be speaking life and not death unless we need to speak death to death. Amen. Amen. I know one time a person had a very large tumor in their stomach. This is a story from back in the day with Lester Sumrall, powerful man of God. And she had a large tumor in her stomach and looked pregnant. And the tumor was the size of a kielbasa, that size. And so he looked at her stomach, pointed at her stomach, and Lester Sumrall said, I curse this tumor. I speak death to this tumor in Jesus' name. I cancel the life that's supporting you. I think it was either three days later or seven days later or one day. I forget that it was a short amount of time. She came back to the revival meeting with this sausage-looking tumor in a jar of water. The minute he cursed it, it died. And then the body began to reject this dead tumor, and it pushed its way out of her stomach, came out, either through her navel or through part of her stomach, came out. And she put it in a jar and brought it to church and said, this is the tumor that you killed, that you spoke death to. It's a large, like a large hot dog, char, like a large, like a large, like a bratwurst kind of a thing. Praise God. Hallelujah. This is powerful. One time a lady was supernaturally healed of asthma in our church. I mean, so bad, she had COPD, I think from smoking. She had COPD and she got healed. I mean, she was healed. Yeah, true story, char, true story. And so this is in our church. She was healed this number of years ago. She no longer needed, she had to carry an oxygen tank around with her. She got healed. And for a number of years, I mean, a number of years, she would run around the church under the power of the Holy Spirit. She would walk, she would drive, she would talk, she'd go shopping. She did all kinds of things. But some symptoms begin to try to come back. And she began to agree and say, well, the symptoms of COPD are coming back. I said, no, wait a minute. I said, I understand the physical symptoms. I said, but don't, don't agree with that. Don't, don't keep saying that. Disagree with the symptoms and declare. I rebuke you. I renounce you. You're not coming back. Jesus healed me. And I am not your, my body is not your home. And COPD, I renounce you in Jesus' name. But she kept, she would say that when I was with her, but when she was alone with her friends, she'd talk about how it was getting worse. Now, I haven't done this very often over 43 years of ministry, but I remember as it was getting worse and worse and worse, people in the church were concerned because we were all speaking faith. We were speaking in the love of God. We were speaking healing concerning her. We were laying hands on her and it wasn't getting any better. And I finally said to her, with love now, not hard, not in a hard way, not in a harsh way, not ever. I said to her, I said, sister, and I said her name, I said, your problem, the problem is not in your lungs. It's an inch below your nose. She kind of went, well, like I felt like, well, offended. And I said, no, wait a minute. Don't be offended. I said, I'm just trying to help you reverse this. I said, you were supernaturally healed. God healed you. His power worked in your life. You've been healed for a number of years. The symptoms came back and the minute they came back, you said they were back and they've gotten worse. And you keep saying it's getting worse. I said, we can reverse this, but you've got to work with us. We can't make our faith work without your cooperation. That's where a lot of Christians get frustrated. They think that they just have enough faith for somebody else that they can just impose their words and their faith on other people. You can't do that for adults. And so I said, you know, sister, I said, turn it around. I said, begin to declare that by the stripes of Jesus, you were healed. And these symptoms, I said, speak to them and command them to go. Well, she ended up dying and going home to be with the Lord. But I'll never forget. I said, and she would even laugh. She said, boy, pastor said my problems and it's below my nose. And he's right. He's absolutely right. I need to change. But she never changed. It was sad. I've had other people turn their words around and they turned their situation around. And I've had people, and I don't mean to confuse you, but I've had people speaking the scriptures, speaking the word, and yet they died. And those are the ones I've had to go to the Lord in prayer and say, Lord, what happened? And he said to me multiple times, that's not for you to know. That's between me and them. Go on and preach the word of God and don't base what you believe on circumstances or human experience. Believe the word, whether it looks like it works every time or not. Speak the word. And he said, there are certain things that are between me and them, and it's not for you to know. And I would just leave it alone and keep on going. Praise God. I've seen the word work more than it not work. Amen. We had a man step down off a step here at our memorial service recently. He had just had knee surgery, extensive knee surgery, stepped down and popped his knee out, that one that had been operated on. He was in horrific pain, horrible pain. And they called me and said, pastor, we're going to have to call 911, I think. He wanted you to come and pray for him. I said, he didn't even belong to my church. And so we and others laid our hands on him and just ministered the anointing. We didn't really pray for him. We just ministered the anointing to his knee, I guess maybe five or so minutes, five or ten minutes. And he started to calm down. And I said, I think I shared this already, I said, where's the pain level when you first fell? He said it was a 10, beyond a 10. It's horrific. He was sitting in a chair and we kept on ministering to him. People were laying hands on his back. One guy had an ice pack on his knee and holding his foot. We put our hand gently, very gently on his knee and said, we just release the healing power of Jesus and we speak to you, knee, knee, you are well, in fact, you're better than before surgery. You're better than the surgery. Jesus is doing a better surgery than the doctor did. And within 10 minutes, this man stood up. He limped out of the room with the assistance of a couple other people. By the end, within an hour, he literally jumped up on a ledge and sat on it. With both legs, jumped up. He said, this is absolutely amazing. I'm telling you, we spoke words. Now here is Hebrews. I was going to cover Galatians, but we're on this for a reason. Praise God. Your words matter. Hey, Narcissa, good to see you, sister. Over on Rumble, yeah. Now watch this. Hebrews chapter 13, verse 15, therefore, by him, by Jesus, let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God. Now what does that look like? Continually offer the sacrifice of praise, the sacrifice of thanksgiving. Now he then explains how to do it. He says that is the fruit of our lips, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to his name. What is the sacrifice of praise? The fruit of our lips. What is the fruit of our lips? Words, words coming out of your mouth, giving thanks to his name. We should be continually, the Holy Spirit saying, you need to be continually giving thanks from the words of your mouth, giving thanks to his name. Offering the sacrifice of praise. Now, if you've ever read through the book of Leviticus, and I've taught on it somewhat extensively, there were five sacrifices mentioned in the book of Leviticus. There's the burnt offering, which represents Jesus completely burnt up of all of your sins. He was burned up with all of your guilt. That's the burnt offering. The second offering was the sin offering. This was the offering they offered back then for unintentional sins, sins you didn't even know you did, but then you found out you did it, so you repented. This is talking about our sin nature, wasn't our fault that we were born with our spirits needing to be changed. That's second to sin. Then the third offering was the trespass offering, where they sinned and they knew they sinned, all right, and they would come and bring a sacrifice. This third offering is talking about the actions of sins, the sins you commit as a believer, you know, the thoughts and the actions. Jesus paid for that. The fourth one is called the grain offering or the meal offering. It was made of ground up grain. Jesus was ground into fine powder. Jesus was ground down by the whipping and by the cross into fine powder, and you throw that on the sacrifice, so that represents the crushing of Jesus so that you could eat the bread of life. Then that fifth offering, that fifth offering is called the fake offering, the sacrifice offering, the fellowship offering, or the peace offering. All of those, the fake offering is the same as the peace offering, is the same as the fellowship offering. It's the fifth offering. The only offering that is mentioned in the New Testament is the fake offering, the fifth offering. The number five is the number of grace. All those other four offerings were finished by Jesus. He was our burnt offering, burnt up for us. He was our sin offering who took on our sin nature and gave us a righteous nature. He was our trespass offering that keeps us free and forgiven of all the mistakes we've made since we got saved. He is our meal offering, our grain offering. He was crushed in the fine powder, and we feed upon the bread of that finished work. But the fifth offering is ours to give thanks that the first four have been completed. And that's what he's saying here in Hebrews chapter 13, let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name, that fake offering. Jesus did the first four, but we do the fifth one. We stay in the state of thanking him for what's already been done for us, in us, and is being done through us. Amen. So say this out loud, by him, I am continually offering the sacrifice of praise. That is the fruit of my lips continually giving thanks to his name. Say this out loud, thank you, Father, for the name of Jesus. Thank you for all that Jesus is, all that Jesus has done. I'm living in fellowship with you. I'm living in continual peace with you, Father, thanking you for the finished work. Say it out loud, I will continually offer the sacrifice of praise. Now, one last thing. This Hebrews that we just read there is referring to Hosea chapter 14. Hosea chapter 14, it's a quote straight from Hosea chapter 14, I think it's verse 3, but I'm going to read verse 1 through 3, we're going to jumpstart what we've done for the day. It says here, O Israel, return to the Lord your God, for you have stumbled because of your iniquity. Watch verse 2, Hosea 14. Take words with you and return to the Lord. Take words with you, didn't say take bulls and goats and sheep and oxen and pigeons. He said take words, not all those sacrifices, words. He said take words with you and return to the Lord and say to him, take away all iniquity, receive us graciously. Now, under the new covenant, we would take words with us and we would say to the Lord, you've taken away all iniquity. You have received us graciously, for we will offer the sacrifices of our lips. Why? Because Jesus, God has already taken away all of our iniquity. God has already received us graciously, for we will offer the sacrifices of our lips. Now, here's the heavy revy. Look at it in the Amplified Classic, and I've got a little A right here, and I'm going to go down here to my footnote, and it says bull calves. The word sacrifices is literally the word bull calves in the Hebrew. Your words are the bull calves of new covenant sacrifices. God doesn't want animals and goats and bulls and calves and oxen. He wants the words coming out of your living spirit, living sacrifices. Amen. Now, watch this. For we will offer the bull calves of our lips. Wow. Wow. Wow. So, Father, we offer the words of thanksgiving. We offer the words of praise. We offer the bull calves of our lips all day long. We don't offer bull calves when we sin, because we're completely cleansed of that. We don't do it like they did in the Old Testament, only coming when we sin. We now continually offer the bull calves of our lips, because we are continually healed, continually redeemed, continually forgiven, continually blessed. When you're giving thanks, you're fellowshipping with the Father over the finished work. You're giving the bull calves of your lips. I tell you, if you read through the Old Testament, when they would offer the thanksgiving offering, and Solomon offered thousands and thousands of sheep and goats, there would be always this manifestation that would occur, this glorious outpouring, this manifestation that would occur. Man, we just need to spend our time offering the bull calves of our lips, the New Testament. See, it's coming out of a place of life, out of your spirit. When you pray in tongues, see those offerings just coming up before the Lord. See these wonderful new covenant sacrifices and how that triggers some things. Praise God. Amen. Say this out loud. I don't speak idle words today. I speak words that make a difference. My tongue is hooked up with a supernatural source. I am offering the bull calves of my lips today. I have been forgiven of all iniquity. God has received me graciously. I will spend my day in that fifth offering, the offering of grace. Love you guys. Have an awesome rest of your day, and we will see you tomorrow morning.