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Locating CHRIST the Healer WITHIN You

Locating CHRIST the Healer WITHIN You

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Christ in you is healing your body. Healing is from the inside out.


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The speaker discusses how Jesus ministered to the sick by first teaching and preaching to get people into a place of receiving. Healing was not the first thing he did. The speaker emphasizes that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and that he is within us. The speaker also talks about a leper who came to Jesus and asked if he was willing to heal him, to which Jesus responded, "I am willing, be cleansed." The speaker explains that faith begins where the will of God is known and that under Jesus's ministry, clean is stronger than unclean. The speaker further discusses how Jesus went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, and emphasizes that healing is God's will for all. The speaker concludes by stating that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and that healing is not something to be received, but rather who we are in Christ. Awesome, awesome, awesome. All right. It's Sunday. You know, when Jesus ministered to the sick, very often we think that he would go into a town or a city or a group of people and just start healing people. And that's the impression we've got, that he could just impose his will upon them and his power was so strong he'd just go like with a magic wand and just hit people in the head and they'd be healed. But that's not how he ministered. He ministered first by teaching and preaching. He had to get them into a place of receiving. By his teaching and preaching, he had to get them into a place where they would receive what he had to offer. Amen. And so, you know, it says in a couple of places in the Gospels that his ministry consisted of teaching, preaching, and healing. Healing came third. But Jesus was a healer. Amen. And we were singing this morning, He is the way, the truth, and the life, and I was lifting my hands and singing. I love how the Holy Spirit will interrupt my worship. And he said, yes, he is the way, the truth, and the life, but where is he? I said, well, what do you mean? He said, some of you need to locate Jesus so you can be healed. He said, you're singing to him as if he's up in heaven. The way, the truth, and the life. He said that he's the way, the truth, and the life, and you're born again spiritually. He's in you. The way is in you. The truth is in you. The life that knows no death, that knows no cancer, that knows no sickness. He is in you. So the next time we sing it, we probably should look down inside of ourselves and say he is the way, the truth, and the life. Amen. So the Lord said we need to locate Christ so we can yield to him. Amen. Now, just a couple of things before we get into the crux of this, is Matthew 8, verses 1-4. Don't you love the word? Matthew 8. I wrote these down in addition to what I have to share with you. Matthew 8. He gave them to me while I was worshiping. Of course, you know when you worship the Lord, you get into a place of hearing the Lord. Praise God. I don't worship God to get him to hear me. I worship him so I can tune into him. Praise God. He's always on and he's always listening. Now, when he had come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him. And behold, a leper came and worshiped him. Well, you're so far so good. If you're sick, you came and worshiped him. We just got through singing to him. So we're doing good. And saying, Lord, if you are willing, Joel quoted this, if you are willing, you can make me clean. Then Jesus put out his hand and touched him saying, I am willing, be cleansed. Immediately, his leprosy was cleansed. Now, this is the question that has to be answered in your heart. Very few people who believe there is a God doubt that God can heal. That's not the issue. I know God can. I mean, if you really believe in the God of the Bible, he created the universe. He created your body. He can heal. But the leper's problem wasn't about his ability, but was he willing? And so Jesus answered this leper's question with, I am willing, be cleansed. You see, faith begins where the will of God is known. Now to understand this, and many of you know this, but it bears repeating, leprosy was an incurable disease. Leprosy was also considered contagious. And so when you became a leper, you were banned to a leper colony and you basically lived your life in a cave until basically your body fell apart. You would lose body parts, noses, ears, hands, legs, eyes. You would become unwhole. And so for anyone under Jewish law to touch a leper immediately, they are considered unclean and they're banned to the colony. And so Jesus not only said, I am willing, but he touched the man's body. Amen. Which was against the law. Amen. Amen. Now, here's the truth. Under the old covenant, if you touch a leper, the leper and the leprosy may be clean, unclean. But under Jesus's ministry, when the unclean touches the clean, the cleanness of the clean cleanses the unclean. Amen. In the Old Testament, unclean was stronger than clean. Under the ministry of Jesus, clean is stronger than unclean. Healing is stronger than not healing. Sickness and disease was contagious under the old, health and blessing was contagious under the new. Amen. Praise God. But now Acts chapter 10, 38, Peter recalling Jesus's ministry, he's preaching to the Italian group and he's preaching about Jesus's ministry. This is many years after, excuse me, Jesus rose from the dead. And he said in Acts 10, 37, he says, that word, you know, which was proclaimed throughout all Judea and began from Galilee after the baptism of John the priest, how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all, all. Everybody say it. All. How many did he heal? All that were oppressed by the devil. For God was with him. Now there's so much light in this verse. Number one, God did not anoint Christ. He anointed Jesus from the city of Nazareth. He anointed a man. Jesus did not minister as God. He did not use his God power. He ministered as a normal human being anointed with the Holy Spirit, demonstrating what a spirit filled person can do right now. You could say how God anointed Byron Mills of Colwood, West Virginia, with the Holy Ghost and power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil. You could put your name in there. Why don't we just do that? Say this out loud. How God has anointed, put your name there with the Holy Ghost and power. And I'm going about doing good and healing all that are oppressed of the devil. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Now, when we start believing that, we'll turn Mason County upside down. You're anointed with the Holy Ghost and power. Well, he went about healing all, meaning it's his will for all to be healed. Jesus was the will of God in action. He was demonstrating God's will. He healed all because it's God's will for all to be healed. It's not God's will for one person to be sick. If you believe that, you're listening to the devil. Now, why do I know that? Because it says he healed all who were oppressed by the devil. Sickness is demonic oppression. Sickness is oppression of the devil. The word oppression means to be lorded down upon. Sickness is the devil being lord of your body. Lording down upon you. He's overlording your body. Amen. Oppressed. Pressed down. Lorded over. Well, for somebody to say it's not God's will for me to be healed, you're saying it's not God's will for me to be free from Satan's influence. That it's God's will for me to be under Satan's lordship. Amen. It's not God's will for me to be under oppression. It's not God's will for me to be under Satan's influence. It's not God's will for my body to be under his influence. God wants your body well. Amen. Well, that's good, pastor. You know, that was back then, back in the day. But you know, that went out with the last apostle. That's good because apostles are still here on the earth. Not the twelve apostles of the Lamb, but there's a class of apostles that are anointed, establishing works in churches all around the world. So if it went out with the last apostle, then healing is still here. Amen. Well, we need to think in line with the Word of God, don't we? Now, so Jesus said to the leper, I will, I am willing. He healed all who were oppressed of the devil, but many people will reason that away and say, well, that was back then. Well, turn with me to Hebrews chapter 13. Hebrews chapter 13. You do have your Bibles with you, don't you? Well, if you have a cell phone, I know you have your Bible with you. Hebrews chapter 13, verse 8. We're going to tie these three verses together. I'm just going to wait until the pages stop flipping. I've noticed in the past couple of years, we've got more pages flipping again. We're going to keep on pushing toward paper Bibles. Well, that's old school. That's right. I'm going to call it OG Christianity, praise God. Hebrews 13, verse 8. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If He healed all that were oppressed by the devil then, He's healing all that are oppressed by the devil now. Amen, somebody. You see, Jesus is no respecter of persons. If He's willing to heal the leper, and He is the will of God in action, when He said, I am willing to the leper, He was saying, I am willing to the whole human race. Jesus is willing for you to walk in divine health. But do you know up to this point, in a sense, I'm still preaching healing from an Old Testament perspective. And this is what the Lord, after He told me to locate Jesus, this is what the Lord has been sharing, kind of speaking to me. He said, we need to get the healing ministry over into the New Covenant. Do you know really it's unscriptural for you to try to receive healing? You should be manifesting it. Receiving healing implies, or infers, it's somewhere else and you've got to get it into you. It's located elsewhere. That's healing under Jesus' ministry. Jesus was the only one anointed. Jesus carried the Holy Spirit. He was the only man anointed with the Holy Spirit when He was here. He was the body of Christ sum total. He was the body of Christ walking on earth. Amen, somebody. When you touch the body of Christ, healing flowed out. So He wasn't trying to get healing into His body. He's trying to get healing out of His body. But yet we're still trying to get healing into the body of Christ. Somebody just figured something out. So did I about two days ago. I went, oh. He said, trying to get my body healed is implying that my body is sick. Amen. You see, healing is not something you need to get. Healing is who you are. It flows from who you are in Christ. Amen. Praise God. Now if you don't know Jesus, if you've not accepted Jesus, we have healing flowing out of us and we're going to get it into your body. But a better way is for you to get the healer inside of you and let him flow from the inside out. Then you're not just getting healed, you're receiving the healer and walking in health. Amen. Praise God. Hallelujah. Alright, now, look at 1 Thessalonians 5.23. Because healing is who you are. Health is you. Come on somebody. Understanding how God designed you is necessary in order to walk in divine health as a New Covenant believer. Receiving healing is a before the cross activity. Manifesting your healing is an after the cross activity. Before the cross, healing is from the outside in. I've got to find Jesus and get what's in Him into me. After the resurrection, Christ is in you. And now healing comes from the inside out. Amen. 1 Thessalonians 5.23. Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely. And may your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Here's a marvelous revelation. You're not just a mind and a body. You are a three part being, which is not really accurate because you're not three parts. You are a spirit. But we say three part to help you understand there's more than just two things going on. You're not mind and body. You are a spirit. Living in a body. And your spirit has a soul. Your body has a brain. Your spirit has a soul. Your soul works through your brain. The way that your soul interacts with your body is by your soul inside your brain. Your brain is a part of your body. I can think without my brain. There's people in heaven doing it right now. Their brains decayed in the grave. But they're still thinking, feeling, touching, hearing. They still have their soul with them in heaven. I remember Brother Hagen telling a story about an assembly of God lady who was a business owner. And did quite well. Had a couple of businesses. But she ended up having a stroke. And the stroke affected her brain. So it affected the speech part of her. She couldn't talk. The brain part of it was damaged was the part of her speech. But when her son would come to conduct business with her at the hospital, he would have her raise one finger for yes and two for no. Because they were having to close the businesses down. So one yes, two no. She couldn't talk. He said, well mom, let's just go ahead and pray in the Holy Spirit. Pray in tongues for a few minutes. And he'd take off praying in tongues. And she'd pray in tongues just as fluently as he did. Because tongues doesn't come through your brain. It comes out of your spirit. It bypasses your brain. And she prayed just as fluently in tongues as she did before she had the stroke. See, your mind, your soul is separate from your brain. That's just your brain is the organ through which your soul operates. So when you get your mind renewed, it's not talking about your brain. I'll tell you, if you get your mind renewed, it'll change your brain. If you get your soul renewed, your mind, your soul, same thing. If you get it renewed, it'll rewire your brain. If you get your mind and soul renewed, it'll rewire your brain. Are you here? So say this out loud. I am a spirit living in a body. I am not my body. I am a spirit. I have a soul. I live in a body. We need to get better at being spirit beings. We're not a body with a spirit. We are a spirit living in a body. 2 Corinthians 4.16 I'm ministering healing right now. Because I'm going to describe who you are. And your body is going to fall in line. 2 Corinthians 4.16, New King James Version Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though... Well, pages are still turning, so I'll wait. 2 Corinthians 4.16 That's right after 1 Corinthians. It's right after 2 Corinthians 4.15 2 Corinthians 4.16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Man, this is awesome. This is just awesome. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. There is an outward man. There is an inward man. The outward man is your physical body. The inward man is that unseen you. But it's nevertheless a man or a woman. Now it's amazing to me how we criticize the world for not knowing whether they're a boy or a girl, but we don't know whether we're saved or not. There's an identity crisis in the church. We still don't know whether we're righteous or not. So the church who doesn't know their identity is criticizing the world for not knowing theirs. We're still trying to get what we already have. Right? But there's an outward man, and it's perishing. What's that mean? It's decaying. I don't know if you've noticed this or not, but I have less hair than I had 50 years ago. My hair decayed. I've got a few more wrinkles. Right? Amen, somebody. Now, but my inward man, that man on the inside, he's being renewed day by day. We're forever young. I'm as young now as I will be a billion years from now. I am forever young. Now you have never seen me. You've only seen the house I live in. But I am awesome. And so are you. And I want to become better at being a spirit. Amen, somebody. Now, the part of you that was affected at the new birth, when you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, was your spirit. The part of you that was affected. Your mind wasn't affected. Your body didn't change. When I received Jesus, I could still think the same things I thought before I got saved. I didn't have a new thought. I didn't have a new soul. I didn't have a new mind. I didn't have a new body. My body still wanted to do the same things before I accepted Jesus as after, but something changed. And Jesus said in John 3, verse 6, that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. That which is born of the Spirit, capital S, is Spirit, little s. So the part of you that was changed when you accepted Jesus was not your mind, not your body, but your spirit. Can I get an amen? Little s. My spirit is the product of the Holy Spirit. That was not true when I was born from my mother. That became true when I accepted Jesus. I have been born twice. Once by my mother when God put me in my body, put me as a spirit being in my body. That happened at conception. And the second time when I accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, God took the old sinful man from Adam, the cursed man, the damned man, the doomed man, He took that out of my body and He put a brand new me in my body. I didn't just get forgiven, I got recreated. I am not the same man I was when I was born from my mother. I'm a different man. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Glory to Jesus. Amen. Now here's a healing verse, 2 Corinthians 5.17. 2 Corinthians 5.17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, if anyone is in Christ, he or she is a new creation. Old things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new. Now, in Christ, I'm in Him now. Which means I'm in Christ. That's my environment. I am in Christ. I just stepped into Him. Do you see that? I'm in Christ. Is there any sickness in Christ? Hmm. Well, if you're in Christ, you have the same quality of life in you that's in Him. See, if anyone is in Christ, the Bible says he is a new creation. The word new is a particular Greek word that means not new in age, but new in type. It means you are a type of creation, you are a type of human that has never existed ever in human history. You are a type of humanity that did not exist until the resurrection of Jesus. You can't look at Jesus' ministry before the cross to figure out who this new you is. Now, many of you think that when you accepted Jesus, you got back to the condition Adam was in. Man, we got back to that garden. No, no, no. Adam was never a recreated being. In fact, God had to come down to talk to Adam, but God is in the new creation. Adam could hide in the trees. God came to talk with Adam outside of Adam. But in this new creation, God literally lives in us. You're a type of human being, a type of creation that has never... you are a species of humanity that's never existed before. Say it out loud, I'm a new type of human. Glory to God. Isn't that good? Now, seeing and thinking, and I'm going to say two words that some of you may fear it's New Age, it's not. Visualizing and imagining and seeing on the canvas of your mind who you are will be the conduit through which this health and wholeness that's in you flows through that imagination into your body. God gave you an imagination for a reason. It wasn't to play video games. It wasn't to imagine robbing a bank. He gave you an imagination so that His power, His kingdom, and His glory could flow from His realm into the natural realm. In other words, when you see it, you'll see it. You'll get that. Some of you will need to listen to this again. I know I will. Seeing and thinking about what happened to you and what you have become in your spirit when you were born again is the key to manifesting health in your body. It's an inside-out activity. I really need you to think about it's not about receiving healing, it's about manifesting it. Amen. It's not a faith problem. You don't have a faith problem. It's an awareness problem. If you're born again, you do not have a faith problem. How do I know that? Well, Galatians 2, verse 20 says, I've been crucified with Christ. Well, that's weird. I don't remember being at the cross. I don't have any holes in my hands. What do you mean I've been crucified with Christ? I don't have thorn holes in my head. I don't have lashes on my back. I don't have holes in my feet. What do you mean, God, I've been crucified with Christ? This is where you have to understand we're not talking about just your physical body. What we're talking about is identity and union. You're one with Christ. When you came into Christ, when you accepted Jesus, and you stepped into Christ, listen to me, His history is now your history. My history doesn't go back to my mother's womb. My history goes back to the resurrection. Are you listening? His history is my history. What is His history? Well, He became sin with my sins. He became sick with my sicknesses. He became cursed with my curse. He was nailed, that sick, Satan-ruled, sick-ruled, cursed man was nailed to the cross. And I was nailed to the cross with Him. See, it's not what... See, man. Listen, church people. Listen, church people. It's not what Jesus did for you. It's what He did as you. Amen. When He was crucified, you were crucified. That cursed man from Adam was crucified. Glory to God. That's why I don't look to my family's medical history to determine the outcome of my life. One, you're identifying with the flesh. The other, you're identifying with the Spirit of Christ. You have to choose. What goes on in here determines the outcome. The Holy Spirit said, be transformed by the renewing of your mind. He didn't say be transformed by getting another anointing and another revival. I stopped chasing revivals. Because you can go to a revival and get a little dose of the ghost from somebody else. But your mind wasn't renewed, so you didn't get transformed. You just got a contact buzz. But until truth changes your mind, it can't change your DNA. Be transformed, metamorphosis, by the changing of your thinking. We haven't understood the power of our soul. Amen. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Now, look at Romans 8, verses 5 and 6. Are you with me? If you're saved, the Healer is in you. He's in there. You go ahead and go to Romans 8. I'll finish Galatians 2. How do I know I have faith? How do I know you have faith? Because the Word says you do. Galatians 2.20. I have been crucified with Christ. Old King James Version. Nevertheless, I live. Hold up. Hold the bus. Stop the bus. Wait a minute, God. Hold up. You're double talking. If I was crucified, how am I living? What happened here? And God says, hold the bus, Byron. There must have been a resurrection. I have been crucified with Christ. Nevertheless, I live. How did that happen? Apparently, you got raised from the dead. With the same life that raised Jesus' dead body from the dead. And it's no longer I that lives, but Christ who lives in me. Is Christ sick? Is He struggling with the devil? Is He depressed? Then neither are you. Yeah, give Him a shout of praise. Now, I'm talking about who you are as a spirit. Right? I'm not talking necessarily how you're feeling in your emotions right now. Or how you're experiencing in your body right now. But I'm describing who you are. Christ lives in you. Glory to God. The One that healed the woman with the issue of blood. The One that healed the leper. The One that raised the dead. The One that said, Lazarus, come forth. Now is living in you. Not as a separate part of you, but as one with you. I gotta go here. I wasn't gonna do this. We'll go to Romans 8 in just a second. But go to 1 Corinthians 6, verse 17. Because even in teaching this, you'll separate you from Christ. Well, I'm spirit and Christ is spirit and we're kind of both kind of together, separate. In other words, there's two spirits in me. No. When Christ took up residence in your spirit, He became you and you became Him. Well, that's blasphemy. Well, that's what the accused Jesus is saying. I and the Father are one. Stoney! I just said you and Christ are one. To describe you, I have to describe Christ. 1 Corinthians 6, verse 17. But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him. Not two. One. One spirit. When you look at my spirit, you see me and Christ at the same time. Boy, my soul needs to get this figured out. The issue is not in your spirit. And really the issue is not in your body. The issue is what's going on in your mind. What's happened in the church is we're still under the Old Covenant in most of our teaching. Our worship is still trying to get God to come in. Trying to get God to come in and inhabit our praise. And we'll quote Psalm. Psalm, Old Covenant. We're trying to get a special anointing. A special anointed preacher to come and give us something we don't have. When we run to the next revival because some manifestation is happening. And we chase manifestations like the Israelites chase the cloud. When we have the cloud in us. And when we get this figured out, we're going to become the body of Christ manifesting healing to a world that needs it. Come on. Are you with me? One Spirit. Say this out loud. I am one Spirit with Him. When you see Him, you see me. And when you see me, you see Him. What am I talking about? I'm talking about you the spirit man on the inside. Now I need everybody just to, if you don't mind, if you don't have to do this. You know, if this freaks you out, you can do it with your eyes open. I want you to do this with me. I want you to either close your eyes or with your eyes open, picture you in your body. And your body has a big zipper from the top of your head down to the end of your foot. Raise your hand if you've got that picture. Your body with a big zipper. Most of you. Now I want you to reach up and grab that zipper. And I want you to unzip your body all the way down to the end of your foot. And like a big jumpsuit, I want you to take off your body and step out of it and hold your body over here. Now look at that body. There's that cancer if you have that or whatever it is that maybe you're dealing with. Look at that. Look at that. That's other than you. Now I want you to walk over to the bed and lay it on the bed. Step back. That's that body you just unzipped. Now I want you to turn around and look in the mirror and see who you really are. You are not old. You are not tired. You are not depressed. You are full of Christ, full of God, full of health, full of healing. In fact, you are a wealthy one. You don't know how to fail. You don't know how to be poor. You don't know how to die. You don't know how to get sick. In fact, sickness is impossible because Christ is you. And you are Christ. Now turn back around and look at that body. And notice Jesus has picked your body up. And there's a big pure silver barrel. And it's full of blood. And he's dipping your body into that blood. And cleansing it. And it got inside too because you left it unzipped. So it got into every organ. Got inside that brain. Got into your pancreas. Got into your stomach. Got into your intestines. All in there. And cleansed it of guilt. But there's a second silver barrel behind it. Full of bubbling, effervescent water called the rivers of life. The waters of life. Now he's taking your body and he's dipping it in the Holy Spirit. The water of life. And pulling it up. And there's not one sickness. Nothing. Nothing. And he brings it back over to you. And he gives it to you. Cleansed of guilt. Cleansed of all sickness and disease. He says, now put on the new man. Amen. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Thank you Jesus. Now Romans chapter 8 verse 5 and 6. When you read through the gospels. For example, the woman with the issue of blood. Mark chapter 5. She came in the press behind. And she touched the hem of his garment. And what she did, power flowed out of Jesus and into her. And she was healed of that plague. From now on, when you read accounts like that. Stop reading it as if you're the woman. And read it as if you're the Christ. Many of us are reading it as we're receiving from the Christ who's outside of us. No, we are the body of Christ. And we're the ones it's flowing to the woman with the issue of blood. And that includes your body. Romans 8 verse 5. Those who live according to the flesh set their minds. Say it out loud. Set their minds. Well, we could call that a mindset. They set their minds or they have a mindset of the flesh. Their minds are more focused on the physical. On their body. You know, one of the things I have seen among people that are needing healing in their bodies. Is they know more about the diagnosis than they do the word. They can quote more on what the doctor said. And how long they're going to live. And what the prognosis is. And what all the ins and outs. And they looked at the research of the disease. And they have a mindset of the physical disease. But they know nothing of who they are in Christ. Right? So he said those that live according to the flesh have their mind set on the things of the flesh. Now, we always equate this with sin. You know, pornography or alcohol or whatever you consider the flesh. We've always cast this in terms of those that are in the flesh set their minds on the things of sin. No, he's talking about you have a physical mindset that you've limited your reality to the physical realm. And so therefore you live in the bounds of the physical realm. The reality as far as physical reality begins and ends with whatever the natural is. In other words, your normal is the world's normal. Something that Ray and I have begun to do for a number of years. We don't watch much anyway. But if we watch maybe television, maybe an old Andy Griffith show. You know, they know that mostly old people are watching that. Because we have a finer sense of humor than the younger people. But anyway. But notice that they have all these drug commercials come about every five or seven minutes. And so we mute it and turn it off. Not because we're afraid of it. But I don't want the world's normal to become my normal. Sickness and disease is normal. In the earth's realm, that's normal. And that's why they keep pumping that and pumping that. But we've learned to guard our mind. Guard our soul because we're working on a different reality. And I haven't arrived, but I'm further away than I used to be. I've left. I haven't arrived and we haven't arrived. But listen, when this church gets this revelation, we are going to turn this part of the country upside down. We are. Because we're going to turn Christ loose. We're going to turn Jesus loose. We're not going to look at our natural limitations and say, well, I can't pray for that. Well, you can't, but Christ can. He just needs your hands. Are you listening? Amen. And then he said, and for those who live according to the Spirit, they set their mind on the things of the Spirit. Now, I want to say this, that I don't believe they, and in the Greek, I don't believe those are capital S. I think they should be little s. Because it's contrasting flesh and spirit. Your flesh, your spirit. Now ultimately when you're focusing on who you are in your spirit, who you are, you're focusing on the work of the Holy Spirit. Because it was the Holy Spirit that made you who you are. But this is contrasting your flesh with your spirit, not your flesh with the Holy Spirit. In fact, the word spirit in the Greek is pneuma. It doesn't even start with an S, it starts with a P. Like they said, like Sesame Street, we let our kids watch it one time. And the letter of the day, here's Emily and Addison, and we're going to let them watch Sesame Street 30 years ago. And they said, well, the letter for today is P as in possum. Paid for by public. We were done with that. So anyway. Oh, maybe you don't know. Possum starts with an O. Yeah, is that what it is? A southern person. Okay. Now, watch verse six. To be carnally minded, to have your mind set just on physical reality, is death. But to be spiritually minded, that's a little less there. They need to make their mind up. To be spiritually minded is life and peace. So what you do with your mind and where you focus your visualization, your imagination, your thoughts, where you focus that will determine life and death in your life. Your mind is either hooked up with the realities of who you are in the spirit or the realities of who the world says you are according to the flesh. One will produce death because if your mind is focused on physical reality and your body, your body is still spiritually dead. You're hooking your soul into the source of death and you're trying to draw life out of death. Right. Are you with me? Raise your hand if you're with me. But when you start focusing on who you are and seeing who you are in the Holy Spirit will help you. When you begin to see who you are, you, the Spirit, you begin to tap into a place that will never die, a person who will never get sick. And your mind begins to pull that out and your body is a responder. Your body is not a good leader, but it's a great responder. Amen, somebody. Hallelujah. 3 John 2 says, I, beloved, I wish above all things that you prosper and live in health, even as your soul. Not your spirit. Your spirit's prospering. Amen. Praise God. Thank you, Jesus. Now, notice Romans chapter 8 verse 10. These are simple in Christ realities. I'm just simply talking about your identity. And listen, I'm preaching it boldly, but I'm working on this too. You understand that? I'm anointed to preach it boldly, but I'm anointed to walk in it boldly too. I almost said something I didn't need to say. Glory. Romans chapter 8 verse 10, that if Christ is in you, this is the NIV. If Christ is in you, well, where is He in you? He's in your spirit. Christ. Honestly, I think if we just got a hold of that. Who is in you? Is there anything impossible to Him? No. Now, I will say this. When Christ was ministering on the earth, He could not force His anointing onto somebody. They had to receive it. And you can't either. But if you can get them to see that Christ is in you, and He can heal them, and He'll flow through your hands and into their body, and you get them to see that and believe it, they'll receive it. Glory to God. Amen. Glory to God. Amen. Now, if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, Adam's sin, Adam's sin, the Spirit, little s, the Spirit, your Spirit, gives life because of righteousness. Your Spirit is producing life. Now, what kind of life is your Spirit producing? The life that God lives. The God kind of life. Now, may I ask you something? Is God getting older? Is God getting sicker? Does God have any disease? So the quality of life that God is living is in you now, and not only is that life in your Spirit, but it says here that the Spirit gives life. Your Spirit is giving life. Thank you for listening today. For more information and more resources, go to ByronMillsMinistries.com

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