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Triumphant Sisters by Pst Mrs Akinlabi

Triumphant Sisters by Pst Mrs Akinlabi

Rccg Youth Province 8 OndoRccg Youth Province 8 Ondo



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amen, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizat hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizat uhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, hafizatuhum, 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have faced so many battles you have gone through a process and that process many went through it but you came out out safe you came out tough you came out unwounded despite everything you are victorious and triumphant living is one of the characteristics that god wants to develop in us by the work of his grace to be victorious to triumph is not by the work of our own ends is not by our strength is the work of grace and i pray that the lord himself will perfect his work in our lives in the name of jesus i want us to rise up to our feet this morning when i was praying two bible passages came to mind and the lord helped me to pray with them and i want us to pray with these two verses of the bible luke chapter one if you are with your bible i want you to open your bible to the book of luke chapter one verse 26 to 27 while standing shall we all be standing praise the lord some people are still sitting down we want to pray with you praise the lord some people are still sitting down we want to pray and when it comes to prayer i don't joke with it shall we rise up to our feet luke chapter one verse 26 and 27 are you there and in the sixth month the angel gabriel was sent from god onto a city of galilee named nazareth to a virgin exposed to a man whose name was joseph of the house of david and the virgin's name was mary which means in the sixth month what month are we are you sure and i know we've been hearing that the sixth month is the month of good news how many of us are expecting good news are you sure if you are expecting good news there are carriers of good news god can send anybody to bring good news to you you is to be anybody you cannot determine who is the carrier of your good news who determines it god you cannot choose who will bring your good news to you who determines that who determines it god you cannot choose who will bring your good news to you who determines that god this is the sixth month and what today is this today is 10 do you know the meaning of 10 double grace another meaning of 10 is complete count your fingers how many do you have after the 10 do you have another one which means it's complete after the 10 is the new thing that we start so number 10 means the beginning of new things with good news i want to say father i don't like the way you call him if it's your father say father ah this is the sixth month i am expecting good news send your angel of goodness to my life even before i leave this auditorium are you praying in the mighty name of jesus that you are expecting good news i want your good news i want to receive good news in this month on this that he has sent your angel to a mary where she was in galilee of nazareth you directed the angel gave her to his house to also go and give her the good news that he must send your good news oh lord i need good news oh lord i want to receive good news oh lord locate me where i am locate me where i am locate my house locate my address locate my husband locate my children even in this program in the mighty name of jesus in jesus mighty name we are praying i want to employ all i am not much of a preacher but i call for prayers and prayer is what we are going to pray i want to sing this song if you know you can sing along with me wah mirio wah miri wah mirio baba wah miri me do you get it for those that don't understand yoruba we are saying search for me and see me the angels that distribute good news today in the name of jesus locate me at this time what we need is that news just one news just one message that will transform our lives and wah ah oh mighty name of jesus that angel that carries good news no matter where you reside no matter where your house may be you will be located in the name of jesus that good news your life is waiting for at this moment that message just one text message just one whatsapp message just one alarm in your phone that will turn your situation around receive it in the name of jesus because you are where the lord wanted to be at this time many should be able they are not here the father remains that you have come that angel that is carrying the news that your life is waiting for to move to the next level located today in the name of jesus in jesus name we pray act chapter four that second bible passage act chapter 4 verse 16 act chapter 4 verse 16 act chapter 4 verse 16 are you there saying what shall we do to this man for that indeed a notable miracle has been done by them is manifest to all them that dwell in jerusalem and we cannot deny it you have come for this program we know that story something notable something uncontestable something that cannot be denied say father miracle that is unquestionable that blessing that people cannot deny in this program do it in my life are you praying to god tell it to him he's here he's listening what is that thing that you are saying can it happen or it cannot happen that the world people cannot confess in my life undeniable miracle do it in my life today in the mighty name of jesus in jesus mighty name we are praying that miracle that is undeniable miracle that cannot be hidden hidden miracle that cannot be put inside the pulse that cannot be hidden inside the house the lord do it in your life in the name of jesus that miracle that will be saying is she the one is she not the one that we cause arguments among people that says she is the one i know her what happened the lord has done it that is do it in our life in the name of jesus thank you father in jesus name we pray so let's continue triumphant is one of work of god great and because god has called us to be triumphant he has created you and i fearfully and wonderfully not only are we created fearfully and wonderfully but we are extremely valuable there is no useless vessel in god's hand even the one that is made with heaven is useful so the lord has made you and i to be valuable in his hand now to triumph and to succeed to have victory to have great victory is to be successful is to gain access i mean to gain success having put in a lot of skill or effort now as ladies and women in the lord we have to experience this victory in every expected areas of our life be it marriage be it ministry be it career business education or even in parenting we just have to try on especially now that even teaching your children good thing you have to not only say it once but say it several times you will say it and say it and i think it's not sticking in but don't stop saying it because the day will come and they will say my mother used to tell me this and they will make use of me so in parenting we have to triumph we don't have to be the way people are doing it i've given him all the best education i can have i can give i sent him to school a friend the son getting admission at the age of 16 he was yet to be 16 and it was to university of unsekai and the guy said ah essentially he's too young to go there can we get a private university said no the boy left first year his gp was 4.6 and the old school said ah where does it come from the second year it was 4.5 and the mother was i said don't complain though as it goes up it becomes tougher and you know we were all praising him in year three something struck he stopped going to school they're not seen in classes and second semester the mother was summoned when she got there she called me said mommy okay i don't know what has happened to samuel i can't find him i'll be here since yesterday nobody has seen for the past two weeks pray along and we started praying when we found this boy he was just saying what is this at most whatever we have i will come out we do too at the end how were you doing what happened should i tell us what happened when the boy entered the university the mother was praying why he was under age two is not in a private university three she believes all eyes are on him but when the first year result came out it was top the second year results here came out it was still maintaining it she relented in her prayer and said he's not of age he's an adult what am i trying to tell us as mothers until until the lord called out we cannot afford to stop praying and parenting for that victory to last we cannot stop so the person beside you still stop praying for your children okay we will not stop praying what does it mean to break forth to break forth means to win so break what means to cross over so break what means to break protocols so break what means to command attention so break what means to do exploit so do what us cannot so break what means to be successful to expand to have favorable outcome it means to be undefeated undefeated i have mentioned about it in which area do you want to break forth in which of the areas are you sure are you sure you want to win breaking forth means to win winning and winning is not for the lazy do you know that if we have to take something and i was paired with somebody will i give that thing to her just like that no way she will not release it for me so we have to contend with it we struggle with it and the strongest we win now the strongest might not be in body frame or in strength the stronger can mean in prayer we contend you will see some people fighting you see a very small person fighting a big man and the small one wins what do you think happens there is a powerful man behind that small man is that not so that makes him win so we must win and we must cross over breaking forth simply means to forcefully separate from the usual and move forward in time place and degree the usual everybody doing the same thing but if you want to break forth you have to do something different from others that will make you to be different from every other person and when that happens that is what it means that you have all break forth it seems to be divided into two to be different from every other person and when that happens that is what it means that you have all break forth it seems to be divided from the status quo the usual the way things that people are doing things this is how we do it here and that is how it's going to remain you want to break you have to break every protocol you have to get yourself away from the protocols how people are doing things when i was young i'm still very young yes redeemed then we have two churches the classical and the mother but now how many do we have what about praise the lord but then those are the two churches we have is that you belong to the classical or you belong to the mother and i was transferred from lagos to a village called muwe muwe is not village any longer muwe is not a very big city on getting there there was only one redeemed church there and this one is extremely extremely classical you know classical in lagos and classical in muwe are not the same thing and the pastors there too they are classical now when i said let's go this way but no that's not how we do it here anything i do no we don't do it like that like that you got to stay even to teach from the school the way i am reading the bible is not the way people understand the bible and i was asking myself what i come here to do i have to go back to my pastor pastor mommy please help me ask daddy what is my offense i'm ready to repent that church they send me to no i can't stand there and the moment why did they put the same way said all the way from to my way why i said help me ask daddy and i said you have no offended me in fact god asked me to send it there ah let me say even to this god go and after three months i went back to my pastor said daddy please and i said who has you do you know who you are i said i do that you don't if you know who you are the way they are doing things they should not bother you set the pace break the ground do your work and stand out and i went back in prayer and i said god please help me i just have to break forth i just have to break forth here now i went to the pastor there with all humility and i pleaded mommy please we want to have another branch another parish here in mowi said are you sure i said yes they're going to the pastor i thought it's not possible daddy please we need another parish here and one of the others said no way you cannot have another parish i said why sir so where would the member comes from he said they will come let's call it youth parish he said no way it's because you people want to start doing things i said no sir with much pleading he said okay if you can do and get 50 people to follow you then i will allow you to go 15 small number and i called some people and they agreed to come and on that day only two showed up and i was looking for them where are the people we all agree we will meet here after the service so what's up with that ah but also i said if we follow you they will dismiss us from church okay now i understand but they're not all this way we broke the protocol we started a youth church i went good men were joining us excellent men were joining married couples were joining us they said no this church is not for you it's for the youth is for the youth come here i said no way this is the redeemed christian church of god and they said you are not classical are you model i said we are class model neither are we too classical nor are we too modern in that same place what i said it can only contain one parish we have four provinces there now four provinces for the glory of god you just have to break the status quo to break forth you have to break what break the usual the way things are done but do it with the help of god let us look at examples of women and ladies that break forth our mommy mentioned two yesterday she mentioned esther esther chapter 4 verse 15 esther is a lady just like you and i a slave finding herself in slavery an orphan no father no mother no tango for her uncle and she did something she breaks forth from survivor everybody in slavery is trying to survive but she break forth she said no i cannot remain a slave she was courageous the lord favored her and she was lifted yet she did not stand there she fought for others courageously justly if you want to triumph and to break forth you are to be what to be courageous and not faint no matter the death anything that faces you problem chapter 24 verse 10 saying if you faint in the days of adversity what does the bible say says your strength is not enough so say father say father strength in me so we stand everything and to break forth in the name of jesus another woman is ruth ruth a young woman married a man the man died the father-in-law died but she was devoted to her mother-in-law and devoted to god she left everything and followed her mother-in-law even when we were telling her why are you following her can she have another son that will marry you there were two the mother-in-law said the two of you please go back you can still get married but she said no she followed her and at the end we are hearing her news as was the great grandmother who of jesus if she has not been devoted she would have lost that right her name would have not been we will not hear that name at all but she was devoted if you want to break forth be ready and be devoted to god in every pleasant and unpleasant situation and you will break forth in the name of jesus another lady is anna anna was the fourth wife of his husband elicana in the book of first samuel chapter one you see our story there this woman first wife i've been waiting for some years no child the husband married another woman and that one was having children and anna has been following an old man according to the rituals to shilu last year you were here this year you are here don't make it a ritual make it a time of meeting with god attach your coming to every program to a particular thing i said as i'm going for this program this is what i attach this program on to and if you do pay the sacrifice you will see that your testimony will stand firm in the name of jesus when they were rejoicing eating and whining anna sacrificed the period to pray i said god until you do it i'm not leaving this place she prayed until a lion noticed us i said what you are asking for this time next year may we come with the testimony and she said the amen and the next year the lord answered her prayer and she has a someone i don't know those of us we are trusting god for the fruit of the womb or whatever he says we are trusting god for if truly you are here as free soul and body this time next year may you come with your testimony in jesus name for you to break forth you have to tarry at the place of prayer even when everybody are joking talking playing gifting you know why you are here you know what you have come for you know that thing you let back at home continue to tell it to god pray without saving and when everybody will be coming next year jesus tarry you will come with your own bountiful testimony in the name of jesus amen another one is doctors lydia presidia soviet these ladies in the bible the book of all of them were women they are doing selfless serving they serve that doctor as well she died and people said no she cannot die she's the one i've been doing this she cannot go and the lord restored her because of her service how are you serving are you serving so that people can see you are serving or are you serving so that god can see that you are serving whichever way if you want to break forth in this season you must serve god selflessly and serve humanity elizabeth our consecration made that to stand out now we are talking about breaking forth breaking forth what are the things that we see in any lady or any woman that will make you to know this woman is a triumphant lady number one is those women are risk takers what do i say i can't hear out do you know who we call risk takers those they can put all their heads in one basket people say no don't do it let it go with my believing god i know it will come to pass they are risk takers they don't withdraw when things are tense if you want to have the unusual you have to do the unusual you want to have something different from every other person you have to do what is different from what every other person are doing you want to break fast you must ready to take risk calculated risk number two they are people that work hard they are not lazy people lazy people cannot really break forth because to break forth you just have to fight and win and cross every other every barrier so they are hard workers another thing you know is that they easily adapt wherever they find themselves i was talking to sister jane yesterday where are you now she said oh and i said you oh it is well do you get me because i know oh is a state capital well but it's not like lagos am i right at all but she has adapted you want to break forth they easily adapt wherever they find themselves they stand though they may be shaking but they stand again and bounce back and they move forward triumphant ladies are those that admit when they are wrong ah mommy you did this this time you did this is that so i'm very sorry i'll correct myself these are the people that can break forth they are not those outside what have i done justifying yourself no triumphant ladies they are those that delegate duties they don't hold everything to themselves they delegate and they share praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord now if you want to break forth what do you need to do i want to break forth what do i need to do the number one thing you need to do is you must know your identity in christ who are you i just interviewed some students that want to get admission to next session of secondary school and for my own purpose in my own primary school the teacher asserts them them that when you are asked can we meet you they are asking you to tell them everything about yourself and you know when you see children the same thing that we all say the same thing that also yes they have taught them they are memorizing but there was a little girl there and when i ask her can i meet you she looked at me and said my teacher said i should tell you that my name is this this is my age i'm in this class i belong to this family but i'm not telling you that because you know me and we all look at ourselves i may be young i may be the youngest in the class but i'm the most wisest of that class i am young man i'm even under age and they told me you may not admit me but i'm telling you i am very good in calculation i may be young man and we put on our pen and we say but i'm telling you i am very good in calculation i may be young man and we put on our pen and we're looking at her she's under age she's eight on no circumstance will i allow her to go to gs1 but she proved beyond doubt that she's better than every other one that's been prepared her mother was a teacher in the school and i asked her the youth teacher i said mommy you see me shivering she's telling you she's under age the birth certificate we have adjusted she will be 10 they have gone to adjust the birth certificate but the girl says i know my age i know who i am but i'm telling you those things you don't know about me who are you we all know you to be a sister in the Lord we all see you come to church every time maybe we go to choir and rehearse together that is what we know about you but what do you know about yourself what is your identity you want to break forth you just have to know who you are who you are you know your strength and claim your strength you want to break forth you have to stand out you have to walk you have to stand out i paint down here galatians chapter 3 verse 26 to 29 is telling us who we all are in Christ who the Lord has made us to be that is what we all are but who are you you want to break forth you don't have to allow culture religion church determine who you are you want to break forth you have to break protocol and say this is all i think i am but this is who i am know yourself the pastor may see you i said you can do this but you know within yourself what you can do don't you but the strength in the Lord is you you can do exploit you can break ground and you can pass any circumstances but you need to know yourself first of all chapter 2 verse 9 saying we are a royal priesthood dinosaur a holy nation that is what the bible is saying but do you see yourself as a royal priesthood do you see yourself your family as a holy nation how do you see yourself what people see about you is one thing what you know about yourself is what you make it to break forth as your sister said say father i don't like it we are so cold say father you know me show me to my son are you praying that prayer for yourself he knows you the pastor think he knows you your husband think he knows you your children think you know you but thank God you don't know me more than any other person show me to myself reflect who i am what i am where you want me to be and where i am right now show me myself those things i think i cannot do those things i think i cannot conquer i want to break forth there give me that financial strength and let me break forth knowing myself in you in the name of Jesus in Jesus name we pray you will know yourself in the name of Jesus the Lord will reveal who you are to you and knowing yourself you will break forth in the name of Jesus number two know your calling in Christ what is your calling you are raised up for a purpose before i formed you your mother's womb i know who you will be what is your calling what has God called you to do there are some things you can do easily when people are running away shying away from me that is your strength but is it your calling you just have to find it the Lord has raised and called you for a purpose and in order to break forth and fulfill that purpose it is important to understand your assignment in God he has called you to do a particular thing that has not given to another person you are different you are unique you are not everybody i tell people i am special i'm very special don't compare yourself to my to me because we are you cannot be me it's not possible yes because the strength that the Lord has given unto me and what i know i am you cannot be you may try you may copy but you cannot be me tell the person beside you you may be wearing the same ankara but i'm different though you are not sure are you sure you are different are you sure you are different i am different you may all look alike but i'm unique know your calling in Christ and when you find this assignment then search for the word of God to fulfill it there is a world for you when i was struggling with where i was posted to struggling with where i was posted to others that were posted to different places went back to Lagos but the day i decided to pack my bags to go back to Lagos during my quiet time the Lord gave me a Bible passage and that Bible passage has been ruling my life since then i read it first second thought and as i was going is directing back to that Bible passage so i know the thought i have towards you thought of good and not of evil to give you your expected end i thought i know this passage why is it coming up coming up and the Lord said do you know your expected end and i said no if you don't know if they say where i ask you to say and when we are all going back after six months of our comeback service i told my pastor sir will you allow me to stay back in my way and i was like you my way you have come to report yourself to me more than that many times i said the Lord gave me a word to stay back here my hod went against it no no no no you cannot my youth that says no no no you are coming back because of that i lost my job but i know i don't know my expected end so i waited the movie all of us i came to moway so i waited the movie all of us i came to moway and the harvest that went back all of us we are all still alive we are not at the same level we are not at the same place the Lord showed me that you i have a purpose for your life by the time i saw my youth pastor there i was the what do they call us then in recharge center api ctrb uh-huh app i was the app and they came for a wedding in recharge center and he saw me he said is that what is that coming is that coming ah is that gonna come here and he said that is our api cp's wife said what who and i went to him my pastor he said no well warning you are now app's wife they said so sir i'm c area pastor i said that you don't worry you are in vegas our location is different seek for a watch from the Lord to back up your calling and when this watch starts working for you people will not understand you want to break fast that same passage has been working for me when it was time to get married before coming to moway i was in a relationship i was in a courtship we've been prayed for in moway because it broke and the guy said i'm sorry the Lord did not give me a wife that would be a missionary so i'm sorry this courtship cannot turn and you know you're redeemed then if you are the one that break the courtship you have to wait have you do we see that we see doing that no but then that is the order of the day when you break the courtship you will wait until that brother gets married or the sister gets married that was the order of the day then yeah but that was the order of the day then once you break you will wait on if the sister that break the courtship she's going to wait on that brother praise and praise true and get another sister and get married if the brother that break the courtship the brother will wait until he gets another man to marry and go so my father said are you sure he said that i'm ready to wait 10 years if i said it's only 10 years and i went to God crying i know the thought that i have towards you thought of good and not of evil so give me your expected effort that was that Bible that made me to say him away now i want to marry you are bringing this passage again and it worked for me the Lord sent my own husband and now when we go to Lagos that brother that likes me then yeah he's not the head usher no it's not it's not it's not something hard it is how God plans it he's the head usher thanks to our province is he there know who you are know your calling that is where you can break forth the first time he saw me it was like she's the one she's not the one she's the one she's not the one and i've seen his name in the list they sent to my husband head usher okay okay so when they came to introduce themselves to my husband i stepped out they were all seated i walked in majestically and my husband said ah that is my wife coming you are sitting down get up how do you stand up and greet my wife and i just and that is his usual something he didn't even know he was the one he knew the story but he never knew this person so i looked at him and i said but i see why why why because i head on to the word of God all that's what speak for that's what let God give you a bible verse that same bible verse when i was traveling with children he came back and said so i know the thought that i have towards you you want to break forth see that world get that world know your calling in him and get the word and the blessing of the world we stand with you all true in the name of Jesus Jesus another thing you need to know if you want to break forth you must always be found in the place of fellowshipping with God don't run away fellowshipping with God simply refers to the place of our quiet time in praying and studying the world and listening to God if i ask the open of this morning how many of us did it the other place in the church right at home aside your own open levels of rccg how many devotional studies do you know that you are using which one open aside i said aside open level daily daily guide of which church i've been ministry scripture union which other one that's all but the jerry is a don't stay with one search and search for the world i use quite a number but i use my open levels first then i take other ones and join and join you know i've come to realize that at some stage the same message i read in open levels is what i meet in deeper life is what i meet in mountain of fire is what i will turn the point is very manual it's what i win the daily fire of mfm there was a day those five books mentioned the same thing on the same day there is no another now but when you start reading the lord will start saying so many things to you and when you came to this world you will break forth in the name of jesus in the place of fellowship the lord will reveal more of himself to you and we get to know him better then i shall tell you that it should be saying those that know their god shall do exploit when you do exploit you are breaking forth you need to study and prayer is obtaining victory first on your knees then see the manifestation i used to tell people if you don't kneel down in your room to pray you will kneel down in front of men but when you kneel to god you will stand tall in front of anybody you will stand because greater is he that is embedded in you than he that is in anybody and anyone fellowship with god and the last one wants to look at be a woman of faith be a woman of what be a woman of what i know the thought i have towards you that i'm saying it takes faith i know the thought i have towards you and you're about to get married and somebody breaks it and said i know the thought i have towards you and you waited another two and a half years and this thing i wrote is what i have towards you it takes what takes faith but you know at the end the story is always triumphant if you tarry with god faith is perpetually living and walking in victory when people are saying things are not working and you are telling them it is working for you they will look at you are you sure i tell them you cannot see it's working for me it is working it's not by mouth it's by what it's by faith and it takes faith to break forth from every limitation and to become all that god has called us to be faith refers to your devotion your tendency and your profession in god and his ability to lift you high praise the lord there is a raise in life some people start early some start late but everyone we do what we raise is that you start early or you start in the middle or you start very late you will still run everyone will run we look at the life of esther everyone will run we look at the life of esther esther ran she was not the only slave but she stood out and she fought and breakthrough i pray each and every one of us we break forth in the name of jesus i said we will break forth in the name of jesus how many false born do we have here you are the first born your family number one okay how many of us that are raising up our hands our mother are the first born your mother is the first born and you are the first one of your mother okay how many of us lifting up those hands have a daughter as our first child rise up to your feet those categories you your mother is the first born you are the first born and your daughter is the first born you have a girl as first daughter praise the lord we want to break forth and those of you that are not standing are not standing up you can pray the prayer along with us as well but this is what the lord told me concerning this set of people i don't know what you are passing through but yesterday our permission mommy told us don't don't leave a body for your children give them victory whatever it is that your mother has gone through and you are going through it your daughter must not pass through it you will lift up your hands and say father what are we calling father that way say father ah everything that troubles my generation is at all and i come to you today in the name of jesus please let's pray for this set of people that whatever it is that has entered their generation up to now and come to eat because we are not leaving battle for our own daughters we are giving them victory every delay every injury every shortcoming and it comes to them today in the name of jesus no matter the age of that daughter right now that side is breaking forth from every others of life in the mighty name of jesus in jesus mighty name we are praying for your daughter standing up three generations standing their mother is the first born they are the first born and they have daughters their first born you know what you want to do lord and i have said what you have said to me whatever it is you want to do in the life of this generation standing that is doing today in the name of jesus anything has been holding them down whatever it is that they can recall it happened to my mother it happened to me it should not happen over your children in the name of jesus yes whatever it is the interview that make it to stand at a spot for a while before moving forward is we have no power over your children in the name of jesus thank you father lord in jesus mighty name we are praying let's have our seats we want to conclude breaking forth i said it's not for the lazy ones so break forth it's not for those that say things will happen when they are to happen no you take it by force and i told us earlier that is by the work of grace the grace of god over your life we make us to break forth can i ask when do you want to break forth are you sure when do you want to break forth is it this month or today i am breaking forth today in the name of jesus shall we rise up to our feet my time has come i know my season is here i know i am rising in jesus name and i'm shining in jesus name my time has come my time has come i know my season is here right now i am rising in jesus name i am shining in jesus name you said it yourself that your time is now your season is now i want to break forth i thought of the meaning of breaking forth is to win i don't know which one you have picked from all the meaning of break forth but you are going to take one and say father ah amen say father now is my time i am breaking forth i am winning i am crossing over are you praying the mighty name of jesus from which area do you want to win what is that thing contended with you tell it to jesus i am breaking forth i am winning i am breaking protocol i am expanding i am moving forward i am getting nothing in the name of jesus i am getting nothing i am moving forward i am winning everybody every challenge is facing me i am winning them in the mighty name of jesus it is my time and i know it it is my season i am ready i am breaking forth i am breaking forth i am breaking forth i am breaking forth in the name of jesus i am breaking forth in the name of jesus i am breaking forth in the name of jesus i am crossing over every other every barrier every status quo i am breaking them loose i am setting myself free in the mighty name of jesus thank you father in jesus mighty name we are praying if it is the work of grace then you need a connection with god himself you need to connect to that one that can break you and make you to break forth lift up your hands and say father i connect myself afresh to you today before i leave this auditorium let there be a connectivity right now that takes me out of break forth connect yourself to god tell him father i connect myself back onto you let there be a let there be a connection right now let the spirit of god connect me right now it is my time it is my season now is my time now is my time now is my time now is my time from every challenges so far i am connecting together power to break forth in the mighty name of jesus thank you father in jesus mighty name we are praying i want you to look for somebody and hold that person or someone and pray for that sister you are holding i told us many of us have so many challenges that even we cannot talk to anybody about but because we are all gathered here this afternoon you say father this your daughter that i'm holding by your power before this program ends before she gets back home let our testimony of breaking forth in that difficult areas of are you praying for somebody is that person praying for you that situation that is not even discussing with anybody where she needs your divine touch where she needs your divine power that he let her break forth lord let her break forth father let her break forth let her break forth oh lord let her break forth oh lord let her break forth oh lord in the mighty name of jesus thank you blessed father in jesus mighty name we pray look for another person just look for somebody you know why you pray for yourself you know you are afraid but when somebody don't even know pray for you you are receiving double portion because that person did not even know which to inform that person you are going to say father this your daughter before next year give her a testimony of break forth in the name of jesus pray for that sister very well she cannot tell you what she's passing through but you can pray for her do the work of evangelism in her life that testimony alive is waiting for father in your mercy give her that testimony give her that testimony over her husband over her children over the career over the business in her marriage in her home daddy please give her that testimony in the mighty name of jesus in jesus mighty name we are praying you look for one more person make sure somebody is praying for you and you are praying for someone look for someone are you holding somebody okay look at that person very well and tell her mommy please pray for me yes tell her please pray for me just agree to pray for you okay you say father decision of nigeria this remembrance this your daughter i'm holding make her a triumphant lady indeed whatever this nation is going through now whatever we are passing through right now let this your daughter triumph let her home triumph let her family triumph let there be suffering no matter the price of pain whatever is going on in this nation whatever is coming our way ahead make this your daughter a triumphant lady indeed let her triumph indeed let her triumph in all ways financially materially physically spiritually let her triumph indeed let her husband triumph let her children triumph let her family triumph in the mighty name of jesus let her be victorious give her victory victory give her victory in a business give her victory nigeria will not dictate a situation for her the coming of this nation will not dictate her in the mighty name of jesus when the poor say there is a casting down then listen up in the mighty name of jesus when people are saying there is no business when people are crying that they are in trouble should we have fees all right in the mighty name of jesus thank you blessed father in jesus mighty name we are praying amen you can come back to your faith we have two prayer points more i want you to let every mother here either you are married you are single you are a teenager you are a potential mother let every mother here lay your hand on your tummy when a woman is pregnant people around her may not know for the first three four months after that everybody starts seeing it because the tummy is protruding and they can see but nobody knows what is inside some women just can't that's why we tell you we cannot determine the sex but on the day of delivery lay your hand on your tummy and say father every good thing embedded in me if it's in you it is also in the children that i'm giving back to you say father every good thing embedded in me it is also in the children that i'm giving back to you say father every good thing embedded in me this is in oh lord command them to pray for in the mighty name of jesus pray in the mighty name of jesus every single thing embedded the one you have embedded in me people are looking at me and they are praying so many things concerning me every good thing you've inherited me let them pray for this season in the mighty name of jesus let them pray for this season in the name of jesus let them break forth let them break forth let them break forth in the name of jesus thank you father in jesus mighty name we are praying i don't know the area where you want god to do something in particular that people will be helping you to share the testimony even before you say i want to say on behalf of once this time in my parish wants to stay in my province i don't know that thing but if you believe that there is a god that answers prayer if you believe that when you pray god answers and you believe that there is power on this altar tell god those things right now commit those things to god's end tell it tell it tell it my back tell them to god what people will help you to testify about in the life of your husband in the life of your children in your own life in that parish where you are tell it to god if there are people that are still praying there is a god that answers prayer today is the time in the month of june before the next convention father please let people be testifying concerning what you have done for me do you know that sister do you know that mommy this is what the lord has done in her life this is what the lord has done in her life this is what the lord did for her husband these are the things that lord has done for our children our business if you see her now you will not even believe she's the one tell them to god tell them to god the lord is hearing us oh in my own lord for the lord i pray that you are doing it for lord lord yes lord let people testify of what you have done in our life let the testimony of what you are doing right now go viral let every hear every eye see this let people ask how did it happen in the mighty name of jesus mary you can sing the rap you can sit fast no please you're the only one that can do it do it for lord in our life in the mighty name of jesus thank you in jesus mighty name we are praying oh oh glory sorry oh oh oh oh oh oh even at this time tell it to god lord please give me that speech that we have made people surrounding me people in my environment lay your hands upon me lay it upon my family lay it upon my business and give me speak oh lord take me to that eye beyond my hesitation i beyond my imagination i beyond what i can think of a top i can i won't relax how it happened daddy please take me there no please take me there daddy please take us there take my family there my uncle i listen to you daddy please take him there my children i listen now please take him there give that speed oh lord please i cannot even explain how it happened that is do it in the name of jesus thank you blessed father in jesus mighty name we are praying so break forth i told you you must know who you are so break forth you must know who god says you are to break forth you must know your calling to break forth you must walk in faith breaking forth is god expectation of you plus your vision and you doing god's will if you are here and you know that you don't have a relationship with god or you have it but somehow something is happening between you and god you are not really against your god but you know you are not up to what he wants you to do lay your right hand on your chest and say father those of us that knows that maybe i should be at this speed but this is where i am i'm trying i'm really trying but it's like when i go ten step forward i will go eight step backward lay your hands upon your heart and say this prayer with me say father you know me more than i know myself what i need is your mercy and your grace so be where you want me to be and where you want me to be there help me oh lord i promise you that i will always obey your injunction help me father in jesus name father in the name of jesus king of glory we want to thank you because we know that we are not the same person that entered this auditorium this morning you have done a lot in our lives you have poured a lot into us this afternoon father lord we pray that this city of our breaking forth nothing will limit us in the name of jesus we will no longer limit ourselves in the name of jesus that's how he wants us to be in every ranks of our lives we will get there in the name of jesus and your supernatural hands we rest upon us in the name of jesus thank you father in jesus mighty name we are praying oh

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