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session 7 needs to be mastered

session 7 needs to be mastered

Joseph Van Dine



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The adventurers are in a camp after one of their members, Kethic, died. Dust rolled a history check and learned about bringing someone back from the dead. They follow the scent of Faeo to a small town and enter a hotel. Dust contacts the leader of the Thieves Guild and makes a deal to kill the leader of Ezuel. Meanwhile, Wolve and Boron are in Faeo's house and are guided by Boy Scouts to the river. recording now. Tell me when everybody is ready. Alright, mark in 3, 2, 1, mark. Aw, that was pretty good, if I do say so myself. On my end at least. Um, did it sound good to you Dust? Alright, so a little recap of last, not last week, the week before last. Um, Kethic got merc'd. Um, the rest of the party got merc'd as well. Um, but because you were in a camp full of other adventurers, um, y'all, it was not a TPK, only Kethic who full died. Um, Dust, at the end of the session you rolled a history check, um, with that history check this is now going into the, what will be put into the podcast. Um, with that history check that you rolled last week, uh, you now know that Kethic is full dead, he body, um, like investigated the body and everything, but you remember, you saw, um, you saw somebody bring somebody back from being full dead before. Back into the silent forest. Okay. We're, we're all just as new here as you are, but, uh, you have a tracker with you, don't you? Uh, and she, she motions towards Wolve, and she's like, if you remember that scent you should, you could probably get yourself back there. Um, Wolve, roll a perception or an investigation check, whichever is highest. And you can do this with advantage because you've smelled it before. And that's 20. Awesome. So, you pick up the scent that leads to Feo's little small town. So Wolve, as Wolve is kind of leading the party along, um, what is the order that y'all are walking in? After Wolve? Um, y'all all got brought back to full. Yes. There, there were multiple healers within, uh, the little camp that y'all were in that brought y'all back all the way up. Um, so as y'all, as the party is walking through the forest, um, it sounds like a normal forest, um, until you start getting deeper and deeper into the forest and further and further away from the rest of the, um, uh, from the camp and from the city. Um, and once y'all get Wolve, you can kind of sense that you're about halfway there, the forest falls silent again. Okay. So on, y'all, y'all, are y'all wanting to stand and wait for it to come or are y'all wanting to try and get to the camp? Okay. So you're making an image of the gnome, uh, crawling through the forest. Okay. Okay. Um, and then y'all are going to keep going towards the camp or towards, like, the little city. Um, so you, y'all keep going and, um, as you get further and further away from the gnome, the sounds of the forest do return. Okay. It, the sounds do still, uh, return once y'all get, um, as y'all get further and further away. Uh, no, they have gone down by this point. And after you get, um, out of that, y'all travel for a few more, um, for about 30 more minutes, 30, 40 more minutes, and then you arrive at the small city. Um, for Fayo, you beeline, um, towards the city. And as, um, y'all remember, um, the, uh, like kind of wooden posts that are surrounding the city, um, that have like the glyph of warning on them. Um, as you start approaching that, um, you dust, or wolves, you're in front, so you try and cross that threshold, and you immediately run into, it feels like you ran into a brick wall. Um, as you get further and further away from the gnome, the sounds of the forest do return once y'all get further and further away. Um, as you get further and further away from the gnome, the sounds of the forest do return once y'all get further and further away. Uh, okay. Um, well, I will let y'all into the city. Um, you see he steps past that, like, force-filled kind of thing that you were feeling, wolves, um, and he hands each of you an amulet to put all around your neck. Alright, uh, now y'all can just follow me in, um, like I said, Feo isn't here right now, but, uh, he should be back pretty shortly, he's just going on a supply run for us. Um, and he kind of leads you to Feo's house. Or Feo, not Feo. Um, so you, um, lay him down, um, and then the three of you are just inside the house. Yeah, pretty much, um, uh, so y'all put him in, like, one of the bedrooms, and then y'all are just kind of waiting outside. Okay. So, as you return, um, you, uh, as y'all are waiting there, about an hour passes before you hear a commotion starting outside. Uh, just like people, people, it was pretty silent outside before, other than, like, the sounds of the forest and everything, but now people are, like, starting to walk outside and talk to each other outside kind of thing. So, as you go outside, you see, um, Feo, but he looks a lot older than he did when you first saw him. Um, not like he's actually aged, but more like age has happened to him, if you know what I mean. Like, his skin is more decrepit and, like, wrinkly than it was when you saw him last. And, uh, he has, like, a big backpack on, um, that you can assume is full of supplies. Uh, he kind of, like, snaps his attention over to you, because you clearly don't belong here. Um, like, you're not that you don't belong, but more like, uh, you're not the normal residents of this place. Um, and, uh, he hands the bag to one of the other people in the little village, um, and walks straight up to you. Um, yes, I was not expecting you back so soon. Has something happened? Oh, which one was Catholic? Wait, my son is not with you, is he? Okay, good. Um. Well, how- oh, okay, that answers that question. Um, how did he die? Was it a weapon, or was it magic? Is he in a coma, or is he dead? Wait, yes, but, like, is he sleeping, or is he, like, dead-dead? Oh, okay, that makes it harder. Okay, okay. Okay. Of- of course. Um, unfortunately for us, there's not a lot I can do about that right now. Uh, let- let- let us go talk to the rest of your party. Um, he kinda walks inside, and then walks out to Dust and Voron as well. Um, so, unfortunately, I cannot just cast this magic. It is- it is immensely powerful. Um. Excuse you, sir. I do, and that's why I made him leave. Well, I was assuming you would kick him out if he ever became a problem for you. Well, I was assuming you would kick him out if he ever became a problem for you. Not so much that I can't, I just don't have the things that allow me to do so. You see, with higher level magic, you need things to- you can't just cast the spell, right? Like, I would need to destroy one thing in order to bring life back. Does that make sense? Okay. Well, first of all, I need 25,000 gold worth of diamonds. And holy water. I- I usually do, but all of my things were stolen recently. So, I need 25,000 gold worth of diamonds. The holy water isn't really a problem. I can make holy water, it just takes time. Um, it's more the 25,000 gold piece diamond is more of the problem. You see, we don't have that kind of money just laying around. Uh, yes, I can get us there pretty quickly. Yes. Uh, I believe so, yes. I know where the leader of the thieves guild is. Uh, of course I will need to cast a spell. Um, it will take an hour for me to contact him, but, uh, after that I will be able to take you to him. Okay. Okay. Um, of course, like I said, it will take an hour for me to contact him, but after that hour I will be able to get us there. Of course. And you see he kind of goes into like a, into like a trance. Um, are the other two wanting to do something during that hour, or are you just gonna wait as well? Awesome. Um, uh, that hour passes and you see Feo's eyes kind of snap open. Um, Mr. Dust, is it? Um, I am ready to go if you are. Um, um, I need then to go find some, uh, purified water. Well usually we have a, a river that runs by pretty close, but, uh, no one from my city is really venturing out of the city these days. So then we just need to go to the river and collect it, and then boil it and purify it that way. Okay. Haha. Haha. Of course, he reaches a hand out to you. And you instantly teleport into a, um, a dark, or not dark, but like a very dimly lit room. And there is a human standing there, who clearly was not, uh, uh, thinking that you were gonna be coming. Um, here, he tosses you a stone and then says just ask, ask for me, and he disappears. How are you? Hello? You see his hand is on his sword. How, how do you know who I am? Hmm, I do. Well that's all, that's all about what I'm here to do is help. What kind of help do you need? Well of course not, there is no such thing as a Thieves' Guild. Just a 25 gold diamond? That's not, that makes things a little bit harder, you see. Um. Oh, you will not owe anything, you will pay your debt before you get anything from us. Whatever the cost, okay. There's a 25,000 diamond, er, gold diamond. It's not very easy to come across, you see. I would be willing to part ways with one if you got someone out of my way. You're not even going to ask who they are? Well, okay then. He reaches out a hand. Sure. He reaches out his hand. He shakes it, and you feel, um, kind of bound to what you've just agreed upon. Um. So. I want you to kill the leader of Koba. Not Koba, sorry. Um, I want you to kill the leader of Ezuel. He is currently seeking to destroy my friends and me. And, um, you see, we just can't have that, now can we? And you'll have it as soon as I have proof that he's dead. I have no idea. That's why he's not dead yet. Do I? Well, I mean, yes, he has quite a few. He is the leader of the free people in Ezuel. No, it is, Ezuel, unlike many other cities within the world, is a democracy, um, and their leaders are voted upon. And this is the elected leader. It seems you do. His name is Theo. Theo? Um. What do you... Uh, okay, hold up. Are you confusing Theo with Feo? Feo is Feo. Theo is the leader of the free city. Wow. Wow. Man, I created that name before I even created the fucking campaign. Okay, listen here, you little shithead. Yes. Very well. My people will find you when the time is right. You find a door. Awesome. Are you closing the door behind you? Awesome. It's attached to a wall. You are on a staircase that leads upwards. Awesome, yeah, you get out of the building and you are in the city of Ezuel. You're kind of in, like, the poorer side of Ezuel. It just looks like a normal house. Mm-hmm. Awesome. Um, you take note of it and you take note of, um, whereas most houses within Ezuel are, um, like pristine wooden, um, this house and the houses generally around it, um, are stone. They're not the pristine wood of Ezuel. Yes. Okay. Sorry, I was chewing. Um, we're going to stick with you for a while, uh, because their thing isn't going to be that long. Um, you make your way, um, there's three different bars that you can choose from. There is the lower, middle, and upper class bar. Um, you go to the upper class bar and when you walk in, the outside is that pristine Ezuelian wood, um, that almost everything in the city is made out of, but once you walk in, it changes from that pristine Ezuelian wood to, um, like magnificently white marble. Um, it's the floor, it's the countertops, it's the tables, it's the walling, the ceiling, everything. It's this pristine, spotless, white marble. Mmhmm. Are you going to the bar or are you sitting at one of the tables? Yeah, you, um, sit down at a table and you see this little, um, halfling walk up to you in like a full, um, like, tuxedo. Um, so how can I help you today? Um, of course, uh, um, you kind of get the vibe that he is very confused by your presence, um, and he walks off to the bar and then shortly returns with your, um, glass of whiskey. Even, even the whiskey glass is made out of marble. Um, are you planning on getting a room or are you wanting to start a tab? Of course, it'll be three gold pieces, please. Thank you, sir, as he, um, goes off and starts talking to other tables. Um. Okay. You take another short rest. Okay. And then what do you do? Um, you see the little halfling comes over to you again. Why, yes, yes sir, how can I help you this time? I will stop you right there, sir. Us bartenders cannot give out any information. You will have to get a room and speak to the concierge about that. We don't want, uh, we don't want the, uh, and he kind of, like, looks you over one and he says, we don't want the, um, wrist raft staying too long. Yes, yes, that's precisely. He looks disgusted with you. No, it does not. Of course, the room will be 40 gold pieces for one night. Thank you. And, um, what race was you like? Oh, of course, sir. As he walks off, um, and he says, the concierge is right over there. They will show you to your room. And then... Well, we only have one concierge, but, um, they will be able to help you with whatever you need, sir. Providing the right price. And he walks off. Um, you go up to your room. He gave you a little key that had a number on it. Um, you're on the third floor of this little hotel. Um, and, uh, you hear a knock on the door. Um, this dragonborn walks in in fancy clothes. Um, fancier than the bartenders. Um, and... Why, hello, sir. Um, I am the concierge here. Um, we forgot to ask which sexuality you are into. Do you like males or females? You see, arch lions pay for the privilege of privacy. Oh, yes, let it protect your own privacy. I'm getting at, I don't have information. The people who work for me do. If you pay them the right price. Of course, male or female. Of course. Hmm. Of course. Um, and the dragonborn walks out. And about 30 minutes later, um, this changeling wearing, like, the, like, lingerie kno- Or, you hear a knock on the door. You see this changeling wearing, like, super skimpy lingerie, um, walks in your room. Why, hello, sir. How can I assist you today? Oh, my favorite. Yes. Hmm, the long game. Actually, push the robe on. Then, why are you here, sir? Oh, information on what? I met Theo a time or two. Maybe, maybe not. I could not say. She glances at it. Usually comes this day, about three hours from now. Of course. I could, I could have him, I could have had him scheduled for this room. He does quite like my service. Of course, sir. Um, she grabs. Of course. I suggest you not to be in sight when he first arrives. Those get quite suspicious. She, um, like, sexually takes the robe off and drops it at the foot of the bed and then walks out of the room. Like I said, it's usually two to three hours before he gets here on these days. Of course. And she kind of struts out of the room. Jesus Christ. Yeah, you could. Okay. Um, so it's like a five-star hotel suite. Um, so it's basically like a house inside of this room. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Okay. And roll a stealth check for me. Yes. Ha ha. With advantage? Oh, so it's a flat. Okay. Well, I mean, you're still, I mean, you're still kind of hidden, but you did roll a nat one, so I'm going to say your, like, leg is still sticking out of the closet. Um, I mean, I got to punish you somehow. You rolled a nat one, buddy. So, uh, you, like, the rest of your body is, like, invisible, basically. Like, you put, like, clothes over your body and everything, but you just forgot to pull your leg in. Um, so your leg is just sticking out of the closet. Um. Okay. Um. Why? So I thought I would meet you at the room for today. It's been about a week since we spent time together. Um, and you hear her in a, um, a man's voice, um, talking back and forth. Um, and as the changeling enters the room first and she spots your leg, um, so she instantly just, like, hops on top of, on top of the human, um, who's talking and, like, starts making out with him, basically. Um, to kind of distract him from your foot hanging out of the damn closet. Um, and the door closes, um, and they make their way to the bed, which is directly across from the closet. Um. Well, I mean, there is kind of a natural conclusion to this process. You... This, they, they full on have sex. Um, and you hear every second of it, um, and then she kind of, like, stealthily pockets the, pockets the gold on the side table and then leaves the room. Yep. He's kind of, like, on the bed, just kind of looking up. Uh, it's kind of, like, in the middle of the bed. He's looking up at the ceiling. Um, so, like, the bed runs parallel with the closet doors. You're gonna leave the room? Oh, okay. Hmm. Make an attack roll for me. That hits. Mm-hmm. He rolled on that one. You ripped this dude's head off. You go to choke him, but, like, you pull so hard, you decapitate this man. Roll a deception check. Uh, a deception or a stealth check. One of the two. Awesome, they don't hear it. He does, and so do you. Correct. Mm-hmm. Okay. Mm-hmm. As you open the door, there are two guards standing outside the door. They immediately snap their attention towards you. What? Okay, is there a check for that? Okay. Um, can we see your ID, sir? Can I see your ID? Identification. Uh, you can kind of get a feel that he wants something showing that you work with the hotel. Nope. One of them holds the door open and watches you when you go into the room. Okay, make a dexterity check to see if you can get to the window before the guards grab you. Yeah, you get to the window before the guards catch you. Buddy, I gotta tell you right now, there's no outside things on this building. Another four floors up. Nope, it's just straight down. Nope, just straight down. Um... So what, that would be 3D6 of falling damage? Because each floor is about ten feet, so yeah, 3D6 of falling damage. Do you want to roll it or do you want me to roll it? Okay. Mm-hmm. That's for the best, because I rolled an 18. Three nat sixes. Are you making a self-check? Or like a hide kind of thing? Awesome. Um, make a stealth check for me. Awesome. Nobody sees you. Um, you get to the house, what do you do? You go to the room, the human is not there. Um, eventually you hear footsteps coming down, multiple sets of footsteps coming down the stairs. Multiple. Okay, it's a dead end, you're in the basement. Oh, I mean like there's things in the room, but there's no other... It's either the staircase or you're in the room. Are you wanting to like hide within the room under something? Because there's like tables and that kind of stuff within the room. Okay. Um. Mm-hmm. I mean, yeah, you definitely could do that. Um. You cast a minor illusion and throw your body to where you're rocking back and forth in the opposite corner of the room. Um. You see in walks the human and four other people with him. Jesus Christ, what, um... You saw that right, Theodore. Um. Oh, oh, oh, oh, okay. Um. Yes. Um. Cane? Give him the diamond. Um, and you see a halfling grabs a diamond out of his pocket and puts it in your hand. I did not expect you to be able to do that. I need one more thing as well. What do you need? Oh, yeah, yeah, you can have a dagger. And he throws you a dagger out of his pocket. I couldn't tell you. It's poisoned, yes. Yes, and he handed you a dagger. Um. Hold up. Um, I'm looking at poison damage. Yeah, he did. Make a constitution saving throw. Um, you take... Um, you take seven points of damage, and you are poisoned for 24 hours. I must have made a mistake. Um, I have no need for that key. That is it. I need my dagger back. He lets the dagger hit the floor and then picks it up. Have a good day. Theo reappears, holds out his hand. And y'all are back at the city. Um, before that happens, we're going to switch back over to, um, Wolve and Boron. Um, all you have been told is that there is a river nearby that has water in it. Theo did not. Y'all are inside. Did y'all want to take a long rest, or are y'all just going straight to the river? Awesome. Um, y'all go out and, um, y'all are currently in Theo's house. Um, y'all can go out and try to find somebody if y'all would like to. Um, you go out and you see one of the boys dressed up like Boy Scouts. Yeah, I know where the river's at. You, you want to go to the river? Oh, buddy. Okay, I'll get the rest of the adventuring boys. He, uh, he whistles. And, and, like, all of the, all of the, all of, like, the Boy Scouts, um, come out and start, like, surrounding you. So we, so I, uh, so you, you want to go to the river? Oh, okay. It's right this way. And, um, all of them start walking with you. Um, you see, as they all start walking out of the city, um, only, only the, uh, only the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the one that was giving you directions is in front of you. The rest of them are kind of behind you. Um, and, uh, y'all are walking, um, through the woods. Um, and eventually you make your way to a, um, a river that's just flowing like normal. Well, this is the only river around for you. Well, this is the only river around for you. Yeah? Uh, Feo did tell you just to boil it. Okay. Alright, is that, is that all you, is that all you needed? Okay, let's go back to the city. All the boys around you disappear. Dust, um, you and Feo, we appear in the city, and, um, you see the city is pretty much desolate. There's nobody in the city. Um, and Feo kind of snaps his fingers and all of the adventuring boys arrive. And Feo kind of starts cheering them out in Elvish. And you will now go back to Boron and Wolve. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay, let's go back to the city, or the village. Okay, roll a stealth check for me, Wolve. You get advantage. And Boron, what are you doing? Awesome, yeah, you get back and the forest sounds like normal. Yeah, I'll get back to the village. There's a thing that looks like it's designed to boil water in. Well, it's like, it's like a pot sitting on top of like a campfire. You do that and it starts boiling. Okay. Awesome, yeah, you got some purified water. And then you can see Feo on the other side of town kind of scolding the adventuring boys. So you walk up to Feo and Dust who's standing next to him. And one of the adventuring boys points at you and goes, that's the lady, that's the one that made us do it. Okay, let's go back to the village. You see the little boy runs over to the fire and grabs one of the sticks. Starts chasing a wolf around with it. Make an athletics check for me. You like throw it and Feo is also going to make an athletics check. Feo like dives on the ground to catch the water. I caught it! You saw, you saw, you, you, sorry, I caught it. You saw that, right? Oh, he's just having fun. No, you'll be fine. I'm going to go do my process. I should be able to bring your friend back tomorrow. Oh, thank you so much. As he pockets the diamond. What does a wolven boar do? Yeah. Oh, she's still being chased by a child. You think I won't? You see that you look out through a window to like look at the kid and he's just holding the fire up to the stone house. It's not, it's not lighting on fire at all. And Boron, are you willing to do anything? Um, awesome. So it is the next day, sunrise. Um, everybody has taken a long rest. Um, and yeah, um, Feo walks out of his room and goes, the water is ready. Um, I can perform the spell now. And he, uh, walks into the room where Ketha can stay and, uh, starts performing, um, like magic and you see the room is starting to glow with like different colors and everything. And it takes, um, about an hour, um, but eventually, um, the spell ends and Ketha snaps awake. And that is the end of this session. Alright, that will be the end of this recording.

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