Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker is encouraging the audience to give glory, honor, and adoration to God for the blessings they have received. They discuss the importance of divine direction and how God leads and instructs believers. They emphasize that God's direction is always in the path of righteousness and that believers should trust in God and acknowledge Him in all their ways. The speaker also mentions that God will show great and mighty things to those who call upon Him and that His Spirit will guide believers into all truth. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. If you know that you have coming from the Lord, can you lift up your hands, lift up your voices, and appreciate God, give him glory, give him honor, give him adoration. If you have coming from him, can you give him glory? Give him glory, give him honor. Give him adoration. Sound engineers, please do something. It's what you could have done before. Can somebody appreciate God this hour? Give him glory, give him honor, give him adoration. Exalt the name of the Lord, exalt the name of the Lord. We honor you, Lord. We give you praise. We give you adoration, we exalt you. We magnify Jehovah. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Can you give him thanks for the gift of life? Thank you for life. Thank you for life. Thank you for life. Thank you for health. Thank you for provision. Thank you for protection. Give him praise forevermore. Give him praise forevermore. Exalt his holy name. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. We honor you. We exalt you. Can you thank him for another new week that we have entered? Thank you for what he has done through our last week. We are in a new week. Can you give him glory? Can you give him honor? Can you give him adoration? We exalt you, Lord. Blessed be your holy name. To you be praise forevermore. In Jesus' mighty name, we give thanks. Father, we thank you. We give you praise. Thank you for another day in your presence. We ask for God that you glorify him. Amen. Can we put our hands together for Jesus? Put your hands together for Jesus. Can you welcome somebody by your left, by your right and say, Welcome to church. I'm glad that you are here. Amen. God bless you. Thank you for coming. Choir, thank you for always being on duty. The Lord bless you. Okay, quickly. We are going direct to our topic. We are looking at divine direction. The archbishop has declared that this is a month to focus on Christ. For divine assistance and direction. Sunday, we look at divine assistance. So, in this, our midweek Bible study, we are going to look at divine direction. Then on Sunday, we look at divine assistance part two. Next Wednesday, we look at divine direction part two. Those that are missing the midweek service, I don't know how they will catch up with us. Amen. Divine direction. Divine direction. What is divine direction? Divine direction is God's road map for an individual or an organization. God's road map. You see, God doesn't do guesswork. God is a God of purpose. So, God has a divine direction for every individual He created. The church, we are a church. There is a direction that God has given the church. This is the way to go. So, divine direction is God's road map for an individual or a group of people. I say here that without divine direction, a believer is just like every other human being. Without divine direction, you are just like every other human being. Anytime we mention the word divine, that is that thing that comes from God. So, when we talk about divine direction, it is the leading, the guidance that comes from God. So, without divine direction, as a believer, you are just like every other human being. So, your faith in Christ makes you a child of God. And being a child of God gives you an advantage over those who are not children of God. If you are a child of God, you have an advantage. Most of the time, the devil will deceive people that if you are serving God, you are at a disadvantage. They will tell you that, ah, the things we are enjoying in the world, you are not enjoying. That is not a disadvantage for you. When you are in Christ, you are at advantage. So, every child of God is a candidate for divine direction. So, that means that as a child of God, you are not supposed to miss your way in life. In every area of your life. That is why as a child of God, God gives guidance. You are supposed to have divine direction in your marriage, in your job, in your academy. Every area, you are supposed to have an advantage. Why? Because God supports you. God supports you to give you divine direction as His son and daughter. Divine direction is the ways of God revealed to man. It is the ways of God revealed to man. It is heaven's contact. It is the ways of God revealed to man. It is the ways of God revealed to man. It is the ways of God revealed to man. It is the ways of God revealed to man. It is heaven's compass and counsel. It is heaven's compass and counsel to the believer. Heaven's compass and counsel to the believer. God is always willing to lead. If you are willing to accept His leading. God is always willing to lead. If you and I are willing to accept His leading. Can we start from Psalm 103 verse 7. Psalm 103 verse 7. Psalm 103 verse 7. I may be asking somebody to help me read. He made known His ways unto Moses. His acts unto the children of Israel. He made known His ways. That means that He told Moses, this is the way things should be done. This is the way things should be done. In other words, God was giving direction to Moses. You know in Exodus chapter 3, Moses had an encounter with God. And God sent him on an assignment to Egypt to bring the children of Egypt out of bondage. Moses was trying to argue with God, but at the end of the day God convinced him. And not only convinced him, God empowered him. He brought out the children of Egypt, out of Egypt. God was leading them from wilderness. The Bible says that in the daytime, God will be leading them with a pillar of clouds. And in the night, the pillar of fire will appear. And anywhere the pillar of clouds or the pillar of fire rested without movement, that is where they will settle. So anytime they settle down, they don't know when they will move. But as long as they see the clouds start moving, that is the time to move. So God made His ways known to Moses. If you are a believer, you are a child of God, God will make His ways known to you. If you are willing. If you are willing. So God always gives direction to His children. If a divine direction is one of the help we receive from God. That is why as a believer, if God is not guiding you, God is not leading you, something is wrong. It is either you are not asking, or you are going on your own way. Amen. Now in Proverbs chapter 3, the popular scripture, Proverbs chapter 3, verse 5 and 6. Proverbs chapter 3, verse 5 and 6. Proverbs chapter 3, verse 5 and 6. It says, trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not unto their own understanding. And lean not unto their own understanding, verse 6. In all your ways acknowledge Him. In how many of your ways? In all your ways. In all your ways acknowledge Him, not some of your ways. Some people can acknowledge God in one area of their life. So if you acknowledge Him in that area of your life, He will lead you there. Anyone you resort to yourself, he will be quiet. He will not force himself on you. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will do what? And He shall direct your path. When you acknowledge Him in all your ways, He will not lead you, He will give you direction. My son, my daughter, this is what to do. That is why today a lot of people make mistakes in life. Why? Because it is either God was guiding them and they closed their ears, or they did not even see God. So as you acknowledge Him in your marital life, He will guide you, He will lead, He will direct your path. As you acknowledge Him in your academics, He will direct your path. Whatever area of your life, you acknowledge Him, you recognize Him, you give Him the opportunity, He will direct your path. So in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path. All that God requires in life is that, give Him His place in your life. Give Him His place. There is a place of God in every individual life. If you give God His place, you will know His rule. He is always willing to direct. He is always willing to lead you. So in all your ways when you acknowledge Him, He will direct your path. In other words, He will give you direction. What to do at every point in time. Psalm 32 verse 8. One of the key scriptures that our Archbishop gave for the month. Psalm 32 verse 8. I will instruct thee. I will instruct thee. God's divine direction normally comes with instruction. I will instruct thee and teach thee the way which thou shalt go. I will instruct thee. I will instruct thee and teach thee the way which thou shalt go. I will instruct thee. God always gives instruction. As many that are ready to hear, He gives instruction. Every day He gives instruction. And teach thee the way which thou shalt go. And the second phrase says, I will guide thee with my eye. I will guide thee. You see, the challenge we have in life is that most of the time we struggle with God. We don't give God His place. That is why we normally say that God must be number one in your life. When you give God His place in your life, you will not struggle with life. Any area of your life that you are struggling is a sign that you do not allow God to have His way. You do not allow God to lead you. You do not allow God to give you direction. You do not allow God to give you direction. It is either you are directing yourself or somebody else is directing you. But when you allow God, when you give Him His place in your life, He will direct you. There is a way you should go and there is a way you should not go. See, I will instruct thee and teach thee the way which thou should go. If there is a way you are supposed to go, there is another way that you are not supposed to go that way. But most of the time, we don't choose the way God is leading us. We choose our own way. We choose our own way. In Proverbs chapter 16 verse 25. Proverbs chapter 16 verse 25. Proverbs 16 verse 25. See, there is a way that is made right unto a man. There is a way. There is a way. You see, human beings have alternatives. There is a way that even it look good. It look good. But they ain't there of are the ways of death. So in life, there are ways that we should go. Which is the way the Lord is leading. Any other one is alternative. And those alternatives, they may look good. But are ways that lead to death. In the physical it will appear so attractive. One servant of God was testifying recently. He said, when he answered the call to be in full time ministry, he started having financial challenges. The money he was having before, the way the money was flowing, it was not flowing. He made up his mind, let me go back and look for a job. I don't want to be full time again, let me be part time. And he had connection, people connected him. He went for the interview, but as he sat there, God said that if you collect this job, that's the end of your life. The job was so attractive, but when he heard that word, it was a difficult decision. If you collect this job, that is the end of your life. When he told his friend that made connection for him for the job, his friend was so disappointed. They are just about to give you the employment letter and you are rejecting it. What type of disappointment? That servant of God, when he was testifying, he said, I assume he collected that job, by now you could have been dead. But today God has opened doors for him. He is making ways. One apostle, Eze, if you people know him, he always has 7am prayer, people are linking to him. Prayer, he testified. So, there are ways that seem right. They may look good, but they are not the ways of God. When Satan came to tempt Eve in the garden, what did he tell her? This fruit, this fruit is good. God knows that when you eat it, you will become like him. You will be wise. You will be wise. He was trying to paint a picture to her that God hates them. God does not love them. He was trying to paint a picture as if he is the one that loves them more than God. And the eating of that fruit, disobeying the instruction of God, brought us to where we are. But thank God for Jesus, that by the reason of what Jesus did on the cross, God has restored us back to our original position as his sons and daughters. Amen. But what I am trying to say is that there are ways that always seem right. You may want to go that way. You may want to choose those ways, but they may lead to death. So, every believer be sensitive. Every child of God be sensitive. They will have alternatives today. It may look as if, ah, that thing is very good. Young ladies in the house, some young men may come to you. They may come from rich families. Their parents have money. They may be driving cars. They may come to you deceiving you. Be sensitive. Never marry a man because of the material things he has. Always be sensitive and allow God to direct you. Don't direct yourself. Amen. Amen. Amen. In life, I say here, in life there are options that come to us. If we are not guided by God or by his spirit, we may likely go astray. In life, there are options every day. Especially this modern day, there are things that the devil presents to us. That if we are not careful, we can be led astray. If there is a generation for us to be sensitive, it is our own generation. Because once you open your phone now, you will see a lot of things. Things that you don't begin for, they will be past. You will be seeing them. You may not want to see them, but they will present themselves to you. You have a choice. There is a way that is female. It looks good, but it leads to death. May you not choose that way. I say, may you not choose that way. As the Lord guides you, as the Lord leads you, may you follow his leading. In the name of Jesus. Psalm 23 verse 1 to 3. The son of David, the shepherd son. The shepherd son. Say, the Lord is my shepherd. The Lord is my shepherd. Say, the Lord is my shepherd. I shall not walk. Shepherds lead sheep. Shepherds lead sheep. In other words, shepherds give sheep direction. How many of you, because you are in Lego, you have never seen sheep before? You have never seen a sheep? You have never seen a sheep? You have never seen a sheep? Legos life. Even in Legos, you have never seen a sheep? Say, the Lord is my shepherd. This is David 35. I shall not walk. Verse 2. He made me to lie down in green pasture. He leaded me beside a still water. God always leads. I want you to know that God will never lead you astray. Anytime you are going astray, know that the devil is at work. God will never and can never lead you astray. He said, this is all God. Anytime you are going astray, know that the devil is at work. It is either he presented himself to you. You are not sensitive. You thought it is God. That is why the Bible says, most of the time, he presented himself as an angel of light. So, the Lord must be your shepherd. If you need divine direction, the Lord must be your shepherd. Verse 3. He restored my soul. Can we read the next verse together? Can we read the next verse together? He leaded me in the path of righteousness for his mercy. He leaded me in the path of righteousness. God will always lead in the path of righteousness. If you are finding yourself in the path of iniquity, know that there is no God. God can only lead you in the path of righteousness. Not even for your sake, but for his name sake. Why? Because his name is at stake. He will always lead his children in the path of righteousness. In this modern day, we have had stories. We have seen parents leading their children to do wrong. We have had parents forcing their children to marry unbelievers because those unbelievers have money. In this modern day, we have seen parents giving their children wrong counsel for selfish reasons. But God will always lead in the path of righteousness for his name sake. For his name sake. So God is willing to give us divine direction. God is willing. God can never lead you astray. He will only lead you in the path of righteousness. Jeremiah 33 verse 3. Jeremiah 33 verse 3. Prayer warriors normally call this scripture. They say, call unto me and I will answer thee. Call unto me and I will answer. I will answer thee. And what next? I will show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest. There are things you don't know. There are things we don't know. We don't know. It is only God that can show us. We don't know what will happen in the next one hour. It is only God that can show us. We don't know what will happen tomorrow. It is only God that can show us. So if we have somebody that knows tomorrow, why can't we depend upon that person to lead us? To guide us. Me that I don't know what will happen in the next one hour, why should I insist that I must lead myself? I will do it my own way. Why can't I allow the person that knows tomorrow to lead me? To give me direction in the way I should. So God is willing. Call unto me and I will answer. There is no child of God that should lack divine direction. If you are a child of God, you should not lack divine direction. Because God is willing to give it to you. If either you decide to be independent or you decide to do things your own way. If you call upon Him, He will answer you. Not only answering you, He will show you. Are you here, you want to start a business? Don't just wake up and start. Go to God. Lord, what and what should I do? Who and who should I meet? Let Him give you direction. Let Him lead you, allow Him to lead you. He will begin to unveil, He will begin to show you great and mighty things which you do not know. And as He begins to lead you, at times there are people that say God is too slow. God is too slow. I want it today, today, today. This thing, I have been believing therefore. It seems God is coming late, God is too slow. I want to get it. God can never be slow. The Bible says He makes everything beautiful in His time. God can never be slow. God can never be late. Amen. Isaiah 30 verse 21. Isaiah 30 verse 21. Isaiah 30 verse 21. And their ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it. When you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left, there is always a voice that comes from God. There is a voice that comes from the enemy, there is also a voice that comes from God. But the issue is that, have you grown enough to identify the voice of God? God always speaks. God always speaks. God always speaks. If God doesn't speak to you, then something is wrong somewhere. God always speaks. It depends on your maturity. But generally, if you cannot hear Him, His word is there. If I just follow what His word says, you will not go asleep. Follow what His word says, this is what the word says, and you follow, you can't go astray. But as you even become mature, God will be speaking to you, you should be able to hear that this is God speaking. And their ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it. And if it is the wrong road, God will also say, This way, don't go there. This is where you should go, this place, don't go there. The truth is that, if as believers, if we are sincere to ourselves, God is always speaking to us. Do I have a witness in the house? If we are sincere to ourselves, God is always speaking to us. It's either we hear Him, He was speaking, because we don't like what He was saying, or what His word is saying, we want to go for the alternative. And that's the way that seems right, that we saw earlier. You will hear a voice, may you mature to the extent that you will be hearing God audibly. That should be the desire of every believer. There is a revelation that God gave me last night, I didn't even share with my wife. At the end of the day, I will share with every member of this church. I didn't share with her. As I received it, I got up and I typed it in this, towards the end of this message, I just typed it. I'm going to share with you as we pray, at the end of this message. At the end of this message. In John chapter 16, verse 13, John 16, 13. John 16, 13. How big, when the Spirit, when He, the Spirit of truth is come, He will guide you into all truth. The Spirit of God will not guide a believer into lies, into deception. He will guide you into all truth. For He shall not speak of Himself, but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak. And He shall show you things to come. He will reveal to you things to come. That was why I said, every believer has advantage. Why? Because we have the Holy Spirit. We have the Holy Spirit to reveal the mind of God to us. That's why I said, believer, when you become born again, we normally talk about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. You need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. You need to allow the Holy Ghost to take charge of your life. We've heard that there are some people that do not believe in the power of the Holy Ghost. They say that it has ended with the Apostle. And that's a deception. You need the Holy Ghost to guide you. That's why God sent Him. He will guide you in all truth. We are talking about divine guidance or divine direction. He will guide you in all truth. Not some truth. In all truth. Psalm 119 verse 133. Psalm 119 verse 133. It says, order my step in thy Word. Like I said earlier, even if you are not hearing God audibly, that's not an issue. But you must desire it. But God can order your step by His Word. Speak to what His Word says. Anything they are telling you, if it is not in the Word of God, don't accept it. Order my step in thy Word. And let not iniquity have dominion over me. Order my step. If God orders your step in His Word, iniquity will be far from you. Going astray, mistakes in life will be far from you. Ask Him to always order your step. That's why we pray. When you are having a challenge in life, when you are having any issue concerning any area of your life, you go to God in prayer. I say, Lord, help me. In this thing I want to do, what are you saying? He will give you direction. He will order your steps. He will lead you. And you will not go astray. I say, He will lead you. And you will not go astray. Okay, I say conclude. Let's look at it. Requirement for divine direction. Requirement for divine direction. I believe people are writing notes. I believe people are not just looking at me. Every midweek service you come, get a notebook. Get a notebook. Number one, we are looking at requirements for divine direction. You must be a son or a daughter of God. God cannot lead those that are not His children. A shepherd cannot go and be leading another person's sheep. Or God cannot go and be leading dogs. Or goats. God can only lead sheep. So, one of the requirements for divine direction, we are saying that divine direction is a direction that comes from God. So, God can only lead His sons and daughters. So, you must be a son, you must be a daughter to be led by your father. Or to be led by your sheep shepherd. In Romans chapter 8, verse 14 and then I jump to 16. Romans chapter 8, verse 14. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. As many, for as many that are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God. So, God can only lead His sons and His daughters. God knows that those that are not His sons and daughters, they may not allow Him to even lead them. That is why the only prayer God receives from unbelievers is the prayer of repentance. And He will show them mercy. But He leads His sons and daughters. So, as many that are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons and daughters of God. But the Spirit is a bearing witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. If you are a child of God, you should know. If you are also not a child of God, you should also know. As many that are led by the Spirit are the children of God. The Spirit of God bearing witness with your spirit that you are a child of God, you should know. You should know. Now, there are three people that you cannot deceive in life. Is that not so? You can't deceive God because God sees everything. Number two, you can't deceive Satan. You can't deceive Satan. He also knows what you are doing. Yes, he may not be omnipotent, he may not be omnipresent like God, but Satan knows what. And number three, you cannot deceive yourself. You may pretend you cannot deceive yourself. Is that not so? You cannot. If I have done something wrong in the secret, and I come here and preach it, within me, my inner self is telling me, see what you are. Is that not so? So, you should know you are a child of God. So, number one requirement for you to receive divine direction is that you must be a child of God. I say that you cannot receive divine direction without the help of the Holy Spirit. So, the Holy Spirit is always in us, bearing witness that we are the sons of God, i.e., always lead us on what to do. If every believer decides to receive divine guidance, receive divine direction from God, such a believer cannot miss heaven. If you are a believer, you say, God guide me, lead me, give me direction, such a believer, such a person cannot miss heaven. But when you allow the enemy giving you alternative, you may claim to be a believer, at the end of the day, you may miss heaven. Well, my prayer for every one of us, none of us will miss heaven. Say a better Amen. Number two, we are looking for requirements for divine direction. Number two, you must have a meek and a teachable spirit. I don't know what for meek is humble, you must have a humble and a teachable spirit. In Psalm 25 verse 9, you say, the meek will He guide in judgment. The meek will He guide in judgment and the meek will He teach His way. The meek will He guide, that is God. If you are meek, God will always guide. If you are meek, God will always teach you His way. He will tell you, son, do it this way, daughter, do it this way. But you must be meek, you must be humble, you must be ready for Him to teach you. You know, in life, at times some people will brag, this is the way we have been doing it, we are used to this thing, this is the way. Even when God is saying, change, no, this is the way, this is the way we have been doing it. As long as that thing is wrong and you are being given instruction, let's do it this way, live that old way. Don't remain in doing something that is wrong and say, because this is the way we have been doing it. Amen. In Numbers, chapter 12, verse 3 and 4, talk about the man Moses, was very meek, above all the men which are upon the face of the earth. And the Lord spake suddenly unto Moses, and unto Aaron, and unto Miriam, Come out ye three, unto the tabernacle of the congregation. And they came out. God will always lead the meek, the humble, He will always give you direction, because He knows that when He gives you, He will accept it. There are people that have already made up their mind, this is what I do, whatever they say, I am not changing my mind. Such people are having a stony heart. Such people, God cannot guide, God cannot lead such a person. So you must have a teachable meek and a teachable spirit. Number 3, you must have a quiet spirit. You must have a quiet spirit. Quiet spirit here, now the meek and teachable spirit talk about humility. Quiet spirit here, talk about gentility. You can't hear God in the midst of noise. You can't hear God in the midst of noise. In Proverbs chapter 18 verse 1, Proverbs chapter 18 verse 1, You see, true desire, a man having separated himself secret and intermediated with all wisdom. You must have a quiet spirit. So as a child of God, you should not be a gra-gra person. Have a quiet spirit, so that when God is speaking, you should be able to hear. That's why at times we pass, that's why at times we separate ourselves, to seek the face of God. To be in a quiet spirit, so that we can hear God when at times God will be speaking. But because we are in the midst of noise, we are not hearing Him. A lot of things, events are happening around us, even when God is speaking, we are not hearing Him. Number four, you must learn to fellowship with the Spirit of God. You must learn to fellowship with the Spirit of God. This is a fellowship. We are here fellowshipping with God and with one another. God is speaking to us now. But through a human vessel. Now, the things I am saying, if you are not here physically, you will not hear them, it's honest to you. You will not hear them. Because you are not a spirit. Those at home now, except they are dealing online, if they are streaming, we must make up time to fellowship with the Spirit of God. That is why we encourage people to pray in the Spirit. That's why we encourage people to separate themselves and pray and pass, seeking the face of God. You can never seek the face of God and go astray in life. In Isaiah chapter 30, Isaiah 30, 29 and 30, Isaiah 30, 29 and 30. Yeshua hath a song. Somebody should say Amen. Yeshua hath a song. As in the night, when a holy, solemnly escaped and gladness of heart. And when one boiled with a pipe to come into the mountain of the Lord, to the mighty one of Israel. And the Lord shall cause his glorious voice to be heard. The Lord shall cause his glorious voice to be heard. And he shall show the lightning down of his hand. With the indignation of his anger. And with the flame of a devouring fire. With scattering and tempest hailstorm. Verse 29 says that you will hear a song when you are fellowshiping with God. Verse 30 is talking about what the Lord will do with your enemies when you are in the place of fellowship. But as you fellowship with him, there are things he will begin to show you. I am teaching a course in the Bible school. Power principle of prayer. I told them that God, we are not to approach God in a fire brigade manner. Fire brigade is when something happens, they call them, they will begin to rush in to quench the fire. Prayer is not like that, it is not supposed to be like that. There are people that will not go to fellowship in the presence of God until they have a challenge. There are people that will not declare personal fasting until they have a negative dream. Maybe a masquerade is pursuing them with God's love. That is when they will declare fasting, no. We should learn to fellowship with God, we should love to fellowship with God. And anytime you are in the place of fellowship, God reveals things to you. God gives you direction. God gives you direction. Amen. You will not miss your path in life. I say you will not miss your path in life. God will lead you in the path of righteousness. For his namesake. In the name of Jesus. Number five, I end with that. Number five. We are still looking at requirements for divine direction. You must hunger and desire God's direction. You must hunger and desire God's direction. You must say to my mind, God, I don't want to do this my own way. Lord, show me what to do. There must be a hunger in your heart. There must be a hunger. In Psalm 42 verse 1 to 3. As the heart of the deer panted after the waterproof soles, my soul panted after the eagle. My soul thirsted for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God? My tears have been my midday and night. Where is the continuance unto me? Where is my God? There must be a desire. There must be a hunger. For God's direction. Students, the course you even want to read. Don't just say that my parents said I should read this because that's why I'm going for it. Go to God. Go to God. Let God give you direction. Let God give you direction. Allow Him to lead you. Businessmen and women, the type of business you want to do, allow God to give you direction. Like I said earlier, in life there are alternatives. But go to God first. Allow Him to lead you. Amen. Deuteronomy 32, 10-14. You can read that one. We may not have the time to read. You can read that one. Deuteronomy 32, 10-14. You read that one. Let me just share the revelation I have. As I lay down, I woke up around 3am. And God began to minister this thing to me. That between 12... This thing I didn't read in any book. That was an inspiration God was giving me. And I took my iPad and typed it. Because I've already written today's message. I typed it. Revelation last night, 7-06-2023. I typed it. I didn't even share with my wife. Between 12 and 3am, spiritual transactions normally take place. I know that there are people that are into deliverance that have been talking. I'm not saying what I read from a book. But based on the revelation I saw last night. That between 12 and 3am, spiritual transactions take place. I think those people into deliverance ministry may also agree with me. That between that 12 and 3am, buying and selling of destinies takes place. That as a believer, the instruction is this. That as a believer, between 12 and 3, at least you should take an hour to pray. Don't sleep. When you are sleeping between 12 and 3am, transaction is taking place on your behalf. They can even sell your destiny. Before you wake up, transaction has already taken place concerning your destiny. And when you even wake up between 3 and 4, and begin to pray, it will take serious battle to buy back what was taken from you. And God give you the picture of a scenario of a village market. Now when you go to a village market, when you come early in the morning, people will buy things. Those that come late, things have already been bought. But if you desperately you need a particular thing, you will not buy from the seller. You will go and buy from somebody that has already bought. And before you buy it, the person will act on it, for you to buy that thing you desire. So God was repeating to me that, as believers, when you are sleeping, transaction is going on. Do you know that people in occultic world, they don't sleep the way we sleep. There are certain things that can be decided on your head. You don't know. So, the instruction is, I don't know whether it's my personal instruction God gave me, what I'm sharing with you. You can take it. So, between 2 and 3, at least take 1 hour to pray. You can pray those 3 hours, but at least 1 hour pray before you sleep. That is why when you go early, it is better you sleep early and wake up around that 2 o'clock. Even if you pray 2 o'clock to 1, you are taking care of the day. You are taking care. Nobody will come and do transaction on your head. It will not happen. Why? Because you are already taking charge. But if you are sleeping through at that time, some people will sleep up to 6 a.m., 7 a.m. The people in the spiritual world have done transaction. Now, when I wrote this thing, I was meditating. I went back to lie down. God now gave me a scripture that back it up. In Matthew chapter 13. Can we stand up? Matthew 13. We want to pray. Matthew 13 from verse 24. Matthew 13 from verse 24. An honorable parable. Put him forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is lacking unto a man which soweth good seed in his farm. soweth good seed in his farm. Verse 25. Verse 25. Ok, I will read from here if you are not ready. But while men slept, his enemy came and saw past among the weeds and went his way. A man went to his farm and saw good seed. He went back. He and his servant, all of them were sleeping. An enemy came while all of them were sleeping and saw past. And this transaction to disorganize their farm. When they woke up, they didn't even know. It was when the plants started growing, they now went to the master, and said, ah, it is good seed that we have sown. Why is it bad? Why am I seeing bad? They now remember, oh, an enemy has done this. There was a transaction that took place where all of us are sleeping. The revelation may be personal for me, but I share it with you. If you can take it as a child of God, between twelve and three, don't sleep for those three hours, at least one hour, pray. Pray for yourself, pray for your family, pray for the church. Any time you come back from work, make sure that you rest early, then you wake up to do warfare. You will see that your life will change, your destiny, no power will tamper with it. Amen. It is not part of the Bible study, we are talking about the end direction. But I just share with you what happened last night. Amen. God will lift up your hands. Lift up your hands, lift up your hands. God will lift up your hands. Can you, can you quietly help me with this song? Anywhere you lead me, I will go. For you are the truth. Jesus. You never leave me, nor forsake me. And that you do now, love you, love you today. Me, I will follow you to the pole. Anywhere you lead me, I will go. Jesus. Amen. I like to sing for your glory, your glory. You make the giving, I do the blessing, I do the signal. Your praise makes a difference, just as I see you. I like you Lord. I like the way you lead me, Lord. From the oceans everywhere, blessings everywhere, help is on you everywhere, you can lead me everywhere. I say I like you Lord. I like the way you lead me, Lord. I will repeat it again. Anywhere you lead me, I will go. For you are the truth. Jesus. You never leave me, nor forsake me. Anywhere you lead me, I will go. Anywhere you lead me, I will go. For you are the truth, Jesus. You never leave me, nor forsake me. Thank you. Anywhere he leads you, he will go. Can we ask him to lead us? Can we ask him to guide us? Open your mouth and pray. If you can pray in the spirit, open your mouth and pray in the spirit. In Jesus mighty name we pray. Can you say my father, my God, give me divine direction in every area of my life. Clap your hands as you pray. My father, my God, give me direction in whatever I do. I give you direction in whatever I do. I give you direction in whatever I do. In Jesus mighty name we pray. Lift up your hands. When you go home tonight, take time to pray. Lift up your hands. Father we thank you, we give you praise. Thank you for your word that we have received. We ask oh God, day by day, continue to give us divine direction. Anywhere we are misled, we repent today. We ask oh God, reorder our steps. In the name of Jesus. From today, lead us in the path of righteousness. For your name's sake. Thank you Jehovah. In Jesus mighty name we pray. Shout a better amen. You may be seated. Sit down, package your tithes and your offerings. Package your tithes and your offerings. Amen. If you have done that, stand to your feet. Let's give to the Lord. If you don't have cash, transfer. Can you lift it up? Father we thank you, we give you praise. We appreciate your faithfulness. Thank you for this offering. As we give today, we decree and declare. This month of June, let financial harvest be our portion. We cover this seed with the blood of Jesus. Thank you for answering us. In Jesus mighty name we pray. Sing that song. Anywhere you lead me. I like it all. Anywhere you lead me. I'm ready to break the little things I know. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I know. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do. I'm ready to break the little things I do.