Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Divine assistance is when God sends help when your own efforts cannot produce results. It is available to every child of God and can be accessed through prayer and coming boldly to the throne of grace. Divine assistance can make a difference in your life and help you overcome struggles and see results. The story of Jesus and the fishermen shows how divine assistance can change the outcome of your efforts. Sing glory, sing glory, sing glory, sing glory, sing glory, sing glory, glory to God, sing glory, glory to God, sing glory, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God Hallelujah! Hallelujah! We say glory to God! Amen! Can you lift up your hands and worship the name of the Lord? Lift up your hands, worship the king of glory, worship the ancient of days, worship the lily of the valley, the bright and the morning star, the rock of ages, the I am that I am, the almighty himself, your father and my father, the captain of our salvation, can you open your mouth and worship the name of the Lord? Worship the name of the Lord, worship the name of the Lord, worship the name of the Lord, worship the name of the Lord. Appreciate God's faithfulness. The Bible says his steadfast love never ceases, and his mercies never come to an end. Give him praise, give him honor, give him adoration. Exalt his holy name. Thank you, Jehovah. In Jesus' mighty name we have worshipped. Your amen can be better than that. In Jesus' mighty name we have worshipped. Shout better than that. Amen. Once again, happy new month. You are welcome to church this morning. Can you shake up to five people and say, I'm glad that you are in church. Tell them, I'm glad that you are in church. I'm glad that you are in church. Then ask them, where is the one person you invite? Ask them again, where is the one person you invite? If they say no, tell them that you are not doing well. You are not doing well. You are more than this. You can do better. Amen. You may be seated. God bless you. Once again, I welcome you to the month of June. And I say happy new month to everybody. So on behalf of the Archbishop and on behalf of our Bishop, I say happy new month. Welcome to the month of June. The month our Archbishop has declared. The month to focus on Christ for divine assistance and direction. This month you will receive divine assistance. And you will receive divine direction. You are not saying amen like you believe it. Amen. I want to appreciate those that have supported us in the registration of our Megacom. I specifically ask people to support the registration. And some people willingly did that. I must appreciate them. Amen. In case you are also here, we have not reached our target yet for registration. If you still want to support us, 10 people, 5 people, 2 people, please see me. The registration is still ongoing. Amen. The Lord bless you as you do that. We also want to appreciate those that supported us in the fixing of the roof. We spent a lot of money. And I say that people should support. Some people have supported. I am still expecting. We took that money from somewhere. And we need to replace it back. Amen. Amen. Yesterday in the hour of destiny, I testify on behalf of all of you. Amen. So let's contribute the money to replace it back. The Lord bless you as you do that. No amount is too big. No amount is too small. Amen. We want to welcome our sisters that have come to worship with us today. She is still our member. Sister Belema and her son. Can you stand up? Where is your son? Where is your son? You are welcome back. Amen. We love to see more of you. Tell your husband that the pastor is asking after him. We want to see more of you. Amen. This is your house. We want to welcome brother Austin. Welcome back from your journey. And happy birthday in Arias. You know you are the leader of May. You have promised to do your own. So we are still waiting. You have testified. We want to see your hand at work. Amen. Praise the Lord. The women will be having vigil. Provincial vigil. This Friday the 9th of June. So all women in the house be reminded. All women. It's provincial. Amen. I think since that's their first vigil. Since I came here. I think I need to also be around. So I will be around with the women. Amen. Pray with them. I will be around to pray with you people. But when you are having meeting I will not be there. Amen. I will participate in the prayers. Amen. So all women in the house are encouraged to attend. We are the host. We are the provincial headquarters. So we must show example in everything we do. Amen. The Lord bless you. Can we stand to our feet. Lift up your hands unto him once again. My helper. My. You are my helper. My helper. There is something that makes me come into your presence. My helper. Jesus my helper. My helper. Oh you are my helper. My helper. Oh there is something that makes me come into your presence. My helper. Oh my helper. My helper. Jesus my helper. My helper. There is something that makes me come into your presence. My helper. You are my helper. My helper. Jesus my helper. My helper. Oh there is something that makes me come into your presence. My helper. Jesus my helper. My helper. Jesus my helper. My helper. There is something that makes me come into your presence. My helper. With all eyes closed with that instrument, I want us to sing it solemnly. As you are singing it, see God standing by you as your helper. As you are singing, see Jesus by your side trying to help you. My helper. My helper. Jesus my helper. My helper. There is something that makes me come into your presence. My helper. Jesus my helper. My helper. Yes you are my helper. My helper. There is something that makes me come into your presence. My helper. Father we thank you. You are our helper. If you don't help us Lord, no man can help us. This morning we have come that you will help us. As our place is different so are our needs. All of us, all of us we need help. Therefore this morning we ask that you help us. Lord help us this morning. Father help us this morning. As we look into your words, speak to us. Speak life to us. Speak comfort to us. Speak favor to us. Speak grace to us. Speak healing to us. Speak deliverance to us. In every area that we have a need, meet us at the point of our needs. Have your way Jehovah. Holy Spirit take over from me. In Jesus mighty name we are praying. Shout a believing Amen. You may take your seat as a King and as a Queen. Ok this morning we are looking at the theme for the month. The Archbishop has declared as the month to focus on Christ. For divine assistance and direction. So this morning I am going to talk about divine assistance. Divine direction we will talk about that in the midweek service. When I am talking about divine assistance. In the midweek service we will look at divine direction. Ascension after 4 to 1. Verse 10 to 13. Ascension after 4 to 1. Verse 10 to 13. Tear down not, for I am with thee. Be not dismayed, for I am thy God. Amen. Is somebody excited? I will strengthen thee. Yea, I will help thee. Yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Verse 11. Behold all they that were incensed against thee. People that are angry against thee. People that are mad at thee. They shall be ashamed and confounded. They shall be as nothing. And they that strife with thee shall perish. Anyone that tamper with the children of God. That person is playing with fire. See what God is saying. Verse 12. Thou shall seek them and shall not find them. That is your enemies. Even them that contended with thee. They that war against thee. Shall be as nothing. And as a king of nothing. That is that God will take care of your enemies to the level that your enemies will be nowhere to be found. Verse 13. For I the Lord thy God. Will hold thy right hand. Saying unto thee. Fear not. I will help thee. Amen. This is the word of God. This is the word of God. Now I want to bring out the assurances that God has given in these verses. Especially verse 10. Number 1. God says fear not. The Bible says fear hath torment. Fear hath torment. Anytime you are fearful in life. You don't make progress. Anytime you are afraid. You can't venture into things. The Bible says somebody is afraid to go out because there is lion in the street. Fear hath torment. And the Bible says God did not give us the spirit of fear. Anytime you see fear in your life. It is the devil at work. Trying to cripple you. But God is saying fear not. Are there people afraid in their house. God is saying fear not. The second thing God says in that scripture. I am with thee. That is an assurance. I am with thee. So God is not against you. God is with thee. Except you are the one against God. But God says I am with thee. I am with thee. That is an assurance. God says don't be dismayed. Don't be dismayed. To be dismayed is to be worried. To be agitated. We are in distress. A lot of us are dismayed. We are in distress. We are worried about a lot of things. God says don't be dismayed. That issue. Don't be dismayed. What the doctors told you. Don't be dismayed. They don't have the financing. I am your God. I am your creator. I have the financing. Amen. I have the financing. So don't be dismayed. And he said I am thy God. I am thy God. So God is giving you assurance that he is your God. He is your God. When God says that he is your God. He is reminding you. I am your father. I am your creator. I am the owner of your life. So I am thy God. He said I will strengthen thee. I will strengthen thee. I will strengthen thee. Are there people weak in the house? You are here you are weak. Physically you are weak because of sickness. Spiritually you are weak. He said I will strengthen thee. I will strengthen thee. If you need strength in the house. God is here to strengthen you. As the word of God is coming to you this morning. Receive the strength of God. Receive the strength of God. As many that are weak in the body. May you receive the strength of God right now. Receive the strength of God right now. In the name of Jesus. He said I will help thee. Another word for assistance is help. That is the key area of the message. I will help thee. If my sister cannot stand up. And I hold her hand and lift her up. I have helped her. Is that not so? If somebody comes to church. And the only money he paid to come to church. Is the only money he has. He does not have transport to go back. And as a fellow brother. You bring that one thousand and give him after service. He use it to pay transport. You have assisted him. You have helped him. God said I will help thee. I will assist thee. Then the last one they said. I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. To uphold means to leave. So God said that he is holding your hand. And God was specific. I am holding you with the right hand of my righteousness. So I am not a deceiver. I will not tell you that I am with you. When I am not with you. I will not be laughing with you. Physically but in the secret. I am backstabbing you. I will hold you with the right hand of my righteousness. Can we celebrate that God is a righteous God. God is not a deceiver. God is not like the devil. God is not like the devil. You see. All those people that serve devil. Those people that are into witchcraft. Those that are into occult. The devil will give them material things. Pretending to them as if he loves them. Is that not so? Those into occult. That are serving devil. And he will give some riches. He will give some position. Pretending that he loves them. He is just preparing them for the day of slaughter. But God is not like that. God said I will hold you with my right hand of righteousness. Amen. What does it mean to assist? To assist means to help someone to finish a task. To assist means to help someone to finish a task. And God said he will assist us. He will help us. Are there people that have tasks to be completed? God is saying that I will help you. That your project I will help you. That thing that you want to do in your business, in your family. God is saying I will help you. I will assist you. He will not do that in half way. So divine assistance means the help that comes from God. The help that comes from God is called divine assistance. So the archbishop is telling us that this month we shall receive help that comes from God. There is a help that comes from man. But there is a help that comes from God. Even the help that comes from man until God touches the heart of man. They cannot even help him. Do you know that at times we blame people. I went to him to ask for something. See the way he was even talking. It is because that man or that woman have not been touched by God. For man to even help you until God touches their heart. That is the reason why in life you should look beyond human beings. Because there is a help of man. Man can promise and fail. You cannot blame them, they are humans. But always look up to God. Look up to God. Don't look at human beings. Why? Because they will fail. They will disappoint you. It is the nature of human beings, you cannot blame them. So we are talking about divine assistance. Divine assistance. This month. And throughout this month and beyond. God will render divine assistance to all of us. Somebody is not saying Amen. And divine assistance is available. It is available to every child of God. It is available to the men, to the women, to the teenagers, to the youth, to the children. Divine assistance is available. You can access it. It is not just for a particular group of people. You can access it. Like it was said in the hour of destiny yesterday. You can access, open doors. As a child of God. In Hebrews chapter 4 verse 16. Let us come boldly to the throne of grace. That we may obtain mercy. And find grace to help in time of need. When you come to the throne of grace. There is help. But when you come to the throne of grace. The first thing you receive. Is that you receive mercy. That was why within the week we said that. The number one prayer point in your life should be. God have mercy on me. God show me mercy. When God show you mercy. There is nothing that God cannot do in your life. But when mercy is not obtained. It will be difficult for you to get other things of life. You see when you obtain mercy. You will not find grace to help you in times of need. In every area of your life. It is there that you have need. Amen. Amen. God is releasing his mercy this morning. In the name of Jesus. Do you know. That nobody can be alive for a minute. Without the help of God. You cannot be alive in a minute. Without the help of God. Without the assistance of God. You know. There are things in life we take for granted. Can you see the air you are breathing. Can you see it. But it is entering and coming out. You don't even know it. You don't see it. That is the help of God. Amen. That is the help of God. The air you are taking in. You are breathing it with ease. Do you know that there are some people in the hospital. They cannot breathe it naturally. They are using machines. To help them breathe. I believe we are aware during the COVID-19. They were fixing oxygen on people. So. They could not breathe naturally. So the way you are breathing in and out. It is God's assistance. Amen. It is God's assistance. When God takes away that assistance. You cannot survive the next one minute. So we cannot survive without God's assistance. There are people that they put in life support. So that means that without that machine they will die. But when you are having the assistance of God. You don't need life support. That is why you are healthy. You are alive. Things are normal. You are breathing in. We are still looking at it. Without God's assistance. God's help. We cannot survive. The food you eat and you digest and turn to blood. It is the help of God. You will eat a bowl of Eba. A goose soup. It will enter your stomach. But suddenly. It will turn to blood. And be running in your veins. How it become converted. You don't know. It is the help of God. Is that not so? It is the help of God. God's biology will tell us that that is the digestive system. They have got to study. The way your heart is beating. Is functioning. You don't know. You can't even see it. You can only press your hand. And hear the way the heart is beating. But what is happening is that you don't know. You don't see it. It is the help of God. The way your kidney is functioning inside. You don't know the way the kidney is functioning. The way your lungs is functioning. You don't know. It is the help of God. It is the assistance from God. So it is divine assistance. It is not the help of man. It is not the help of man. It is not the help of man. Even that man that you are looking at for help. Also need help. If not, doctors will not die. Amen. So all of us, we need divine assistance. I need divine assistance. You need divine assistance. Amen. Number one. Divine assistance is when God is sending you help. When your own effort cannot produce result. Divine assistance is when God is sending you help. When your own effort cannot produce result. There are some of us, we are laboring. We are making effort in life. Some of us are not idle. You are making effort in other areas of your life. But you are not seeing result. Then you need divine assistance. You need divine assistance. And the good news is that divine assistance is available. You don't need to go to anywhere to find it. It is here with you. It is here with you. You don't need to go to Jerusalem to get divine assistance. You don't need to go to Abuja to get divine assistance. Divine assistance is right here with you. You can get it today. And it will be yours forever. And it will be yours forever. In Luke chapter 5 verse 1 to 9. It is a popular story. Luke chapter 5 verse 1 to 9. And it came to pass that as the people praised upon him to hear the word of God. He stood by the lake of Jernassaret, verse 2. And saw two ships standing by the lake. But the fishermen were gone out of them and were washing their names. Verse 3. And he entered into one of the ships which was Simon's and prayed him that he should trot out a little from the land. And he sat down and taught the people out of the ship. Verse 4. Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Lodge out into the deep and lay down your net for the drought. Verse 5. And Simon answered and said unto him, Master, we have toiled all night and have taken nothing. Nevertheless, at thy word I will lay down the net. Master, we have toiled all night but caught nothing. In other words, bitter was the pain. Master, we have struggled. Ah, no result. Are there people in the house? Try. You try this, no result. You try this, no result. You will need divine assistance. They toiled until Jesus came to the scene. After Jesus had finished using his board to preach, Jesus told him, lay down your net for a drought. Say, Master, we have toiled all night. Nevertheless, at thy word I will lay down the net. Verse 6. And when they had done this, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes and their net broke. When divine assistance came, their unfruitful labor ceased. A little effort, the fishes that were into hiding suddenly appeared. Why? Because there was divine assistance. When you have divine assistance, struggle in life will cease. I speak to somebody in the house this morning. Every struggle you are struggling, may it cease today. I say, may it cease today. May it cease today. That effort that you have been putting without seeing any result, may that effort begin to produce result. The reason of divine assistance. Now, what really makes the difference? It was the presence of Jesus. I have stayed in the flesh for a while. I have gone to fishing. Amen. I have fished before. At least there is a lake in my flesh. I have gone to fishing. It is frustrating as a fisherman. As a fisherman, you went fishing throughout the night. You caught nothing. Empty. Your wife and your children are waiting. Probably, they may have borrowed gari. On credit. My husband is coming. Once he sells the fish, he will pay for the gari. He will pay for the egusi. And he is about returning empty. It is frustrating. But, turn down. Jesus appears. May the Lord appear in your case. I say, may the Lord appear in your case. May Jesus show up in your case. May Jesus show up in your case. And they beckon unto partners who were in the other ship. That they should come and help them. And they came and they bought the ships. So that they began to sink. Where were the fishes before? So, divine assistance is when your human effort has failed in life. And God comes to your rescue. God is coming to somebody's rescue. I say, God is coming to somebody's rescue. In the name of Jesus. Number two. Divine assistance is when God is sending you help. God is sending you help. When you are no longer expecting it. You have already loosed up. And you are no longer expecting it. There are people in life. They have already accepted their fate. Maybe that is the way God wants it. Let me just manage it for life. That is a lie from the devil. It is finished. There is nothing I can do again. That is when God will show up. When you have given up. Thinking that nothing will happen again. God will show up in that situation. In the name of Jesus. In 1 Kings chapter 17. In 1 Kings chapter 17. From verse 8. And the word of the Lord came unto him saying. That is to Elna. Arise get thee to Zarephath. Which belongeth to Zidon. And dwell in there. Behold I have commanded a widow woman. To sustain thee. Verse 10. So he arose and went to Zarephath. And when he came to the gate of the city. Behold. Behold. The widow woman was there. God wills this. And he called unto her and said. Fetch me a little water in a vessel. That I may drink. Verse 11. And she was going. To fetch it. He called unto her and said. Bring me a morsel of bread in thy hand. This one had. If it is water. I can manage to pray. But a morsel of bread. Why not one day. And she said. As the Lord I don't live it. I have not a cake. But a handful of meal in a barrel. And a little oil in a crucible. And behold. I am gathering two sticks. That I may go in and dress it. For me and my soul. That we may eat it. And die. She thought that that was the last day of her life. To her. This is my last meal. I am going to cook. I and my soul. Then we prepare for death. Divine assistance. Comes. When you are no longer expecting it. This woman was about to die. But suddenly. Suddenly. The prophet of God show up. May God show up. At the point. That you think you. You have given up. May God show up in case. And say may God show up in your case. And Elijah said to her. Fear not. Have you seen fear not coming again. Fear not. And do as thou. Have said. But make me therefore a little cake first. And bring it unto me. And after make for thee and thy son. In this our modern generation. They will say that. This prophet get longer throat. This prophet. You know the pity the widow. He want to eat first. But that's God's instruction. God's ways are not our ways. Verse 14. For God says the Lord. The barrel of me shall not waste. Neither the crucible of all your faith. Until the day the Lord shall reign. On the earth. And she went. And did according to the saying of Elijah. And she. And her house. Did eat many things. This woman was at the point. Of death. Suddenly. Divine assistance. Came for her. The woman that was supposed to die. Maybe in few days. She lived for more many years. Because. As God was concerned. Hunger was no longer her problem. So divine assistance will come to you. When you are no longer expecting. When I take somebody in the house. Every day. Expect the help of God. Be positive minded. Be looking up to God. That's why the psalmist said in Psalm 121. I will look up to the hills. From which cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord. Which make the heaven and earth. Look beyond man. Look beyond man. Amen. Number three. We are talking about divine assistance. Sending you assistance. Or sending you help. When no human is available. To help you. When no human is available. To help you. In Isaiah chapter 60. Verse 11 and 12. Isaiah chapter 60. Verse 11 and 12. Say give us help. From trouble. Give us help. Sorry Psalm 60. Psalm 60 verse 11 and 12. Media please change it. Thank you. Psalm 60 verse 11 and 12. Say give us help from trouble. That is it. You are asking God. Give us help from trouble. For vain is the help of man. In other words the help of man is limited. In fact man will even promise and fail. It is a true God we shall do valiantly. For it is he that shall take down our enemies. My concern is that verse 11. Give us help from trouble. For vain is the help of man. So we are saying that you will need divine assistance. When all men are not available to help you. In John chapter 5. In John chapter 5 there is a pathetic story of a man. It is a popular story. Say after this there was a feast of the Jews. And Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Verse 2. Now there at Jerusalem by the ship merchant. A fool which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda. Having five horses. Verse 3. In this lay a great multitude of important folks. People that have different needs. Of blinds, of whores, of widows. Waiting for the moving of the water. Verse 4. For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool. And troubled the water. Whosoever then faced after the troubling of the water. And stepped in was made whole of whatever disease he had. Verse 5. And a certain man was there. Which had an infirmity. 38 years. He was not 38 years old. He was there for 38 years. So we don't know how old he was. But he was there in that pool for 38 years. Verse 6. When Jesus saw him. And knew that he had been now a long time. In that case. He said unto him. Will thou be made whole? Verse 7. The important man answered him. Sir. I have no man. When the water is troubled to put me into the pool. But while I am coming. Another man stepped down. Before me. Amen. This man was at the pool of Bethesda. For 38 years. At a certain season. The angel of the Lord will come and steer of the water. Whoever. That enter first. Will receive healing. Every other. If it is 1000 people. One person will receive healing. 999 will return back. Another season will come. One person will enter. The remaining people. You see at times. When we are analyzing it. People normally blame this man. They say. If you know the season. You could have just gone. Do you know the number of people. In that place. The competition is too high. And it seems this man was paralyzed. He cannot move. So he may need the assistance of somebody. To put him in the water. That was why he told Jesus. I have no man. Are you here this morning? You are saying that I have no man. My uncle is not a minister. He is not a senator. He is not a governor. I have no man. There are some people. We want to look for their children. I don't know any professor. I don't know any doctor. I don't know any head of department. This person have no man. Was he not from a family? Even if all the close relations have died. Are there not at least some far relations. But he said. He looked left and right. No man. So you will need divine assistance. When you think that no man. Is there to help you. Suddenly. As this man was sitting down. Not even expecting a miracle that day. He said. I have no man. He was sitting down. Not even expecting a miracle that day. Jesus show up. When Jesus show up. Jesus went to him. And sat by his side. Will thou be make whole? He said. I have no man. Jesus just asked. Will thou be make whole? I have no man. With all his excuses. Because the man of Christian has come. Jesus overlook all his excuses. And hold his hand. And said man. Rise up. Pick up your bed and walk. This bed that you have been lying down for years. It is time to rise up. Carry that bed. No longer lie on this bed. Amen. Rise up and walk. When all men have failed to assist him. Jesus appear. Jesus is appearing in your life. Jesus appear. Jesus is appearing in your case. I said Jesus is appearing in your case. That issue. That you have been trusting God for help. You have been looking up to men for help. And no help is coming. Jesus is here this morning. That your project. That have been abandoned. Because you don't have finances. God is releasing helpers. God is coming to your rescue. So in life. Look beyond human beings. This month. The Archbishop has declared. The month to focus on Christ. For divine assistance. Divine assistance is on your way. It is on your way. Just be positive minded. Continue to look up to God. Continue to look up to God. Don't look up to God today. And tomorrow you put away your. Your eyes from God. You see in life. Most of the time. Most of the time. People look at alternatives. People look at alternatives. God should be number one. And number one. And number one. Some people will try other means. If they don't succeed. That is when they will remember God. No. You can't put God second. You can't put God second. No. So divine assistance. Is your portion. Is your heritage. Is part of the benefits of the cross. Is part of the benefits of the cross. So I declare to somebody in the house. This morning. That this month of June. God is sending you divine assistance. That area of your life. That you think. God is sending you assistance. All I need from you this morning. Is to raise your faith. If you have been looking somewhere before. If you have been looking at your uncle before. Your auntie before. That your brother in abroad. From today. Remove your eyes from human beings. And continue to look up to God. When you remove your eyes. Begin to look at God. It is God that will just touch them. God will touch their heart. You will say. How are you? I just said let me greet you. Can you drop your account details? May that be your portion. May that be your portion. All those that have forgotten you. Leave them. Look up to God. God will touch their heart. Until God touch the heart of men. They cannot help you. So remove your eyes from men. Look up to God. This month of June. God is sending you help. God is sending you help. And he is giving you assurance. He said fear not. I am with you. I am your God. I am not a Highland. I am your God. I will help you. That contract you are looking for. God will help you. That business opportunity you are looking for. God will help you. That business opportunity you are trusting God for. God will help you. A lot of us. We have remained tenants long in Lagos. It is time to become a landlord. God will help you. Amen. In Lagos I also want to be a landlord. Is that not so? I don't want to be a tenant forever. The same thing with you. The same thing with all of you. As I am praying for myself. For God to visit me. As I am praying. God will visit you. He will send you help from his sanctuary. Can we stand to our feet? Lift up your hands and close your eyes. I don't know the area you need help. But talk to your father this morning. Look beyond that. Look up to God. Look up to God. Look up to God. Look up to God. Look up to God. Look up to God. Father, can you hear me? I will lift up my hands for today. His power will come. Can we sing solemnly together? I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. I will lift up my hands for today. 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