Paul and the Law, what is he really saying about the law!
Paul and the Law, what is he really saying about the law!
The host discusses the conflicting views on the importance of following the Torah. He references verses from the Apostle Paul, who suggests that the law ends with the coming of the Messiah and that believers are not under the law but under grace. However, the host argues that the Torah is important and that Paul may have been misinterpreted. He emphasizes that the Torah is the teachings and instructions of Yahweh and that Yeshua is the living Torah. The host then compares Paul's views with Yeshua's teachings, noting that Yeshua did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it. The host concludes that believers should establish the Torah through their faith in Yeshua and that the Torah serves as a measuring stick for righteousness. Hello, New Zealand and the world. Welcome to the program, Let Us Reason Together, a weekly radio broadcast to prepare us for the coming of the King and the restoration of the whole house of Israel. Our host today, Boaz Nuach. Good evening and welcome to the program. It is good to be here again this Shabbat and as I mentioned last time, today we are going to look at some of the utterings of the Apostle Paul. Because we've heard a lot over the last few weeks about this Torah and how it is important and how we should follow it and keep it, but then if we look at the Apostle Paul, he seems to have a totally different opinion. So who is right? Is what I have been saying right or is the Apostle Paul right? God doesn't He say in Romans 10 verse 4, doesn't He say for the Messiah is the end of the law and righteousness for anyone who believes? Well, that's pretty clear, isn't it? So he says when the Messiah came, then the law ends and that's exactly what the church teaches because that's what the Apostle Paul says. You know, doesn't he also say in Romans 6 verse 14, you are not under the law, but you are under grace. You see, so that confirms what he is saying, that when the Messiah came, you know, the law is done away with and we now live under the grace of God, as they would say. And then he nails it really tight in Galatians 3, the first part of verse 10, where he says for as many as are of the works of the law, they are under a curse. So if you do the works of the law, then you are cursed. So how can I sit here for 3 or 4 weeks and ramble on that this Torah, this law is so important and that you've got to do it, whilst the Apostle Paul very clearly, and here I've used 3 witnesses, Galatians 3 verse 10, Romans 10 verse 4 and Romans 6 verse 14, all say and I repeat, for as many as are of the works of the law, they are under a curse, Christ as it says in your Bible is the end of the law, so that to them may be the righteousness for everyone who believes, and Romans 6 verse 14, you are not under the law, you are under grace. So here we have it. So what I want to do is, I would like to go through this with you and come to a conclusion that either the Apostle Paul is a schizophrenic and he contradicts his master, Yeshua, or words have been put into his mouth. In other words, we have changed the specific texts, or we have given them an interpretation which is totally incorrect, in relation to the original Greek text of the scripture. OK, first of all I would like to again remind you that I use different names, for Yahweh I, or for the Lord I use Yahweh, which means I am who I am and I will be who I will be, for Jesus I use Yeshua, which means Yahweh who saves, and for the law I use the word Torah, which means teachings, or lifestyle, or instruction, and for the Spirit, or the Holy Spirit, I use the word Ruach, which is the set-apart Spirit of Yahweh. And according to Deuteronomy 6 verse 4, all these entities are one. Because it says, Hear O Israel, Yahweh your Elohim, Yahweh is one. So Yahweh is one with His Spirit, He is one with His Word, and Yeshua, as we know, was the Word that became flesh, John 1 verse 1, and the Torah, the teachings, or the instructions are part of Yahweh, therefore grace, which is contained in the Torah, is part for Yahweh. And if Yahweh was from eternity and is to eternity, then so is His grace, so are His statutes, His laws, and decrees, because they are part of Him. So having said all that, I then would like to go with you to the Torah, and we want to have a look at the book of Deuteronomy chapter 4, where we take the words that Moses spoke to Israel. These words, of course, are very important, because Moses received those words directly from Yeshua Himself, whom he met at the mountain. And if we go to Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 6, it says, Keep therefore and do them, that is the decrees and the laws and the statutes of Yahweh, for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people. In other words, the laws and the decrees and the statutes of Yahweh, Israel was to keep so that the nations round about would by observation see how a great and wise people it was. So what is actually this Torah? I mean, we've been talking about it now for four or five or six weeks. What is it? Well, actually, the Torah, as I indicated before, are the teachings or the instructions or the lifestyle that Yahweh prescribes for us to uphold. We read, for example, in Deuteronomy 4 verse 1, Therefore harken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments which I teach you, for to do them, why, that you may live and go in and possess the land which Yahweh your Elohim, of your forefathers, will give you. So the teachings of Abba Yahweh are in fact teachings, laws, commandments, precepts, they are His words and these words were manifested in Yeshua. We read in John chapter 1 verse 1 that in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with Yahweh or with Elohim and that Word was Elohim and that Word became flesh and tabernacled among us full of truth and grace. So the Torah is the teachings, the laws, the commandments, the decrees and the Word of Yahweh and that Word of Yahweh was manifested in Yeshua, the Messiah, which is the Word that became flesh. He says in Deuteronomy 4 verse 1, which I teach you, so here we have the teachings, all this law, Deuteronomy 4 verse 8, which I set before you this day, we have the law, that you may keep the commandments of Yahweh, Deuteronomy 4 verse 2 and as I just said in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with Elohim and the Word was Elohim, John 1 verse 1. So we have the written Torah, which is the Bible that perhaps is lying in your lap, the written Torah and we have the living Torah, which is Yeshua, because Yeshua is the Word of Yahweh that became flesh. Now let's have a look at this fellow Paul who says in Galatians 3 verse 10, and I call him Paul purposely, because Paul may have said this, but Shaul certainly did not. Galatians 3 verse 10, for as many as are of the works of the law are under a curse, yet in Deuteronomy 5 verse 33 it says, you shall walk in all the ways which Yahweh your Elohim has commanded you that you may live and that it may go well with you. So Paul says if you do it you are under a curse, but Moses says if you do it you will live. So let's have a look and see what Paul's view is of the Torah and what Yeshua's view is of the Torah. Here again, for as many as are of the works of the law are under a curse, Galatians 3 verse 10, Romans 10 verse 4, for Messiah is the end of the Torah, for righteousness to everyone that believes, and Romans 6 verse 14, for you are not under the law, but you are under grace. Now what does this master say, because after all, you see, an apostle is somebody who goes and proclaims the teaching of his master. In other words, they are almost copies of the master. They would never ever contradict what their master says or teaches. If I read you from Matthew 5 verse 17 where Yeshua says, think not that I have come to destroy the law and the prophets, no I have not come to destroy them, but I have come to bring them to their fullness, that then of course contradicts this fellow Paul. If we look at John chapter 5 verse 45, then the Moshiach says, do not think that I will accuse you to the father. So here Yeshua says, I am not going to accuse you to my father, he says there is one that accuses you, even Moses in whom you trust, and Moses of course is the Torah. So the Torah accuses us to the father, yes, because that is his standard. Yahweh is going to judge all mankind by one standard, and that standard is the Torah of Moses, which according to Paul in Romans 10 verse 4 has come to an end, and you know, in Romans 6 verse 14 he says, you are not under the law, you are under grace. But Yeshua says, hang on a minute, Moses is, or the Torah is going to judge you. Look at 8 verse 21, Yeshua was confronted by some people who said your mother and your brothers are here, and he says my mother and my brothers are these which hear the word, the word of Elohim, his Torah, his teachings, his laws, his decrees, who hear the words of Elohim and do it. So he doesn't say, well you don't have to do it anymore because it's rendered inoperative and it's all, forget about it, because we are going to make some new rules. No, no, he says, those who hear the word of Elohim and do it. Now on the other hand, Shaul, the bondservant of Yeshua, which the Christians call Paul, but his Hebrew word is Shaul, Shaul says in Romans 3 verse 31, do we then make void the Torah by our faith, the faith that we now have in Yeshua the Messiah, that he has cleansed us from all our unrighteousness, he's cleansed us from all our Torah violations so that we are clean before Abba Yahweh, now that we are clean before Abba Yahweh in the faith that we have in Yeshua, do we now make void the Torah? In other words, don't we need it anymore? He says no way, he says Elohim forbid, yea, we establish the Torah, yes, because this Torah is our measuring stick and we must measure our lives by the Torah and then we can see if we hit or miss the mark, that's what it is about, so we establish the Torah by our faith in Yeshua so that as Shaul says in another part of the book of Romans, if I didn't have the Torah, I wouldn't know what sin was, you see and in Romans 7 verse 1 he says, know ye not brothers, for I speak to them who know the Torah, how that the Torah has dominion over a man as long as he or she lives, are you still alive, yes, then according to Shaul, Romans 7 verse 1, you are subject to the Torah, and then he gives you an example about marriage, you will only be absolved from the Torah of marriage when your husband or your wife dies, but when they are alive, you are subject to the rules of the Torah, and then Shaul says in Galatians 3 verse 10b, for it is written, cursed is everyone that continues not in all things which are written in the book of the Torah or in the book of the law to do them, now that's interesting isn't it, I mean if you go to Galatians 3 verse 10a, it says, for as many as are of the works of the law are under a curse, and then he says, for it is written, cursed is everyone that continues not in all things which are written in the book of the Torah to do them, so he says on the one hand you are doomed if you do, and you are doomed if you don't, that must be wrong, there has to be something very very wrong here somewhere, there is total confusion in the camp, total confusion, Messiah is the end of the law for all those who believe, cursed is everyone that continues not in all things which are written in the book of the Torah to do them, you know, but dear friends, our Elohim is not the author of confusion, how do we know that, well that's what the scripture clearly indicates, in 1 Corinthians 14 verse 33, Elohim is not the author of confusion, so who has created this confusion here, who has said on the one hand, for Messiah is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believes, trying to say that when Christ came, okay, we don't need to do the law anymore, and then the apostle Shaul says, cursed is everyone that continues not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them, that's total confusion, that's total confusion, now Paul predicted, Paul predicted in the book of Acts the following, for I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock, also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them, Acts chapter 2 verse 29 to 30, so the apostle Shaul is saying in the book of Acts, listen guys, if I am not here anymore, grievous wolves are going to enter in among you, and let me point out that he calls them grievous wolves, not me, this is Shaul, the bondservant of Yeshua talking, and they're going to speak perverse things, so who are these wolves, well we'll come to that in a minute, we want to have another witness, and we are going to quote the apostle Kepha or Peter, the apostle Peter in 2 Peter 3 16 says, as also in all his, that's the apostle Shaul or the apostle Paul's epistles, speaking in them of these things in which are some things hard to understand, which they that are unlearned and unstable twist as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction, so the apostle Peter or Kepha is saying, listen, the epistles of the apostle Paul, sometimes they are hard to understand, which they that are unlearned and unstable twist, so if we can prove that we have had people twisting the word of the apostle Shaul, then by implication these people are unlearned and unstable and are working on their own destruction, yes, because not only in the Torah but also in the last book of revelations it says that anyone who adds or subtracts from the word of Elohim will be written out of the book of life, this is how serious this is, so not only should you examine your own theology and beliefs based on what I'm going to show you from the scriptures, but if you are convicted by the word of Yahweh, you then also must go and set these rights of these wrongs, set them right, because people have been led to believe the wrong thing, because unlearned and unstable men twisted the words of the apostle Shaul according to Kepha or Peter, now the first wolf that came was a chap called by the name of Ignatius, Ignatius lived around 30 to 107 BC, now the apostle Paul or Shaul they say died approximately between 60 and 68 AD, so Ignatius was already around and this fellow Ignatius wrote in his letter to the Magnesians and I quote, let us not be persuaded by strange teachings nor by fables that have no truth in them, if we still live by the Jewish law we confirm that we have not received grace, so here we have it, Ignatius one of the first church fathers says that if you still believe in the Jewish Torah, actually it's not the Jewish Torah, it is Yahweh's Torah, because they are Yahweh's teachings and Yahweh's laws and decrees, not the Jewish laws and decrees, they are for the Jews and the Israelites and according to the book of Ecclesiastes they are for all mankind, so he says if you do that then it shows to us that you are no longer under the grace of Yahweh, so here are the foundations and the roots of the teaching law versus grace, if we still believe the Jewish law we confirm that we have not received grace, the old is gone away and all has been renewed said Ignatius, oh yes, now where do I find the command in the scriptures where Yahweh says, because he's our authority, listen everything that I've said up to this point is now old and we do away with it and here I have for you a whole new set of rules, where do I find this specific command from Yahweh or from Yeshua in his word, well let me tell you it's nowhere to be found, well Ignatius goes on to say for if we are still living in accordance with the Jewish law and its circumcision of the flesh then we deny that we have received grace, all then who have been brought up under the old order and by that of course he means the old testament order as the church called it old testament, there is no such thing, there is a tested testament or a covenant and there is a renewed covenant but there is not an old covenant and a new covenant that's church terminology, all then who have been brought up under the old order have come to a new hope and therefore no longer keep the sabbath but the day of the Lord, well that might be so the day of Baal might be this might be the Sunday but the sabbath is the sign and the seal between Yahweh and his people that's the first sign of set apartness, it's a sign of redemption that you are redeemed by Yahweh and you've been given the ring of the sabbath on your finger that marks the sign between you and him now we want to find out who is right Ignatius or Yahweh Ignatius says in his writings it is therefore only right that the people listen to the bishop so dear friends you got to listen to the bishop according to Ignatius he is your authority why well Ignatius say the Lord did nothing without the father and so should you do nothing without the bishop or their presbyters so you don't make any decisions of any kind unless they are authorized and okayed by the bishop and then the presbyters he says the old has gone away and all is now renewed yeah we saw that Ignatius made new rules he made new rules about you know you don't keep the sabbath anymore you now keep you now keep the day of the Lord the first day of the week and as I said in a previous program I have all the documents here in which the Roman Catholic Church fully admits without any hesitation that they instituted the Sunday and therefore Sunday is Roman Catholic and they accuse the churches of the reformation for not following the Torah by keeping the sabbath because that's the biblical day of rest they admit this openly do you see Sunday is man-made sabbath is a creation ordinance of Yahweh no says Ignatius don't listen to that you listen to the bishop and the presbyters now what does Yahweh say in his word well he says in Ephesians 1 verse 22 and 23 and he that is Yahweh has put all things under his feet that is Yeshua and gave him to be the head over all things to the assembly so who is the head of the assembly the bishop or Yeshua well according to the word of Yahweh Yeshua is the head of the assembly and he therefore is your authority so you must listen to him how do we know this well we know this from the book of Deuteronomy where Yahweh says to Moses I am going to send you a prophet like unto Moses and you must listen to him this is confirmed in Acts chapter 7 word for word doesn't say you must listen to the bishop and when he comes and tells you that he's changed sabbath into Sunday then you follow him blindly because he just said so no it says you must listen to the prophet like unto Moses and Ignatius cannot be a prophet like unto Moses because he changes everything that Moses has ever commanded Israel to do Yahweh says of himself in Malachi 3 verse 6 for I am Yahweh and I change not you see Ignatius I didn't change from sabbath to the first day that's what Roman Catholicism did by their own admission Yeshua the Messiah it says in Hebrews 13 verse 8 is the same yesterday today and forever and so he doesn't change either no because he's the word that became flesh the word that was Elohim and was with Elohim before the foundations of the world were laid and that word is an attribute of Yahweh who is from eternity to eternity and is unchangeable so now you must decide are you going to go with Ignatius and with the admissions of the Roman Catholic Church or are you go with Yahweh this is the decision you must make remember that in the beginning was the word and that the word was with Elohim and the word was Elohim and in John 1 verse 14 it says and that word was made flesh and dwelt among us so the teachings instructions the precepts the Hokeim and the Mispatim they would say in Hebrew all became manifest in the person of Yeshua so if you see Yeshua you see the written word of Yahweh come alive and he is our example and we says the Brit Hadashah or the New Testament we must become like him okay the word that was be made flesh promised in Deuteronomy 18 verse 18 I will raise to them a prophet from among their brothers like unto thee Moses and I will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him that's why Yeshua says look I don't say anything out of myself the only thing I do is I speak the words of my father as already told to Moses in Deuteronomy 18 verse 18 so who do you take your instructions from from the prophet like unto Moses and nobody else and he says the prophet like unto Moses he that hears my word and believes on him that sent me which is Abba Yahweh has everlasting life John 5 verse 24 so the opposite of that must be true he that does not hear my word and the word is the Torah precepts of Yahweh and believe not in Yahweh that he sent me because they believe in Ignatius don't have everlasting life shall I say that again he that does not hear my word or the Torah the precepts the laws and the decrees of Yahweh and do not believe on him that sent me which is Yahweh or they rather believe in what Ignatius says do not have everlasting life please think about this because in Psalm 119 verse 105 it says that the word and remember this is the Torah this is Yeshua who became the Torah became flesh in him the word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path so in other words if you do not have the word of Yahweh you walk in darkness it is the word of Yahweh that is light and not the word of Ignatius you see Ignatius is not a prophet like unto Moses he cannot be because if he was he would have taught the words of Moses whereas Yeshua is indeed a prophet like unto Moses because he says I have not come to do away with Moses I've come to bring Moses to its fullness he says in Matthew 5 verse 17 and Shaul says in Romans 3 verse 31 by this faith that we have now in the physical Torah which is Yeshua who stands for exactly the same as the written Torah shall we not do away with the Torah because we have this faith he said absolutely not we are establishing it you see that's all consistent so what's happened something has happened something has happened and something has been changed you see Psalm 119 verse 81 says my soul fainted for thy salvation but I hope in thy word yes I hope in his word too because his word is Yeshua because he is the Torah made flesh so let us think about all this because it is of vital importance as to whom we are going to listen to because if you are going to listen to the wrong prophet you're going to have the wrong answers and they are vital to your eternal salvation you see Yeshua must speak the words of Yahweh the words of truth and you'll find those words of truth in the Torah because in Proverbs it says that the Torah is truth now let's have a look and see what Yeshua is saying and what the apostle John is saying if Yeshua was here he would be saying exactly the same thing as he was saying to the leadership of Israel and to the leadership of Judah in particular in Mark chapter 7 verse 9 and Roman Catholicism will agree with this and he that is Yeshua said unto them as the leadership of Israel full well you have rejected the commandments of Elohim that you may keep your own traditions absolutely Sunday is a tradition of the Roman Catholic Church they have set aside the commandment of Yahweh and they fully admit that no problem but man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of Yahweh and Yahweh says six days you shall labor and do all your work and the seventh day you must but Ignatius says no no no no no from now on we're going to do it on the first day of the week you check it up Matthew 4 verse 4 do not think that I will accuse you for the father there is one that accuses you that's Moses John 5 verse 46 Moses for the Torah the laws precepts and the decrees of Yahweh are his standard of judgment and they're the same for everybody they're the same for me as they are for Achan and that's frightening John says he that saith I know him that is Yeshua and keepeth not his commandments now John is saying this is a liar and the truth is not in him which commandments are we talking about well the commandments are by Yahweh because Yeshua says I only come here and do the will of my father out of myself he says I do nothing this is in 1 John chapter 2 verse 4 and in 1 John chapter 2 verse 6 he says he that saith he abides in him ought himself also to walk even as he Yeshua walked as I said before he is the prophet like unto Moses and he walks exactly as Moses walked so that you and I must take him as our example and he must be our leader and we must follow in his footsteps remember in the footsteps of the messiah and he walked in the sabbath and he uphold or upheld the biblical festivals and he didn't eat ham sandwiches and he didn't eat oysters no way so what's good enough for him must therefore be absolutely right for us because he says if you know him then you will keep his commandments because if you truly love me because that's how you are going to express your love for me then you will keep my commandments if not you do not keep his commandments but you keep another institution's commandment like for example you keep the Sunday then 1 John chapter 3 verse 4 is for you whosoever committed sin transgresses also the law which law the law of Abba Yahweh the Torah of Moses for sin is the transgression or the violation of the law or the Torah I'm not saying it your New Testament is saying it 1 John chapter 3 verse 4 undisputable aren't we looking for the truth aren't we always saying we gotta find the truth because that's what it's all about okay well what's the what is the what is the truth let's have a look at Psalm 119 verse 142 thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness and thy law is the truth or thy Torah is the truth so if you're looking for the truth then you must look for the Torah because Yahweh says that his Torah his teachings his laws his decrees are the truth and in Psalm 119 verse 151 he says thou art near oh Yahweh and all thy commandments are truth so the Torah is the truth commandments are the truth and then in Psalm 119 verse 160 he says thy word is truth yeah because the word became fresh and Yeshua stands only for the truth thy word is truth from the beginning and every one of thy righteous judgments endures forever oh but hadn't we been told that the Torah and the law was only until Jesus came because that's that's what we that's what we read in Romans 10 verse 4 didn't we Christ is the end of the law and righteousness to all those who believe and here it says that these rules and these regulations and these judgments and so on endure forever confusion again somebody is creating lots of confusion the truth and the life sanctify them that is your people Yeshua says to his father in John 17 17 sanctify them the people that Yahweh has chosen through thy truth what was the truth the Torah was truth wasn't it thy word is truth the word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path so if you do not have that Torah written Torah on the one hand and the Torah made flesh in Yeshua on the other hand if you don't have either of these two then you walk in darkness because they are the lamp unto your feet and they are the light unto your path not the Heidelberg Catechism or the Canons of Dorth or the writings of Robert Schuller or Benny Hinn they are not light unto your path the Torah says the scriptures is life then said Yeshua to those Jews which believed on him if you continue in my word oh if you continue in my word then when when you continue in the word what's the word the word is the Torah of Moses that became flesh and tabernacled all among us full of truth and grace in Yeshua if you continue in his word then you are his disciples indeed in other words if you do not keep in his word but you toss his word overboard or you have somebody else's word you cannot be his disciple by that you will know who the true disciples of Yeshua are many people are walking around today saying that they are the anointed of Jesus or the Lord well they may be but they cannot be the anointed of Yeshua and Yahweh unless they keep in the word or in the Torah of Yahweh so remember that in Matthew 24 it says that in the end of days many anointed ones will come and say because the word Christ it means anointed many false anointed ones will come and they will lead many astray and then it says will there be any faith left even if it were possible the small remnant that is left behind would also be deceived here it is Yeshua said to those Jews who believed on him if you continue in my word not in Ignatius' word in my word in Yeshua's word and Yeshua identifies with Moses for the commandment is a lamp and the Torah is light and reproof of instruction are the ways of life where have we read that before proverb this is proverb 6 verse 23 don't we read it in 2nd Timothy 3 16 2nd Timothy 3 16 says all scripture what does that mean scripture what does that mean all scripture when Timothy wrote this when Timothy wrote this the New Testament was absolutely not in existence so what does Timothy mean all scripture he means the Tanakh made up of the Torah the prophets and the writings and he says all scripture is given by Elohim and inspired by him and is profitable for doctrine reproof correction and instruction so Timothy says you must find your doctrine in the Tanakh you must find your reproof in the Tanakh you must find your correction and your instruction in the Tanakh or in what in Christian terminology is called the Old Testament which is as I said not old it is the Testament that's where you find your doctrine correction and instruction not in the words of Robert Schuller or any of the other Pali preachers they all preach contrary to Moses then spake Yeshua again unto them saying I am the light of the world yeah because he's the Torah remember for the commandment is a lamp and the Torah is light so he says if I am the Torah which became flesh then indeed he is the light of the world and he enlightens everything then shall you know that I am he and that I do nothing of myself but as my father had taught me I speak these things John 8 verse 28 so he only speaks the words of his father and the father says I'm going to send you a prophet like unto you Moses right and you better listen to him because if you don't I'm going to cut you off but the people say the people say but we cannot keep this law we cannot keep the law I've heard it so many times you can't keep the law what do you mean you can't keep the law if that is true Yahweh forbid then Yahweh would be a liar I'm going to quote you what the Apostle Shaul quotes in Galatians 3 verse 10 in Galatians 3 verse 10 the Apostle Shaul quotes Deuteronomy 27 verse 26 cursed be he that confirmed not all the works of this Torah to do them and all the people says shall say amen cursed be he that confirmed not all the works of the law to do them and all the people shall say all right and Yahweh says in Deuteronomy 28 verse 1 if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of Yahweh your Elohim to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day that Yahweh your Elohim will set thee on high above all nations of the earth and he says and all these blessings shall come on thee and overtake thee if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of Yahweh your Elohim Deuteronomy 28 verse 2 so if we say that we can't keep them then what's the point then then we will never receive any blessings which Yahweh lists in Deuteronomy 28 so he would be deceiving us it would be like for example if we had a person with no legs and he was sitting on a on a little stool and he had no hands and we say to him all right oh you get off your stool and you walk through that door and through the door which is closed on the other side of the door is a winning lotto ticket for 10 million well what is he going to do he can't walk can't open the door so he's never going to get to the lotto ticket is that what we are saying Yahweh is absolutely not can you refrain from stealing yes can you refrain from spreading rumors about your fellow man yes what about can you refrain from serving other gods absolutely can you refrain and so I can go on and on and on of course you can but are you willing to do you love Yeshua enough doesn't the book of Jude Jude 1 24 say now unto him that is able to keep you from falling see that's the point you cannot do it in and out of yourself you need you need to do it in him so that he keeps you from falling because he's going to present you faultless before the presence of his glory is exceeding joy does that mean that we don't make mistakes obviously we do absolutely unfortunately but then we repent we stand up and we try again but we don't go deliberately sinning against the word of Yahweh that's what we don't do and once we've come to the knowledge of the truth Hebrews 10 remember and then if we go deliberately against his word read Hebrews 10 he will speak all that I command him yes I will raise them up a prophet from among your brother with their brothers what does that mean prophet from among their brothers so the prophet needs to be an Israelite yeah was Ignatius an Israelite no like unto thee and I will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him the prophet like unto Moses this is that Moses which said unto the children of Israel a prophet shall Yahweh your Elohim rise up unto you of your brothers like unto me him shall ye hear this is he that was in the church in the wilderness you see the church was already in the wilderness with the angel that spake to him at Mount Sinai and with our fathers who received the lively oracles to give them to us Acts chapter 7 verse 37 you see Moses and Yeshua are compared here and what does the actor the writer of the book of Acts says these oracles must be passed unto us as they were given originally to the church in the wilderness at Mount Sinai who is the prophet unto Moses of course it's Yeshua the Messiah now let the real Shaul stand up now what does the real Shaul say not the counterfeit Paul whom the church translators or the Bible translators has put words in his mouth and deliberately mistranslated a number of his sayings he says in Acts chapter 4 verse 14 for this I can after the way which they call heresy so worship I the Elohim of my fathers believing all things which are written in the law and the prophets well we're going to leave it for now in the next week we continue and finish this off and I'm going to present to you a bondservant Shaul like perhaps you have never seen before but he is not the Paul that you have heard so much about therefore by the deeds of the Torah that shall no flesh be justified in his sight that's exactly right for by the Torah is the knowledge of sin you see if we didn't have the Torah then we don't know what sin is and if we don't have sin then we don't need Yeshua to die for us if sin has been done away with because the Torah has done away with then why do we need Yeshua to die for our sins if we don't know who they are the apostle Paul says for by the law is the knowledge of sin so that I know how to behave and how to conduct myself think about this over the rest of the week and then I will meet you again next week Yahweh willing until then I bid you Shalom you have been listening to Let Us Reason Together a weekly radio program hosted by Boaz Nuov please do contact Boaz by email at the following email address boaz that's b o a z at bait b e i t hyphen e also if you would like to make a donation to cover the costs of this broadcast please do so on our website at that's b e i t hyphen e also you can download this program and the programs hosted by Rob Moore entitled In That Day at from all of us here at Let Us Reason Together Shalom