George Orwell. Podcast/Voice: Ana Cristina Mijares Zamuner
George Orwell. Podcast/Voice: Ana Cristina Mijares Zamuner
Eric Arthur Blim, also known as George Orwell, was born in India in 1903. He attended prestigious schools and later joined the Indian Imperial Police. However, he developed a rejection towards imperialism and returned to England. During World War II, he worked in radio and wrote for newspapers. Orwell's works, including Animal Farm, reflect his political and moral beliefs, highlighting the struggle against corruption and political power. Animal Farm parodies Soviet socialism, with farm animals rebelling against their owner but creating a worse social structure. Orwell's writing style is known for its realism and narrative quality. He died in 1950. Rebellion. Is history being repeated over and over again? Why in some countries human rights or the integrity of people are not respected? How to promote values for a truly prosperous society? Today in our postcard we will talk about the life of Eric Arthur Blim. Eric Arthur Blim was born on June 25, 1903 in India. Do you think talent is born with or being developed? I consider both. Eric at age 6 was sent to a small Anglican parochial school in Henley. Two years later his teachers were having a good impression of him and he was recommended to St. Cyprian Preparatory School. It is renowned preparatory school in England. Then later on he was achieving several scholarships. After completing his studies at Eton he decided to join the Indian Imperial Police since he had no chance of getting a university scholarship. Five years later as an officer he left the police force and returned to England in 1927 having developed rejection towards imperialism. In 1933 he adopted the pseudonym as George Orwell. Now do you recognize his name? Remember George is the patron saint of England while the Orwell River is one of the most iconic places for many English people. During the Second World War he worked as an announcer on English radio. In 1943 he joined the editorial staff of the Tribune newspaper and thereafter was a regular contributor of the Observe where he wrote many of the best essays. In general his works especially after passing through the Spanish Civil War reflect his political and moral position and underline men's struggle against corruption and the cruelty of political power. But it was not until the end of the Second World War when his works became iconic such as Animal Farm in 1945 which describes a new type of society controlled totally by bureaucratic and political methods. They underline men's struggle against the social rules established by political powers. He is part of the gender dystopian literature. Orwell's prose is realistic and of a great narrative quality. The effectiveness of his metaphors, his direct languages and his ability to generate suspense are physiological terms. Certainly human rights tell us we are all equal but do we believe it? Today we look at individualism like in Animal Farm. George Orwell parodies the fabled model of Soviet socialism. The characters are farm animals and rebel against their main owner. Although later they create a social structure worse than that of their farm owners. Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky and other figures of the political scene are represented by these animals. To make a brief summary of Animal Farm, the animals couldn't bear the sight of their master because they considered that they were being exposed by him and that they would do much better without him and that's why they pushed him out of the farm. Then a pig proposed improvements, invention, electricity, peace and out of envy. Napoleon, another pig already planning to come to power, taught his ideology to puppies that would later be his bodyguards in case of an animal opposition at the farm. Why is it so difficult to see the good qualities of others and permit those who really have solutions to work? By eliminating the pig that was really worthwhile. Why is there still ambition for power even to the point of changing the law at their convenience? Little by little the farm was worked more and enjoyed it less. What could George have seen to keep his work so current? Many of us, we have to let our conscience become of this problem. In some way he defines the worst vices of political power in his historical moment. Manipulation, persecution, corruption, despotism, etc. in the name of freedom. Also, the respected novelist, essayist and critic Orwell is known worldwide for his sober, clean and rich writing style and his fight against ploppy archaic prose. George Orwell died at the age of 46 on January 21, 1950 of tuberculosis. Don't forget that you can watch on YouTube the movie which is called George Orwell's Animal Farm Animation Full Movie. See you the next post-cut.