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S11 Podcast

VIP League Volleyball



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Brett and Sam discuss their new podcast and how the intensity of the playoffs felt more casual this year. They talk about the difficulty of drafting a winning team and how there is no formula for success. They also discuss the most overrated and underrated teams, with PK's team being labeled as overrated and the standout red players in each season. hello this is Brett and this is Sam and this is a very important playoff podcast VIPP we've been talking about doing a podcast for a year plus and we weren't actually serious about it but people kept asking us let's do a podcast Austin said and I quote that he's not doing his laundry he's not folding his laundry until we do a podcast so yeah I don't think any of us want to see Austin running around in wrinkled clothes any more than he already does yeah but we don't want more of it like I don't know what no what extra of that would look like but I don't want it although I don't think I would notice he just starts wrinkling other people's clothes all right anyway what do you want to talk about what do we even do aren't you first we have to yeah so I have a couple of topics wait let's go no it's good general first first let's talk about the intensity of the playoff week last week I okay I have some thoughts on that yeah so I don't think I don't feel like it was as intense as previous I don't think it was intense it felt very casual I know I hated it people were like laughing yeah I've never seen anyone laugh I don't even care about the bram I've never named the trophy it doesn't even make them angry I've never seen anyone laugh during playoff it's not supposed to be funny except Brian but it felt very casual and friendly this is funny it's not time for Fred no weeks one through six is time for friend even week I felt like week six was more intense than last week yeah I don't know they're punishing the worst team the last place team ie me yeah I agree but I I think I can't remember if it's you know I don't know if it's because it's the first season of the year so everybody's still nice and we have a lot of new players and I think the new players they don't feel the burden they don't they don't feel it they don't know how hard it is to win yeah so for them it's casual and I think that's that's it so I think you know maybe season 12 will be more serious and I can't remember if you know season 5 spring 23 would like this who won those Terry season 8 well it was 23 yes so I know I talk about that season all the time but Allison wanted and I kept telling her how much I hate what you want it because she doesn't understand how hard it is right she was a rookie that year yeah yeah so so it's okay and Kessler all could only win on a casual season so yeah well in season 5 was also spring that was Terry Chris Kaya and Katie Houston easily the single best team to ever win a I think a winner brand I agree I think that was probably the best team all right next topic aside from me Chris Maggie oh yeah all right you first all right so what do you think well okay first of all I have a couple of questions but yeah how do you think the drafts weren't you could tell there were new drafters for sure they I mean it's a complicated process and it's hard it's or I mean as someone has done it five times six times it's really hard like I won the first one when it was arguably arguably easier there's no asterisk playoffs or playoffs and then I never figured it out again so I think I'm more than anybody know how hard it is to draft a good team or at least the championship team for the record it's been 12 or 11 seasons and we still don't know the formula I don't think there's been there hasn't been a single repeat captain that has one yeah that's what I mean yeah there's there hasn't been a single repeating like nobody has won as a captain for us so nobody figured it out there yeah there's no formula because people ask us like you know what what's the best way to draft we have no idea and we don't have it we don't have a single winning captain as a captain so the tradition will continue it's not like oh do you take green first well that's one strategy do you take you know red first maybe I don't know I've had not losing that only worked for like a while and then I you know and then I lost in the championship so that doesn't even work I don't know it works full things stupid whoever invented this is an idiot I hate it so all right in my turn no who do you think is the most overrated team Oh PKC by a mile you think so yeah for sure they're gonna blow it so hard I think they were a little cocky last week I think so too I just can't wait for them to just get destroyed really play first round although they bullied us last week they beat the pants off in all fairness in all fairness they beat the pants off us but PK and Piper each aced us five times and I don't see that happening next time yeah well we came out a little rocky round Robin week and the bracket week are very different yeah okay I'll tell you my most overrated team it's Chris's team okay you're talking about a five-time championship team and it places seconds on our quality and I know that but that's why I think they're overrated because when you look at this team you're like oh they're gonna be so good but then you look at their playoff record they were five and two I'm looking at the wrong thing I'm looking at titles that's fine I still think they're over for the listeners out there meeting me and Sam and when I make I listen to it we created we created a quality we created a quality index which measures the quality the perceived playoff quality of a team it's the it is a combination of their ranking according to our ELO's of the team members and their number of titles won combined for the team and we use that to create a quality index measurement the first place team in quality index is Austin's and the last place team in quality index is PK's who is in fact my overrated team of the week who who has zero titles zero titles okay so to me that doesn't mean they're overrated because they haven't won anything it was five and two in the round Robin but they have zero title wait who's rating overrated compared to who how did you how are you how are you rating this is my personal it's subjective okay what's your subject of it that they have five titles no I think I think they played better than they are this this past week I don't think they're there they should have gotten there so they're overrated I think they are overrated oh yes I'm not disagreeing with you but if you look at Chris's team all the experience they have they're all veterans it's true and they're still not gonna win it's true but I think rookies win every season no almost every season I despise when rookies win. I hate when rookies win. They don't get it. They don't they don't understand the journey they don't deserve it they need to go talk to the Hollywood and yeah and Zack now and Cody he's overdue and Cody the people and Roberto all over the people who have fought fought for years Daniel Daniel never went yeah but and Morgan Buchanan fought for years and can't get there okay all right my turn your turn all right I'd like to talk about the red wave you don't like that name explain the crimson tide that's already red scare oh whatever so I've noticed once the one thing I noticed is that every season and we have the trophy of those every season it seems like it seems like there's a player where everybody's like wow that person played out of their mind and it's almost always the red player so if you look at the Matty Moyer team or the Marley team everybody it was like an awakening for Mike Gelman they're like wow Mike Gelman was you know everywhere on defense the the team the Maggie team it was Maggie everybody was like how is Maggie upping all those hits yeah on the Mexico team Jenna that's what everybody realized that Jenna was the best defensive player in like the whole league yeah I remember that yeah and it goes all the way back all the way back to season one in season one my red player was Kessner if you recall and Kessner sucked then because he was because he would spike every ball out of bounds or in the net so I put him back middle and I didn't let him hit at all and then everybody was like whoa my god he's everywhere on defense he's such a good passer it's the red wave or the Crimson Tide or the Red Scare okay who's your standout red player that's my question is who's going to be the red players who because I think it's going to be a red player that changes the tide yeah so who's going to be the red player that does it okay I want it to be government everyone Gelman sorry he already did it he already wanted you had his red scare you're supposed to move up the blue after your red scare so it's not him if I'm going to pick top prospects for the red you always say Kaia she's a perennial prospect well you also have to take a but she goes early every time because every time people are like you never know when Kaia will just hit out of control and she's always a very clean service either another top one is Daisy I had Daisy early in the one season and she got concussed on the third play of the playoffs yeah I remember that I was on that I was so painful on that court so painful I think we had a shot but um I think she's a top prospect that just come out of nowhere and just really really hit the red scare but I don't disagree with those I'm I'm gonna say it's PK dark horse I think right after you call the team overrated I do think he's overrated I think the team is overrated but I think PK they have the lowest score in our quality index that is true which is a very serious but he did play well last week and I know this isn't Thursday League but he played really well in Thursday League so I I don't know that that's probably who I would pick the red scare dude but I don't really care about the red scare all right next up it's a podcast you're supposed to talk about things people don't care I'm bored I'm bored next next topic yours okay most underrated team my topics are really creative yeah classic um boy this is hard it's not your team your team sucks I mean yeah I'm gonna take the obvious one it's the team that played three last week because everybody would agree in a second that they played they hit way out of their batting average everybody they played so well together they definitely that was my pick too and what you know and while there's while there's a chance Daniel just pops out of nowhere and just wrecks the entire mechanic of that can happen it can happen it happened to us when I played with Matty Moore and toner came in and all of a sudden we just were bad it changes the day as we went five and two and then we were just bad yeah it changes the dynamic for sure so um but no that's who I would that was also my pick I think it's more likely Daniel's a very conservative player he's not out there like trying to change things he's playing his own he's caught me covering and he hit the ball really hard and he's playing cleaner than he did and he's so nice and positive good vibes yeah good vibes and congratulations Daniel new new job yes if you haven't if you don't know this Daniel just got a very prestigious job so it's very prestigious so he's the king now yeah he's the king of Scotland um okay my turn then yeah my this is a game and it's for you item by item and it's called take it or leave it okay all right we're gonna go through each team and you're gonna give me one take it for the team which is something that if you could take it from that team and add it to your team you would want it like a skill or whatever yeah and one leave it for each team okay start with Zach's team team first seed first seed overall what you take it I would take it doesn't go player by player okay I'll say the team I would take the setting okay and what you leave it the chaotic that team is gonna burn themselves oh yeah even if I think that team can win any game but I don't think they could be consistent enough to win all the way but they're all so fit they're so so they don't get tired but it's this team I yeah I would probably say that they're not gonna get tired my me and riches in Hollywood team and wisely take it nothing get think of a thing you know I you have to pick something I think maybe that team strategize as well oh I mean you've been in the league a long time I think you know super long leave it everything else the team Austin's team take it you can't argue with the ability to put the ball down it's true that's an obvious one for me leave it I'm I'm not going to answer that on this team I would say oh okay I would say I would take you know I want to pick an individual player no that's to be a team thing I think that team will get along very nicely there's nobody on that team that but no conflict team it's a very easygoing no conflict yeah I'm gonna leave it it's gonna be that it's an easygoing team yeah it was both ways next playoffs it's not time for friends next take it PK team I think there's some good I would say I would like to just put you on the spot yeah you know the fact that we can open hand receive in this league helps this thing and then what's the leave it it's the passing that's already the passing well McKenzie is a really is a good passer Kenzie's nothing I would say this team's gonna get tired because people never get tired other than McKenzie McKenzie could jog to a league in California and not be tired next Audrey steam which you're the should we just do leave it or leave it for this one I will I said I will say take it there's a two-time championship setter like locker on that team okay yeah I'm not gonna say who yeah I figured out there's a government leave it I would say it's it's a low-ranked team you know it's the last one it's the last one on the QI which is what we call our quality index it's the second worst team second least favorable teams will describe it we're gonna have a tough road if we want to get to the finals yeah but I will say right well he can't get to in a row but I will say the ELO rank historically has not proven to be favorable or unfavorable not even a little bit it really doesn't there's no correlation so who the hell knows Chris my team take it or leave it I think that team has pretty good I take their experience this team is full of veterans they've all played multiple seasons they have five titles they know how to play they know how to play they know where they're supposed to be on the court I don't think there's any confusion about the roles on this team everyone has their their job and I think they all know how to do it that's true leave it I'll take one errors this is an error filled team they do make a lot of errors and I think the setting on this team is maybe maybe disappointing also a big factor on the team which is are you gonna get serious Brian are you gonna get funny Brian he can hear you I know that he won't listen no no he drives truck even though he's computer oh yeah true and Jonathan's team take you to leave it I'm taking the hitting on this thing I think they've they really stepped it up and we definitely underestimated them yeah thinking they had three we just came off a win we went in to play them and I in my head I thought we already won I have a leave it for this team is when you put Kaia in the front because Kai is going to be setting what happens to the passing because Kai is great at service you know I just I disagree because from my previous championship experience with members of this team mm-hmm I think the passing was good okay all right and that's the end of my game that was a fun that was a good exercise all right um give me three players to watch three players do you think we're gonna have outstanding play outstanding day I'll take Daisy for the Reds care okay good pick actually wait I'm gonna start over I'm gonna take rich Hollywood and Risley yeah I did and then if I have a backup plan I had to take like four through six I'll take Daisy I'll take Hollywood he's due for a good week taking him yeah good luck I'm taking it and I have faith and I'll take Kara okay where's Hollywood playing on your team is he back back middle where did he play last week look everywhere oh I remember we just rotate we just wrote I remember we just rotated we actually counterclockwise rotated to throw people off it really works okay my top three Jonathan he's been on fire lately I said earlier Melvin I I have never played with or against Melvin all season until this past week so he surprised me I think he's a standout player to watch it's got a high contact point which allows you to kind of get around blocks easily and there's a lot of power behind that ball behind that swing and Kara I also pick Kara so hopefully I can eliminate her okay all right oh you have another game I do this game is called cease it okay that's not what I named this season I already don't know play sense oh it's sense it sense it can't remember not much better everybody knows that also we're at 22 minutes this is so stupid it'll be a 20 all right so this game goes like this you say whatever you want to say and then we'll just bleep out the parts of it that you don't think should be heard by everybody I'll go first I really want to see oh lose so badly I really want to see them lose yeah I also there's another person it is stand no it's so frustrating yeah so frustrating oh man I think one of the really biggest things that I want to have like a really bad thing that I want to happen just in general is I really oh my god and if it doesn't yeah at least yeah anyway that's the end of that game yeah that was a fun game because we said we're not gonna bash individual people and we didn't except for just now yes but you'll never know this podcast was brought to you by VIP merch it's better in the grass IBS

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