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The Power of Having Routine In Your Life: Episode 004

The Power of Having Routine In Your Life: Episode 004

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In todays episode I discuss the power of incorporating routine into your life. Join me as we dive into my routine, how I started it, and how you to can create a sustainable routine in your life! Thanks for the support so far and I hope you all enjoy! Stay safe and be careful!

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The host of the podcast talks about the importance of routines and how they can change your life. He shares his personal experience with overcoming obstacles related to mental health, injury, and anxiety through establishing a routine. He emphasizes the significance of sleep and provides tips for improving sleep quality. He also discusses the benefits of cold showers, including strengthening the immune system, combating depression and anxiety, increasing metabolism, reducing inflammation, and boosting productivity. He advises listeners to find a routine that suits their lifestyle and emphasizes the importance of prioritizing sleep and incorporating cold showers into their daily routine. Hola mi amigos and welcome to the teed up podcast your one-stop shop for all your health fitness Motivational and life needs. I'm your host Trent Atkins What's up y'all how we doing And Welcome back to the podcast I'm Trent Atkins, and I hope everyone's having a great safe energetic enthusiastic Whatever kind of adjective you like to insert into that sentence To determine what kind of day you're having Do it. I hope everyone's having a great one In today's episode we're going to be talking about routines And how routine can change your life just like it did mine But before we begin the episode I have a quote for you guys. I would like to read This quote is You don't have to be great to start But you have to start to be great that quote is by Zig Zaglar and Basically what that quote means it actually goes back to my previous episodes if you listen tuned into those You don't have to be great to start no one Very seldom I will say The amount of people are great when they start Was I great when I started podcasting? No am I great now? No not even close But hey, we're here. That's all that matters And that leads to the second part of the quote you have to start to be great. I'm starting I'm consistent. This is my fourth episode I'm starting I'm going to be great over time You adapt you overcome You all sorts of things. It's very magical and you become better so without further ado Let's dive into our topic of the day how routine changed my life and Can also change yours? so As mentioned in previous episodes mental health hit me hard over the past year or past seven or eight months and It took a toll on me and I needed to make a change and with this routine I did just that so most you know I got injured and Had an avulsion fracture or two partially torn ligaments that sidelined me from playing the sport that I've played ever since I have been little and Sidelined me and pretty much singled me out from any sort of activity and practice and games and road trips and all that sort of stuff and With the injury I wasn't active. I was on crutches. I got scared and I developed an eating disorder That eating disorder made me drop 15 pounds and it Absolutely wrecked me my hormones and all that good stuff and also developed some anxiety being away from home and Having the eating disorder being on my own having to figure everything out on my own. I developed some anxiety through that and when New Year's come around 2023 I knew I had to make a change and With this routine I did just that So I'm going to take you guys through what I did to overcome My obstacles in life through mental health for my injury for my anxiety all that good stuff. All right So what did I do? I first started out by Writing down on a piece of paper what all I did every single day of my life and With every bullet point I rode beside it Good bad neutral or you can go positive negative neutral. It don't matter and The ones that were poor I knew I had to change so what I did was I Started this I don't even know how or what mindset come to me. It's like the Lord was talking to me He just knew what to do for me All this come natural to me. I don't want anyone copying my routine because not everyone's the same Everyone's schedules will align differently and all this and all that. All right, so I Started out. I looked at my sleep schedule and my sleep quality and it was very poor. I Wasn't getting proper sleep due to you know, cold sensitivity lack of Hormone regularity You know a ton of different insights from my eating and my quality of life because I ultimately lost 15 pounds and Everything was shot So what I did was I turned off my phone 30 minutes before going to bed just so I can you know, wind down relax and focus on me and Get my body ready for bed so no phone within 30 minutes before bed and Also, no phone 30 minutes into waking up. I Did this so I can have you know time for myself and time alone with my own thoughts Where I didn't have a phone 30 minutes before bed or 30 minutes after waking I also had lights out at 10 p.m every single night and When I started doing this started changing my sleep routine You know, I took a took a few days to adapt You know when I first started, you know going to bed at 10 right before 10 o'clock every night. I Was struggling to go to sleep it would take me a while toss and turn all night And I was because my body wasn't used to it. But like I said over time your body adapts And that's what route that's what happens with routine your body adapts to your lifestyle and Over time I adapted to going to sleep at 10 o'clock So every single day around 9 9 30 when my phone would go off my body wouldn't know it's time to Time to kick it into sleep mode so And I actually I just want to talk about how important sleep is and I knew that Going into this and that's why sleep routine was my main priority I wanted to fix because You sleep for a third of your life Let that sink in there's 24 hours in a day and You're asleep for eight hours of that it's a third Some people aren't some people sleep more some people sleep less, but that's the optimal range an average range people need to get And on the other side of it if you want to build muscle or lose fat lose body fat Sleep is the number one thing you can do eight hours of sleep is Optimal but shoot around shoot for around seven to nine hours a night for proper and optimizing recovery And I just want to talk about the benefit of Getting in enough sleep So when you get in enough sleep Quality sleep helps you focus more on tasks So say you're at work, and you know you can't function you you're tired you're dragging your eyes are puffy You need a you always need a coffee to keep you awake Sleep quality helps helps you stay focused and helps you be more alert and know And have the ability to work without getting tired When you have great sleep quality you have better reaction time so like I said you're more alert you have more awareness All that good stuff. You know it can go for anything not just work and be for working out or Lose you know you'll have more energy to do things you'll have more energy to You know go outside and play with your kids or Play with your kids or Whatnot you know to your kids that would mean the world For you to be able to go out there, and you know throw a baseball with them play basketball with them pass football, and you know all that good stuff and Improve all right, let's let's get to this now How do you improve your sleep? Exercise Limit your caffeine intake I would shoot for no caffeine after 2 p.m. You definitely want to like I said exercise that could be resistance training definitely or cardio Walking walking is great because walking I'll get into a layer of walking has numerous benefits for sleep quality If you want to go this route you can supplement magnesium take a magnesium supplement and In particular the magnesium you want to be taking will be magnesium glycinate That's the best one for sleep and That's all I have I just want you to aim for seven to nine hours and find a routine that fits your lifestyle If you work night shift you work day shift find something that fits your fits your lifestyle You know don't copy mine. It doesn't work for you. You know it may work for you. It may not you never know but Definitely find something that works within your lifestyle because sleep is the most Optimal thing for your body Up next we have cold showers cold exposure I Remember see I remember scrolling on tick-tock, you know right around New Year's and Christmas time this lady said she had taken a cold shower every single day for 365 days and she said She's going to keep doing it and she listed off all the benefits of it. I was like hey If you've done this for her, what can I do for me? So I gave it a try and I never looked back I still do it to this day haven't missed a day and Let me out the house. I'll say that it doesn't get any easier every single morning taking a cold shower But trust me you will feel great afterwards so the benefits of cold shower Cold exposure will start is great for humans it strengthens your immune system helps fights off colds and All that and just helps you be more healthy It helps combat combat depression anxiety That was the main that was the main reason why I? Decided to start taking cold showers because that's what that lady listed off with it helps with her depression symptoms and all that so That's that's one of the main reasons why I started taking cold showers it improves your circulation improves blood flow and It increases your metabolism you are thinking how in the world does it increase my metabolism? It increases your metabolism Because your body is in survival mode When it is exposed to cold and when it's in survival mode It has to work harder because it's trying to heat your body up heat your body back up. So thus You burn more calories because your body's working harder That's pretty cool pretty neat It reduces inflammation and muscle soreness But I wouldn't recommend Getting in a cold shower immediately after resistance training Just because it can combat with you know Certain goals are trying to reach like muscle growth and all that so I definitely would stay away from cold shower Or any kind of cold exposure after a workout Like I said it reduces inflammation within the body and you know that can that can be helpful for a lot of people it'll lower your blood pressure Fight off infection all that good stuff and one of the one of the most influential and beneficial things I Noticed when I started taking cold showers was the slow rise in dopamine and Dopamine is like your feel-good hormone. It like regulates your mood and it gives you that Gives you a little energy boost and it has a slow rise in that for up to three hours so three hours slowly rising energy boost and That right there was huge for me my productivity skyrocketed I Accomplished so much So much more than I did before I started taking a cold shower, and I feel like I do it in less time It's crazy It also has effects on your skin and your hair health When your body's exposed to cold it tightens up your skin, and it kind of gives off that glowy look Your gives your skin that healthy glow feel and look that you always see on these Commercials on you know TV saying if you use my product your skin your health your hair health will Will thank me your skin will be glowing Trust me. You don't need none of that cold showers is where it's at and Lastly it helps in burning Fat and in particular brown fat When you're exposed to cold Brown fat creates heat without shivering thus burning calories And what I'm hinting at is it's burning body fat I'll let that sink in And Next we're going to be talking about resistance training and Ultimately consistency with resistance training and I know where I was hurt. I wasn't active and I definitely wasn't consistent with workouts because I Couldn't I couldn't do this. I couldn't walk. I can only do upper body and You know your body needs rest to recover blah blah blah this all that So I Knew that once I was able to walk again, and you know, I was in Getting getting trying to get back in the swing of things. I knew I had burning resistance training back into my diet or my diet back into my routine and I did just that I started working out four days a week on a four day split I would work out Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday and And That's just what worked for me that's what you know, and that's how I was able to stay consistent with it. I feel Ever since I've been home for the summer. I kind of go off of that split. I do work out on Saturdays now but I'm pretty well. I'm pretty active every single day and like I was every single day, but only resistance trained those four days out of the week So the benefits of resistance training will improve your health Improve your overall strength You'll have better mobility and balance and having better Mobility and balance is key as you get older Because the older you are the more vulnerable you are to be injured from falling Now I'm not sure the exact percentage. I can't remember but I Think it's over the age of 65. I want to say it's around six seventy percent of people will have a Will have a fall and be injured from a fall and you know, that number is way too high and resistance training can help with that It also increases and or you have a higher bone density and that will you know, protect your joints and Prevent risk of disease all that good stuff. You'll have better stamina Resistance training will increase increase your mood and Let me tell you once you finish a workout the energy the mood you're in is One of the greatest feelings you'll ever feel Just because you feel like you're on on top of Mount Everest You feel like you just climbed Mount Everest and you just can't help but smile It reduces the risk of cognitive decline and that just keeps your brain healthy and It keeps your brain healthy Helps you, you know boost your memory helps you Do all the things your brain needs and you need in your everyday life to function It boosts your metabolism and by this I mean when you put on muscle mass Muscle weighs more than fat and when you have more muscle the more muscle mass you have the faster your metabolism is So that's why I boost your metabolism When you have more muscle mass you burn more calories thus having a higher Basal metabolic rate burning more calories throughout the day and I want to remember I think one pound of fat burns four to seven more calories per day than fat So the more muscle have more muscle mass you have the more that adds up over time Next up on my route and in my routine how it changed my life is walking I Shoot for around 10,000 steps every single day and I make sure that I incorporate walks throughout my day Just to you know hit my goal of 10,000 Because it's in my routine. It's built. It's instilled into my life Even if you don't have the time to hit 10,000 10,000 steps is roughly around an hour and a half of activity of walking Even if you don't have that time or You know you're injured you're All this all that whatever it could be even just one 30-minute walk a day helps With these benefits of walking in general and what walking does is it boosts your heart health Improves your mood just like resistance training burns more calories AIDS and weight management Reduces the risk of disease and all these I'm listing off. Do you see that you see the resemblance and can you Translate those to other thingies I talked about already in my routine Like the prevent risk of disease burn calories improve your mood Resistance training falls into that category as long as cold showers Sleep all those things go hand-in-hand So I just want you to just think about that when you go to evaluate your your routine Your route or your walking helps set your circadian rhythm and What that does is it improves your sleep it Tells your body like hey like when you're when your phone shuts off at 930 your your body's like hey He didn't he didn't shut down though. He's he wouldn't we need to get him tired We need to get him ready for bed, and it does just that around the same time every single day and walking helps set that walking is low impact meaning it is easy on your joints and That is great for as you age walking is critical and can help a Ton because it's so low impact and so easy to do as opposed to resistance training Walking reduces brain fog meaning you have more clarity you can remember more stuff you Have more to ponder on a lot of things go go into you know reducing brain fog So you may be asking yourself, how can I get more steps? How can I incorporate more steps into my day so a few things? I wrote down for you guys that can help you Incorporate more steps into your day more walking is when you go to say grocery store for example Park further away, so you have more walk or so you can walk further that may seem nonchalant silly and all this but The numbers add up Also You can go on a walk on your lunch break and your work break any kind of break you have or after meals I like to go after meals because When you go for a walk after meals it helps stimulate digestion It will help with nutrient uptake meaning you absorb more nutrients from your food Helps with helps you also absorb water And helps you burn a few more calories And also just Find downtime you have in your day And doubt by downtime. I mean that time that you're scrolling through social media likelessly time that you're watching Netflix Time that you are practically doing nothing Find a time slot during your day and start incorporating a three-minute walk increase that to five minutes after a week Increase that to ten minutes after two weeks You know and just find something that you're comfortable with and something that is sustainable Keywords sustainable something that you can keep doing day in and day out So those are some ideas that I can Give for you to help you incorporate more walking into your day Walking into your life So on to our next segment we're going to talk about what you can do to create a routine in your life So to create a routine in your life you first need to establish boundaries And by that I mean evaluate your schedule. I want you to get a piece of paper. You can find templates online anywhere really I want you to write down everything you do in a day your day in the life So you what time you wake up? What time you eat breakfast? What time you eat lunch? What time you go to work? What time you get off work? You get the point I want you to jot down where you can change And when you jot down I want you to do I want you to use a technique I did Beside every single thing you do in your life, I want you to write positive neutral or Negative And evaluate from there and I also want you to Jot down because you can see When or where you can start incorporating Healthy options and lifestyles into your daily life and by that I mean Can I go on a walk on my lunch break? How can I be more productive? You know shutting my phone off 30 minutes before bed to improve sleep Place my vitamins or my supplements on my bathroom sink. So I remember to take them, you know things like that and When you go to create a routine Start small Do not abruptly change every Aspect of your life because trust me It may work for a day may work for two days But it's not going to be sustainable. You will go right back to being your old self and you will not change So start small You can start small by starting your day off with small wins and building off those small wins An example of that can be making your bed every morning When you wake up when you get out of bed When you wake up when you get out of bed Make sure you make your bed start your day off with a small win When you wake up, that's the first thing you do is you wake up And when you start your day off with a small win like that making your bed as soon as you get out of it That puts you on path for success and puts you on path to sustain the rest of your routine Another example is Put your dish in the dishwasher after every single meal to eliminate build up of the sink and Helps you reduce your stress levels because you're like I need to do the dishes. I don't have time this that go ahead and put that away So you don't have to worry about it later on So, I hope you guys enjoyed this episode of the podcast Talking about routines and how you can incorporate what my routine is and how you can incorporate slash change routines in your life And before we end today like every episode I want to end you guys with a question So today's question is I want you to think of your life and your routine I have a few questions here that you all can ponder on So the first one I want you to evaluate how much time do I spend a day on social media? And is my current routine leading me to a healthy lifestyle and is it sustainable? So those questions are what I want you guys to ponder on for today's episode And i'm going to wrap it up right then and right there As always guys, I hope everyone has a great day And stay safe and be careful That's a wrap

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