Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker begins by expressing gratitude for grace and mercy. They mention the importance of the eternal Word as a source of divine direction and fellowship with God. They discuss upcoming changes to their teachings and the introduction of new levels of divine truth. They then focus on the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead, explaining that resurrection means bringing back to life. They discuss the fear of death and how Christians have the assurance of life after death. They explain the two dimensions of death and focus on the first death, which is the separation from God caused by sin. This separation affects the spirit, soul, and body of man, leading to physical death and other manifestations of death such as sickness and poverty. They emphasize that resurrection is not just about physically waking someone from the dead, but also bringing life to all areas of a person's existence. Righteous Father, we thank you for your grace and mercy. Thank you because you are with us. Thank you for your eternal Word that is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. By this we can be sure of divine direction, leadership, enlightenment, and by this, O God, we are brought into fellowship with divinity. By the mighty words and the great promises in the Word of God, we can partake in the divine nature. Thank you for access. Thank you for love. Thank you for the entrance of your Word that gives you illumination. Father, we receive your Word with quiet and love, brothers and sisters, of the Sikh foundational doctrine. We are in the fifth. I think we've had a very nice time throughout the year, 2023, of going through the foundations of the doctrines of Christianity, and I'm sure we've been blessed. Thank God all our teachings and messages are in the history of WhatsApp platform, but very soon we are going to compile all of them together. We're going to have them in our YouTube page. They're going to be in video format, and you can always have time to go through them, because next year we'll be going to the 200th level of the GPI Academy, that's the God Project Initiative Academy, which is in this platform, and things are going to change. Things are going to change for good, and we're going to be going through another dimension of teaching. The first level, which is foundational class, and that 200th level will be left for those that are just coming in, while those of you who have been following in will be moving to another whole level of divine truth. It's going to be unusually powerful. Great things are going to happen. But in the meantime, we are looking at the foundation of the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead. The doctrine of the resurrection of the dead. You see, one of the things we try to do in this platform is to keep definitions as simple as possible, and so we're not going to be going into too much of the etymology of what is resurrection, and what is death, and all of those things, but we're just going to be looking at what is resurrection in the simplest way. Resurrection means giving life again. So to that same which was once alive, but now dead, resurrection is giving it life again, bringing it back to life. Simply put, resurrection is bringing back to life. One of the biggest fears of man has always been the fear of death. We don't know what happens in the hereafter. We don't know what may happen to man. So man is always afraid of death, not only because of the lack of knowledge of what happens after life, but actually there is an uncertainty. There is this fear about death. Even the person that tells you, I don't care, I don't care what happens after life, or that says that there is no life after life, somehow or secretly within him, he fears death. You know why? Because the concept of being separated from life has been the greatest anathema, or the greatest fear of the spirit of man. Man knows that he is created to live forever in a subconsciousness. That thing is just there in a subconsciousness that makes him to know that he is not supposed to be separated from life. And so the thought of being separated from life, of being totally inactive, or totally out of existence, actually is something that his subconscious mind loads in fear. Well, the only people that have been able to overcome this fear is that person that knows what happens beyond the order of death, and that is the Christian. Because we are the only people that have the assurance and the hope of life after life. For us, life is beyond just being physically animated. For us, life is connection with the eternal God. And so we understand that there are various dimensions of existence and the manifestation of this life. Therefore, we know that if one existence ends, we are going to wake up into a higher dimension of existence. Well, that said, I wouldn't want to go into that philosophical dimension too far. I just want to bring us back to what we're teaching, and that is the fact that there is such thing as resurrection from the dead. And we have just defined what resurrection from the dead is about. It is simply waking up or coming back to life. So because of this, it becomes, well, there are actually two dimensions of death, and that also presupposes that there are two dimensions of resurrection. Now, the two dimensions of death are, one, the first death, and two, the second death. We will take them one after the other, and then we will consider what is involved in each of the dimensions of death. The first dimension of death, what we call the first death, is what we will be examining. And that first death is what we see in the book of Genesis chapter 3 from verse 1 through verse 5. Now, let us read quickly Genesis chapter 2 verse 17. It says, But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it, for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Now, this is the first death. This is the first time man is introduced to the concept of death. Understand this first and foremost, and we have already talked about this time and again, that death is not a vision of existence. Rather, death is the separation from life. We found out that God's perspective, or the perspective of the truth about death, is the question. That is why in the book of Genesis I will say that the body without the spirit is death. The same thing, faith without action is death. So, death is always described as a state of being without the life-giving force, without that which gives life to that state of being. So, for man, the life of man is God. And, you know, the Bible tells us in the book of John chapter 1 from verse 1, it says, In the beginning was the world, and the world was with God, and the world was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made. And it goes on to say that in him was life, that is, in the world of God. In him was life, and the life was the light of man. This is the true light that shineth upon every man that cometh into the world. So, the world of God actually is the light that is actually the life of man. It is the light of man. It is the life of man. And, you know, God is our life. But separation from God is the first death. In fact, it is actually death. But there is a first dimension of that separation. And that first dimension was occasioned by sin. God told Adam and Eve that the day that you shall eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, that day you shall surely die. Now, it is not as if the food or the fruit was poisonous. There was something that would make man to die upon eating that fruit. It is the consciousness of the fact that he is no longer worthy of the presence of God, which would make him flee eternally from the presence of God, such that he can no longer live. Just like the negative and the positive of madness cannot, you know, repel, so is man, sorry, or positive and positive will repel, so is the presence of man. When man, you know, as seen, he becomes negative as against God. He becomes God for himself, I mean to say, as against God. And, you know, God cannot meet God. And so, when the eternal God comes, he roams. And the more he roams, the more he is separated from the presence of God. And the further he is separated from the presence of God, he doesn't have life in himself. And for that reason, his state of being outside the presence of God is the state of death. Now, this death that God talks about is called the spiritual death. And that is the death that is occasioned by the separation of the Spirit of God from man. So, he is separated from God in the Spirit. So, it is called the spiritual death. Now, the spiritual death puts in motion a, what we call, the principle of death. Now, that principle of death is called the law of sin and death. Now, this law of sin and death does not stop in the realm of the Spirit, does not stop with our Spirit alone. It also proceeds to the soul. So, the soul of man begins to lose consciousness of God until it gets to the point, like it's written in the book of Romans chapter 1, that they no longer retain God in their consciousness. And that is what we see as the manifestation of the works of the flesh, the works, you know, of sin, which are the loss of the flesh, the loss of the eyes, and the pride of life. These things are manifestations of the presence of God in the soul of man. So, that is death, or the principle of death manifesting in the soul of man. Then the next stage, the principle of death, which was originated from the, you know, from the spiritual death and the first dimension of death, you know, proceeds into the physical existence of man. And it begins to cause the physical death. Now, this physical death is what happens when the body of man finally gets separated from his own spirit. And then he falls down and stops, you know, being admitted, he dies. But apart from that, this principle of death also manifests in every area of man, resulting in sickness, death, and poverty. So, sickness is a manifestation of death because the minion of death is already operating in the body of man, and we call that sickness. The minion of death operating in the ability of man to get prosperity. Remember God gives us power to get wealth, but death can short-circuit that power and make poverty to begin to manifest in the lives of a man. So, also it happens in a person's, you know, finance, in a person's body and leading to physical death. So, death is when life is not manifested. The resurrection from the dead, therefore, would be the infusion of life in the spirit of man at first, then in the soul of man, then in the body of a man, and then in the circumstances of a man, which included financial circumstances, his wealth circumstances, and even his health circumstances. So, you can now see why resurrection is not only just waking a person from the dead, it includes every area of a person's life. Remember we are still dealing with the first dimension of death, that is the first death. I will take a summary. The first death is, you know, the death of the spirit of a man, and the death of the spirit of man is separation from the spirit of God. So, when the spirit of God left man, or when man fled from the presence of God, he is said to be separated from God, or he is said to be dead spiritually. Now, that death is perpetuated by the fear of death, or which is the fear of death. Now, we'll talk about the first dimension of death. We did that quickly in the summary. And then, we have seen the manifestations of products of the first dimension of death, which is death in the spirit of man, death, what is called spiritual death, then two, death in the soul, which has to do with the corruption of character, and then death in the body, which actually has to do with, you know, corruption of ability to make wealth, ability to live healthy, and then the physical death. So, now, these are the first dimension of death, and now we are going to be dealing with resurrection from this first dimension of death. So, now, we're looking firstly into what the Word of God says about this. So, let us start from the Word of the Resurrection and the life itself. In the book of John, chapter 5, verse 25, Jesus says, Verily, verily, I say unto you, the hour is coming, and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live. And then, verse 28, it says, Marvel not at this, for the hour is coming, in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth, they that have done good unto the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation. So, this tells us two dimensions of resurrection. The first dimension of resurrection, and then still under the first dimension of death, the first resurrection, and then the other resurrection. So, what I mean by the first resurrection, please don't confuse it with what I'm going to deal with later. I'm going to deal with the second resurrection, I mean the first resurrection and the second resurrection. But then, before we go into all that, I want to talk about the spiritual resurrection and then the physical resurrection. I think that's what I should say. Among the first resurrection, there are three levels of resurrection. Even among the three levels of resurrection, there are still other subdivisions of resurrection. So, let's start with the first level of resurrection from the first dimension of death. And this has to do with the resurrection of the spirit, or the spiritual resurrection. Now, the resurrection of the spirit of man is when the life of God comes into the spirit of man again. Remember that when man died, it was the life of God leaving his spirit. But the Bible makes us to understand the cost. The Bible says the cost of this was the thief. The Bible says the thief, the judge of that time was saying, the thief cometh not but to steal and to kill and to destroy. But I am come that he may have life and have it more abundantly. The thief here is Satan the devil, and he came to steal, to kill, and to destroy. And the weapon he used is sin. Sin was what produced death in the spirit of man. That sin was the disobedience of the word of God, causing sin consciousness that leads to death. So, what Jesus Christ did was to bring eternal life to us. And how did he bring eternal life to us? It is by the gospel. What is the gospel? The gospel is the preaching, or is the good news of the love of God. The gospel is the good news of the love of God. Now, remember that what caused death is the consciousness of judgment, is the consciousness of sin. Sin consciousness makes man to run away from God after the spirit of God has left him, so that even if God wanted to save him from death, he will not be available for God to save. So, what Jesus Christ did was to go, was to pay the price for our sin. Having paid the price for our sin, he did something spectacular. According to the book of Hebrews chapter 2 and verse 14, he says that because the children were flesh and blood, he himself took part in the sin that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil, and to deliver them who all their lifetime, who through the fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. So, the fear of death, which is the fear that comes by the consciousness of death, or by the consciousness of sin, kept man under the dominion of Satan, even though God has never been angry with man. God has always loved man, but man has always run away from God, because the spirit of God that makes him see God as God, as him, as subject to God, had left him. His thought was that he wanted to be God for himself, and so he needed to stay away from the domain of God. Now, God restored man and preached love to man. That is why the gospel of God becomes the power of God unto salvation to them that believe. So, the gospel, which is the good news of how that God loves us freely, is preached to dead man, that listen, God loves you, God has no problem with you, God has forgiven your sins, he himself has paid for your sins, simply accept. The good news of God is the first time man begins to be aware that God is not looking for him to sleep, so for the first time he can confidently look back and walk up to the open arms of God, and then he finds that all the while God has been looking for him. May I pause here to quickly tell us that this is the reason why the message of fear is not the gospel. So, people think that gospel is telling people how that God is coming to judge them, is how that God is telling people how that they are sinners and needed to repent. They think that the gospel is telling people how that dressing in a particular manner will take them to hell, how that God is coming to burn this world, how that God is angry with them. That is not the gospel. The sinner already knows that he is a sinner. The sinner already knows that God, or already believes that God is angry with him. The message that God is angry with him, the message of the sinner in the hand of an angry God, is not the message that will bring people to God. It is the message that will cause fear and cause them to run. Of course, I am not talking about the message that was preached by the mighty man of God that brought many people into salvation. You see, when he preached the trophy of Istanbul and he called the sinner in the hand of an angry God, he was talking about the person that remains a sinner even after who refuses to receive the provision of God. We will talk about that later when we deal with the second death, or the second dimension of death. But now we are talking about the first dimension of death. We are saying that telling people how that God is angry with them now is actually not the gospel. The gospel is the good news of how that God freely loves us. This is the good news, how that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whichever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. Romans chapter 5 verse 5 tells us that this is love and that God, while we are yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly. So, God loved us even while we are sinners. The Bible says God so loved the world. He didn't say for God to love Christians. He said for God to love the world. The world includes the good, the bad, and the ugly. The sinner, the witch, the criminal, the robber, the prostitute, all of them are in the world. And the Bible says for God so loved the world and he gave his only begotten son. He so loved you so much that he doesn't mind dying for you. What a love! So, that is the message. That is the good news. That is the gospel. This is what brings the fleeing sinner back home and that he begins to appreciate the love of God and begins to receive the love of God. If he receives it by believing that God really loves him, by believing that God so loved him that he sacrificed his son to invite us back home, that God so loved him, that he paid the price for his sins for him, that God so loved him, and now Jesus is alive to be the light at a platter of gold. If he believes this and receives this, he becomes the power of God unto salvation to them that believe, to the Jews and then whosoever believes in the word of God, whosoever believes in the gospel, whosoever believes and receives the message of the boundless love of God and receives it into his heart, as soon as he takes it and confesses Jesus as his Lord and Savior, from that moment on he receives eternal life. Jesus did not come into the world to save you from hell. Jesus did not come into the world or die to be your fire insurance. Jesus came into the world to give you eternal life and eternal life has its first walk in the roots of your challenges. Where the root is, it is in your spirit. It was the death in your spirit that cascaded down into moral decadence. It is the death in your spirit that cascaded down into the power of Satan over immense finances, over immense health, over immense physical body. When life comes into your spirit, when the eternal life comes into your spirit, it will also bear fruit in your soul. The life will proceed from your spirit into your soul. It will proceed from your spirit into your health, into your body, manifesting as health, manifesting as wealth, manifesting as life. Hallelujah! The Christian does not just die. The child of God does not die untimely, does not die anyhow. We don't just die by accident. Hallelujah! The Christian commands his own death in hell. Praise the Lord Jesus. The Christian doesn't just live in poverty. The Christian must walk in prosperity. Prosperity of the soul, prosperity of the body, prosperity of his finances. Why? Because his spirit has life. Now when the spirit has life, when life begins to manifest in your spirit, the next thing is that it manifests in your soul. This manifestation of life in your soul is actually the acknowledgement of the love of God in your soul. When the love of God permeates and fills your soul, it brings what we call the prosperity of your soul. That is why the Apostle John says that I will above all things that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. The prosperity of your soul is a determinant of your physical prosperity and of the health of your body. Many people try to put a cat before the horse. They try to tell people to live holy so that they can be saved. They try to tell people to look for money so that they can serve God. They try to live a healthy life so that they can believe that God loves them. That is putting a cat before the horse. There is a reason why Jesus Christ says that a city filled with the kingdom of God and His righteousness and every other thing shall be added unto you. Why? Because if you will prosper in your soul by a reason of the presence of life in your spirit, every other thing, the prosperity of your body, your financial prosperity will follow as a matter of course. So in essence, God brings spiritual resurrection and the Bible says the secret is this. It is a very, very life song to you. The hour is coming and now is when the dead, this is talking about the spiritual dead, the person that is experiencing death in the spirit, shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear, they that hear, they that is doing this that will believe the gospel, they shall be saved. Now someone says or Jesus says they shall hear the voice of the Son of God. He is talking about Jesus talking or speaking life into them. Hallelujah. That is true but that is just one part of the truth. The second part of the truth is that you too have become a son of God. The Bible says He has brought many songs unto glory. So you too have become a son of God. You speak with the voice of God. God sent you. God says that Jesus Christ says as my father has sent me even so sent are you. Go ye into the world. Preach the gospel to every creation. Hallelujah. And now the Bible says concerning he that God has sent, Jesus says God here I thank you just as God the Father has sent him. And the Bible says in John chapter 3 verse 34 that he that God has sent speaketh the word of God. For God giveth not the spirit by measure unto him. You too have received the spirit without measure if you are born again. And the Bible says you have the grace to speak the word of God. That is why God has sent you to go speak the gospel to every creation. When you preach the gospel you are speaking the word of God. You are speaking with the voice of the Son of God. And they that hear shall live. Beloved brothers and sisters the sick shall hear your voice and they shall live. The spiritually dead shall hear your voice and they shall live. Go in peace thy mind. Go preach to thy neighbor that does not believe in Christ. As you speak they will not just be hearing doctrine. They will not just be hearing an argument. They will be hearing the voice of the Son of God. They shall live. Even if their minds are not agreeing with the world. Even if their religion make them to initially say no to the world. But the world will be like barbed wire in their heart. It will keep pulling them unto Christ. It will keep pulling them. Pulling them with the message of love. And then soon the Lord will permit their spirit. And the beam of light will hit them. It may be immediately while you are preaching. It may be some few days thereafter. It may be some few hours thereafter. But keep as you keep speaking the word. You are not just speaking doctrine. You are not just speaking argument. You are not just speaking mere words. You are speaking love. You are transmitting the power of God unto salvation. They are coming to life. They are receiving the eternal life of God. They have been saved. And as we say they that hear the voice of the Son of God shall live. As we preach the gospel we are bringing life to men. We are bringing many to glory. We are causing them to receive light. Light is manifesting in their heart. The Bible says that God who commanded light to shine out of darkness has shined in her heart to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. He says we have this treasure in each vessel. But we must shine the light. We are shining the light as we preach. And men are giving their life to Christ. As we give their life to Christ they receive resurrection from the spiritual death. Hallelujah. Now beloved brothers and sisters I will be rounding off with these final talks. We have just talked about mainly the resurrection from the first dimension of death. That is the first death. And then we told you that that resurrection can manifest in three areas. That is it starts from the spirit, then to the soul level, then to the body. Now we know that that of the body, that of the body is automatic if that of the soul and of the spirit is perfected. Now that of the soul is dependent on that of the spirit. So that is what we just said with the spirit. What Jesus Christ did was the resurrection of being alive into our spirit. But we also preach the gospel that people believe there is an instant resurrection of their spirit. Then now the next thing is the resurrection and the soul level. Now this is where the work is. Hallelujah. Many people have this problem with various scriptures that talk about salvation. So people, you see some scriptures that talk about that we are saved through faith or we are saved by grace through faith and not of yourself. It is a gift of God. We read some scriptures that God saves us. We cannot do anything out of it. We cannot ask for the salvation. We cannot move from the salvation of our prophet. Yet we see some other scriptures like the book of Philippians chapter 2 verse 12 which says that wherefore my beloved as ye have always obeyed not as to my presence only but also much more in my walk out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Now this is where the two poles or two extremes of Christians have a bit of fight. Some are in the extreme of grace and they tell you that you have nothing to do about salvation and some are in the extreme of walk and they say that look at it now. It is not even the same point that you have to walk out your salvation with fear and trembling. Now the reason is because they do not quite understand the fact that there are levels of salvation. When you are saved, when you receive Christ into your spirit, your spirit is what is saved. The salvation there is life in your spirit, eternal life in your spirit. But that eternal life is not yet manifesting in your soul. If it will manifest in your soul you have some work to do. Now that salvation that you have to walk upon is the salvation of your soul, not the salvation of your body, I mean not the salvation of your spirit. Now the salvation of your body is automatic when Christ causes you to put on immortality. We will come to that when we are dealing with resurrection in the body level. We will be dealing with that in the next teaching session. But now we are dealing with resurrection in the soul. Now the resurrection in the soul was said that it requires you to do some things. Take notice that if you have not been resurrected in your spirit the resurrection of your soul is impossible. So the first thing to be done is to receive resurrection in your spirit and that is called the salvation of your spirit. The next thing now is the resurrection of your soul. What God did at the gasp of the resurrection of your soul is to give you all that you need to achieve the resurrection of your soul. And what you need to achieve the resurrection of your soul is faith, the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says this faith was given to us from the day we were born again. Romans chapter 12 and I think verse 3 it says as God had dealt unto every man the measure of faith. So we all have the measure of faith. And the Bible tells us in 1 Peter chapter 1 and verse 9 it says receiving the end that is the purpose, the reason, the reason why God gave you faith. Receiving the end of your faith even the salvation of your soul. So faith is given to you for a main reason and the reason is the salvation of your soul, the redemption of your soul, the infusion of life into your soul. For the life that is in your spirit to permeate into your soulish realm you need the oppression of faith. So the oppression of faith will cause you to have situations where you have to deplore your faith. When you begin to live by faith you begin to decide to stand by faith you will begin to receive the salvation of your soul. Now there are two things satan will want you to live by sight but to live by sensual perception and the Bible tells us that if you live by the flesh Romans chapter 8 and verse 13 it says if ye for if you live after the flesh that is after sensual perception you shall die. The death here has to do with the soul. There will be corruption in your soul but if ye through the spirit do mortify the deeds of the body ye shall live. That means you shall experience life in your soulish realm. There the Bible says for he that swear to the flesh the legend of chapter 8 says for he that swear to the flesh shall of the flesh receive corruption but he that swear to the spirit shall of the spirit live life everlasting. Now this has to do like I said it has to do with the soulish realm. The everlasting life is already in your soul I mean in your spirit but in the soulish realm you've got to you know you've got to find it out. This is also explained in the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ in the book of Matthew chapter 11 when he says I think it's 29 when he says that it ends he says come unto me all ye that are that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Then he goes on to say take my yoke upon you and learn of me and ye shall find rest unto your soul for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Now he tells us two dimensions of rest. The first way he says just come unto me and I will give you rest. The you there is your spirit that rest there is the life of God in your spirit it gives you rest from the damaging effect of death in your spirit. Then the next which is the rest or the peace for your own soul is the the life manifesting in your soul and that he says you are to find. He says when you learn of me you will find not that I will give you you will find I've already made that available for you you will find your rest unto your soul and how do you find this rest unto your soul how do you receive eternal life of walking in your soul it is by walking after the spirit by living after the spirit by uh you know he says by sowing to the spirit and the bible says the instrument to be you know used in that regard is your faith. God gave you faith so that you can use it to walk in the spirit and as you walk by faith in the spirit you shall live life everlasting. How do you do this? I think that would be a discussion we deal with next teaching session but the bible tells us that for now to the extent to which you know the bible says in the book of Philippians chapter 2 and verse 12 say wherefore my beloved as he have always obeyed not as in my presence but now walk out of salvation with fear and trembling so next on the next teaching session we're going to be looking at how to manifest or how to walk in the spirit through faith so that we can have life in our souls now this life in our souls bring peace bring salvation to our soul which has effect in our physical existences the physical existences has to do with our health our wealth and our life praise the lord jesus christ this is where we'll be stopping today and i believe you've been blessed by today's teaching i want you to invite your friends to the next teaching we'll be posting our link after this teaching so you can use to invite your friends and then um you know we want to share the message the lord bless you in jesus name let us pray holy father thank you for your grace upon our lives thank you for teaching your people blessed be your name by the name of jesus christ i ask oh lord our god that you expand this world unto his children and cause us to be transformed by your word and cause us to be changed by the world let us begin to experience the operation of life in our spirits and in our souls and cause us to be prepared for the first resurrection and then uh the eternal life let's pray this above in the name of jesus christ thank you father for it is done blessed be your name forever for in jesus name we'll praise amen and amen