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cover of 07_work_0117_incorruptability


Ryan WolfeRyan Wolfe



transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fws2maZYK-XTHmeZCv_p5dRJd81o1N9R75AiSSFfBsc

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The main idea is that through our union with Jesus, who is both God and human, we can attain incorruptibility. This concept has not been fully explored in Western theology, which focuses more on Jesus' obedience and righteousness as a human. However, according to Corinthians 15:39, just as we are made in the image of Adam, we can also be made in the image of Jesus, the man of heaven. By sharing in his image, we also share in his attributes, including incorruptibility. This attribute is not innate to humans, but through our union with Jesus, we can receive incorruptible bodies. Our salvation is achieved through our union with Jesus, not just through his death. Adam could have achieved incorruption if he had fully obeyed, but true incorruptibility can only come through union with the God-man. This is based on our full union with Jesus and his divine nature. Because Jesus is the God and because we are at home, we receive this incorruptibility. I think this was an underdeveloped concept in Western theology. The Western tradition has done a good job at showing who is sharing his obedience and his righteousness, but those are attributes predicated on his humanity. As Corinthians 15.39 says, Just as we have formed the image of the man of dust, we shall also form the image of the man of heaven. If we share this image, we also share attributes that are only predicated on his beauty. Incorruptibility is not a part of human nature, it's only an attribute of divine nature, but when we share it, we will be given incorruptible bodies. So, our union with the incarnate man is the main thing that achieves our salvation, period. His death only achieves our life because it achieves our union with him, the God-man, who is life. Jesus is not merely the truth or Adam. Adam, if he had fully obeyed, could have achieved incorruption. Incorruptibility can only come by union with the God-man. This is what predicated on full union with the God-man and the divine nature.

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