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Profitable Pillars for Successful Year- Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

Profitable Pillars for Successful Year- Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

Apostle Peterson O. Abu's MessagesApostle Peterson O. Abu's Messages



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The main idea of this information is that praying alone is not enough to have a better year. It is important to also prepare and execute plans for the upcoming year. The speaker emphasizes the need for personal calendars and the importance of meditating on goals and responsibilities. The speaker also discusses the principles and patterns of God's creation and how they can be applied to our own lives. Patience and character development are highlighted as necessary foundations for receiving blessings from God. because we pray for you. Neither do you experience transformation because you attend crossover vigil, December 31st. That does not make you to have a better year. A better year is not better because you prayed into the year. A better year is better because you sat down and prepared for the year. It is what you prepare for that you enjoy. What you don't prepare for will never enjoy it. So entry into a new year, entry into 2024, it is not essentially in the atmosphere of prayer alone. You must have done a lot of preparation. You must have carried out a lot of plan. You must have drawn a lot of pattern that you need to execute for the year 2024. Like I said to you last week Sunday, that if you are not yet prepared for your new year, then you are not doing yourself good. If you have not yet entered your new year, while you are still in this year, then you are not doing yourself good. Your plans, your plans, your preparation, you should start executing them from December. In fact the wise people start executing their plan from December and that is why you should have your personal calendar that you should use for your life. I know there is a general calendar, January towards December, but you should make your own calendar and say because I want to live a life that will distinguish me. My year, my January begins from what? From December and it is not something you write down and you paste on your wall, but then there must be a determination. There must be a pursuit for sources. There must be something pushing you. There must be something drawing you to achieve it. Most times with plans, after making plans we never achieve our plans. We have listened to several teachings and different teachings about the new year, how to make profitable impact in the new year, but none of those things we have achieved and that is why I come with the teaching profitable pillars for a successful year. Profitable pillars for what? A successful year. The reason I say profitable pillars, the pillars I have tested, these are pillars I have studied in the life of Christians, ministers of God and as well philatelical peace and business people in the world that they engage these pillars and it led to a profitable life. It led to a profitable year and there will be no difference because several other people have repeated the same pattern, the same formula and it worked for them. Profitable pillars for a successful year. Joshua chapter 1 verse 8. Joshua chapter 1 verse 8. Are you there? If you are there, you are very fast. Joshua chapter 1 verse what? Are you there again? We are not conscious that we are not there. Am I right? The place where we answer it unconsciously. Okay. Joshua chapter 1 verse 8. It says, this book of the Lord shall not work the parts out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein. For then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have what? Good services. Now, studying about this verse of the scripture, you will see number one, there is a principle given to Joshua. Number two, there is a call to observation. He said, this book of the Lord should not depart from thy mouth, but thou should observe to do what is in. So, the first thing was that there is a picture of a responsibility, which in our time, we can call it a plan that Joshua had already been given to Joshua, that this is the plan for you to follow. Now, there is a responsibility attached to that plan. He said, you should meditate day and what? Night. You see, the meditation of the vision day and night is what brings an effective pursuit to make it a reality. If you write down your vision, and it is not what you meditate day and night, after some certain time, it will become a forgotten plan. Praise the Lord. So, God told Joshua, he said, the only way you will experience a success, a good success, a great success, is to make sure that this book of the Lord that God has given you as a covenant between you and the inheritance of Cana, he said, it should not depart from what? Thy mouth, but thou should meditate what? Day and night. Now, we see, number one, that there is a book of principle given to Joshua, number one. Then, number two, we see that there is a call to responsibility. What was the call of responsibility? He said, you should meditate day and what? Night. What is the intention, number three, is that you should observe to do it. So, when God gave Joshua a vision documented in the book, he expected that Joshua should be able to meditate on that vision and then apply the responsibility demanded in that vision so that he can obtain what? Good success. You must have this understanding that before God created heaven and earth, he had to follow through a principle, number one, God never created the sun before the cloud, before the firmament, two of us. He created the firmament before what? Before the cloud. God never created man before he created earth. He created the earth before he what? He created man. God never created the sea before he created the fishes. He created the sea before he created what? The fishes. God never created the fishes before what? The sea. And if you shape the principle of God, he never created animals before creating vegetation. He first created what? Vegetation before creating animals. And when you follow the pattern at which God created the world, you will see the wisdom of God in display, number one, because he let there be light. He never created everything before he said let there be light. He needed light to create what? Everything. Then when God start proceeding, when he start going, you see that before God will create an object, he will first create a platform. So before God will create this, he will first create this to carry what? This. Praise the Lord. Now what most of us are praying for is for this, but if God give you this, you do not have a platform to sustain it. If God give you this, you do not have a foundation to carry it. So some of the things you are praying for, you have not yet set a foundation to be able to carry that vision God want to give to you. So if God give you that vision, after a few days later you will die. After a few days later you will backslide because there is not a sustainer to be able to carry what? That vision. Praise the Lord. So when you follow the pattern of God, it works with principle. Some of you, the reason you have not yet entered the reality of his promises for your life is because he is using this ego to build a capacity. Patience is a platform. Are you following me now? Love is a what? A platform. These things are not the fruit. These things are the roots. Patience is a root. For example, now there are people praying for marriage. Lord I want to get married. Lord I want to get married. But they have a problem with impatience. They can't tolerate. So you know what God will do? God will not answer the prayer of I need a man or I need a woman for marriage. What God will do? God will first of all give you what? The spirit of what? Patience. Now the spirit of patience that God want to impute in you, that spirit of patience may take several years for you to be able to achieve. But marriage will take just one day for you to what? To ignite. Are you following me now? So in order for God to teach you patience, sometimes God will lead you to a church like this. Sometimes God will put you in a particular environment that doesn't suit your desire. Not because that is where you will remain forever. But in order for him to bring you into that stature that he can bless. There is a picture that God has in mind to bless. Praise the Lord. Don't be distracted. There is a picture that God has in mind to bless. So when God want to bless you, there is a picture of you that God has already instituted in his heart and he has said that if this man I will bless. You have not yet become that man. It was, it is still you that God is pointing at but not this version of you. Are you following me now? It is not this version of you that God want to bless. There is a version that God have decided to bless. So the version of you that God want to bless is a version of a man that is humble. Is a version of a man that has patience. Is a version of a man that has come out from the flesh. And that is the version he want to bless. So what does God do? This is the version. This is the image. This is how God have designed you that you should be before he bless you. So he will start taking you through different challenges of life. Are you following? Are we following? He will start taking you through different challenges of life. The reason he is taking you through different challenges of life is to bring you into this threshold that he can bless. But Mark come. Come. So sorry. What is his name again? Come first. And Mark you both of you should come. Now this is this threshold before you were born. This is you. Praise the Lord. This is you before you were born. This is who God said he will bless. This is also you. Excuse me. Sorry. This is who God said he will bless. This is you. This is you. And his decision is that until you become this person that he wants you, he will not bless you. This is you. This is what? You. But this is a man that is already refined. This is a man that God has broken. This is a man that God has transformed. And this is a man he said he will bless. Now this is also you. But you have not become like this person. What he will do with you? Since he still wants to bless you, but he cannot. Because if he give you three million like this, within three months your money will lose. You will lose that money. You will never use that money well. Are you following me now? It will take you through different situation of life to break you. So it will take you through a situation where you will suffer. It will take you through another situation that will demand to claim you. Praise the Lord. That you will be put in one position. And anything that people refuse being kept in one position, you will never rise to that level. And that will take you to a position where you will struggle before you eat. And yet you have to be giving. You don't have much. You are struggling to what? Eat. Yet in that condition they tell you to be giving people the little what you have. Well he has taken you to different position just to make sure that you conform to this person. Now he has conformed to the person that God intended to what? Bless. He will not have to pray long. The blessing of God will come. Are you getting me now? Now some of us when we are three years about to go there, we give up. And the more you give up, he will not be able to refine you. Because God has shaked your heart and discovered that you have hot temper. Man you want to bless does not have what? Hot temper. God has shaked your heart, discovered that you are a liar. But the man you want to bless, is not a what? A liar. God has shaked your heart. He discovered that you are crafty. But the man you want to bless is not crafty. He will take you through process. We call it process of life. To break you down. It is when you break you down, he will bless you without you praying. Are you following me now? Are you following? God bless you. Let us clap for them. So God does not bless every man. Even though you say well he is our father in heaven. He does not bless every man. He only bless the man. Say the man. Say the man. He does not bless every man. He bless the man that he has bring you into. That is the man he bless. So when we talk about profitable pillars for a successful year, we are talking about the things you need to apply as the foundation of your life, as the platform to be able to carry out every strategy you want to use for the new year. May God help us in Jesus name. Proverbs 22 verse 29. Proverbs 22 verse 29. Proverbs chapter 22. Verse 29. Proverbs 22. Are we there? Verse 29. The Bible says in verse 29. Sayeth that a man diligent in his work. What shall happen to that man? And not what? Okay. You know when you are reading the Bible, the first thing you should look is what brings that man to stand before kings. So what brings that man to stand before kings? Eh? But what about if that man don't want to be diligent but he want to stand before kings? Will that man stand before kings? So a man that is not diligent can never stand. But some of your prayer point is Lord I want to stand before what? But what God is wanting for you is to make you to be what? Diligent. Because it is diligence that bring the kingship. It is diligence that make you to go to places. So you don't pray to go to places. You apply the principle that is a foundation that sustain you to go to where? Places. So the moment you are diligent you don't pray to stand before kings. You will definitely stand before what? Kings. It is the diligence of men that are singing gospel singers. That is raising them up. The likes of Moses and many of them that are singing songs. It was as they enforced diligence in that area of their life that they began to stand before kings. You don't need to pray to stand before kings. What you need is the foundation that sustain a man to stand before kings. So the things you are praying for is not what you really need. You need the things underneath that one. You are praying to stand but you need a grant to what? To stand. So don't pray to stand. Pray for a grant to what? To stand on. If you pray and there is a grant for you to stand you will definitely stand. You are not standing because there is no grant. So don't pray to stand. Pray to have a grant. Because if you want to stand on the hill you will fall. So you need a grant. So the things you are praying for you don't really need those things. What you need is what God is working in you. But it doesn't look like what you like and that is why you are easily giving up. Before a man becomes great God will take you. Look at Jesus Christ. He went through. He was born in the Middle East. Am I right? Where they kept animals. He grew up under his father who was what? A carpenter. That means Jesus Christ had the hand work. He was a phony shaman. He could do shit for you. It doesn't look. Look at the Old Testament. The way Jesus was described. You will never believe that he would become a carpenter. Because the way Jesus was prophesied in the Old Testament. He was prophesied that he would be born into the lineage of a king. So people thought that when Jesus would come he would come like a king. Everybody would be aware that this is what? A king. But he had to go through the process of time. And he came to a juncture where God said, and the Bible says, For God has highly exalted him and given him a what? A name. He exalted Jesus after Jesus went through the process of time. But you cannot go through the process of time because what you are looking for is not what you really need. The exaltation of God comes upon a humble man. You say I give birth to what? Grace. Now there are people that go to the mountain and say Lord give me grace. Give me grace. I need what? Grace. But there are people that will not go to the mountain. They will only humble themselves. You say give birth grace to what? Be humble. So when you humble yourself you don't need to pray. We give you what? Grace. And another person is going to the mountain and says Lord give me the grace of peace. Give me the grace of God. Why are we distracted? Give me the grace of God. And when you go to the mountain to pray you will never get it because it gives you grace to what? The humble man. I tell you the first time I started prophesying. I didn't prophesy before I went to the mountain. When I started calling people's names. I didn't go to the mountain. I'm telling the truth. All I did I submitted myself under a man who had a prophetic sight. The man was the first man I see that before anybody die will come and say I've seen death. And the ones that is not in church will be calling their own name. And exactly what the prophesy will come to pass. And it was humility. I bestowed myself under humility to capture that reality. Understand please that the foundation of a thing is more important than the thing itself. So before you say I want to have a better 2024. What are the foundations you have laid down? What are the pillars sustaining it? Don't just be deceived by you saying I prophesy for my new year. My new year shall be great. Great how? What are the foundations that makes it great? I prophesy for 2024. My 2024 shall be a great year. How? How? How? Explain to us how will this happen? Is there a foundation for it? Have you set the pillars for it? How will you come into that? Because there is no pillar. There is no foundation. You don't just pray. Praise the Lord. Elijah visited a woman who had just a little bottle of oil. What did Elijah say? He said go and borrow extra water. If not the oil will not multiply. There must be a vacuum to accommodate that oil. There must be a foundation that can sustain that oil. And this is what we are talking about. Blessings does not happen. No blessings fall into a structure. You say bless me, bless me. There is no hand work. How? Will you go and steal? Or you think that the blessings of God is by money falling from heaven? Money does not come from heaven. There must be something you share with the society. The society is moving on demand and supply. Society is moving on what? Demand and supply in economics. Because when demand is higher than what supply, there will be scarcity. The people demanding for it, are you with me now, is more than what is coming to the society. There will be scarcity in the society. So there must be equilibrium. Are you with me? Optimism and supply. So what am I trying to say? If you are praying for a new year, you must have set a foundation to be able to carry what you are praying for. Miracles don't happen because you just pray. There must be a foundation at which it flows from into your life. Don't expect anybody to deceive you. You can't be reached by me telling you to receive it. It doesn't work like that. There must be a foundation that the hoya flows through. Even you use this stove. That's our holding the stove. You have to put it and put what? Thread inside, am I right? Then the kerosene flows through the thread to keep it burning. There must be a flow. That is the pillars. Praise the Lord. As we journey towards the year, it becomes important that we prepare our hearts for a better year. A better year doesn't just happen. Don't allow anybody to deceive you. And that is why in this church, we make sure everybody is responsible. It doesn't just not happen. Who is leaving behind? Wake your ears man. A better year doesn't just happen. But it's a product of intentionality. Be intentional about your new year. Be intentional about your new year. Before I became a pastor, before I was called into the ministry, what I did, I remember that year, I sat down. December, I sat down and I wrote the numbers of the exam. I've been right. Some of them were from Britain. I said it's professionalism in writing. And the moment I wrote my books on, I went back to social media, internet, to download their past questions. Because the exam, one of them was about 460,000 Naira. The other one was 246,000 Naira. And I wanted to write it because I was sitting at a higher company. I had gotten some certificates, but I needed, I wanted to work top top. It's not just something you pray. You sit down, there are some exams that are needed to be right. Forget about people's skills. Put your faith first. Go and collect those exams. Go and learn those skills. When you are praying and you are learning skills, you are praying, you are obtaining certificates, you will never be poor. You will never be what? Before and through. Miracles don't happen by you just saying amen. That is not how it happens. How are you planning for the new year? If you are not planning for the new year, you are not going to make it this year. It is not accidentally, it is intentionality. It is not what? It is what? It is intentionality. You have to be intentional. Praise the Lord. You have to be creative. And you have to be prayerful as well. Success in life doesn't just happen. And that is why I keep repeating it. It is an end product. When we say this is success, there is a process that leads to that thing. Success is an end product. It is not the beginning of something. Are we much here today? Are we up to 200 people in this place? So you can't say, even next 10 years we have 200 people. You can't say I'm seeing what? Successful. When do you say I'm successful? When I get to where? Heaven. Successfulness is at the end of a thing. Not the beginning of what? Of a thing. So if you are planning for next year, you must be sure it is something you can achieve at the end of everything. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. To be able to become successful in life, we must understand the seven profitable pillars. There are seven pillars I want to share with you. Seven profitable pillars for a successful year. These pillars can help us to become the best in life and in God's will. It can make anybody to become the best in life and in God's will. Number one pillar. Job chapter 36 verse 11. The first pillar. Job verse 11. Job chapter 36 verse 11. Are we there? Amen. Job chapter what? 36 verse what? Verse 11. The Bible says in verse 11 of Job. If they obey and what? And serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity and their years in what? Pleasure. If they obey and what? If they obey and serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasure. Now, the first pillar for a successful year. The first pillar for a successful year. Number one. Fellowship with God. Facing up fellowship with God. Say facing up fellowship with God. Hope you can hear me clearly. Yes, facing up fellowship with God. You see, facing up fellowship with God is a very solid condition that you need for a better year. You don't have fellowship with God this year. I'm not talking about just coming to church. Coming to church is good. No. I'm talking about facing up fellowship with God. Know God personally. Let Him know you personally. The reason you need Him is that in your pursuit for a successful year, you will need divine abilities. You will need what? Yes. Yes. When you start pursuing your goals, there are some certain junctions in life where your strength will be failing you. So you need divine abilities. You need a supernatural being to empower you. That is why the people of this world will go and consult an oracle. They will go and worship an idol. Offend them while they are pursuing their goals. But you don't need to worship any other God. So you need to have a good relationship with God. You need to keep a good relationship with God. If you don't have a good relationship with God, you are going to fail for next year. Because by the strength of man, shallow man put it in. Praise God. So number one is your personal fellowship with God. You must make God the first place in your life. Make Him the first person in your life. Make Him the only one to submit to. The only one to worship. The only one to honor. Make sure you pray. You are not a prayerful this year. Make it a habit. Next year, in the morning, wake up, pray, read your Bible before you go out. Let God be the first person in your life. You need to meet a daily routine. So the first pillar you need for you to become successful next year, you need fellowship with who? With God. You need fellowship with God. You need Him. You need fellowship with God. You are not enough with God this year. Why not start building your relationship with God? The foundation of a successful life is on God. That is a good fellowship life with God. Having a good fellowship life with God can lead to favor. It can make people to start favoring you. So build your personal relationship with God. Praise the Lord. Number two. Number two pillar that you need is you need profitable relationship. Profitable what? Profitable what? Yes, you need profitable relationship. Praise the Lord. Beside your Christian family, beside your Christian friends, you must have people that are pursuing the same goal with you. Your profitable relationship matters so much. Your profitable relationship. Who are your friends? Who are your friends? Who are the people you only discuss with? You are about to enter the new year. Maybe the people you are keeping as friends, they don't think in the same direction with you. Maybe the people you are keeping as friends, they are not going the same direction with you. Maybe the people you are keeping as friends, they don't have the same plan with you. Maybe the people you are keeping as friends, they are not going to the same destination with you. The one that is making you to live in immorality, live in sin, cut them off. Praise the Lord. And even the Christian that does have passion for sausage, you can put a little avoidance. They don't have passion for what? For sausage. Your relationship should be profitable. The Bible says, He that walketh with the wise shall be what? And he that walketh with the fool shall be what? Shall be fool. You have a goal that next year, you are going to write several scholarship exams. There is a like link. There is an app that is called like link link. Am I right? Link link. You go there, you see people of the same career passion with you. Due to the relationship. That was why when I was going studying, there is an exam called Neboj. I wanted to write. I started going there, I started seeing friends that have the same passion. I started seeing people that wrote the exam, and where they made mistakes, and how they became successful. I started studying. You build your relationship. You are going somewhere. You are not just living a wasted life. You have an intention. You have a destination. You are going somewhere. You are going to become great next year. You have a vision that next year you will make it in your business. You have a vision that next year you will have several other shops. You have a vision that next year, you have business in different locations. Why are you working with people that don't have vision? Why are you working with people that don't have vision? You must work with people that have the same vision with you. You must be passionate towards your goal. You must be passionate towards that next year. 2020, 2024 is my year. The next year is my year, and I'm planning towards it. That is your goal. You make it a decision. There are seminars you need to attend. There are conferences you need to attend. There are programs you need to attend. You don't just need to be into, into, into. You don't become great by just being into. You have a goal. There's someone you are going to. There's somebody you want to become. There's a version of person you want to become. That is your motivation. That is your inspiration. That is your goal. That is your passion. That is what you are pursuing. And you are keeping profitable relationships. Relationships with the people that have the same goal. They are pursuing the same thing. Praise the Lord. We don't just say Happy New Year. What is happy about the year? What is happy about the year? Happy New Year, we eat the chicken, we eat the rice, we eat the stew, and we continue with the previous life in the new year. A new year we can hold life, we can hold vision. No. Let us start setting vision. God will give us grace in Jesus name. So we need profitable relationships. Men are God's medium by which we can be transported to success. There are certain places you will never go in life except through relationships. Praise the Lord. Except through relationships, you will never go there. Except through relationships. We must build profitable relationships. In your business, there are people that are serious. That was what, when I was in school, when I was in an institution, in my, in my, I read a little bit of engineering in my department. There were some sets of people. We, we, we were the best in our class. Even though among us we have grades. Am I right? There were some of them that were very good, but since they are still trying, we all work. And you see some people running after them. Although I myself, I was not too open to that because I was a campus president, a fellowship president. So, I only gave my attention more to members of my, of my, of my fellowship. But you see this set of other people, when they come to me like this, I was okay. You see this brother? There's a brother called Brother Maker. Now, I want Brother Best. His name is Best. That one was a fellowship president in his fellowship. But he was the best student in my department. More higher than me. I said, you see Brother Best, because he was my close friend. Being that we are president and our fellowship just, just the way the name is here. How was the president of my fellowship? He was the president of IOCF. Leading Campus Fellowship. And it was just a first like this, separating us. So, it made us to be close. You don't just say, I say, well, these are just the best. It doesn't matter. When you start working with us, when my members who were in my department start working with me, they start knowing the way I live my life. Because when we have exam, I don't stay at home. If we have exam for one week, I stay in the campus for what? One week, sleeping in the class. Early in the morning, go and break outside or just buy water and wash my face. I read all through the night. If it is not weekend exam, I stay in the campus for one week. You will not see me until the end of the week. Sleeping in the classroom. Read, sleep, wake up, wash my face, go to campus, read. Then go to one of the hotels in the campus, bed and go back. And when they saw the way I was living my life, they knew that first step is something you just imagine. First step is an artwork. When you start working with the wives, you will start knowing the books they are reading that is making them to have the knowledge. When you start working with the wives, you will start knowing the program, the seminars that they are going to that you are not going to that made you to be far younger than them in knowledge. Work with the wives and you shall be what? Profitable relationship. Profitable relationship. You will be shaped very well. Most people that are governors of states in Nigeria today, they have godfathers who are in politics, am I right? In my state, the one I just entered recently this month, his father was a former president, a former governor. They have, they have followed leaders and today they are the one leading. My father was a governor, am I right? I think he was a governor, am I right? When he was a governor, there were people who were only after him. Today, those people have left. One of them, I didn't want to submit, am I right? He didn't win the second term. Relationship is profitable when there is tendency of you becoming like the people you are running after. Don't just isolate yourself. It is possible to be great in life. Don't just isolate yourself. It is possible to be great in life. Next year, choose profitable relationship. If the people you keep around you, all they are discussing about is how to humanize, how to drink, you don't have this one. You don't have tomorrow. Praise the lord. Number three, humility and loyalty. Number three is what? Humility and what? Loyalty. There must be humility in your spirit. You must not be proud. You must not be what? You must not be proud. You must not be proud. You must be humble. You must be loyal. Where you are working currently, be loyal there. Be loyal where you are working currently, be loyal. Not because you want to stay there forever. There is a level of loyalty that we see in you. That we will commend you for something that is bigger than you. That will bless your life. There must be humility. This, you so much carry shoulder like this, and look at you, you never rise in life. Because every time you are working like this, be loyal, be humble. Be loyal to your bosses. Be loyal to even your colleague in the place of work. Be loyal to your customers. Be loyal to what? People coming to patronize you, be loyal to them. Be humble, let them see humility. Somebody can come to your shop to buy the same thing over and over again because there is a humble expression on your face and your attention whenever that person comes to buy something. Be humble, be loyal. Praise the Lord. It's a pillar that has taken men far. Humility. Loyalty. Don't be stubborn. Don't feel like you know more than them. Anywhere you find yourself, make sure loyalty is there. If you are still working under a boss, the year is coming to an end. What is that gift you want to give to your boss this year? I told you last week that you ought to buy something this year. Go and give to your boss appreciation. Go with your siblings or go with your spouse. Go and thank that man that once helped you. There was a man that once helped you. There was a man that took care of you. There was a man that gave you accommodation when you never had. There was a man that gave you education when you never had the means to go to school. There was a man that gave you food when you were not able to eat. Don't raise up children and say, The man treated me. Forget the man treated me. He accommodated me. Go back with gifts and say, Thank you, sir. You are opening another door for yourself. Praise the Lord. Go back and say, Thank you. Buy a gift. Go and appreciate that God. There was somebody that gave you a connection. Where you are working today, it is somebody that is supposed to work there. But the person sacrificed his position and allowed you to start working there. Carry a gift. Go and give to that person. When both of you are age mates and you are holders of that person, go and appreciate. These are laws that have opened doors for you. Anytime somebody helped you, and the person always becomes regretful for helping you, you are shutting the door for the next move. Now somebody helped you today, and the person regretted why he helped you. Another person helped you. You will never be able to realize. The actions that saved you, never you want, bite those hands. Because you will need them again to eat. You speak against them and say, It does not matter. If it is God, I look. If it is only God, I can bless a man. And I am not looking at you. You will remain in one place. You go back and thank them. Buy gifts. Go and appreciate people that have helped you. Go and appreciate people that once assisted you. Do it. Let it be your life. Write it inside an envelope. Thank you, sir, for this. I still remember your love towards me. Want to know that the relationship you lost, some of the relationship you lost, praise the Lord, eh? Some of the relationship you lost last year, let's know that next two years, some of those people will be in our blood. And when they have been in our blood, assuming you mentioned that relationship, they would have been the ones to say, Ah, we need you to come here. There is unemployment here. I don't want you to come. But you broke the relationship that last year that they were in Nigeria. Now you are going through Facebook. You are seeing them in our blood. You are saying, Ah, they don't go abroad. And they would have been the ones to help you. The person you are taking for granted in the next three years, he may be the governor. Why don't you, why can't you keep the relationship? Why are you trivializing our relationship? Everybody you see sitting down here, do you think we are going to remain like this in the next five years? Do you think we are going to remain like this in the next ten years? Why can't we keep relationship? Relationship is the thing you need for your next movement. It's what you need for your next movement. Praise the Lord. When I wanted to get married, I never knew I would marry. Praise the Lord. I never knew it was time for me to work. Marry. People have been meeting me. Go and marry. I say, God has not yet said anything. So, all my money, I have spent everything. I have emptied my account to $7. And God spoke that moment. He said, Go. He said, It's time to what? To marry. Praise the Lord. God, who is my witness, because I was on the mountain, I went up with just $3,000 in my, sorry, $1,005 in my account. Just what? $1,005. When God told me, I called my step-mother. I said, Where are you? She said, I'm at home. I said, God has told me that you can't marry. He said, Do you have money? I said, I don't know. I don't have money. She said, I don't know. Because my marriage was just two months. God spoke to me that I wanted to marry two months time. She laughed. She said, Why am I fooling myself? I said, No, I'm serious. I said, I want to marry. He said, Do you have money? I said, I don't have money. But God said I should work. Marry. The moment I made that decision, I married in November, November, December. Are you with me now? October, there was no one nigger in my account. Not even one dead nigger in my account. October. I became scared myself. My wedding, fix, view report, wedding card, I mean, share wedding card, I now sit everywhere. The people that helped me, I tell you the truth, some of them, I've not spoken with them for three years. When they saw my invitation card online, they started calling. I said, No, they started making jest of me. I said, Finish making jest. They said, Send me your account number. Send me your account number. The one I think that the highest it will sell will be 2,000 Naira because of their condition. So, they said, Send me your account number. I said, Send me your account number. They said, Send me your account number. I said, Send me your account number. They said, Send me your account number. I said, Send me your account number. They said, Send me your account number. I said, Send me your account number. They said, Send me your account number. I said, Send me your account number. They said, Send me your account number. I said, Send me your account number. I said, Send me your account number. I said, Send me your account number. I said, Send me your account number. I said, Send me your account number. I said, Send me your account number. I said, Send me your account number. I said, Send me your account number. I said, Send me your account number. I said, Send me your account number. I said, Send me your account number. I said, Send me your account number. I said, Send me your account number. I said, Send me your account number. I said, Send me your account number. I said, Send me your account number. I said, Send me your account number. 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