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The podcast discusses the benefits of whey protein as a supplement for muscle repair and growth. Whey protein is quickly absorbed and provides essential amino acids for the body. It decreases protein breakdown and supports muscle growth. Whey protein is derived from the cheesemaking process and is used in various food products. The study mentioned investigates the effects of whey protein and carbohydrates on resistance training adaptations, including muscle size, strength, and body composition. The results show that whey protein may contribute to greater fat loss and muscle gain compared to carbohydrates. However, individual factors such as diet and physical activity also play a role. Further research is needed to fully understand the relationship between nutrition, training, and body composition changes. Hey everybody, welcome to our podcast, The Balanced Bite. This is Chloe and Grace here to talk to you about the tips and tricks to fuel your body and feed your mind. Today we'll be talking about the supplement, whey protein, and the results of a controlled experiment that tested whether this supplement is actually effective or if you should use this product. To start off, whey protein is a source of essential amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. Whey protein is known for its fast absorption, meaning it quickly supplies the body of amino acids, which are essential for muscle repair and growth. Whey protein serves to decrease protein catabolism. Catabolism refers to the metabolic process where large molecules such as proteins are broken down into smaller components. In the context of proteins, this typically involves breaking down proteins into amino acids. Since whey protein is a rich source of essential amino acids, it can serve as a readily available source of amino acids in the body. When you consume whey protein, it quickly increases the level of amino acids in your bloodstream. Whey protein's ability to decrease protein catabolism supports muscle growth and repair while minimizing the need for the body to break down existing muscle tissue to meet its amino acid requirement. This is why this supplement is popular among individuals and athletes that perform resistance training, bodybuilding, and partake in athletic recovery. You might be wondering, where does whey protein come from? How is it made? Well, whey protein comes from the cheesemaking process. When special enzymes are added to the milk, it separates into curds, which are what are used to make cheese and liquid whey. So whey protein is depetrized and dried, so it can be used as a key ingredient in some drink mixes, protein bars, and other foods. The article Grace and I chose to research whey protein more deeply is titled, The Effects of Whey Protein With or Without Carbohydrates on Resistance Training Adaptations, and is published by the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. There are four individuals that helped with this experiment in the process of publishing the findings. Juha J. Holmi, Mia Lasko, Antti A. Miro, and Kio Hakkanen, these authors are all from Finland, which is where they designed and carried out this experiment. Some research questions we found include, how does post-exercise supplementation with whey protein, carbohydrates, or a combination of both impact long-term resistance adaptations? Include muscle size, strength, and body composition. Are there any differences in the effects of whey protein and carbohydrates on body composition and muscle strength when individuals engage? Lastly, is there a specific aim for muscle hypertrophy and maximal strength versus muscle strength? The hypothesis of this study is the post-exercise supplementation with whey proteins will have different effects on resistance training adaptations compared to carbohydrates or a combination of proteins and carbohydrates when ingested two to three times a week. The independent variables are whey protein with and without carbohydrates. The dependent variables are the various resistance training adaptations that include the muscle growth, strength and gains, the endurance, how the body composition changes, and other physiological or performance-related outcomes associated with resistance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of post-exercise protein and carbohydrate supplementation alone or in combination on resistance training adaptations. The researchers claim the importance of their study is to examine the effects of protein and carbohydrate supplementation on body composition and strength, as well as blood lipid profile. Excessive fat, especially in the abdominal area, is linked to increased risk of premature death and other health issues, such as negatively altered blood lipid profile. Therefore, it is important to identify lifestyle choices that enhance muscle size and function while simultaneously decreasing fat mass. The study group of this experiment were untrained males to ensure all participants had the same background regarding how physically active they were. The participants were randomized into three groups of different post-exercise drinks. One group was taking 30 grams of whey protein post-exercise, another group was taking isocalic carbohydrates, and the last group was taking a protein and carbohydrate post-exercise drink. The participants were then randomized into two 12-week whole-body programs aiming for an increase in muscle hypertrophy and maximal strength, or aiming to increase hypertrophy, maximal strength, and power. Body composition, quadriceps femoris, muscle cross-sectional area, maximal strength, and serum lipids were analyzed before and after the experiment. So they started this experiment with a four-week-long preparatory period. This period was conducted to standardize training status of all participants to minimize the effects of stressors related to unaccustomed exercise and to overcome strong neural and learning adaptations that are known to occur within the first few weeks of resistance training. In this preparatory resistance training period, subjects were exercising whole-body workouts two times per week. The subjects used, on average, nine exercises in one workout with two to three sets of every exercise and 10 to 15 repetitions in every set. Recovery time between the sets lasted two minutes. Training loads were 50 to 80 percent of one repetition maximum, increasing throughout the preparatory phase. After the preparatory period, the participants began whole-body resistance training two to three times per week. The individual loads were determined by the string test, which were tested by repetitions to failure for all of the main exercises, including leg press, knee flexion, knee extension, and bench press. These loads were adjusted based on the participants throughout the study. The sets were conducted to a last possible repetition that could be performed with good techniques or until concentric failure. After every workout session, the participants consumed their post-workout supplements that were assigned, which were all mixed in 0.5 liters of water. The participants were given nutritional recommendations and were to record their dietary intake over three weekdays and one weekend day. The body composition, maximal strength, and the muscle cross-sectional area of all the participants was recorded before the preparatory resistance training period, before the supplementation started, and after the experimental resistance training. Blood samples were taken before the preparatory phase and every four weeks thereafter. Blood samples were taken to obtain the concentrations of total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglycerides. Onto the results, this study found that there are no differences in the changes between the different supplemental groups for the absolute fat-free mass changes. However, the protein group increased relative fat-free mass more than the carbohydrate group. Significant increases following resistance training were seen for maximal strength and muscle size. The blood samples proved that there are no significant changes in cholesterol levels throughout the study. Total fat mass and leg fat mass decreased following resistance training. The results did show some support for the hypothesis, particularly in the context of fat loss and the relative increase in fat-free mass. They also demonstrated that the type of nutrient intake did not significantly impact overall resistance training adaptation, which was somewhat contradictory to the hypothesis. The results suggest that the effect of post-exercise nutrient intake, specifically whey protein, may be more prominent in influencing body composition rather than affecting general resistance training adaptation, like muscle size and strength. The whey protein may contribute to greater fat loss and muscle mass gain when compared to carbohydrates. However, it's important to consider individual factors such as overall diet and physical activity, which can also influence these outcomes. Whey protein appears to be an effective post-exercise supplement because it can support muscle protein synthesis, preserve or increase lean muscle mass, and contribute to fat loss. A specific benefit of whey protein is the high-quality amino acid profile and the timing of consumption in the post-workout. It is important that these effects can vary on the different kinds of exercise intensity and their overall diet. The study is essential to consider its limitations and the need for further research to fully comprehend the complex relationship between nutrition, physicist training, and body composition changes. Some of the limitations apply to the generalization, the complexity of body composition changes, the nutrient timing, and the adherence and compliance could vary, and non-compliance could affect the results. There are several other routes to explore to deepen our understanding of how different nutritional supplements and interventions can affect resistance training outcomes. Some examples of potential study designs to follow this one could include how the timing of nutrient intake and supplementation affects resistance training performance and muscle growth and or recovery. Another possible study could test the effects of whey protein with or without carbohydrates on resistance training adaptation among different genders and age groups to evaluate whether there are any unique responses among different populations. One last study direction you could build this initial experiment from could be examining different amounts of protein supplement intake on resistance training to determine the optimal dosage for various training goals including hypertrophy, strength gain, and increases in body composition. The study we researched which is the effects of whey protein with or without carbohydrates on a resistance training adaptation explores the impact of post-exercise supplementation on physical adaptations with a focus on body composition and muscle strength. The study would primarily examine the physical outcomes of resistance training, assess body composition, muscle cross-sectional area, and maximal strength, and focus on the impact of whey protein, carbohydrates, or a combination of both on long-term resistance training adaptation. In comparison to the article we researched, we found a similar article named the Comparison of Whey Protein and Carbohydrate Consumption on Hormonal Response after Resistance Exercise. This research study investigated how nutrient supplementation during resistance exercise affects hormonal responses focusing on hormones such as insulin, cortisol growth hormone, and total testosterone. Both studies involved untrained individuals and assessed the effects of nutrient supplementation on a response to resistance exercise and have implications on understanding the influence of the resistance exercise outcome. In this study, there are several strengths, including its randomized control design, which minimizes selection bias and strengthens the validity of these findings, its standardization of training backgrounds, meaning the results are not affected by differences in prior training experiences, and the diverse outcomes measured, including body composition, muscle size, strength, and serum lipids. However, there is room for improvement throughout this experiment. In terms of study group, the size of the group was a bit small and could be larger to get better results. The study duration, this was a short-term experiment. If it was longer, we could see the impact of the results. Dietary control, this experiment only offered suggestions to the participants for their diet instead of a strict meal plan so that all participants would be consuming the same number of calories. Lastly, participant characteristics could have been expanded. There is a possibility of better results when experimenting a variety of people, not just men. Despite these areas for improvement, the study contributes valuable insights into the effects of post-exercise supplementation with whey proteins and carbohydrates on resistance training adaptations. Wrapping up this week's podcast, this study supports a protein balance study showing that adding carbohydrates to post-exercise ingestion may not have a large effect on the resistance training adaptations. However, whey proteins increase abdominal fat loss and relative fat-free mass adaptations in response to resistance training when compared to fast-acting carbohydrates. Therefore, if the main goal is to maximize fat loss responses to resistance training, especially from the abdominal area without compromising increases in muscle hypertrophy, whey protein instead of carbohydrates can be recommended for the post-exercise nutrition. Thank you for tuning in to this week's episode on whey protein. See you guys next week with a new episode of The Balanced Weight. Bye! The Balanced Weight.