Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Former baseball player Kurt Schilling publicly disclosed his former teammate Tim Wakefield's battle with stage four cancer without his permission. This act of betrayal raises questions about the importance of privacy and respect for others. Schilling's actions show a disregard for Wakefield's well-being and privacy. It is important to handle sensitive information delicately, especially when someone is in a vulnerable position. Content should not be prioritized over everything else, including personal relationships and ethics. The Kardashian family, known for their transparency, is an exception to this. It is crucial to be mindful of what information we share, even with friends and family, as it can affect relationships and trust. It is important to accumulate good people in our lives and not burn bridges. Sharing personal information with close friends is different from publicly disclosing it without permission. We should consider the impact our actions have on others, especially durin You You You You You You Not till tomorrow not till tomorrow Baseball didn't exist anymore You You You You There's a but there's a button you can turn echo cancellation off on I mean I hear something like say somebody like there's a fire truck or something backing up Yeah You You You Three two One Look for a gardener You Yeah, so I mean Kurt Schilling former baseball player, you know World Series hero for the Arizona Diamondbacks in the Philadelphia Phillies and countless other teams the Red Sox You know post baseball career he's you know been sort of a thorn in everyone's side with his conservative thoughts and he yells the podcast now and he felt the need to go on his podcast and publicly disclosed that his former teammate Tim Wakefield was battling cancer stage four and He solicited prayers without speaking to Wakefield or his family first to Get permission to disclose that information. So We're talking about in this episode the act of betrayal Do you feel like it was one his business to put that information out there? And to like just because you're religious does that mean that? Going on a public platform is necessary in order for Your higher power to hear your your prayer You Well, he didn't have any business going on a public platform I like I said before You You You You You You You Yeah, because we we don't know we don't know who Tim Wakefield, you know what his religious beliefs are you might not You know believe in any higher being so for Kurt Schilling to take it upon himself to Disclose that information. I just feel is just a total disregard for Tim Wakefield and his family's well-being and privacy You You You You Well, I mean I did I kind of disagree with the fact that you know, it was just mentioned that he did that for Attention or cloud. I don't think it was done For those reasons. I think he honestly believes that you know is you know, his prayer was going to make a difference and The question is is that a problem within itself is the so You You Yes, I am You So like should should somebody have checked her chilling like I Know they have to have mutual friends Kurt Schilling and Tim Wakefield I mean, you know somebody's gonna see somebody eventually and it's gonna be dealt with I feel You You You You I Mean even with us on this show, like, you know, we we go through certain stuff here and there and I mean You know kind of going behind the wall here. Yeah, we'll Make it seem like it's somebody else on the show that's dealing with it instead of the person that's actually Going through those hardships, you know just to protect that individual and in their privacy But I think that's that's the problem with like you were saying a lot of these people jumping into the space and trying to be a Dan Rather and wanting to break news like they don't have a concept of you know, any decency and ethics they just They're just reckless with with no abandon and and just Put people's business out there after Mm-hmm, I'm not And I'm not sure if where his show is based like say if it's a Boston based show or you know based in Pittsburgh, you know the teams that Tim played for but Yeah, I just I just feel like he he had no conscious and You know, he wasn't thinking about the Wakefield family he was just Feeling like you know, this is my best way of trying to remedy the situation I You Yeah, and I mean, you know dealing with cancer like we've all you know had loved ones that have experienced it and Just the just a daily Grind that in that entails when it comes to like the chemo and mental and the physical exhaustion and Not being able to go to work and and you know Not being able to get out of bed. Sometimes I guess it's the it's excruciating. So I mean I just think that Like he should have been delicate just from that standpoint as far as look my friend is or we don't know if they're friends but this guy that I share the locker room with is is in a extremely vulnerable position right now and you know, the best thing I need to do is either check on them or you know lend a helping hand to his family whether that's picking up groceries or Doing whatever Tim's wife needs around the house like just lend a helping hand in that way instead of talking on the podcast You You You You You You I think just being an ear listening to them and Encouraging them like they keep fighting in Those those affirmations. I mean because sometimes like they just need a reason to believe And that goes a long way You You You You You You You Yeah, so like even with my church And I'm a I'm a Christian go to a Baptist Church I if I'm dealing with something say I lose a loved one like I share that information with my deacon and then me and my deacon will pray together and If it needs to go up the chain to the pastor then he'll share that information but before he Mentions it in church or it's in a program Like they'll reach out to me first to you know, make sure it's okay To you know publicly say like so-and-so is on the sick and shutting list instead of just you know doing it without Reaching out first Oh You You You You Hey You You You You You You You You You You You You You Yeah, and I mean like just the phrase content over everything I You're selling your soul so is it content over your your family content over your faith content over Being able to sleep well at night content over the karma that could be coming down the road. I I just feel No, people are just in it for you know, those ten seconds of fame and it's never worth it It's never worth selling out the people you love the people that have supported you Somebody on their dying bed, like how can you how can you like look in a mirror knowing that you? Sold out a teammate or a friend that's on his dying bed Then that might have been the last straw that might have been what led to him passing so soon after the news of disclosed because Because his privacy was invaded and betrayed so like it should never be content over everything is Responsible content while still being entertaining educational and so forth I Still don't believe I still don't believe that His that the Wakefield family told him. I think he found out you know secondhand and That might have been a reason why he felt It was necessary for him to go public with it, I don't think the Wakefield family Yeah I don't think the Wakefield family called him and said, you know Tim is battling stage four cancer and we don't know how long you know, he's gonna be here or whatever I just don't envision that just like I don't envision him Thinking that him and his producer Being like yeah, let's roll with this because this is content over everything I don't think this was a content over everything situation You You You You Now I will say At least the Kardashian family. Yeah, they've been consistent like that's how they're they built their brand with the exception of you know their dad passing away from You know an illness. I think their whole brand is based on You know that transparency and being open with their lives. So I don't I don't have any issues with them It's those that you know, they put their business out there and then When things go wrong like a breakup or whatever then they want to ask for privacy I was like no you put everything out there publicly in the first place If you wanted it wanted privacy, then you should have been private in the first place You Yeah, like you can't dull on social media, you know, you know putting putting a post up talking about how you know somebody the person you're with is Abusive or Just being a total asshole and then Six months later you get back with that person like you can't you can't do that like So now what are we supposed to do we're supposed to be like hey congratulations y'all are back together like yeah We're so happy for you or we're gonna be or we're gonna keep it real We're gonna keep it real and be like, oh you get you get what you deserve wait till next time He's gonna beat you harder the next time wait What are we supposed to say? You You Yeah You You You You And I mean even with friends and family I I'm still somewhat Guarded with what I share like I can have a conversation with my family or friends And it's an amazing conversation and we don't have to get into anything that you know It's too personal unless I feel the need or they they bring it up like I can I can be in a relationship with someone for three or four years and never disclose to a Friend that I'm in a relationship like we can have conversations and be good without us Crossing into that territory I feel You You Oh Boy Boy Yeah, I don't even want to say anything after that Okay Or You You Yeah, I mean I feel like we all we all need need other people like you can't just go through life burning bridges and And Sacrificing good people. I that's that's what I've always said. I'm about accumulating good people And once I have the people around I'm not trying to do anything to to burn those bridges. So I When you when you cross somebody that that's in your corner, right? There's gonna come a time when you need you need that person and you know If there's someone like me you're just gonna be like, oh well they I don't have the time or the energy for you I I Don't completely agree about with that, you know, and I mean we You I Think I think in some cases especially within your Tight circle you you share that with with one of the other guys as well. I mean cuz it You Yeah Yeah, cuz I mean I think the intent is completely different it's not like like in Kurt Schillings case you're going on a national platform and just Like being you know unfiltered with it like if like you're telling your other close friends and be like man, we got to pray for so-and-so or This is what I've been told I think if that's a completely different situation I feel You Yeah, cuz I mean when people are dealing with stuff like that they have a million other things to think about so I mean They're not going to have time to sit and call every one of the homeboys in in some cases People feel a kind of way because they didn't find out so I mean it's it's a difficult situation to navigate But I think like if your heart is in the right place and it's it's confined to that small circle in which you know that the person that's dealing with it isn't gonna feel a kind of way then Yeah, you need to keep keep your homies abreast of what's going on because we don't talk every day like some You Yeah You You You The most difficult You make you make baby face mad Yeah, I mean I mean, yeah, historically speaking there Anita has been someone that People in the industry have kind of stayed away from that's that's why our career has gone away It has of late even though she's still a legend regardless You You What about that That's Spanish one You What do you mean Where he was rapping Spanish in the beginning You So You You You You You I Roll You You LaTroy Gardner You You You Yeah You You I Like I said, did you see a performance of the hip-hop awards like no life to her at all? Who You three two one You LaTroy Gardner I mean, you've only you've only known LaTroy Gardner for 25 years almost You You You You You That's why she's being reckless at the moment she can say anything about talk because the The fact that they have that history Dating back to high school people are gonna give her some, you know credibility there But I mean, it's still I don't think anyone really cares anymore. I Look you you ruin you ruined a great man's life and You're still hung up over someone from your past that you claim to have never been intimate with That's what I don't understand. I could see if they were like actually in love but I mean if you're I mean if you're like Friends with somebody and you wish that it could have been more than I guess you'll sort of Harp on that non-stop for 30 years You You You You I mean he was 19 years old. You think at 19 years old you expect him to shoot everybody up like like prodigy and have it You know our summertime You You You But NASA You I'm saying back then back then. I mean, did you see Jada as wifey material? You So I mean You She's done a lot of them she's done a lot of interviews That's done too You gonna talk because You gonna talk about that We're gonna let you ISO Here we go. Let you ISO I'm up. I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna go ahead and put my clothes on and get ready for dinner while you ISO You You You You You You You She So, I mean to me the the most interesting and intriguing part about all of this is sugar night Sugar night said that he will not testify. He will not talk Do you feel like you should? You You You Oh You You You dumbass still have stuff at the house with his wife, right You You You You You Jeez I'm just saying like yeah, the rap game and in the gang cultures. It's just not a safe lifestyle It's not safe lifestyle at all You You You You You You You You You Oh You You Yeah, I'm gonna say they're not credible Well, what make what makes them credible though, what makes them credible You going to hell anyway You You You Yeah You Yeah, that doesn't that doesn't make sense business-wise Now like I said, he's not credible You I mean he was a businessman. He was he ran. He was a mogul at 25 years old. What do you mean? Oh Gosh So, I guess he got lucky with jealousy and Mary J too before that He was he was responsible for that in someone he was responsible for my life he did my life He did my life You So at 25, are you trying to put a hit out on somebody? Who was trying to kill puppy who was trying to kill puppy at that point So she was trying to kill puppy Who is that who is that So that's puppy's fault so that puppy's fault If they were scared they wouldn't they wouldn't be in California they would have stayed in New York I Don't think so Yeah You You don't send a boy after you don't send King Kong's after you You Yeah be fighting in Waffle House You You You I mean I mean, I think the I think the marriage was a business arrangement from the jump. I mean, of course Jada Stood the game being with you know, Prince charming somebody with a pristine reputation And will wanted He was he was out of here You I mean You You I Mean I think Everyone that's why you have to be careful of the partner you choose. I mean because of the lingering effects I mean clearly she's been Keeping a diary or you know, her her memory is still intact to where like every little thing. She was like Make a note of just for this moment. Like clearly she's been I Mean I'm still stuck on the fact that they've been separated for seven years And still be married That's Not a surprise at all I mean because the entire marriage clearly he's been trying to prove himself to her like he he truly loved her and She still wasn't giving him the time of day or the respect and all he was doing was trying to fight for respect and honor And I think that was like a last-ditch effort to try to prove that yeah, I stand up for my wife 137 pounds. Yeah You Come out You Come on with my hair back and forth I whip your ass back and forth You gotta respect me like none of them have respect for him maybe Jaden Jaden only one Jada wrote it herself Willow ain't write that. Yeah willow You get I mean she's writing everything else why I wouldn't put it past her at all like clearly but I'm I Don't know like I've had you know someone that I I I cared for deeply that passed away, but you know those memories are those memories. I'm not I Just don't see how you can 25 30 years later You know regret not being with a person. You don't know how that person will be today. They even Figure out if y'all two would be a good match or not You You Don't get me wrong don't get me wrong they they look like they would be kindred spirits So, I mean she's not wrong there. I I could see that Black troll, I know I know yeah You You Yeah, I mean like people like Pete Davidson would put his business out there I said Pete Davidson puts his business out there all the time Yeah, and you know his his dad dying during 9-11 and his battle with drugs and all of it. I mean I Well the Kim Kardashian stuff You Yeah, every every time that I mean they they put out they had like dinner on the rooftop of a Hotel in in New York and stuff like that You Well, but Yeah Yeah, so like the question is the question is why is it necessary so like does it help your career You But but yeah, she was yeah I mean they ruined that boy's life though. I mean I mean I Mean I mean we'll we'll have to take some fault in this in I'm not talking about August Alcina. I'm talking about I'm just talking about a general this whole relationship this circus I Mean we all have women we all have, you know women that are like our you know weakness that You know, you just don't understand what it is, but they just have this like pull over you You But he probably he doesn't know that it's as bad as bad as it is I'm pretty sure he does Do you think he was thinking rationally when he slapped Chris Rock do you think he was in the right frame of mind? I'm just saying like he was not he was not Will Smith at that point You You Yeah, I definitely don't believe that You You You It'll be there next day wasn't it? You didn't let them answer they were supposed to answer oh Oh, oh I thought if I got it wrong then they would be able to answer yeah You You What You You You You It was a coolie hot off that in there Oh No You You You You But You You I'm disappointed I do I watch it every time it's on TV You What's this prize what's this prize? I figured you'd be more concerned about your life the way you talking. I Mean I'm sure you have access to more You