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There is no strange trial that will keep us from reaching the finish line

There is no strange trial that will keep us from reaching the finish line




No matter what we face in this life, we must understand something vital. Being in this world, will require us to go through trials. some we'll be prepared for, but others will come suddenly, and this is where our faith in Christ comes in. when we find ourselves in the midst of a strange trial we must immediately look to God and let our soul know that it is still well because God will not leave us nor forsake us. Our fiery trial is a quick indication that something greater lies up ahead!

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Sister Melissa delivers a message from the Lord, encouraging listeners to speak life into their souls and trust that everything will be okay. She reads from 1 Peter, reminding people to rejoice in their trials because God has something greater in store. Trials are temporary, and as long as we anchor ourselves in Jesus, we will not be moved. Sister Melissa emphasizes that no matter what we face, we should declare, "It is well," because Jesus has already conquered the grave. She encourages listeners to feed their souls with the word of God and trust in His promises. Through seeking God's presence and His kingdom, we will inherit all that He has predestined for us. Sister Melissa concludes by reminding listeners to keep their eyes fixed on Jesus, who loves them and is always ready to listen. Good morning everyone. It is 10 a.m. on July 6, 2023. And I am back, Sister Melissa, with a message from the Lord. I hope and pray everyone is having an amazing day in the Lord Jesus Christ, because this is the day that the Lord has made, and we will rejoice and be glad in it. We need to remember and remind ourselves that even though we may go through hard times, we need to speak life into our soul and let our soul know that everything is going to be okay. I am going to be reading this morning from the book of 1 Peter, chapter 4, starting with verse 12. The Word of God says, Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you, but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's suffering, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. I want to encourage someone that will eventually come across this podcast, that will tap on the podcast, that will hear what the Lord is saying. Maybe you are in a season where it seems like nothing is happening, everything you have tried has failed, or you have done everything right, and you are not seeing the results that you hope to see. I want to give you the best news ever. God is still in it with you, and if you haven't seen those results just yet, it is because God has something greater for you, and it is going to require you to wait a little bit longer, but trust when I say that when God chooses to open that door, it is because you are ready to receive it, and you will receive the fullness of what God has in store for you. Trials are not meant to stay forever, they are meant to pass through, and as long as you put your hope in Jesus Christ, and Jesus is your anchor, then nothing will be able to move you in this life. That's right, it is well. That's what we need to speak over ourselves every single day. No matter what we face in this life, it is well. It is well, because Jesus already conquered the grave. Jesus already gave us the mystery. He has already gone before us and predestined our life. So if you are facing something right now, and you just don't understand the process, just continue to tell your soul, it is well, and start feeding your soul the word of God that is the nourishment that we need to feed our spirit and our soul, that in turn will cause our mind and our heart to truly believe in the promises of God, and in turn, when God blesses us, we will look back on this moment and say, it has always been well with my soul, because Jesus said, everything that I have predestined for you to inherit, you will inherit if you think not, but trust in to my spirit and seek my presence and seek my kingdom, and seek first the kingdom of God, and all of God's righteousness. Everything else will come in time. So if you are facing a trial right now, and you have no idea how you are going to get out, or if you are facing a difficult decision right now, and you have no idea how this is going to plan out, just tell your soul, it is well, because my God already has the solution to the problem at hand. So rejoice in the Lord, be happy in Christ, because the reality is, Jesus is our exceedingly abundant great reward. Jesus is our victory, and if we have him, we already have everything that we need. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, because he loves you. I pray that this has blessed you. Until the next time, be blessed, seek the name of Jesus, and continue to talk to God, because he is willing and ready to listen. Bye bye for now.

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