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Understanding the Bible (Pt. 2) - Wale Adeniran

Understanding the Bible (Pt. 2) - Wale Adeniran




In this teaching, you will get to understand the purpose and person of the Bible. Receive clarity on the message of the Bible.

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In this teaching, Wale Adenaro discusses the purpose of the Scriptures and why they may seem contradictory. He emphasizes that the Bible was written to make believers skillful and informed about the subject of salvation. While the Bible can provide guidance on various aspects of life, such as health and finances, these should be seen as byproducts of understanding salvation. Adenaro warns against an abuse of the Bible where believers prioritize using it for personal gain rather than understanding salvation. He encourages listeners to be wise and skillful in their understanding of the Scriptures. Hello and welcome to today's teaching. My name is Wale Adenaro. I believe that the things you're about to hear will be very important for the building of your spiritual life. These things are going to be very helpful in understanding your God, in relating with your God, in seeing from the perspective of your God, in understanding your Bible. It is so important that you get to digest, hear well, the things that are going to be said in today's teaching. Our topic today is Understanding the Bible, Part 2. So this is a follow-up teaching on Understanding the Bible, Part 1. I believe as you listen, God is going to be speaking to you. He's going to be releasing a fresh outpouring of His Spirit upon you. Revelation will hit you. You will be refreshed by the Holy Ghost. So Father, we thank you for your Word is Truth. We ask that you grant unto us the working of your Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation, that we will see what you're saying. We will see Jesus and be transformed by Him. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen and Amen. Hallelujah. So today in this teaching, I'm going to be dealing on the purpose of the Scriptures, the person of the Scriptures, and also be talking about why they are seeming contradictions in the Bible. I believe very strongly that this teaching is important. I would like you to share it with people, even as you listen, because it's going to open up people's understanding to the Bible. In this teaching, God wants to be relatable. God wants to be understood. The fact that He gave us 66 books is enough evidence to say that He wants to be understood. The person, the man who does not want to be understood, who wants to remain mysterious, will not even write anything about himself. In fact, the best that we humans do is that we release an autobiography about ourselves. God released 66 books about Himself, now compounding what we have as the Bible, so that He can be understood. Glory to God. Let's get into the Bible. Let's get into the Scriptures. We are firstly going to be in the book of 2 Timothy chapter 3. Now, we're going to open to a couple of Scriptures in this teaching, because the teaching title says, Understanding the Bible. So, if we're going to understand the Bible, we need to open the Bible and allow the Bible to help us see the purpose, the intention of the Bible, and how to approach it, so that we can have clarity. Somebody say after me, say, I receive clarity in Jesus' name. 2 Timothy chapter 3 verse 15 to 17. 2 Timothy chapter 3 verse 15 to 17. Please look at your Bible in this teaching. Key for your understanding. It says, And that from a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith, which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by the inspiration, by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly or truly furnished unto all good works. So, this portion of the Bible clearly states for us what the purpose of Scripture is. The Bible is called the holy Scriptures, the unique Scriptures, because they are given by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Now, so let's break down the things that I've said here, because a lot of times when people look at these verses of Scripture, this portion of the Bible, they just skimp over it and don't see the clarity. So, understand why I would also need to break down the words for you, because the Bible was not originally written in English. The Old Testament majorly was written in the Hebrew language, while the New Testament was written in the Greek language. So, they are very weighty languages, those two, and when the interpreters try to bring it to English, a lot of meaning is lost. A lot of meaning is lost, because the English language was written, sorry, the Bible was translated into English when the English language was still young. And even till today, we have newer translations, but the Bible, the English language is still young and cannot communicate some ancient concepts, ideas that were able to be communicated in words of the old Hebrew, old Greek. So, please understand, verse 15 again, so let's go back, it says, And from a holy child, you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ. So, what does it mean? It says, the Scriptures are able, the purpose for the Scriptures is to make you able to be wise, to make you wise. What does wise mean? The word wise is the Greek word sophizo, which means skillful. It means to be skillful, and it says to make you wise unto salvation. So, it means to make you skillful, cunning unto the matter, concerning the matter of salvation, that is through faith which is in Christ. So, the person who this is talking about is you and I. You see, the Bible is meant to make you skillful due to having a lot of information and understanding on the matter of salvation. I'll say that again. Paul is saying here that the Bible is supposed to make you sophizo, wise, which means skillful due to having a lot of information and understanding on the subject of salvation. That means the whole intention of the writings of Scripture is for the purpose of salvation that comes by faith through Christ Jesus Christ, that comes by faith in Christ Jesus that we said. So, understand that the Bible was not written for any purpose. It was not written to be a business manual. It was not written to be a direction manual concerning how to get married. No. It was not written for health purposes. No. Please understand this. The Bible was written for the sole intention of helping people to become very skillful, very informed, and having a lot of understanding on the subject matter of salvation. Now, can you get things apart from salvation from the Bible? Yes, but they will be byproducts. Wealth, health, direction for your life, wisdom on how to handle matters, wisdom on how to handle family, wisdom on how to handle your health, wisdom on how to handle your career. You see, those things will be byproducts, but not the product. Those things are not the purpose of the Bible. The Bible was written, as I said, for the sole intention of making you skillful, making you have enough and so much understanding when it comes to the subject of salvation. Now, if you understand that, you will understand that a lot of times you have abused the Bible. Some people pick up the Bible solely to get scriptures for prayer, and they lack a good understanding of the matter of salvation. In fact, the average Christian that is well taught in the Word, they know how to use the Word to get their health together. Let's say their health is failing. No, they've been taught the scriptures to stand on to recover health-wise. Some people have been well taught on how to use the scriptures to gain financial stability, to gain wealth. Some people have been well taught to use the scriptures to overcome demonic oppressions, to overcome generational demonic manipulations. You see, now, those things are supposed to be the byproduct of understanding the matter of salvation. Now, the same person, when you ask them, well, are you able, if you get sick, do you know what to do to get well? They say, yes, I've been taught, I know, I understand scriptures, how to use the scriptures to get my healing. Okay, do you know how to, if you're in a financial mess, do you know what to do? People who are well taught in Word churches will say, I know what to do to actually get wealth, to get finances, to get my finances running because I've been taught. Now, ask them, are you sure you can get this? They say, yes, I can get it, I know the scriptures to go through, to stand on. Okay, are you sure now that you are going to be saved or that you are safe, that if the rapture trumpet blows right now, you are going to heaven? Majority of the same people will say, no, I'm not sure. If you know what has happened there, there has been an abuse of scriptures, that the main thing the Bible was to deal with, to address, the subject of being sure, understanding salvation is no longer the thing we now use the Bible for. You are supposed to be wise, to be skillful on the matter of salvation. When I say skillful, it means if they bring the matter this way, if the devil brings it this angle, if they ask from this angle, you know what the Bible says in different angles because the Bible is actually from Genesis to Revelation on the subject of salvation. The Bible from Revelation to Genesis, from Genesis to Revelation is actually talking about the subject of salvation. Wait a minute, am I saying you can never get anything about your health, your finances, your marital settlement from the Bible? I never said so. But those things are supposed to be by-products. So you see actually that there is an abuse of the Bible when the average believer does not understand, is not skillful about eternal matters, about salvation, but is skillful about how to use the Bible to overcome witches and wizards, to overcome demons, to free up an oppression, that tells you there is an abuse of the Bible. Let's go fast now, we need to speak faster because we have a lot of things to cover. It says again in 2 Timothy 3 verse 15, And from a child you have known the holy scriptures, which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah. It says all scriptures, verse 16, all scripture is given by the inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. When it says and is, the word and there means that is, oh I'm going to explain what it is profitable for. It's not like a conjunction, it's actually in the Greek, it's explaining all scriptures are profitable, sorry God, are inspired by God, that is profitable for doctrine, that's what it means, not just and, it means that is, it is profitable for doctrine. I'm going to break down the four things the Bible says that the scriptures are profitable for. Doctrine, reproof, correction, instruction. So, you know why we need to break this down? Because again, those things were written in the Greek, but in the English, the meaning is skill. The mistake you will make, like we said in the first part of the teaching on understanding the Bible, is to approach the Bible using English dictionaries to explain what was actually watered down in the English. So, you actually have a watered down understanding, most times, when you look at just the English, rather than going to the concordance, then you now start thinking the English meaning is what they all mean every time. Sometimes the English will be correct, because sometimes the translators are able to pass the concept around rightly, but a lot of times the words are too heavy to just express in a word. So, let's look at this thing. So, when it says for doctrine, the scriptures are profitable for doctrine, the word doctrine is the word teaching, is from the Greek word digaskalia, is the word teaching, it means explanation. So, the scriptures are given for explanation. The next word there is reproach. Reproach is not what you think it is, as it looks in English, it's the Greek word elekhos, it's gotten from the Greek word elekhos, that word translated reproach is from the Greek word elekhos, it means overwhelming evidence. Now, the word correction is from the Greek word epanathosis. Epanathosis means to straighten up again, or to correct, to straighten up again, or to correct. Now, the last one is instruction, is where we get the word pediatrician, because the Greek word there, translated instruction is the Greek word paideia, so we get the word pediatrician. The word paideia, or instruction here, means to train, or child train. So, let me go again, the first one digaskalia, it is doctrine, it means explanation. The second one, elekhos, is what the English says is reproach, it means to provide overwhelming evidence. The third one is epanathosis, which is correction, which means to straighten up again, or to correct. The fourth is paideia, which is in the English written as instruction, it means child training. Let's make this understandable. Now, the word correction, which means to straighten up again, that means to bring it out to how it ought to be. And the last one, instruction, which actually means child train. Now, follow this. In the words, you will see he says for doctrine, is profitable for doctrine. The word for there is the word pros, which means towards doctrine. After that he says for reproach, that means towards reproach. Let me explain this. He is saying all scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable towards doctrine, which is explanation. And that explanation will lead to a lot of you having to do overwhelming, or providing overwhelming evidence. And when overwhelming evidence is provided, there will be straightening up, there will be a correction of what you taught before. And when what you taught before is corrected to the right thing God was saying, there will now be a training, that means you will now be trained, you will now be developed. This is how a person gets to develop spiritually, by teaching, and the teaching will need a lot of overwhelming evidence. And when you have enough evidence, your wrong thinking will be corrected, and when your wrong thinking is corrected, you will have spiritual growth. I hope you get that. That's what Paul is saying here. He now says in verse 17, that the man of God may be perfect, truly furnished unto all good works. So, please, let's look at verse 16. He tells you that the Bible will bring you to teaching, that teaching will use overwhelming evidence, that overwhelming evidence will provide correction, that correction will now make you be trained, make you mature. It's not saying different things, it's saying one thing. They are all interlinked. So that doctrine, reproach, correction, they are not different things. They are saying the doctrine will need reproach, which is the explanation will need overwhelming evidence, because when you hear it, it will not sound like what you thought. This is what the Bible calls renewing of your mind. It will not sound like what you were thinking before. You will need overwhelming evidence, and when you get to see overwhelming evidence, it will provide correction in what you think. It will straighten up your mind, and when your mind is straightened up, you will begin to grow spiritually. Somebody say, I hear you. Hallelujah. Now, let's go further. So, that is important. When you begin to see that the scriptures are for salvation, and when you see the scriptures correctly, it will bring you to explanation, through overwhelming evidence, that brings correction, and that now gets you into spiritual maturity, then you are seeing the scriptures right. They now say in the last verse, they say, so that the man of God may be perfect, truly or thoroughly furnished unto all good works. So, you see here, what you would have thought that the writer would have said is, the scriptures were written for the purpose of salvation, so that the believer now is able to make heaven. The way he says it here, he is talking like, when you understand the matter of salvation, it will now make you a good worker for the things of the kingdom of God, for the matters of salvation. This is how Jesus goes to school in John 21, verses 16 and 17. He is meeting Peter, who had denied him, had betrayed him three times like he prophesied, and he is talking to him in a private meeting, and Peter is just in guilt and condemnation, and he is asking Peter now, do you love me? Do you love me? Peter says, you know. He says, if you love me, feed my sheep. You would think he would say, if you love me, get your salvation acts together. He says, if you love me, go and work. So, understanding of salvation will actually cause more believers to be on the field for Jesus Christ. It will make more believers activated in the matter of evangelism, discipleship, culturing other people, praying for the sick, ministering the life of God, manifesting the spirit of God, manifesting the wisdom of God, manifesting the power of God. If we actually understood the Bible, it will make you not able to lean back and just be trying to make heaven, and trying to just keep your salvation to yourself, and be too shy, be too timid, be lacking confidence. It will make you skillful. You know what skillful is? Skillful is you know how to do one thing in many ways. You know like in number 10 in football, the number 10 will usually be the creative new fielder. Like what we had in Nigeria, the deity of culture, or what we had before as a player in Brazil, Ronaldinho. He doesn't pass the ball like the regular person. He has many ways, tricks to pass that ball, and make sure the defender doesn't get it. Make sure the opposing player doesn't get it. The same way too, the believer is supposed to be very skillful when it comes to dealing with salvation. That there is no confusion about it. He knows how to handle it. He's not confused when he's asking two things. When someone brings two questions, it's supposed to make you rise onto salvation. So that's the purpose of scripture. Now let's go quickly to the person of scripture. This is important. This will cause us to now read a couple of scriptures tomorrow. So let's go to the book of Luke chapter 24. In Luke 24, this is after Jesus died and resurrected. This was on the day on Sunday when he resurrected. So please you have to look at a couple of scriptures yet. Luke 24 verse 13 to 27 will also be in verse 32 and verses 44 to verse 46. So let's start from Luke 24 verse 13 to verse 27. A couple of verses to read. But let's go, let's go. It says, and behold, two of them. These two of them are two disciples or two followers of Jesus. Two of them went the same day to the village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about three score furlongs. That's about seven miles. And they talked together of all these things which had happened. What had happened. They had seen that they had learned that Jesus had disappeared from the tomb. And it came to pass, verse 15, that while they communed together and visited, Jesus himself drew near and went with them. But their eyes were holding that they should not know him. And he said unto them, what manner of communications are these that you have one to another as you walk and are sad? And one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answering, said unto him, Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem, and hast not known the things which are come to pass there in these days? Verse 19. And he said unto them, What things? And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and the word before God and all people. And all the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death and crucified in twenty-one. But we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel. And besides all this, today is the third day since these things were done. Yea, and certain women also of our company made us astonished, which were early at the sepulchre, and when they had found not his body, they came, saying that they had also seen a vision of angels, which said that he was alive. 24. And certain of them which were with us went to the sepulchre, and found it even so, as the women had said, but in they saw not. 25. Then he said unto them, This is Jesus, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken, ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory? 26. And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, what does it mean by Moses? Moses are the first five books of the Bible penned down by Moses. 27. And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, what does all the prophets mean? Well, all the books after Moses, Joshua till Malachi, were written by people who acted in a prophetic manner, or prophets in particular. 28. And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, so this is in all the Old Testament. 29. He expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself, and they drew near unto the village where they went. Ok, so let's stop there. He expounded in all the scriptures the things concerning who himself. Wow! So this tells us how Jesus teaches the Bible. Jesus reveals things concerning himself in the scriptures. If Jesus was to stand before you, what he would want you to know that the Bible is talking about is himself. This is talking about the person of the scriptures. Look at verse 32. Verse 32 says, so this is these men now. Jesus had left them. He had disappeared from their midst. He says, And they said one to another, Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures? Because the word open is the Greek word diadnogo. What does diadnogo mean? It means to open or to expand for the first time. For the first time. Why is this important? He is saying that this is the first time they saw the scriptures. In fact, the word diadnogo is also used for a child coming out of a woman for the first time. As in, the first time a person is born is used for the firstborn. What opens up a woman. So, this is them being opened up to see the scriptures the way it ought to have been seen. He opened, he diadnogo the scriptures to them. Tell the God, until you see that Jesus is the focal point of all the Bible. The Bible is not a 7 key book. It is not a 59 key book. It is not a 17 key book on how to get things done. The focal point, the center, the pressing of the scripture is Jesus. Can you get other things from that? Yes. But until you see Jesus, many of the applications, interpretations of scripture you learnt or you think will be wrong. In fact, many of them will contradict the person and his purpose. So, you need to know the person and the purpose before you now use them for extra curricular activities or extra stuff or extra benefits like good health, understanding, wisdom, how to deal with relatives, how to deal with family, how to deal with clients because even any motivational speaker can pick up a portion of the scripture and use it to teach about customer service and they will do it very skillfully. But you as a believer, you are giving the Holy Spirit to know that the scriptures are about salvation. What is salvation? The Bible, the angel said, he shall be called when he was prophesying about Jesus' birth, he shall be called Jesus. Why? For he shall save his people. The word Jesus means salvation. So, when he says all scriptures are for salvation, to make you wise unto salvation, it means to make you wise unto knowing the person and the purpose of Jesus. Hallelujah. Oh, glory to God. I am not going fast. It is because I have a lot of things to cover but we are getting there gradually. Hallelujah. Now, so we see in the game, look at verse 44 to 46 of this Luke 24, same chapter of the Bible. Now, this is after Jesus had, you know, disappeared and later these two people went to find the other eleven disciples and while they were explaining everything that they encountered with this man they did not know was Jesus because their eyes were covered and they could not see and understand this was Jesus talking to them. The Bible says that Jesus appeared to them in that place while they were talking about Jesus to the eleven other disciples or apostles. Verse 44 to 46 it says, And he said unto them, this is Jesus when he appeared to them, he said unto them, These are the words which I speak unto you while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled which are written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the Psalms concerning me. Glory to God. Let me point out the word and in the Psalms. So the book of Psalms is concerning Jesus. It is not a book to open to kill your enemies. It is not a midnight book to wake up, talk midnight, go naked and quote some Psalms and do some incantations that make believers look like idol worshippers because idol worshippers do exactly the same, they just don't use the Bible. But we use the Bible to kill people who Jesus wants to save. Glory to God. You need to listen to the teaching afterwards. You need to listen to the teaching about illumination. This will build on some of the things I am saying. You need to understand the things that are going to be said. This will turn your life around for good. You will become a person who sees Jesus. You have been praying, may I see you. I want to know your face. I want to understand the person of Jesus Christ. You know the Bible says in the book of Daniel 11 verse 32, the people that know their God shall be strong. So you must know your God firstly, not know principles firstly. Know your God. Anyone, even Muslims can preach motivational teachings from the Bible without knowing Jesus. They all just know the principles of Jesus, the principles of God, but it doesn't say the people that know the principles. Principles are powerful in leading our lives, but the person is what makes us different. If you don't have Jesus, you are not a Christian. If you don't know Jesus, you are not walking in the light of redemption, not walking in the light of what God did for you in Christ. The people that know their God shall be strong. Are you looking at why am I spiritually weak? The people that know their God. You know a lot of principles, but you don't know your God. Jesus is revealing to them himself. He says the book of Psalms is about me. It's not about people who want to kill you, the enemies. It's not about that. In fact, baby who prayed wicked prayers or what you call dangerous prayers or acidic prayers in the book of Psalms used to know what God said about him at his deathbed or before he died. He wanted to build a temple for God and God says, no, don't do it. Why? Because your hands are filled with blood. Believers should have let the end of that man and say, if God would say you've killed too many people, then I shouldn't pick up scriptures to kill more people and end up like David, who God says, I'm not going to allow you to build a temple for myself. I'm not going to allow you to raise other people like you. That's the thing that the temple means because the Bible says now in the New Testament that you are the temple. We are Christians. We are the temple of the Holy Ghost. So God doesn't want David to pattern other believers like that. Now you are now patterning your life according to the exact thing God does not want. God says, I will not allow David to build my temple, to build a temple unto me, to build a people in this understanding of destroying all your enemies. His hands were filled with blood. If somebody gets in this, let's go further. We are still in Luke 24, verses 44 to 46. He says again, And he said unto them, These are the words which I speak unto you while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses. And in the scripture, in the prophet and in the Psalms concerning me. Verse 45. So he says all those things in the old Bible, all the law, the prophet, Psalms were concerning him, Jesus. Until you see Jesus, you have not seen what God is saying. Verse 45. Then open in your understanding. The word again, open, is the word there are no ego, which is to open for the first time. So he had opened the understanding of those two people on the way that he may also wrote. Now he is opening the understanding of the eleven apostles, the eleven disciples. He says he opened their understanding that they might understand the scriptures. Look at this, verse 46. And he said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behold, for it was necessary that Christ suffer. It was necessary Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day. Hallelujah. So he says all that, all the scriptures are about what God would do in Christ. What God would do for the salvation of men. What God would do for the eternal security of men. What God would do to deal with sin. What God's wisdom would bring about. Somebody say Hallelujah. Go with me to the book of John chapter 5. John chapter 5 verse 39. Hallelujah. Please follow. You might need to listen to this again and again. I have to go faster so that I don't use much time because there are a lot of things to be said. John 5 verse 39. He says, Search the scriptures. This is Jesus speaking to people. Search the scriptures. For in them you will think you will have eternal life. Let me explain that. What the people thought that all the laws of Moses were saying is when you do all these things then God will now grant you eternity. He will grant you eternity after life. He says you will think so. In Psalms 133 it says, it gives them a thought pattern to think that in the scriptures you will have eternal life by doing them. It says there on that mountain the Lord commanded the blessing which is life evermore. Which is eternal life. So they think when God gave the law, when you do the law that's how you get eternal life. Jesus is going to get them to understand. He says search the scriptures. For in them you will think you will have eternal life. And they are they which testify of me. Or but they are they which testify of me. You hear those words. Jesus is saying the scriptures are not a how to get to heaven. I am the way to heaven. I am the heaven. Hallelujah. Glory to God. I am the heaven. I am the way. Glory to God. I am the way. I am the truth about God. I am the life of God. I am the way to God. I am the truth about God. I am the life of God. I am the eternal life. Hallelujah. Let's not get there. Let's not go there right now. So he is saying all the scriptures you think it is a to-do list. No. It is a revelation book. That you will see me. And the more you see me you are transformed to that same image of myself from glory to glory. Look at this. Now let's look at this same portion. Go down to verse 45 to verse 47. It says do not think that I will accuse you to the Father. There is one that accuses you, even Moses, in whom you trust. Please to understand this. Again when he says Moses he is talking about the first five books of the Bible which were written by Moses. He says Moses will accuse you. But I thought he said in verse 39. 39 he says, search the scriptures in them you think you have eternal life but the scriptures are testifying of me. In Luke 24 he says the things Moses wrote they are testifying of me. Here he now adds more details. He says in the things Moses wrote they are also accusations. They are testimonies of Jesus. They are things that reveal Jesus. That speak about Jesus in a concealed manner. And they are also things that are accusations. Well who is the accuser? The accuser of the brethren is called Satan. That is some things by the fleshly nature of Moses he wrote some things that are not of God. They were accusations. Follow. You need to follow the other teachings after this to get a full grip of these things. He says do not think I will accuse you through the Father. There is one that accuses you, even Moses or some of the writings of Moses in whom you trust. Verse 46. For had you believed Moses you would have believed me for he wrote of me. Uh oh. So there are accusations in the writings of Moses. And there are also things about Jesus or he wrote of Jesus in his writings. That means you need to know how to rightly bide the word of truth. Verse 47. But if you believe not his writings how shall you believe my words? You are going to be blessed when we get to the book of Genesis in the coming teachings. I cannot wait. This is illumination time. This is fire time. You are going to be mightily blessed. Revelation will eat your understanding when we start seeing what Moses said. That we are quoting things about Jesus Christ. So you are seeing here that the person that Moses was writing about, that the Old Testament writers were writing about was Jesus. Let me give you just one example here because I just want to ensure you see some things that the Bible is talking about. In the book of Isaiah chapter 41. Hallelujah. Isaiah chapter 45 verse 11. Isaiah 45 verse 11 says. I'll say that again. When it says ask of me concerning my sons and concerning the works of my hands command ye me. It's expected. Hallelujah. It's expected that you understand that the sons, all of us are sons of God in Christ. Our life is in Christ. Colossians 3 verse 3. The Bible says in Ephesians 2. You are seated in heavenly places in Christ. We are all in Christ. To be a child of God you have to be in Christ. Jesus is the son of God and we are in him this son of God. The Bible says you are complete in him. Who? In Christ. We are all in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5 verse 17. If any man be in Christ. So we are in Christ. So the sons of God are people who are in Christ. Follow this. It says so ask of me concerning or ask me of things concerning my sons and concerning the works of my hands command ye me. What are the works of the hands of God? Well, the Bible says that those works if you understand the scriptures further as we go further you will see, you know, it's talking about the works that Jesus did. All the scriptures we read in Luke, in John, it tells you that Jesus was going to do something. That the prophets were prophesying about what Christ was going to do. What God was going to do. Christ said the things that you read in Moses and the prophets were things concerning what must be fulfilled about me. What I had to do. That's why Jesus Christ hung on the cross and said it is finished. What is finished? Well, the works of your salvation. The works to bring you to redemption. To bring you to eternity. We're finished. That's why in John 17 verse 4 when Jesus was about to go to the cross. Preparing to go to the cross he said I have glorified thee on the earth. I have finished the works which you gave me. Glory to God. I have finished the works. So God says ask of me again and concerning the works of my hands command me. That means you must know the finished works of Christ and begin to now make commandment. How do you do that? Part of the finished works of Christ is by his stripes we were healed. So when you know that you now begin to say in the name of Jesus Christ I command body. Align with the word of God. Be healed right now. What you are doing you are commanding. He says command ye me. Now it's not like you go to God and say God I command you. What it means is that you will command the body and when you command the body the spirit of God will now carry out what you are saying. Hallelujah. Let me prove that to you. It's not like you say Father that's why some people have problems with us when we say we are commanding things. They think we are saying God do it now. God do it now. We command you stand up where you are and do it now. Well it means this. Look at the book of Isaiah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah to God. How do you command? In the book of Isaiah I will get there. Hallelujah to God. Glory glory glory glory glory glory. Hallelujah. I don't plan to get there but let's go to Isaiah 34 verse 16. Now Isaiah 34 verse 16 the big part is for my mouth hath commanded it and his spirit hath gathered them. So what happens is that when you speak the word you are activating the working of the spirit of God. You are commanding it with your mouth but the spirit of God will now make it happen. That's what the Bible calls God confirming his word with signs and wonders. So that's how you command God concerning his work. You don't command God about things that Christ did not do. Look for the finished works of Christ and begin to command those things to align to your reality. Command your reality to align to the word of God. Hallelujah. Glory to God. So the Bible, we're going to go further in this. I don't want to stay on the examples further so we can finish. The Bible is about God. It's about Jesus Christ. It's about what God would do in Christ. What he had in mind to do in Christ and how that now matters. How you can now use what God has done in Christ. So the last part of this teaching I want us to touch on after we've seen now that the purpose of the Bible is salvation and the person of the Bible is Jesus. I want us to now see some things that bring about seeming contradictions in the Bible. 1 Peter chapter 1 verses 10 to 12. 1 Peter chapter 1. You need to get to deal with the things that look like misconceptions in the Bible so that there can be clarity. 1 Peter chapter 1 verses 10 to 11 it says to 12. It says of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently. Who prophesied of the grace that shall come unto you? Searching what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that shall follow. That's the work of Christ. By the way I want to add one more scripture to what I just said. Hallelujah. One of the scriptures that we need to see to buttress the point that all scriptures, all the prophecies of the Old Testament were merely circling around the birth of Jesus Christ. The death of Jesus Christ. What he would do on the earth and how that would matter to you. How that would be credited to you. In Revelation 19 verse 10 the B part it says the testimony or the C part the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. So when you see prophecies in the Bible they are all about the testimony. What the word testimony means to speak about. The speaking about what Jesus would do. Until you see that the Bible is a Christ centred book. It's a Christ centred book. It's not a business book. It's not a family book. It's not a demon casting out book. Can you cast out devils? Oh yes we should. We will cast out devils. But until you see it's about Jesus we are not looking for how to use it to attack demons and we don't even know what the person is talking about. Until you see that it's about Jesus you will be lost. You will come up with many understandings and you think okay I can read this and get this inspiration. That man can read this and get another inspiration. It's all God. Wait a minute. Until you all know the core all that inspiration will easily be wrong. Until you know the main thing the sub-inspirations will be wrong. So you must know the proper inspiration which is Jesus in the scriptures you are reading. In the verses you are attending to. When you now know the proper inspiration the sub-inspiration can now conform because you know they cannot contradict the main thing. Do you get that? So let's go back to 1 Peter chapter 1 verse 10 it says that setting what manner of time the spirit of Christ which was in them did signify when he testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that shall follow. Unto whom it was revealed that not unto themselves but unto us did they minister the things which were and now reported unto you by them which have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven which things the angels desire to look into. So let's break this down. So he's just saying to make it shorter that the prophets of the Old Testament they were prophesying. But while they were prophesying they were inquiring more. They were diligently searching through what manner of time. They were trying to understand what these things meant. You will see the Lord Jesus say about the fact in the book of Matthew 13 that blessed are your eyes for the kings the prophets desire to know what you know now. Ephesians 3 verse 5-6 it says that in the old times the prophets they were prophesying and they lacked knowledge they lacked a revelation of the things they were prophesying. You need to understand that when you look at the Old Testament when you look at some things that look like contradictions. Why will God allow some things that look like contradictions look like the verse A contradicts verse Y. Why? God allowed those things to be written. So you see how men, holy men, youth of God did miracles. How they can still be wrong. So that you don't put your trust in a man because he has raised the dead, healed the sick, walked on many continents doing the miraculous. You don't put your trust in him. You always check with the scriptures to see what he's saying if he's speaking as an oracle of God every time. So Moses' flaws in what he wrote are in the Bible. Let's see that. Look at the book of Exodus 20 verse 4-5. This will be deliverance for somebody. Hallelujah. Exodus Hallelujah verse 20 chapter 20 verses 4-5. Quickly it says, And thou shalt not make unto thee any great image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow thyself to them, nor serve them. For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and the fourth generation of them that hate me. Are you seeing that? So this is a scripture that many people hold and people are tossed. You have a generational cost. And people have been going for deliverance and trying to get free from what they perceive to be a generational cost. This same Bible, please go to, I'm going to show you two portions of scripture that contradict this one for you to see something. God will allow it to be written so you know that Moses though he was mighty in use, his face was glowing, he was used by God to pat the red sea, scrub down, you know, many things. He brought out water from the rock by the Spirit of God. He did the miraculous. You know, let millions of people get. You should not always say because he did that, then everything he is saying is correct. This is how some people are now worshipping their pastor. And if their pastor says this verse means this, it must mean that. If their pastor says, oh, God made your car to get a knock engine because you did not do this. They believe that. These scriptures were written and corrected so that you know that a man of God might be sincere, but he still has some void of understanding. That's why he says in that Peter we read, 1 Peter, he says that they were searching, they were inquiring. They had some lack of knowledge. Jesus even says in John chapter 5 that this man has also had some accusations. He wrote Moses had some accusations he put in the scripture. This one we just read is one of the accusations. Someone says, prove that this thing is wrong that he said, prove that because I've been praying this all my life. Thank you very much. I'm about to help you see that in the scriptures. Ezekiel chapter 18, verse 1 to 4. Ezekiel 18, 1 to 4. It says, and I read, the word of the Lord came unto me again and saying, What mean ye when you use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers are eating sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge. What does it mean? The fathers have done something wrong and the children are now the one bearing the concoction. The third, the fourth generation. Look at this. As I leave, says the Lord, ye shall not have vocation any more to use this proverb in Israel. Behold, all souls are mine, and the soul of the father as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine. The soul that sings, it shall die. So God is saying, you will not say any longer, oh, the fathers are eating sour grapes and the children are highly affected by what the fathers did some time ago. God says, that will no longer be. Well, if you think that was just Ezekiel speaking, God was correcting something. But look at Ezekiel again. Sorry, Jeremiah. Look at Jeremiah 31, verse 29 to 31. Jeremiah by the Spirit of God writes about this when God gave him this inspiration. Jeremiah 31, verse 29 to 31. It says, In those days, which days? We will get to see those days. In those days, in those days, hallelujah, in those days, they shall say no more. The fathers are eating a sour grape and the children's teeth are set on edge. But everyone shall die for his own iniquity. Every man that eats the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on an edge, saying, you shall bear your own consequences, you shall not pass to your children. He tries to say, to think or believe that you will be reaping a generational curse. Is somebody getting that? So if somebody, a man of God or yourself, just comes with the writings about Moses on the generational curse, and you take that hook, line and sinker without understanding other portions of Scripture, you don't know that what was written there is an accusation, what was written there is not proper according to the will of God. It's Moses adding his own inspiration. It's Moses adding what he taught to the Bible. Though he will say it all says the law, you will now see that other portions contradict what he says. Is the Bible confusing? No, the Bible gives clarity on what looks confusing so that you know that you must know the holistic mentality of God. And as you go further again, you need to follow the teachings that are coming forward on further clarity because revelation must eat your understanding. That's Moses. Number two, the last one I want to share is David. Look at a very strong contradiction in the story about David. In Scripture, in Scripture, the God of heaven is so wise. He makes sure you see what someone talks and you don't see the right thing. Second Psalm chapter 24 verse one, it says, and again, the anger of the Lord. So it looks like God is angry. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel. Oh, God is angry. Well, look at it. And again, the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel and he moved David against them to say, go number Israel and Judah. Now, he went to number them and the people began to die because he was not supposed to number them without offering some certain sacrifices. All right. So it looked like God was the one who tempted him. This will now contradict the scriptures in the book of James that says God does not tempt any man. But here it looks like God is the one tempting this guy. Why would you say God doesn't tempt any man when God is actually tempting this guy? So it seems. Well, God cleared his name. Samuel thought it was God tempting David. Why? Because they didn't have full revelation of the person of God. We're going to go to that, please. I think we're going to go to that. You need to listen to other teachers. Well, go to the book of Second Chronicles. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Oh, glory to Jesus Christ. As you see this, your eyes of understanding are open. OK, now Second Chronicles. First Chronicles 21 verse 1 says, And Satan stood up against Israel and provoked David to number Israel. Please, what does it say? Satan is the one who stood up, provoked David to number Israel. Samuel thought it was God who stood up, inspired David. But God now inspired the writer of the book of First Chronicles to say, No, I don't have a hand in making sure people die. I don't have a hand in temptation. I don't have a hand in destruction. The Son of Man, Jesus said, The Son of Man has not come to destroy men's lives. Luke 9 verse 64, The Son of Man has not come to destroy men's lives. He came to show us who God is in nature and in character. When you understand this as a basic, as a foundation, it clears up your mind about who God is, what the Bible is talking about. It gives you a foundation you can now build on when you approach the Bible because the Bible is about the purpose of salvation. It is giving unto you so that you understand God's plan of redemption, salvation, and you'll be able to use that understanding to do the work of the ministry, which is going to the world, make disciples of all nations. But you see, do you know why you are not bold about making disciples? You're not even sure you're going to heaven. The average believer is not even sure they're going to go to heaven. They say when you go out, pray for the sick. Am I sure when I pray for the sick, the demon will not jump on me? If I cast out devils, am I sure the devil will not slap me? Because you are not skillful. You're not sure about the matters of salvation, that you are safe. Salvation also means to be safe. You are safe in God's hands. No devil, no devil shall jump on you. No demon shall hang on you. No devil shall be able to hurt you. Because you are not sure about those things, that's why the work of God is being hampered strongly in these generations due to a poor understanding of Scripture. The purpose of Scripture is salvation. The person of Scripture is Jesus. And the misconceptions of Scripture are clarified when you begin to see the purpose and person of Scripture. You'll know God cannot be A and B together. He is not a multi... He is not a confusing God. He is a clear God. Hallelujah. That's all we can do on this teaching today. I hope this has blessed you. I pray that the Lord gives you greater understanding. He causes you to stand on the Word of God. See Jesus and see no one. See Jesus and be transformed. See Jesus and His glory changes your life. Your circumstances will align to His plan and purpose. Be delivered from the traps of Satan. Know God. Be strong. Have a victorious life. Have a successful year. In Jesus' name. Amen. And Amen. Bye.

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