Earl making noise in the background
Earl making noise in the background
The speaker announces that next year's reunion will be held on Saturday, June 24th. They explain the process of a silent auction and encourage attendees to bid on items. They also mention that some items are available for anyone to take. They discuss the need for assistance with organizing the reunion and suggest finding an assistant for the treasurer and secretary. They mention that the account for the reunion is still in the treasurer's name and may need to be transferred. Uncle Jack is given a few minutes to speak. They discuss the organization of the reunion and the responsibilities of different family representatives. They mention a genealogy effort and a reader's theater performance. They decide to have the reader's theater after dinner and continue the auction. They conclude with a prayer and start serving food. Give us another one. Another whistle? I'll give you a really good one. Or old ones, little ones or old ones. But, you know... Everybody raise your hand if you know any old women or an old man here. If you're moving slowly, raise your hand whether you're young or whether you're old. So we know. I don't know how many of you have memories like mine. So whether you remember what happened a year ago or not, I don't know. We decided quite a while ago to have the reunion at the same time and as much as possible at the same place every year so that people could plan on it in advance. And we're going to continue with that approach. And as a result, next year's reunion will be Saturday, June 24th. That's the fourth Saturday in June. And we'll have it here as long as we can make all the right connections. I think having it here is just a little more centralized and it's familiar with everybody It seems like people like to come here so we get good turnout when we have it here. For those of you who didn't hear before, so you understand if you don't know what a silent auction is, there are a bunch of items on the table and each one of them has a piece of paper by it. If you see something you're interested in, you write down... Over there somewhere there's a sheet that's got names and numbers. You get a number, put your name on there and put a number and then you put the number on the sheet of something you're interested in and your bid. And then when we end the bid, then we'll just go through and whoever's got the highest bid will be given the item for that bid price. So there's the numbers and you write your name by a number. Is there more than 20? Is there another paper? Yeah. Okay, so... Did you read that? From there you don't have to read it. I'm just noticing that there are some items that don't have any bids, a lot of items that have only one. I want to make sure everybody didn't think that because somebody put a bid down that that meant that it was already taken. You can bid and re-bid and if you want it badly enough, you want to bid higher than what somebody has there, you put your number down with the bid that's higher. Bidding work for yourself. Yeah, we didn't put names on there in case somebody might raise your bid just because they know you want it. So we thought we'd try to keep that out of the game. This table right here are items that people have brought that are available. Anybody who wants to take them can take them. These are not part of the auction. They're just available. If somebody sees something they want here, somebody just brought it and said, here they are if you want to take it. Where do we start? I'm going to put this over by the name tag. So if you don't have a number, go over there to get a number. Okay, Gloria, can you take a couple of minutes and tell us what to expect as far as the lunch after we get finished here? Well, everybody may not know exactly what we're going to do, where and all that kind of stuff. What we're going to do throughout the experience there is for the barbecue sauce and the different sauce peppers, we're going to have to roll them for a few minutes and then we're going to put them on a piece of paperboard and we're going to put them in the back of the store. And we're going to take a sandwich and when we get through, we're going to eat them. And you can just make sandwiches. You can just make a sandwich. You can just take a roll and a piece of chicken and eat it. Something just for everybody to think about, and think really hard about it. Gloria's been a treasurer and secretary for the reunion for a lot of years now, and she just got called as Relief Society president and she's got two other responsibilities, and it gets to be kind of a burden for her, and I know she has a hard time enjoying this because there's so much work falling on her shoulders, and so I would like to have somebody consider acting at least as an assistant for her to help her with some of these responsibilities. Right now the account is in her name. It's still down in the credit union in Clarkton. We were going to try and transfer it up here, but the idea we had never did fall into place, so it's still down there until we get something made. We can certainly move the account up here and get another name on it, but right now her name is on it, so until that happens she would at least have to be involved. I would like to have somebody consider helping her out and assisting her with that. Uncle Jack asked if he could have a few minutes, and I figured since he's the patriarch of the family that would be okay, so we're going to turn some time over to Uncle Jack. I guess I'm not ready to thank you, Uncle Jack. You're sitting right here. Oh, sorry about that. It's nice to have Earl here. We appreciate you doing that, and Joelle, thank you for coming and bringing him here. This is the first year for a long time that you've been with us. Thank you for coming. We're going to start this thing today right here. Start what? The catalog. You're going to as soon as we get done, so if you'd like to sit there between Robert and Marilyn for just a few minutes, we'll be on our way. We moved from the level of the children of George and Minnie Kitt down one generation. In the past, we rotated among the children for the reunion. When we moved down, Terry is, in a sense, the patriarch of the next generation. He is the oldest son of the oldest son of George and Minnie's children. We did not intend that we left the burden of responsibility on Terry and Gloria to sponsor every reunion. You remember the organization. He is the chairman, and each family has a representative on his name. I don't know whether you know it, but Joelle is the representative of the Earl and Betty Kitt. So we're delighted you're here. But the intention, coming back Terry and Gloria, was not to make them responsible for every reunion. It was intended that they be the chairman of this generation committee, and each family has a representative on that committee. It was intended that, under Terry and Gloria's leadership, that assignments would be made to members of that committee to sponsor the reunion. So, our particular family is represented on that committee by Norman. I'm not sure who gets the representative from your family now. Which one of the children is your problem? Where do we start, brother? In just a minute, if you'll let me continue. I'm hungry! I know you are! Very nice to meet you, Joelle. Maybe we ought to have you take him over as first team. I'm a finger-whipping person. Well, who's the chairman? Robert, are you? No, Terry is. Who? Terry is. Oh, I'm sorry. Back to that. Robert's been on since the beginning. Robert? If Terry assigned your family, then Robert would be responsible for the reunion. As long as he is the representative, I don't know. Bruce was not around when that assignment was made. But it would be your family's responsibility to provide a representative on that committee. And when it was time for your family to sponsor that, then Terry would see that your family did it as part of the committee. Do you have any questions? Let's appreciate with all our hearts the fact that Terry and Gloria have carried this burden on their shoulders for three years. And we're burning them out. So let's step in as family representatives and assume responsibility to take the reunion and follow through under Terry's leadership. How does that work? Pardon? How does that work? That's up to the committee. Okay, well, basically what I'm hearing is that we didn't... We're so concerned about our committee. We really have no idea what's going on at all. That's right. But this information is valuable to us. We did follow up with some of our committee saying we'd like to do something. But the committee needs to understand that they need support. Yes. Okay. And we need to follow in their support. Okay. Terry has disappeared. He's disappeared. I just got out of the middle. Come on in. Come on in. The next person is Jim Family. If everybody that's on the committee has time, we can meet for just a couple of minutes and discuss that before everybody leaves. I have a question. Part of what we wanted to do is have some kind of a genealogy effort as part of the committee. And Diane put together a reader's theater. We had one of those a few years ago, and everybody seemed to really enjoy it. So she put together a reader's theater. And we've got people who have agreed to do that. It won't take too long to do it. If anybody's starving and they have to eat right now, we can wait and do it afterwards. But sometimes it's awfully hard to get these guys back together. So take a vote. Okay. I'm going to say something. Bruce and his family need to take a year for their life. That's the end of the vote. If they need it. All in favor, please raise your hand. No, we need it. Okay. So we're going to have a reader's theater right after dinner. And while the meal is on, these people will finish up on their auction. Oh, yeah. While the meal's on, go through and check things out. And then when we're finished eating, we'll have the reader's theater, and we'll do the final of the auction. And then from then on, we'll just be busy, do whatever you want to do while you're here. Now, the plates and everything are there. Everything's just lined up, so get in line. Oh, yeah. We probably ought to do that. Brandon, sorry, Brandon. Would you take your hat off? We didn't have an opening prayer, so we didn't have a good overall prayer for the reunion and for everybody getting home safely as well, please. Hey, girls over there doing stuff? We're on a prayer now. Line's starting for the plates and the utensils are. Yeah. Three years. Eight years? After we eat, yeah. More likely, I think, I think.