Pluto is STILL a planet!
Pluto is STILL a planet!
The speaker talks about their fascination with astronomy and their disappointment when Pluto was demoted from being a planet to a dwarf planet. They discuss the history of Pluto's discovery and the mission to send a spacecraft to take close-up pictures of it. Despite its demotion, the speaker still considers Pluto a planet in their book. They express their love for astronomy and mention their excitement about the pictures that were taken of Pluto. The speaker concludes by mentioning their upcoming plans and saying goodbye. all right that's enough that's enough oh that's enough it's really cool the video to that there's a woman playing a theremin in front of a full orchestra a theremin look it up um yeah when's no thursday i'm sorry thursday wow i bypassed i i missed it i'm sorry um i got to apologize to the planet pluto yes planet planet planet planet nine planet from the sun sometimes it's eight it's closer than neptune for a while and uh don't worry the two planets will never collide but pluto's orbit's elliptical it's not like circular like all the other planets but on uh on august 24th 2006 the international astronomy astronomical astronomical union voted to strictly define a planet to a dwarf planet and pluto was no longer a planet it was a dwarf planet seeing that there was a bunch of rocks way out there anyway hey pluto's one of those rocks out there but it's been one of us you know come on now um now um i i i'm fascinated with astronomy very much i love astronomy i was like four going on five when the moon landing happened and then you go outside you know in the evening there's the moon and kind of wondering like what's keeping it up there you know daytime the sun don't look at the sun but why didn't it burn out yet already um now there's like planets out there and they sent the voyager spacecrafts up there one and two and they did close flybys and when i was a kid saturn had three rings i was born in 1964 saturn had three rings the next thing you know like hey there's a bunch of rocks and they're going around that planet and there's like an equal space in between these sets of rocks that makes it look like three rings from here but there's a bunch of rocks up there cool and so then uranus and neptune you know okay they're blue we ain't getting no closer than that uh jupiter no we can't get in close it's a gas giant if it's a gas why is it in a sphere i don't know um but i just got fascinated with it and then poor old pluto and then they sent the um gosh they sent the spacecraft up there to take a look at pluto and they uh wow what what did they send up there they sent the spacecraft up there to take a look at pluto and um that um you know pluto was discovered in 1930 by clide tombaugh at the lawell observatory wherever that is and you know as early as 1909 astronomers were like there's something weird going on with neptune and so they figured it out and it's like yeah there's another planet out there they didn't know about anything all the other rocks beyond pluto or anything but they they sent up a nice little uh machine i'm trying to find the name of it machine i'm trying to find the name of it gosh what's the name of this doggone thing well anyway even our hubble telescope couldn't even get a oh it's a new horizons in 2015 it had to have launched it earlier years earlier um imagine if you will a spacecraft about the size of a baby grand piano they made it small they put a powerful rocket on there to send it you know where they thought pluto would be and then they let it do a couple laps around jupiter to let the gravity slingshot it you know a little faster and halfway to pluto and halfway to pluto pluto got demoted no longer a planet it's a dwarf planet and then while halfway out um people are like hey are we sure you know that the planet's going to be where we're aiming this thing at and they're like i don't know so they took a picture of you know space from 1930 you know the first uh through a telescope photograph of pluto way out there just a little dot among other dots two pictures hey there's one there nothing another picture hey it moved you're taking years later okay well if that's pluto then where would it be by the time we get this spacecraft to where the orbit is and the brainiacs had to do their calculations that's why you should stay in math if you're good in it i guess and they they you know got on their little computers and they said hey dude make a spacecraft in order to send and receive messages had to turn the dish completely around to look towards earth to get the message and turn back around to do the right thrusters in the right direction for the right amount of burn and everything it's like if you're walking behind somebody who's totally deaf they're walking you're walking you're walking the same direction single file line you want to talk to this guy but he's not going to stop talking or not stop walking tap him on the shoulder he turns around and now he's facing you but he's walking backwards so he can still go the direction you both were going and then you talk and then he turns back around and can then now he's walking forward but the same direction you two are walking that's about what this spacecraft had to do and so they gave it all these calculations and everything and finally 2015 they get pictures back and they got with less than seven like less than 8 000 kilometers of pluto and and um it's they uh somebody had said that there was a tv special about it and uh they said that it was like if um you were told there's going to be a car at a car show and you wanted to get a picture of it but you can't stop in front of the car to get the picture you're going to have to get a picture of the car while you're rolling on the freeway okay so you go and it's like 30 miles out you're doing the speed limit and then halfway you're told hey um the car's not going to be at that location it's going to be at this location okay i got it and you time it just right that the car is going to be at that spot and you take your little camera phone and you aim it out your passenger window while still looking forward to drive you can't look to the right and see if you're going to get a clear shot of this picture but out of faith take a picture that's what it was like trying to get a picture a close-ups of pluto at first wow and the pictures that came back is just breathtaking um yeah pluto you're still a planet in my book you're not no little teeny weeny dwarf one no way i think mercury's smaller than pluto mercury's smaller than pluto anyway well either way no one can live on either planet why worry um but yeah um pluto demoted day the 24th of august you're not demoted in my book every year you're not going to be demoted no this is a weird episode here but yeah i'm fascinated with astronomy are you i am anyway it's 3 19 a.m saturday i gotta wake up around 10 i gotta go talk to you later bye