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Pody with Leeton




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Jeff, Ross, and Leighton discuss various topics, including Donald Trump, UFOs, and the afterlife. They have differing opinions on these subjects, but ultimately agree on the importance of being respectful and doing good in life to have a positive afterlife. They also touch on different denominations within Christianity and how they teach certain aspects of the religion. G'day guys I'm Jeff and I'm Ross and today we're joined by Leighton. How you going fellas? Good, good. Good to have you on. Yeah, you're a long-awaited guest aren't ya? Yeah mate, very excited and ready to express my feelings. That's good, that's good, that's the word to start with. You've been telling us before we started recording about all the things not to say and to say. Yeah, I've got to keep my mouth shut. Can't be too free today. Speaking of free people, let's kick it off straight away by talking about Donald Trump and his mugshot. Mighty beauty. He looks awful. I'll tell you what, I first saw that and I actually wasn't sure if it was real or not. I thought it was just a straight meme. But it just keeps coming up and I thought there's no way this is real. In fact it's a president too, like an ex-president. You could make president again. Can he make president again? I reckon he will. Really? I don't know. I'm not a fan of Chinese men, they piss me off. I'm scared of my older siblings, really scared for them. It's very unnatural, that's all I can really say about shitting on them. I don't know, I don't believe it. I believe that a male and a female should always have their one role and that's it. It's been like that in my culture for thousands of years, so why can't it keep going? What do we need to change it for? Yeah, well, Donald Trump's definitely one end of the spectrum, we can say that. Yeah, you can definitely say that. For the better and for the worse, I guess. You've got to say he does have his supporters, despite all the controversy surrounding him. He does. He's crazy. He's a really popular guy. Compare him to Joe Biden, though. I mean, he's not falling asleep. A lot of them are really all about crash hot, they're just mad at each other in some sense, I suppose you could say. Yeah, they all have their weakness. I don't know. I feel like you'd think there'd be better candidates out there, but it's just those who have money, that's all it goes to. There is a couple of ones, the Robert Kennedy fellow, but I don't really care about him. Donald Trump's just a living, breathing mean. Yeah, yeah. Without him, there's no means. But then again, he's made the economy go up a bit, too. He said something about the Ukraine war, he said he just wants people to stop dying. That's a fair point. Well said, well said. I said the same thing the other day. That's a pretty bold statement, I guess. But you don't want anyone to die. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's a pretty polite understanding. I think it's just Donald Trump waving that flag around. Oh, well it's a good one. And what about the US, and how they reckon that UFOs are real now? There's that guy that's got that time to prove it. Oh, don't get me started. I don't think we need to get the tinfoil hats on the floor. Oh, man. It's a wild one, man. Justin, if the alien came up to you and it knew all the questions to life, what would you ask it? I'd ask it... I don't know. What would you ask it? Life after death, man. Where are we going? Chop my head off, where am I going? That's what I think, man. There's religion and there's spirituality. There's all these thousands of fucking places. Like, obviously, Christians have their place. Black belts have their place. You know? Where do other people go? They're just like, blank sky, black sky. Hello darkness, my old friend. A lot of different, I suppose, perceptions of what people think happens after death. Some people think that there's nothing. Just return to matter. And reincarnation's another one. Well, if you think about it, if we just die, pitch black, you're not nowhere. There's no such thing as nowhere, because you're still somewhere. Because if you dropped yourself in the middle of a forest, you're still somewhere. Or even in the middle of the ocean, you're still somewhere. Or in the middle of space, you're still somewhere. So when you're in the middle of nowhere, you're still somewhere. That's what I think. So if you're in a pitch black place, you can go, fuck, I am still somewhere. My head's hurting from that. That's what I mean. That's what I think. When you die, obviously you're somewhere. That's what I mean, man. You can be in kingdom and heaven. Oh, I'm fucking here, man. This is a place, but you're somewhere. There's no such thing as nowhere. Nowhere still has a where. Yeah, it's a hard one, because no one actually obviously has the answer. Once you die, you don't come back and go, hey guys, you know. So when you're done. I like to think that our consciousness becomes a lot more higher. You look after your own kids or your own family or whatever. That's what an aboriginal spirituality is. When you die, you turn into a higher self where you look after the younger ones. You pass on protection from the bad spirits. Once your time is up, you can be a cat, be a dog, whatever, man. Cat or a dog. That's part of aboriginal culture. You might know from my knowledge that when you pass away, you become a spirit and you protect your younger ones from bad spirits or just really bad people, I guess. There's a hundred different ways. There's a hundred different tribes and a hundred different tribes have different religions. I can't speak for anyone, but I speak for myself. That's what I believe in. I grew up doing Christianity. Got kicked out of church. Want to know the story? I got into a fight with my brother. Sunday at school, I was enjoying it. I was playing tits. My brother got a bit pissed off because I was faster than him. He was like, stop tipping me, man. I was like, I don't know, stop running to me. So I tipped him. He ran like one or two cats in the street, man. Stepdad, South African, he's an awesome dad. He took us down. I was kicked out of church. I was like 10 years old. Never saw church again, man. So that experience put you off it? No, I still believe there's a higher power. That's where I learned my morals from. My stepfather taught me a lot about no racism, no hitting women. If you do that, you can go to heaven and watch backstreet boys. That's what I mean, man. He said, if you can do good in life, you'll do good after life. If you're going to be a dumb cunt, well, some other place might help you. But then again, do you think hell's real? Yeah. Well, I suppose from a Christian perspective, hell is definitely real. Well, let's look at it this way. If hell was real, let's say, how do you put it? Mistakes happen. So what if, say, I was in a dumb cunt, but I was raised by bad people. Would you say that's my fault? It's more like as Christians, we see it as we all make mistakes and it's more just whether you can acknowledge that yourself and ask for forgiveness. So it's like we all stuff up at some point in our life. We've all done wrong things. People have murdered people and stuff like that. And things that you think are just disgusting, which I'm not saying that murder is great or anything. No, but in their mind, they're the heroes of their story. As long as they go, I understand I've done the wrong thing and they ask for forgiveness, that's what we think as Christians. So to God, there's no wrongdoing that's greater than another. If I were to, I don't know, just to say an example, if I were to steal your lunch one day, and then another guy was to murder another guy, in God's eyes, sin is sin. Wrongdoing is wrongdoing. There's no greater than another. But as long as you can acknowledge that and ask for forgiveness from God, so as long as you return to God, you... If you were going around and you murdered someone and I stole someone's lunch, we're not really any different. The idea of Christianity is that I still love you the same and you still love me the same because we both sin. Sin isn't really quantified. It's not like you're a worse person than me, which you aren't. I'm a fuckwit, I'm a nice fuckwit. But no, it's a very interesting topic. Do you have anything else you want to add on that? Or are you happy to... It's a weird world, man. It's such a weird world where... How many other Christianity things are there? I know there's... There's a lot of denominations. You've got Anglican, Baptist, Protestant. Because growing up, I was just a fucking Christian. That's what I still kind of see it as, I suppose. Everyone sees Jesus the same way and everyone sees God the same way. I'd say it's all just Christian. Some people might get offended by it. Muslims have it different. Those are different religions. But in the Christianity religion, there are different denominations and they teach things a bit differently. Some of them are more focused on certain parts of the Bible and whatnot. It's kind of like a school. You know how you have sporting schools and nature schools and stuff like that? How they teach the same curriculum. They specialize in certain areas of different subjects. It's sort of like that. I think one of them focuses on Mary, the Catholic's mother. And they I think praise her quite a lot. Like she, you know... Did you grow up in a certain one? I grew up... My stepfather, he didn't really bash it to my mind. He more told me you don't hit women. You don't rape women. You don't kill people at all. But he said, you stand up for yourself. No one's better than you. No one can tell you otherwise. You follow what you believe in. And he basically said, don't be a cunt. Just don't be a cunt and go to heaven. But he said, if you lie to people and you're going to scum people and be a fuckwit, you're not going to go in a nice place. You're going to live an afterlife full of regret. And that's what I believe. I think as long as you're being nice and you're being respectful to anyone, anything, everything grass, sky, animals you get respect from anyone. Yeah, I respect that. Kind of like an extended version of karma if you like. In Aboriginal spirituality you respect everything. Every single thing and then that's how you get respect from the afterlife. Because everything has life. Rocks have life. Grass has life. And it's somewhat, I wouldn't call it karma but those kind of things add up to the end. I believe that life is written. It's not just improvised. There's a certain point in time where something bad will happen in your life and it has to happen for that next moment to happen. So for me, let's say I want to be Australian champion. I have to lose my next fight but I won't know it. But I will definitely lose it. But that has to happen for me to be Australian champion. And the only way you can be Australian champion is unless you work your ass off and that's your price. It's the pain. Pain is the price. I think that what you say is really great. I know you better than Russell does and I think that you're a pretty gentle person. You don't come up to this gig of guys but you're actually pretty... Like I said, I'm a nice fuckwit. Emphasis on the second part. My girlfriend cops it a lot. She doesn't know if I'm serious or not. Which is what I'm doing right now. But it's Having a girlfriend is fucking amazing man. Especially having a nice one. Yeah. Some parts of it anyway. What are we? Bachelors to the rapture? Bachelors to the rapture. Do you guys reckon a rapture would happen? Yeah. I don't know. It's hard to say. I suppose some would say we're living in end times now. A lot of people do say that. But how long is that period of time? That period of time could be the next hundred steps. Golden throne in the sky. Here we go. It says in Revelation that one day it will come. But it also said that something to do with how in the final days of this kind of stuff will happen and that stuff's been happening for years. Like the mark of the beast. Yeah. And I was like oh I don't know. Death everywhere. Drought. All these things have been happening for years and years. How long are the final days? That's interesting. So what about everyone else that didn't know about Christianity? That's something I've always thought about. That's something that questioned me as a kid. What about all the black fellas before me? That's what I thought. When Australia was away from everything before it was colonised how did the word of Jesus get there? And then my dad was like, no why did the apostles get blown up? And I was like what? Because they didn't build churches. And he was like oh shit really man? Why didn't you build churches? I wasn't mean to come and wipe us out. That's good. But he taught me a lot about good things. He's amazing. That is a hard question that you've brought up before. That's something I've kind of contemplated but I suppose the thing is that If you believe in good will. I think that everyone is exposed to it at some point in their life. Yes. In some form. It may not necessarily be direct verbal. I mean it's just compassion. Like if someone's really nice to you and that just makes you question it. I don't know. I do find that a hard thing. I think China where it's like banned and stuff like that. Yeah there's a few places where it's banned. That's I suppose where you have missionaries which go from the church and they go overseas or even just into towns inland to people who don't necessarily know about Jesus and Christianity and they spread the word and even risk their own lives doing it. So they want to spread that word. It's a sacrifice sort of. Sort of. You could kind of say that. They don't do it to sacrifice themselves but they know that there could be a danger involved in spreading the word and they're willing to take that risk. So taking that risk can give you God's favour in a way. It's not about that. It's more that as Christians we want others to find that truth. And so we're like, you know what, we're going to go and take the time to go teach others. So they're messengers. They go out. Because they want to spread God's word. They want people to know about God and Christianity. Yeah but there's a couple of times in history where that's a bit taken advantage of. Yeah. Those are the things that annoy me man. It's like why do you force that on us? Like come on man. We were happy. We were bored out fucking living life. We weren't paying rent. We were sleeping at fucking beaches man. Munging on fucking possums. And these fucking cunts and the fucking wooden shit come along. Oh fuck man. Let's build a fucking prison. And an interesting fact of the day. Who's the first woman that ever came to Australia? Who's the first woman? Fucking prostitutes. Yeah right. Prostitutes. Should she not probably come on the jail vessels or whatever? No. Prostitutes become wives. Who's the first woman in Australia? Prostitutes. Yeah. It is wrong. I suppose you can always ask why did God do this? You can do that about everything. Like I said earlier. This has to happen for that to happen. It's all part of life I suppose. The world isn't perfect. I feel like we can't blame God for that. Some British guy over there was like I'm going to go steal this land or whatever. He's the one that's making that mistake. It's not really God up there going Take that land. Take it quickly. I would never blame God for any of this. I believe that it's the bad spirit's fault. Yeah okay. There's so many things that could have went different man. So many things. There's a story about how Captain Cook, he went up to the north coast and passed a bunch of poison and eventually he got caught in the Coral Reef and he went down to this coast area and he didn't know there was 3,000 blackfellas, warriors waiting to kill this dude because the message had been spreaded up north saying this dude's coming and he's colonising everyone. He went up to Tasmania Cairns and there was 3,000 Aboriginal men waiting for him and they were going to kill him. Luckily he didn't go on land because he couldn't find a way in there for the corals so he just went back to the ship and just kept going. So if he went on there, man we could be bloody, still be black today. We don't know. It's one of those things like that can instant click. Instead he went to Hawaii I don't know if that ate him or not. He did end up getting killed by natives on some island. Really? Yeah, by a native. Hawaii, I'm pretty sure. It's celebrity stuff there, man. I want to go there and give a piss drunk with all the Hawaiians. It's celebrity stuff. I don't hate the English Empire. I think what they did was a big accomplishment. A big achievement, but it's fucked up. Back then it was a big achievement. That was pretty good in society. It was like, fuck yeah, man. They were doing it everywhere at that point. They were all through Africa. You've got the Commonwealth built up with all the different places that the UK kind of took over. Do you think Australia should be independent? I'm not really thinking. The funny thing is because we're a part of that even if we went to war they actually don't have to protect us. It's not even like half a planet away. It really doesn't do anything. I don't know. I'm not really against it. I'm not really for it. Yeah, I'm in the middle. I don't know. I just don't really care. I think we can look after ourselves. I mean, when it comes to China we'll probably need a fucking hand. Well, make it different though. I mean, with all the islands up north, we've got a lot of protection too. We've got Papua New Guinea as well. We've got a lot of protection. America's next door. It's close enough to protect us. But I think we're capable enough to defend ourselves. You really reckon? I reckon if China came for us we'd be fine. I feel like we don't have anything really here. Infrastructure wise. I feel like we've kind of sent everything overseas. It'd be hard to invade Australia. Because you've got all that desert to cover too. And we're all coastal. This whole country's so... But like, if China sort of surrounded us, I reckon we'd be a bit stuck. I mean, we spent, what, half our military budget on two nuclear submarines. Not to mention, like, think of World War II and the Japanese, and they came to invade. Like, they publicised pretty good. They were really far from the mainland though. They were really far. I think that was expanding the resources a bit much. Yeah, it is hard. Because Australia is pretty spread out, so I think that makes it a bit of a challenge. But like, China's like, what, so much bigger than our military. The economy's amazing there too. They're a powerhouse. That being said, we may own half of our country. That's the funny thing, they don't even need to invade us. Yeah, but do they have a fucking Disneyland? I think they do, I don't know. I think they do. I don't know. Tokyo does, I think. Japan does. I was going to say, China's not as good as any other fucking country, funnily enough. You can't go to a nightclub and go, fuck you. Yeah, man, fucking nightclub. Instead you'll probably get arrested for fucking yelling too loud. We're talking about war, and all of a sudden you're asking if China has a Disneyland. That's what I mean, though. It's not a fun country. That's what defines it as a good country. At least we're not living apart. Australia's got a Disneyland. I've heard news about it. Oh, no, no. Holy shit. Might be Disney World or Disneyland. They're two different things? I really reckon they're the same. No, my girlfriend was saying something about Disneyland and Disney World. Disney World has Star Wars and fucking Pixar and that. And I was sitting there like, if Disney World comes here I am getting a fucking lightsaber. I am fucking cutting up Darth Vader or some shit. What do you think it would be? I don't know. They won't tell you the Gold Coast. There's too many theme parks there. Yeah, that is true. I can claim that. Surely it's that way. Queensland has so many, though. They have Wet'n'Wild. But wouldn't that be a reason to put it up there with the rest? Because when you're going around to all these other parks, you're going to be going to... Melbourne's massive now. Melbourne's massive. Melbourne's second largest city in Australia, I think. Couldn't tell you that. I think it is. I think it goes from Sydney to Melbourne. I don't know. It's close. It's really close. Melbourne's got a lot of people in it. They'll probably go to Sydney because they need the park. But there's no room in Sydney. Yeah, it's pretty packed in. They can always make room, though. Natural forests are a few residential areas. All those landlords would give up their places just to have Disneyland around. What a land value they would. If you could have Disney World around the corner, imagine how much that rent's going to be. I reckon that would take away from rent, though, because then you've got the noise of roller coasters all day. Some kids screaming. Yeah. It would change the state a lot. I don't know if it's that big of a deal. It would be a big deal. I reckon it would be. They're expensive, too. They cost a lot of money to make. I don't think Australia... I wouldn't get the hype from it. The kids would love it. I suppose kids would, yeah. Kids would go around. But then you're going to take it away from America, the one in America, because people want to go over to America. If you went over to America, would you go to Disneyland? As a younger kid, I definitely wanted to. Now, no. If I had kids, maybe, yeah. I'd probably go now, I reckon. They've got some pretty cool buildings. It's a pretty cool-looking place. It's an expensive place. But it's not just a children's thing, is it? No, it's not. It's got a lot of adult stuff. You'll see a lot of nerds there. Yeah, we'll see. I literally said I don't want to go. I'll go. I want to go see Mickey Mouse and shake his hand. Yeah, get a photo with him. But I think Disney... I don't know, it's dying, man. Disney, the company itself, with all the movies... Yeah, well, they've brought up a lot of big franchises like Star Wars now, and it's kind of... I've seen Star Wars before. George Lucas. It was a private... But he sold it for a couple of bills. He would have. I'd kick back. I don't know, since Disney had it, man, I've been crying. It's like, fuck, shit, shit, shit, shit. And you had a Star Wars fan. Stan's 100th statement, man. I think that's weird. Yeah, I can't offer... The old stuff was good, but I agree. Since Disney took it over, it's just kind of... Oh, I didn't mean to spoil it, but... Ray had the character, it's ruined, it's just too overpowered. And they all bought his Disney Plus, dude. It just makes me want to fucking rage. I'm sick of pain. I reckon you should send a letter to the head office. You should. I'm just going to skywalk it out. If no one fixes this fucking shit within the year, man, I'm slicing someone up. Yeah, right. Metaphorically equal. I'm fucking serious. It's down like a hundred dollars. It's like a Disneyland lightsaber. It doesn't blow up like rubber. It's the only dollar lightsaber I bought from eBay. It's not a wish or something. You'll click it and it'll explode. Hang on, I've got a set of batteries. Have you noticed how many movies have flopped in the Disney world? I feel like just movies in general have flopped. The one that's coming up, it's apparently got nothing to do with true love. It's got nothing to do with true love. Yeah, apparently it's really bad. We can't judge it because we haven't seen the actual trailer or nothing. All Marvel movies are kind of dropping. I'm not really much of a Marvel fan but they're really milking it. Yeah. They're not coming up with any good ideas. I feel like superhero things are kind of fading away. For a while that was a big thing, superhero movies, but I feel like that's kind of... I think the reason that was so big is because when Stan Lee got involved with... Obviously he wrote the comics back in the day and then going from comics into actually making them like a live action film. That's something really different. Was he involved in Iron Man movies? He was involved in all of them but obviously until he died. So there's obviously been a big difference since he's been gone then. Yeah, for sure. Since Iron Man died it's just films. The one show that I had, it was so hard to watch a She-Hulk. I was banging my head on a table. They were twerking. Oh my goodness. They made the Hulk. I grew up watching the Hulk. I'd grow up snuffing my pillows thinking I'm Hulk. Seriously, I grew up doing that. I played Hulk video games and then watched him get run over by a fucking jeep. I was like, what the fuck is this shit? I was just like, man, how do you go this low? And then it just turns into a woke shit Hulk. Yeah. Women this and equality this. There's nothing wrong with women having equality vibes. Yeah, it's very like, doing it on purpose is Satan. I mean, for girls, man, they're making it a bit easy for themselves nowadays. I'm not going to shit on their gender, but nowadays when you take a picture of your bum hole and you'd be fucking famous. Rather than done that. Seriously though, a girl can take a picture of her fucking arsehole and get $2,000 the next day. That's the shit part about today's society. It's definitely a different time. There's a lot of victim playing and there's a lot of abuse of power. That's what I was really saying. Pride victim when everything's against them. Well anyway, what we'll do is we'll wrap this one up because it's getting a bit long. Russell, do you want to close in on Greg? I just want to call out. Connor. I'm calling you out, Connor. I'm calling you out, Connor. I reckon he ain't shit. I reckon he ain't shit, man. I'll show him a fucking mountain and he wouldn't know where the fuck it is. Connor, man, if you're listening, I'm calling you out. We're going to have to get Connor back on another podcast. We'll do a face-off or something. Yeah, both of yous will get you and Connor on. Yeah, we will. Connor, man, if you're listening, I'm calling you out, man. I reckon he ain't shit, man. You ain't shit. Well, we'll pray for this party and we'll pray for Connor real quick and then we'll wrap it up. Dear Lord, thank you for this podcast. Thanks to Leighton letting him come along for a bit of a chat. Lord, we pray that Connor doesn't get wrecked too much next time he sees Leighton. Lord, we pray that you'll be able to help us to enjoy our week and thank you for letting us get another one of these done. Amen. Amen. Well, that was good. We'll wrap this one up here. Once again, I'm Jack. I'm Russ. Thanks for joining us, guys. Cheers, guys.

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