A podcast about manifesting/ metal wellbeing
A podcast about manifesting/ metal wellbeing
In this podcast, the speaker discusses the importance of following your passion and believing in yourself. They share their personal experience with manifesting and how it has impacted their life. The speaker also talks about the equation of manifesting, which includes asking for what you want, believing in it, taking action, and receiving it. They emphasize the role of emotions and self-awareness in manifesting. The speaker acknowledges their ADHD and encourages authenticity in their podcast. They also mention the book "Asking is Given" and its influence on their understanding of manifesting. Overall, the speaker believes that manifesting is not just about getting what you want, but also about personal growth and learning. so boys I'm back with my third podcast today and I want to start off like there's so many things I wanted to start with I could not decide and I'm gonna go with the fact that how much I realize like that I'm meant to do this in a way like following your passion is so important because my heart is beating so fast right now to do this video like every time I go to do a podcast I get that feeling like I can actually feel that I'm doing something different because like my heart starts going to start shaking it's crazy and another thing that I wanted to say which is madness is like I've been so long trying to like decide what to say first what to include on my podcast different things like that and like it's so hard to just actually do it so for this podcast I was gonna do a little bit of notes things like that but I've decided not to and I want the people listening to be aware that I do have ADHD sometimes I'll say things in repetition I might say things wrong but I want it to be real so this is just going to be as much me as it can be so today I want to talk about manifesting and it's something I've been wanting to speak about for a while a lot of my clients have been speaking about things and I thought I'm gonna have to do some research into it before I do it even though I've been practicing manifesting for a long time I was so like I don't know I'm so concerned that I don't even have the knowledge like I don't know if anyone else does that where you have to like pre-plan a presentation or telling somebody something and you're like oh my god I hope I don't miss anything out and I'm so worried about like if I don't have enough information when in reality the reason I'm telling you this is because I was doing somebody's nails a few weeks ago and she was asking me about manifesting and I explained to her I was doing a podcast on it and literally within half an hour I had so much intel thrown in her face and there was so much that I actually knew and I was like oh my god like I'm so worried about doing a podcast and here I am free-dogging it doing what going wild doing it just the way it's meant to be and that's what I want to do like my videos might have stuttering they might have things that are wrong I'll swear a lot but it's me and I want it to be real definitely a lot slower today because I've smoked which is an absolute vibe but yeah I want us to get into manifest manifesting so let's do this shit so I'm gonna start off with a story and this isn't this is when I first consciously become aware of manifesting but it turns out I'd actually been aware of it for a lot longer than I'd realized so I met this girl she's moved to London now she's called Amy and she's very mysterious girl I love her vibe she's just amazing and I don't know whether she clicked on that I was kind of aware of manifesting or what but one day she just decided to give me this book called asking is given and she just said you could go read this and like see what it does for you and I was like okay this is interesting so I began my journey and learning about manifesting in this book I've got to say is amazing it took me a long time to get through it I had to read over books first to do with manifesting to try and simplify it for me but people think it's all spirituality and bullshit and it's not and even people this could just be my opinion but I see a lot of the times like people just think you ask for things and it literally is just there for you but there is an equation to manifesting which is really important and the most important factor is that you have to believe in what you're doing so with manifesting there's asking for what you want there's believing in it there's putting in action and then there's receiving it I can't believe I remember that off the top of my head I haven't read the book in so long and I'm just gonna have a drink of coke so you can hear that anyway so there is like a four-part equation to manifesting which is coming up with an idea like putting it out into the world you've got to believe in yourself that you're capable of doing that thing because if you don't believe in yourself you will not get given it so like I said it's not all about spirituality but a lot of what I believe in is the 12 universal laws they all have different meaning behind them but manifesting is one of the ones that I am very invested in so obviously if you do know me you'll know that I managed to save free free £13,000 in three months during Covid while I was going through a lot of stuff I was surfer surfing I had major surgery and I still managed to push through and it was the first time that I'd actually completed something that I'd a goal I'd wanted because from a very young age I kind of just had no direction I had a business but I didn't know what I wanted to do with it so I just kind of like did my thing floating living and then when I went through a major depression and I become like really suicidal and things I had decided the one goal I ever had was to buy my own house so when I was 21 on my birthday I went and put my details down and found out how much I was going to have to deposit things like that and I was really suicidal while I was saving the 13 grand I was in a really bad place there was some crazy shit going on that I'll eventually go into detail about but it took me a lot but I really believed in myself I really really fucking believed that if I want this house if I want this scapegoat for me I had severe depression undiagnosed ADHD and I felt like the only route was this house if I can buy this house I can start again if I can buy this house there's a way out there's proof that there's more here than what I think and for me I spent months like crying to myself saying you can't do it but then pulling myself back up and saying I can and I fought so hard until the day I stood in front of my house and honestly the feeling of just actually completing something the fact that I managed to like calculate exactly what money I needed I did it and for me like it was like an awakening and once I'd got that house it was like anything I wanted was in reach and I could do it and that's when I started learning more about manifesting once I'd moved into my house and I started rebuilding my mental health and the thing about manifesting which I find really interesting if anyone does suffer with ADHD we think which I think a lot of people do is it helps me become aware of my emotions because manifesting you put into the world whatever you speak whatever you think you put that stuff into existence so if you are negative all the time you are going to create a negative environment I used to tell myself I want to kill myself every day so I was suicidal I stopped and yeah other factors obviously affected it but a massive weight came off my shoulders it's like when people to go off topic a little bit when people go on about how you talk about yourself is how your brain actually believes so if you're constantly saying you're ugly or blah blah blah blah you believe that you're ugly if you start saying to yourself I am good-looking I am a caring person I'm this I am that you create that reality for yourself so for me this became super interesting of manifesting because with ADHD depression anxiety all different kinds of mental health you will find that you have such a negative mindset and I I struggle with emotional regulation I can't regulate my emotions very well or I used to not be able to where if something went wrong I'd lose my shit so easily or I'd be like super hyper like I just wouldn't be able to content oh and she dropped the mic but it's fine we're gonna keep that in there but anyway so I was really struggling with actually expressing my emotions in a healthy way and things like that and when I found out about manifesting I actually found out that you have to be aware of your emotional regulation system like you have to be aware of your emotions to actually do something about them in that moment because you can experience a bad feeling and let it carry you into a worse and worse worse feeling if you learn how to become aware of your emotions and you can be like right I'm aware that I feel angry and this is why you can change your whole life so for me manifesting isn't just about getting the things you want in life I have found so many life lessons along the way like I've learned how to be aware of my own emotions I've learned how to meditate like I've learned all of these amazing things and since yes there's things that I haven't gotten but there is a lot of things I have got that I've manifested because in my eyes yeah I am I believe in spirituality but I also used to be a realist before I found out about spirituality and if you actually look at manifesting in a realistic way the equation makes sense it's not just some woo-woo like you if you wanted to get something you would have to plan it you'd have to work towards it and believing in yourself would probably be in that equation so when people think manifesting is like full of shit like if you think about it to achieve the things you want to it's a simple equation you have to go out and get it and do the things you need to do and that's like such an important part of it and I just wanted to do a video not a video a podcast about this because I just think it's mad because I am such an empathetic person and I do everything I can to help people as many know and for me like I was sat there trying to manifest for all these people around me and it wouldn't work and it got me so upset and then one day when I was reading the book it said like you can't manifest for other people so if you're like you're somebody who tries to save people you're screwed and that really fucked with me and that's when I started like introducing manifesting to pretty much anyone that would listen to it and it's not because I wanted them to believe in my stories or believe in my experiences I literally just wanted them to be able to experience it for themselves and even if it is woo-woo whatever if you can get things out of it that are positive like learning how to regulate your emotions becoming aware of yourself like if you can do these things you are more likely going to have a better chance in life you're going to have a better life by implementing these things because regardless it's still a good thing to do sorry guys I took a little pause there that might sound weird but we're just going to go of it because that's how it is the dogs are absolutely going wild so I just wanted to make sure nobody was trying to get in so as I was saying like even if you don't want to believe in the certain aspects of this it can just have like positive outcomes and there's different things I want to go over a day so I want to go over the two books I read a little bit and just share some different experiences that have kind of like validated manifesting for me and not only did I manage to somehow get my house but I've also got things like my motorbike I've got tattoos I've got just things to improve my life I found connections I've met people like just crazy things like that's just made me think of one there I remember I've slightly changed my idea now but I did want to have black molly puppies and I was looking for somebody with a black molly if you don't know what a molly is it's a Belgian Malinois dog that I have and I have two of them but I wanted to maybe acquire getting one of them bred and then like literally two weeks later I'd wrote down like oh I'd love to have these black puppies love my life and a few weeks later literally I was walking my dog one day and I bumped into this girl ended up becoming friends with her and she had a male black molly puppy that she wanted to breed when it was right age and just just shit like that like things that you don't expect like I literally met that girl on my way up the hills to walk my dog and she ran past me and I stopped her just to talk to her and then it ended up I ended up making a friend I mean like just stuff like that or here's another example I really wanted new hair extensions and I wrote down right I'm gonna get my extensions somewhere or another and I didn't want to pay for them because I was skint at the time but I was like I really love some new hair extensions and a few weeks later my best friend messaged me and was like oh I'm starting hair extensions like would you be a model for me and you can have it for free and I was just like no way two weeks three weeks later suddenly like this opportunity come up where I can now get free hair and to explain a little bit more into that because it's gave me an idea of what I was going to explain to you all is that the thing with manifesting it is more complex than just that equation there's things to learn there's things to unlearn but such a big thing about it that I find wild is don't limit yourself to how you can receive things in your life like I feel like I've limited myself so much because of my perception and the the ways I've grew up the environments I've grew up in like for example I could have said I want to make money so that I can buy hair extensions but that would have made me only get that manifestation by that simple like that specific equation I would only get my hair extensions if I made the money whereas if you say I'm going to get these hair extensions like I'm going to receive I'm going to receive this hair and you just leave it at that you don't put in an equation of how you will get it you can receive it in any way you can receive it in hundreds of possibilities and for that reason you make these things a hundred times more accessible so yeah I guess I'm just trying to like introduce different ways of how manifest and actually like comes to life because it is it's interested and like I said it has benefits regardless I might sound out of breath because I've just had to chase a six-month probably around my bedroom which is really fun so yeah that's again something I wanted to go into actually so I've been wanting to do this podcast for weeks but I decided to take on an elderly man's puppy for him while he goes into surgery bit of a impulse helpful decision so now I've got a six-month-old German Shepherd puppy running around alongside my two other Malinois dogs and she's bigger than them both somehow even though she's the youngest so that's been absolutely delightful but it's been a nightmare trying to fit everything in and doing uni work I'm also doing an autism course so yeah that's why I've kind of took my time with everything and this is the thing with manifesting which is a really big one for you which I want to use myself as a perfect example seems as though I've been going through lately so the thing with manifesting and the universe and the woo-woo is that if you want things when you are manifesting that can also make other things happen in your life to get you to that destination so if you're asking for happiness and you are in a really bad relationship and you keep asking for happiness but you think you want to be with them and you won't leave them the universe or manifesting laws will throw back at you exactly what you want and probably ruin your life in terms of relationship cause you're split up blah blah blah it's like say you were in a job and you really wanted this new job but you were scared to leave your current job and you were really really wanting this new job but you just couldn't you couldn't leave your old job the universe will just get you fired so you've got to take these things into consideration when you are asking for things so my example of this is I have been really wanting a car because I've had them for years but I've been without again for about four months and it's driving me insane and I've been saying over and over again I want a car I want a car I want a car I want a car blah blah blah blah so something else that I really want is my salon that I am creating in my garage hopefully this year because I'm wanting to make my own little salon so one of the things that I really needed to be done next to get my salon done is find a little home for my motorbike because that goes in my garage at the moment so I've been wanting a car and wanting my motorbike to have a new home so I've been manifesting these things for a while trying to get things in place and what happens first I have a motorbike accident which you think would have taught me a lesson because I've already had one in the past and this one was better but worse because I actually hit a car but anyway not only did that happen but a week later on Valentine's Day my motorbike which I paid three thousand pounds for which I also manifested for got stolen from my garage now I will be getting a claim which will be giving me money hopefully for said car and I can suddenly move on to my salon because I don't have a motorbike to put in storage anymore so the message of that story is you can manifest for things but it can have shit fucking circumstances because if you've got something in your life that is preventing you from getting to where you want to be it will just get kind of like yeeted in the opposite direction and I was absolutely devastated about my motorbike but honestly like I was sat there 20 minutes in and I just thought this has so happened on purpose like I was literally the day before manifesting thinking I really want a car really want a car and after my accident I felt a bit like weird going out on my bike and while I was on it I was thinking do I really want a bike is this safe like is this going to keep me alive and it's like the universe just took it for granted and was like bam bitch see you later and there you go bikes gone other things are falling in place but yeah that's like the effects of it so and another really important thing that I want to put to manifest them while I'm here which also adds to it is being grateful for the things you have and also meditation so to start off with being grateful a really big part of manifesting is being grateful of the things around you which is just so important and I also find from actually watching Big Mouth that anxiety can be helped by being grateful for things when you have an intrusive thoughts in bed or like you have a negative thoughts like it's so good to overcome that with gratitude and just go through lists of things to be grateful for it just allows those things to come to you if you are grateful rather than ungrateful for what you already have around you so like I find being grateful for things like people struggle with where to start or they think it's silly sometimes but like you can literally be grateful for your fridge you can be grateful for your hairbrush you can be grateful for the fact you have stairs you can be grateful that you live in a house you can be grateful that you have a neighbor that says hello to you like there's so many things like you could actually endlessly go on with to express gratitude towards things so I think that's a really important one and also meditation like I want to go into this on its own podcast but I'll definitely like have a little say because I feel like everything happens for a reason I believe in that I believe the universe does everything it needs to clearly otherwise I'd be having a breakdown over my motorbike but while I was getting ready to do this podcast and I've been proper stressing like just wanting to do it like come on you need to do it people are asking blah blah blah and I felt like it all happened for a reason because I waited and waited and then my motorbike went missing I've gone through these things and I recently did a meditation like a new one and I've been meditating for quite a few years but this was different and it felt like I was meant to have that experience before this happened because it was since the meditation I think it was actually the day after my meditation my motorbike got stolen which is just crazy but I did this meditation and when you meditate the reason I'm telling you about it is because in manifesting meditation is meant to be the type of time where you need to not be thinking crazy thoughts to allow the universe to give you things to allow the manifesting laws to give you things so you need to be in a good mindset or like a still mindset without ideas bouncing off or negative vibes bouncing off so the good part of meditation is that you can literally when you are meditating you have no thought processes you are in a tranquil place and it allows your manifestations to be accepted and to be received so that's something I've always gone by but the meditation I tried the other day so I just want to go into it a little bit because I think a lot of people ask the question what is meditating how do you do it like it sounds like some crazy thing or like again a woo-woo thing as I'm gonna call it that because I just think it sounds hilarious but people going about it and all meditation is is literally being in the present like you are taking your thoughts and putting them in front of you and allowing them a path and just focusing solely on where you are and being with your body it's grounding and it's not just like like people say to me like I don't know how to do that like I can't do it I just think too much if you know me and you're listening to this you know how much I think like I have ADHD I have like seven fucking I used to think I had split personalities but it was just all my different thought processes fighting over the same shit don't know if you relate to that but ADHD that's how it is so if I can do this shit anyone can and that's I'd use meditation to help my ADHD like it has so many powerful benefits and just to run through what you do it's simply laying down or sat up whatever is more comfortable you want to relax your whole body so you can't feel any like tension or anything like that give yourself a little like shake about and just tense and un-tense so that you're all relaxed and then you simply like you can have a guided meditation which will have somebody telling you how to breathe or you can just do it yourself and all you are doing is focusing on your breath for a few minutes so that all your thoughts you're not in you conscious your mind is with your breathing you are in the present you can feel your body and once you start doing that you'll start to get little thoughts that pop up and what you are meant to do it is like maybe observe them thoughts but then become aware of them and actually be stood outside of your thoughts and be looking at them and all you do is acknowledge the force it could be a good thought it could be something create yeah that fucked up once again the dogs got me but as I was saying you can get like really creative thoughts or different things and it's just literally observing them thoughts and then going back to your breath work and that's like really getting you in the present and once you've been relaxed for say 15 minutes you can start to feel all the sensations in your body and it's you actually connecting properly with your body and being aware of yourself like it's crazy what it can do like when I read the asking is given book one of the main things that stood out to me was the two authors of the book the first time they ever did meditation it was like a drug for them they wanted to do it every day they wanted to keep doing it like and when I read that it was like oh my god like I want to do that and every time I've meditated up until recently I haven't had that feeling like I've done meditations and I have had experiences where I'm like whoa like that was intense but this meditation really made me understand like why people do it and that's what I'd always wondered like I didn't understand until I had this experience and for me I had this meditation I literally spoke to my inner child like I cried I spoke to all of the younger versions of me that went through things and I become aware of my body in a way like I can't even explain I felt like I was communicating with my own brain like I just can't like it's amazing but meditation is such a good thing for manifesting and if you actually think about all the things I've spoke about today they're all like positive enforcements on mental health so even if you think manifesting full of shit or I don't know you just think it doesn't work you're still getting those positive outcomes from even just practicing these things like gratitude meditation going after your goals believing in yourself like these are all really positive things and that's why I like just love talking about it with people so if you aren't really into spirituality or you're not really like aware of manifesting or you're not really sure what to do with it I'd highly recommend getting the book make it happen first and this is a book that I got in the works and it was literally five pounds and it's absolutely amazing it shows you all the basic understanding it gives you like questions and like tables to fill out about your goals and stuff like that and it's a really good for getting yourself like that momentum and actually beginning something and that helped me have enough understanding to actually go back to my book and the experience I got from reading asking it as given it's just crazy like I can't even explain the things that I've manifested because it's not always money or nice things like I've manifested and people have came back into my life I've manifested and made sure my dogs okay like it's all about your mindset and if you become aware of it you'll become aware of it because I remember seeing a quote about it and it was like if you say you're going to get to work late you're going to hit every red light if you say you're going to get to work on time and you have the intention you are literally more likely like you to hit the green lights but just test it test the theory test little things and see if it does anything for you but the only time it's mentioned that manifest and doesn't work as if there's something better aligned or it's not the right time and apart from that most of the time I think I have had things work or they've ended up working later down the lines and it's made sense and it makes me realize like why everything does happen for a reason because it all happens at a certain time and I'd also like to mention affirmations and things like that because as I said I was going to say spelling people people who believe in manifest and believe that words are like spellings are spells and that everything you say out loud is what you create in your reality and I kind of personally believe this because the things that I've always worried about when I was younger that have actually ended up happening to me like say my surgery I had cysts in my boobs and I'd always been scared of having surgery and when I had the surgery I literally said to everyone I'm gonna have another one like my other boobs gonna go bad I just know it I just know it but what I didn't realize I was literally manifesting it and then what do you know eight months later the same thing happens and that's another thing with manifesting before I got affirmations I don't care if I'm on a tangent because that's the whole point ADHD is ah fuck what was I gonna say no yes yes it's that so apart from just the affirmations it's to manifest you also have to understand that you have created your own reality you are the reason every bad thing has ever happened to you and if you can't deal with that and take the responsibility you won't ever be able to manifest because you have to accept the good and the bad and that I think I really I think I actually believed in manifesting a lot more because of the negative stuff because I realized like sometimes I say stuff and I'm like oh my god like that that can looks like it's gonna knock over and then it'll knock over five minutes later it's like it's not even little things as well it's like the thing with my boobs like I felt like I manifested that I also got pregnant and I'm not to laugh but I was just it's an awkward thing but I got pregnant it was something I was always fearful of and it was like I manifested it and then I had to go for that experience and it's just just loads of little things like that that car problems manifest in every car that I've had has had bad problems but if you're not if you're not going to be able to accept that you are the reason for your reality like I have had horrible things happen to me in my life like really horrible things that probably weren't my fault like I've been a victim of abuse and things like that but you still have to accept that this reality has been manifested to you and like all of the things that set out for bad experiences to happen because they were manifested and if you can't understand and accept that you're never going to be able to manifest because a lot of people don't want to accept that they are their own responsibility so sidetracking back from that with the affirmations and just a good one for when you are speaking out loud affirmations are really good for creating a more positive life I've done it myself and I am living proof because I have been to hell and back I'll say it as many times as I have to and when I do positive affirmations whether it's before bed or on the morning if I wake up and say I'm gonna have a good day today I'm safe today I am happy today my day goes a hundred percent better because I am creating my reality and I don't really have to explain myself to anyone but I'm not doing this because I'm trying to prove what manifesting is I'm doing it because hopefully some people out there will resonate with these things and will begin that life path because that's all this podcast is going to be about it's going to be about connecting with people and hopefully somebody just taking the information away that they need because I believe I'm a messenger and I'm here to pass messages to people at the right times and I don't need to explain myself so it's not like I'm trying to prove a point to you guys I'm just kind of giving you little tips of how I think I've created the life I have because I bought my own house like I bought my own house I bought my own motorbike for three grand I have got cars I have got creative every creative idea I have come up with I have manifested in life if I thought of something to do with resin or drawing or my bedroom I will manifest it it doesn't just have to be getting a boyfriend or getting these friends or getting physical objects like it can be different things you can manifest yourself just having a better life you can manifest away health problems but I'll probably go into that another day with Reiki because we all have the ability to heal ourselves and same with medical conditions I believe sometimes when we have diagnosis as we create our manifestation worse because I know for me I've got diagnosed with polycystic ovaries and when I've been diagnosed it seemed to flare up and when I've talked about it over and over again I have this I have this it seemed to just be so much so painful I had so many problems and then the minute I ignored it and I just stopped thinking about it it went same as when I had toothache super bad toothache kept focusing on it kept focusing on the pain every day the pain was worse stopped thinking about it ignored it put it back to my head have another pain since a year and a half ago this is the shit I'm talking about and I'm only telling you because I want you to believe because at the end of the day my morals and qualities have been on this earth is to help people and I want to have a good life myself but my main priority is to help those around me and that could be mental health it could be manifesting it could be spirituality like I'm just going to give you the toolbook of what I've done to help my ADHD to help my journey just to help me as a person because these different things like manifesting literally got me out of the biggest hole of my life and like if I can help somebody else out there do that then I will and I am going to start going on longer rants because I'm ready for it and even though I keep getting scared to do these videos and I feel so awkward at the beginning I know it's because it's something new and I need to throw myself at the fear and the fact that I even get nervous to do it just shows how much this is important to me so yeah like if you listen to this it's the same as podcasting man I've been wanting to do this for like five fucking years and then I finally just got the courage and said like even though I was saying to myself I'm ready to do this like I want to do it and maybe I started manifesting it like last year the reason I wasn't doing it is because I knew I didn't believe in myself and I wasn't ready to believe in myself and then one day my mom gave me a massive talk about podcasting and I just knew and now I look back and that wasn't even like that wasn't even December last year that was like December January and now I've literally done three podcasts and like that might be not a lot to some people but to me the fact that my journey's changed that quickly because I decided to do it the same as me going to uni manifesting uni manifesting podcasting manifesting putting paintings up on my wall I even manifested getting back into being a gamer girl and again I didn't ask for specifics I just said I want to be a gamer girl and one day I noticed my boyfriend getting more into his games and he was like oh yeah I'm gonna get this started I'm gonna get that started I'm gonna get Xbox Live I'll download Fortnite and I was sat in the background thinking I don't have to do fuck all I can just sit here and it's all getting fucking put on a dish for me so you can live life the hard way and be negative all the time or you can actually try and do something about it and for me I would rather try and wake up and be positive every day and yeah people say you shouldn't be I'm not saying be positive all the time taking those negative feelings meditate on them like you should be aware of them that's good but just don't let them stick do you know I mean like be aware of your emotions so that if you get a negative thought you can be aware of it and then you can let it go feel it for a few seconds your feelings good or bad well feelings aren't good or bad they aren't negative or positive they are just feelings and they are indicators and your emotional regulation system that is that is your indicator of what is right and wrong if you get good gut feelings go for it if you get goosebumps go for it like you will know by your body so become more aware of yourself like honestly I have become so self-aware of last few years and it's the most the most passionate thing I am to people because I'd love for people to be this self-aware and to be able to realize in your triggers what helps and things like that but I am gonna have to probably leave it at that one boys because honestly for dry-mouthed folk I'm starving and I'm waiting for about four people to walk in the house and set the dogs off again and I cannot be arse-dropping my mic so I hope you've enjoyed that one I know it was a bit different I hope I was a bit more chill I heard a smoke but let me know what you think and what you fancy next maybe a bit of spirituality maybe a bit of ADHD because that is something that's so flaring up for me right now and I can totally relate it's like a million people but yeah let me know what you guys think let me know what you want more of because this is all for you is like I'm just doing this yeah it's a place for me to vent and get my shit out on the table but all my goals are orientated around helping others so if you think I could help you or you know somebody who I could help please recommend them let me know what you want to hear more of and yeah see you all in hopefully not three weeks hopefully a week