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Hear & Follow

Hear & Follow

Frampton PaulFrampton Paul



Frampton Paul shares a practical word live on Truelife Radio. This episode is based on John 10:27 "hearing and following the voice" of the Spirit of the LORD.

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The speaker emphasizes the importance of listening to and obeying the voice of the Lord. They explain that God speaks to us through promptings or a small still voice. They encourage believers to pay attention to the voice they hear deep down in their spirit and to follow through on what God is prompting them to do. They highlight that hearing the voice of the Lord is not limited to a church setting or through pastors and preachers, but is the responsibility of every believer. The speaker shares examples of how following the voice of the Lord can have a positive impact on people's lives. They stress that following the voice of the Lord may not always make sense, but it is important to trust and obey. They conclude by stating that when we hear and follow the voice of God, it is about giving life to others. Well, praise the name of the Lord, and let me say a pleasant good evening to every one of you. And thank you for connecting with me right here on True Life Radio. I want to take a quick moment and just share with you a holy prompting. Hello, this is Dee. How are you doing? God bless you and every one of you connecting with me. Such a blessing, such a pleasure to have every one of you. I just want to kind of encourage you to pay attention to the voice of the Lord. For the most part, many people don't call it that. Many Christians don't call it the voice of the Lord. And the reason they don't call it the voice of the Lord is because they don't know. Many people kind of connect the voice of the Lord to the voice of another person, the voice of a preacher, the voice of the prophet. But I want to just share this with you on today. And I want you to learn that it's very important to listen to the voice of the Lord. So the question may be, how does God speak? God speaks in many ways, many different ways. And I'm not going to go through the whole thing here. But one of the ways I want to highlight is that the Lord speaks to us through promptings, or some would call it the stale, small voice. Let me just get to this. Everything which sometimes people dismiss as, oh, it's just a thought, it's just my mind. It's more than just a thought. It's more than just your mind. We need to learn how to pay attention to the voice that you hear deep down in your spirit. Let me ask you this. What would happen if more believers, more Christians, more wonderful people really not only hear the voice of the Lord, but actually act in it, or what we call obey the voice of the Lord? I want to kind of demystify, I want to make it simpler, because many people make hearing the voice of the Lord so difficult that the common person, or the new Christian, or someone who has not been with the Lord for some time may say, you know what, I don't know how to hear the voice of the Lord. Let me just tell you, you are hearing the voice of the Lord, but you don't know that it's the voice of the Lord. One of the ways that God speaks is that God would quicken you, God would say something to you, something would come into your spirit, into your mind, into your heart, and you would feel the peace of God to follow through on that. Let me give you a scenario. Sometimes someone comes to your mind, and I know we all are busy people, we all lead very busy and sometimes hectic lives, and that's where the enemy usually trips our people, because they are so busy. They are so busy trying to meet deadlines, we are so busy trying to make sure we are on top of everything, that we so many times, hear my heart beloved friends, we so many times miss out on the voice of the Lord. So, the Lord can literally put someone in your spirit, somebody, somebody. It might be your daughter, it might be your son, it might be your mom, it might be your spouse, it might be a pastor, it might be a friend, it might be a co-worker, somebody. And it may simply be to reach out to that individual, to simply reach out. God bless you. Bonsoir mon frere. Bonsoir mon frere. God bless you sir. And to simply reach out. But what happens is that we are so quick to dismiss or to put things off for later. Oh, I will reach out to him or I will reach out to her later. Or I will do this and I will do that later. Let me tell you this beloved friends. The key to hearing the voice of the Lord is not just knowing that something comes into your spirit, something comes to your mind, but following through with that. Can I tell you how many people will be set free? Can I tell you how many people will be encouraged? Can I tell you how many people will be lifted? Can I tell you how many people's lives will be changed if we obey, if we yield, if we pay attention to the voice of the Lord? Many people think that the Lord only speaks in a church setting when the pastor is preaching or live. And after that then, you know, until next time God is going to speak again. There are those who make people to believe that God only speaks through them. This is not Bible. Let me give you scripture for this for those of you who are wondering. Let me give you scripture for this. The Bible says, My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. Jesus speaking to the disciples and he says, one of the things that identifies His people is that the people of God hear His voice. Not only this, but we are identified by the Father because we hear His voice. I am going to say this again. You are not identified because of the church you go to, because of what you do in church. You are identified and I am identified. I am known by the Father because I hear His voice. People around your neighborhood may not know you. People across the country may not know you. People across the world may not know you, but the word is clear. Jesus said, I know my sheep, I know my disciples because they hear my voice. Not only this, but it says, they follow me. In other words, they go ahead and do what I tell them to do. When we really dig into hearing the voice of God, and obeying the voice of God, it will not make sense. Why should you have to call your son that you just spoke to a minute ago? Why should you have to text this person? Why should you have to stop what you are doing and pray for an individual? Why? There are some things that we may not be able to pinpoint in the natural, but when we hear the voice of the Lord, we will follow or we will obey. And sometimes it is afterwards, things are revealed to us, why we were supposed to follow. Why we were supposed to yield and pay attention to what the Father is saying. Let me just say this. So many people nowadays are looking to someone else in order to hear the voice of the Lord. I want you to listen to this very carefully. I believe it is time as believers, as leaders and Christians and pastors and preachers, that we teach or we emphasize, we emphasize the responsibility of every believer to hear the voice of God. You can't say that you are a Christian and you don't know how to hear the voice of God. You may find this to be kind of funny, but it is not. Because there are too many people who say that they are Christians and they are not able to identify or hear the voice of God. Hearing the voice of God is not hearing a prophetic word, it is not hearing a sermon. These things are great, these things are good, but hearing the voice of God is being able to tap in to the nudge of the Spirit, to the instruction of the Spirit, to the things that you would hear the Spirit say. For example, you are accustomed of taking a particular route to work or from work, or to run a particular errand. But the Spirit of the Lord will speak to you on a particular day and say, don't go in that direction, or go in that specific direction. I cannot stress, I cannot overstate the importance of hearing and following through the voice of the Lord. Many people's lives have been transformed because someone was willing to hear the voice of the Lord. Did you get this? Many people, literally, they are stuck in their tracks because someone was obedient to follow the voice. When you are led to pray for someone, when it comes into your mind, because that is what many people say, when it comes into your mind to pray for somebody, don't think about the next thing that you have to do. Don't think about the next appointment that you are trying to get to. Follow the voice of God. You will be amazed that perhaps that individual is really on the verge of causing trouble to himself or herself. And the Spirit of the Lord will have given you that sort of advanced intelligence and spoken to you and said to you, I want you to pray for such and such a person. I want you to reach out to this individual. I want you to say hello. I want you to reach out to them with a word of encouragement. You say, man of God, why are all these things important? Now, I'm taking us to the basics, to the fundamentals. Listen, it's not about the shout. It's not about the noise. There's so much noise and there's so much shout in so many places and I must tell you, many people still don't hear the voice of God. The music is loud, the preaching is loud, there's a lot of energy in everything that goes on, but so few actually hear the voice of God. The Bible says, my sheep hear my voice and I identify them as my sheep. Why? Because they follow. They go in my direction. Going in the direction of the Spirit does not always make sense and I said that a minute ago, does not always make sense to people. Hear me beloved, it's not by accident or by chance that you connect and listen to this word. When you really begin to hear the voice of God, you'll be ridiculed, you'll be criticized. People call you strange, people look at you funny, but when you begin to hear the voice of the Lord, when you're led by the Spirit, you will do the things, the simple things, the silly things, yes, the silly things that people don't endorse, that people don't approve of, that everyone cannot see and these are the things that God will use to turn someone's life around. These are the things that God will use to draw people unto Himself. These are the things that the Spirit of the Lord will use. Are you hearing me? To deliver people from captivity. But we must be willing, we must be willing not to just hear the voice, but to follow the voice. The next time someone comes into your mind or your spirit, you can know, you can know if it's the Lord. Because one of the things about the Lord, the Lord is not the author of confusion. God would not have you to reconnect to something that they have delivered you from. But God will lead you in His timing. God will lead you according to His Spirit. God will lead you. And we need to understand this, beloved friends. Every time the voice of the Lord speaks to us, it's about life. It's about life given. It's about God's protection. It's about God's mercy. It's about God's warning. It's about God's deliverance. It's about God's direction. God uses us as His people to help others to get closer to Him. To remind others of His love for them. So the next time there is a prompt in your heart, the next time someone comes into your mind, the next time you let to do something, be assured that you're not just hearing stuff in your head, but you're hearing the voice of God. Some people often ask me, man, how do I know it's the voice of God? Maybe it's the devil. Now let me tell you this, beloved friends. I don't expect the devil to speak to me. I'm going to say it again. I don't expect the devil to speak to me. Now, you may say, but he spoke to Jesus. Yes, he did. In the wilderness, in Matthew chapter 4, the Bible tells us that after Jesus had fasted and He was hungry, the devil showed up. The devil will show up to tempt you. But the devil will never show up to have you to do something that is meaningful. Something that's going to build others. Something that's going to draw men unto Jesus Christ. I want us to understand this. So, there are people who say, you know, I hope that's not the devil speaking to me. Beloved friends, hear this. If you're one of the sheep of Jesus, the devil should not have no business speaking to you, at least not on a regular basis. At least not on a regular basis. If the devil is always in your ears, there's something wrong. If every time that you hear something in your mind, or you ascribe it to the devil or demons, then there's something wrong. Then you've got to be renewed in your mind. You've got to be renewed in your mind. You've got to be renewed in your mind. And the way that we're renewed in our mind, it's through prayer. It's through the Word. And allowing the Spirit of the Lord to have His way, to take full control of our lives. And once the Spirit of the Lord takes full control of our lives, what happens is that, now we become the conduit, we become the channel, we become that container that God can now use, that God can now speak to, that God can speak through, that God can flow through. I can tell you so many instances. God bless you. Every one of you is connected. Thank you for connecting. I can show you so many instances, and I know you have your experience as well, where you simply listen to the voice of the Lord. You simply did what was in your spirit, what came to your heart. It wasn't a preacher. It wasn't a prophet. It wasn't an apostle. You weren't in a church service. As a matter of fact, let me just break it down for you. You were not even a prayer meeting. You were not in a worship session. There was no worship music playing. Perhaps you were at the kitchen sink doing your dishes. Perhaps you were doing your laundry. Perhaps you were busy in construction. Perhaps you were at your desk doing some filing, doing some computing. Perhaps you were on the top of a roof. Who knows? I don't know. But I'm trying to create, I'm trying to have us understand. Perhaps you're helping your patient, your client. Perhaps you're in the midst of a transaction. Perhaps these were the times that you were diving in and doing so many things at the same time. And the Lord spoke to you. And you can talk about it. You can share your experience and say, Oh, the Lord spoke to me. But you know one of the things, my friends, if I can tell you incidents upon incidents upon incidents, I can pretty much sit back. It's going to take a while. It's going to take a while to tell you of the incidents, of the moments. When I did not call it God. I could not say it was God. But I knew it was God because of the result. Are you with me? Did you hear what I just say? You can know when something is of God or God led you to say this. God led you to do that because of the result. Because of what came out of it. Because of what came out of it. God does not always speak in the noise. He does not always show up in the earthquake, in the fire, in the storm. Sometimes He shows up in the business of a day. Sometimes it's a simple gesture to send a text. It's a simple gesture to send an email. It's a simple gesture to pick up the phone. It's a simple gesture to go around the corner, drive around the corner. Nothing as simple as this. You say, man of God, why are you stressing simple? Because I think our generation is hyped. Our generation has been hyped to think that the only way God speaks, it has to be, it has to be high energy. Not that there is anything wrong in high energy. It has to be loud. It has to be several decibels loud. No. No. No. And all the lights flickering and the smoke and all of that stuff. There is nothing wrong in that. If you got this, that's fine. But I want us to understand that the voice of the Lord, the voice of the Lord, if we're opening up, we'll hear the voice of the Lord and we'll follow that voice. We'll hear that voice and we'll follow that voice. Something as simple as, you know what, send this email now. And you're looking at your time and you're looking at your watch. I say, no, but I don't really email anybody at this time. You know, and sometimes we've got to be respectful of people's time. I understand that. But sometimes the Lord is saying to reach out to a person now. Now I'm not asking you to go and, and blow up anybody's phone now. I'm not asking you to call everybody. I'm not asking. That's not, that's not the message. The message is hearing the voice and obeying the voice. We've got to stop. We've got to stop ignoring the voice of the Spirit. Some people are depressed. Some people are oppressed. And it's the voice of the Spirit speaking to you that would actually lead them out of their depression. Oh, I would to God that the people of God would become so sensitive to the Spirit of the living God in that way. Not when the music is playing, but when there is no music. Sometimes when you're really busy, sometimes when you're very occupied, sometimes perhaps you're at a dinner table. And that is why I said this earlier. When we follow the voice of God, it sometimes doesn't make sense. Because imagine that you're at a restaurant and you're having this wonderful meal with some friends, and then the Spirit of the Lord speaks to you. Most people would be, most people would say, you know what, I'm busy now. I'm actually doing something now. I'm right in, you know, I'm right in the moment having dinner with friends and family. And I'm not asking you to break your routine. That's not the intention of this session here. I'm not asking you to violate your schedule. I'm not asking you to remove your boundaries. But here's what I'm asking you to do. I'm asking you to do what Jesus said to the disciples in John 10 27. He said, My sheep hear my voice. I identify them. I know them because they hear my voice. But not only this, they follow me. It's not enough to say that you're a Christian. It's not enough to say that you belong to such and such a church. It's not enough to say that you're a reverend, you're a doctor, you're a pastor, you're a prophet. It's not enough. It's not enough. I said it's not enough. What is most important or most significant is that we follow the voice of the Father. My heart actually is yearning. My heart is longing for a people, for a generation, for those of us who understand that God still speaks in the cool of the day. He still speaks in the still small voice. He's still looking for people who that he can speak to between the 9 to 5 or 8 to 4, whatever your work schedule. God is still looking for people that he can trust as emissaries, missionaries, as ambassadors. Not ambassadors by name, but ambassadors because we follow him. Because we follow through when his voice speaks. Oh, glory to God. I want to pray for every one of you who is connected. Every one of you who is actually listening to me. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Everybody, some of you may be at work, some of you may be resting from a long day, whatever you're involved in at this time. I want to pray for you. And that prayer is that you would pay attention. Hallelujah. I'm sure when I remember a couple years ago, I was in the city, Manhattan to be exact. And I was going about my day. And yes, my day was really hectic, very, very, very busy. And it came to me that I should reach out to a particular man of God. And I just interrupted my schedule and I stopped whatever I was doing. And I reached out to him. And his response was, it was so shocking when I called him, because he was dealing with something, the very moment that I called. And he said to me, it's as if he did a doubletake and he looked around, he was wondering if I was in his house. Now, he was not in New York, he was in another state. Yeah, another state. And I reached out to him, because I did not only hear the voice of God, but I followed. Now you may say, you know what, this person was your friend. And he was a man of God. And I understand. And here's what I'm saying. The individual does not have to be a friend. It does not. That person does not have to be. But definitely, in most cases, it may be someone that you know. But in some cases, it may not even be someone that you know. It may be a total stranger. The key to hearing and following the voice of God, though, before I pray for you, is this. You've got to know that it's the Spirit of the Lord that is directing you. Did you get that? Because you don't want to do things of your own accord. You don't want to do things just because you heard someone talk about it. You want to do it because the voice of the Lord has spoken. Let's you obey. Hallelujah. I'm going to pray for every one of you at this time. Thank you for connecting. Thank you for being a part of this. If this one has blessed you, I'm going to encourage you to share it. That's all I'm asking, to share the session. Hit the share button. Someone is going to be blessed by it. Let us pray. Father, I thank you for your people. I thank you for your word that you deposited in my spirit to share with your people. I praise you that your word declares that as your sheep, we hear your voice. We hear none of you, and we follow. I pray for those who are a little bit in doubt about how to obey the voice of the Spirit. I pray that this would be a help. You're not asking your people to preach. You're not asking them to do all of that stuff. You're simply asking them to do the very simple things that your spirit would direct them to do. Father, I know sometimes the things that you'd ask us to do, ask your people to do, they may be difficult because they may be out of the comfort zone of your people. But you did not call us to a place of comfort. You called us to a place of growth, a place of enlargement. So now I pray that the minds of your people would be open. Hallelujah. The minds of your people would be stretched. Their spirit would be ready. Someone on this session would not only hear this, but they would obey. I thank you that your people are no longer restricted to the voice of a man or woman. They're no longer restricted to a location as a church setting or conventional conference or seminar. But now they understand clearly that you can speak at any time, under any circumstance or situation. And you're willing to use us. You're willing to use your people if we're willing to obey. Father, you would amaze us of the intelligence, of the advanced intelligence that you would release to your people as you obey. I pray that as your people obey in the first few instructions that you give them, hallelujah, that you will trust them with more in the name of Jesus, that they will hear you more, that they will move, they'll be more ready to follow instructions that you've given. Because you can only trust us with more when we're faithful in the few. So I pray in the name of Jesus that your people will begin to move in your direction as you give instructions, as you prompt them, as you speak to them, as you tell them things maybe that don't even make sense. But yes, you're using it for your honor and for your glory. I pray in the name of Jesus that your hand be upon every person. May they come forward in the ability to hear your voice, hallelujah, glory to God. May every person on this session come forward with a strong ability to hear the voice of the Lord. I pray from today that we would move away from ignoring the voice of the Spirit. Because someone, a situation, an organization, a ministry, a business, someone, a nation is relying or depending on our obedience to follow your voice. Somebody, somebody, somebody, a child, a nephew, an in-law, a spouse, a parent, a pastor, a doctor, a co-worker, somebody, someone's life is connected to obedience. Someone's life is connected to our ability to hear to your voice. So ears are open, hallelujah. Our ears are open, glory to God. Our minds are ready. You will speak to us, glory to God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. You'll continue to speak to us and your people will move, will move as you speak. In the strong, the mighty, the powerful name of Jesus we pray this prayer together. Amen and Amen. So I thank God for you, every one of you connected at least. I see some of you in the chat right here. Hello Vilna. Hi Shirin, God bless you. Michelle, Sister Lewis. Hello, that is, hello cousin, Madeline. Yes, God bless you, Ephraim, God bless you, glory to God. Hello, God bless you, Sister Mav Williams, happy birthday to you, glory to God. Praise God. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Hey, Kellen, how you doing sis, God bless you. Thanks for connecting, glory to God. Hallelujah. I'm trying not to miss anybody. Hallelujah, glory to God. Thank you, everyone. God bless you, Apostle, Apostle Ken, God bless you, praise God. Hey, Ria, good to have you. Good, thanks for connecting, praise God. All right, so if this has blessed you, I want you to just share it, share with somebody. Amen, share with somebody, praise God. It's amazing what's going to happen if we'll hear the voice of the Lord and do what the Lord says and simply do what the Lord says. Oh, glory to God. You need the permission of the Holy Spirit and He has already given you permission. Hallelujah. If the Lord releases me, maybe I'll do a second part to this, but for now, that's, that's, I'm going to stop. Thank you for being with me. Thank you for connecting. All of you wonderful people, God bless you. Until next time, I say, shalom, shalom. That is my prayer for you. Bye-bye for now.

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