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How critical reflection leads to growth

How critical reflection leads to growth

Jeremy DeedesJeremy Deedes



Critical reflection fosters personal growth and change in the same way that stories, which mirror the reflective process, change the world.


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The transcript discusses the importance of communication behavior and personal development. It mentions attending events, making different choices, and reflecting on experiences. It emphasizes the importance of asking "what's next" to continue growing and finding meaning in life. The transcript also compares self-reflection to a story's structure and highlights the transformative power of storytelling and personal growth. Helo, drwy'r wybodaeth ddiwethaf, a chroeso i'r cyfleoedd gweithredu ar gyfer 26 Mawrth 2023, ynghylch sut mae ymddygiad cyfathrebu'n ymwneud â'r grwpiau. Fe wnes i ddod â rhai ffrindiau'n ystod y 20-maeth ychydig ymlaen ym Mawrth, o'r Osmoddolaeth i'r Llyfrgell ym Mawrth. Roedd y cerddoriaeth yn dda, ac ar ôl hynny, ym Mawrth, siaradwn am ein cyflawniaethau. Rydyn ni hefyd wedi siarad am sut y gallwn wneud pethau'n wahanol ymlaen trwy ddechrau'n hynny'n gyntaf, gwneud ymddygiadau gwahanol i'r pwynt dechrau, cyrraedd barau hybrydol a phwy. Yn effeithiol, roedd hyn yn ymddygiad cyfathrebu'n clasig, yn siarad am beth a oedd yn iawn, beth a allai ei wella, a sut i'w wneud yn well ymlaen. Mae cyfathrebu cyfathrebu'n bwysig i ffwrdd mewn datblygiad personol. Ond, heb strwythur a rhaglenion, mae'r ymddygiad yn gallu bod yn ddysgwyr a'n golygu'r eu hunain, ac yn ymddygiadu'r ymddygiad eu hunain a'r ymddygiad eu hunain. Mae'r ymddygiad cyfathrebu'n bwysig i ffwrdd mewn datblygiad personol. Mae'r ymddygiad cyfathrebu'n bwysig i ffwrdd mewn datblygiad eu hunain. Felly, dyma rai cwestiynau ddysgwyr i'ch helpu i ddysgu a datblygu o'ch profiadau. Beth, felly beth, beth nesaf? Dechreuwch gan gofyn, Dechreuwch gan gofyn, beth nesaf? Dechreuwch gan gofyn, beth nesaf? Dechreuwch gan gofyn, beth nesaf? Dechreuwch gan gofyn, beth nesaf? Dechreuwch gan gofyn, beth nesaf? Dechreuwch gan gofyn, beth nesaf? Dechreuwch gan gofyn, beth nesaf? Dechreuwch gan gofyn, beth nesaf? Dechreuwch gan gofyn, beth nesaf? Dechreuwch gan gofyn, beth nesaf? Dechreuwch gan gofyn, beth nesaf? Dechreuwch gan gofyn, beth nesaf? Dechreuwch gan gofyn, beth nesaf? Dechreuwch gan gofyn, beth nesaf? Dechreuwch gan gofyn, beth nesaf? Dechreuwch gan gofyn, beth nesaf? Dechreuwch gan gofyn, beth nesaf? Dechreuwch gan gofyn, beth nesaf? Dechreuwch gan gofyn, beth nesaf? Dechreuwch gan gofyn, beth nesaf? Dechreuwch gan gofyn, beth nesaf? Dechreuwch gan gofyn, beth nesaf? Asking finally what next leads to growth, development, resolution and forgiveness if necessary. The question helps you move on and gives meaning to your life as you use your experiences to benefit others. Self-reflection is the mirror of the story. You should not be surprised that this critical reflection process mirrors a story's structure. Stories change the world and similarly self-reflection changes you. At its simplest, a story has a beginning, a middle and an end. The first part of a story usually sets a scene, lays out the ground rules and includes an inciting instant, a trigger for adventure and change. The middle of the story is usually about the challenges you face and how you overcome them. It is about the people you meet, the skills you learn and the false assumptions and mistakes you make. It is often about overcoming your faults and weaknesses and mirrors so what. The middle is the messy unstructured bit where change and transformation take place. The final part of a story tells of your ultimate successful failure. However, a good story takes it further and describes how your learning has changed and transformed your life. Critical reflection fosters personal growth and change in the same way that stories which mirror a reflective process change the world.

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