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Oh my god, nope. That was really awful. Oh my god, but you sounded so good in that song. I know, right? Anyways, welcome back to like the first episode of... Ghost Hunters! I'm Jessany, and this is like Jennifer. This is like episode one. And in this episode, we're revisiting the past. So, as Jessany said, today we're taking a trip down memory lane. We have like a crazy tell-all interview with the first ghost we like ever caught. How are you guys? We haven't seen you in forever. G'day, mate. Howdy, partner. Yee-haw. So like, introduce yourselves. Who are you? Well, I'm Haggle. I'm a Texan man. And I'm Hart, from the land down under. Aww, you guys! So like, take us back to the moment we first met you. What was it like from your perspective? Well, mate, it was a pretty normal night. I mean, I was haunting this old pub, just minding my own business. And I was out on the farm, just doing what ghosts do, you know, haunting the old barn. And then like, we showed up, like right here. Yeah, you two came in with your fancy gadgets. At first I was like, this is some kind of joke. Um, I reckon I thought the same, partner. Y'all were talking in them funny accents and whatnot. Oh my god, we were like, totally serious though. We had our ghost facts 3000 and everything. Like, right? We had to, like, make sure we were prepared. Yeah, well, you two rolled in with that big old vacuum cleaner and started pointing it at us. I thought y'all were crazy. Next thing I know, I was sucked into that darn machine. And that must have been like, totally wild for you guys. Wild doesn't even begin to cover it, Sheila. I was flabbergasted, darling. One second I was spooking around, the next I was in some kind of ghost prison. So, like, what happened after we captured you? Well, we dragged us back to the idiot studio. Y'all were asking us all kinds of questions, like we were on trial or something. We were just being trained to understand you guys better. Yeah, well, it felt pretty impolite this night. OMG. Boss, we didn't mean to make you feel like that. It's alright, sweetheart. I reckon y'all were just doing your job. Aw, thanks, Haggles. That means a lot. Yeah, it really does. We just wanted to, like, bridge the gap between the living and the dead or whatever, you know? Well, I guess you are a lot of doing a bloody good job of that. Ain't no hard feelings, doll. We know y'all meant well. OMG, you guys are, like, so fast. So, like, do you guys have any tips for other ghosts who might get captured? My advice? Just go for the flow, mate. There's not much you can do once you're in that vacuum. And if y'all find yourselves in the same situation, just remember, these girls ain't trying to hurt you. They're just curious. Aw, thanks, guys. That's really sweet, but, like, we haunt you, babes. How can we let ghosts run around? Three minutes. Oh. Go now to GhostHunters.com for ghost hunting equipment and more. Now, for $300 million, buy seven, get one free. Wow, what a steal. And it's completely battery-operated. Go now! Batteries not included. TNC apply. Welcome back to this episode of Ghost Hunters. We are interviewing Huggles and Homes. There's a beeping sound. What are you talking about? There's a beeping sound, Sheila. There's not a beeping sound. I don't know what you... What is that sound? Don't be so dramatic. It's nothing. It's that little machine beeping, darling. Yeah, because you're here. Mm-hmm, yeah. It's a ghost detection device. And it works. We've got two ghosts in the building today, and our machine is pinging up the goddamn chart. No, no, girls. I'm so sorry. We're crazy. Yeah, it's like Melba and Mia dropped to negative degrees in a matter of seconds. What in the scampidia? Oh, my God. I totally nodded real Huggles and Homes. Like, do you guys feel anything? Mate, there's a chill in the air, like a dingo's got my toes or something. Partner, this ain't just a regular old spook. This feels like a full-blown haunting, y'all. OMG, Bennifer, grab the Ghost Trap 2000. We need to, like, contain this energy. On it, babes. This thing is, like, way heavier than it looks. Let me give you a hand, darling. Cross your mind. This thing's a real beast. Okay, like, on three. One, two, three. What is going on, Sheila? Can you hear me? I've never seen anything like this in my whole life. What's the exorcism chant? I can't even remember. You can't get rid of me. I am the absolute bomb. You shall never before me. Hell, now I hit her in the head. No, you can't do that. You'll hurt Daphne. Silence. You cannot expel me so easily. Why, the perils. Damn it, Sheila, I don't know any chants. It's time for a showdown. I don't know what to do. We just need to, like, I don't know, talk to it. Fear not. I am a Texas man. If there's anything my mama taught me, it's that we never give up. You? Ha, you were caught by these hemishes. Actually, we have, like, our own ghost store of metal chains, only $2.99. Release the host, you evil spirit, or face my wrath. Begone. Begone! Oh, come on, Haggles, you're not even giving it a red hot crash. Maybe we can, like, negotiate with it or something. Negotiation? You are amusing, but I crave more than mere words. I want to be known. To be feared. I think you need just that, Sheila. Then if it's crying again. I'm not. I just live desperately. It's so sad. I demand more. A monument to my power. If there's anyone that we'll be making a monument of, sweetheart, it won't be you. Yeah, get back in the box, ghostie. I will never give it up. Words will never conquer me. I am eternal. Oh my god, what is this? That's an old chant book. It can exorcise the demons. Look. Oh my god, I feel like so clever. Yeah, alright, blondie, give it a crack then. The sooner we do this, the sooner we can get rid of its smell. But I don't know how to do this. I don't even know what we have to... Give it here. It's time for you Americans to learn a thing or two about hard work. Spirits of the past, we call upon thee. Release this soul. Set the host free. By the power of light, we banish the night. Leave this body. Flee our sight. It didn't do anything. Let's try another. Ancient ones, here I plead. Break these chains. Let the host be. With the strength of pure, we cast you out. Be gone, dark spirits, with a mighty shout. In the name of peace, in the name of truth, we command you now, release this youth. From shadow to light, from dark to bright, we banish the night. From dark to bright, we banish thee now, into the night. No! Oh my god, what happened? Did I mess something? Oh my god, Jessamine, you were like possessed by an evil ghost. But it's okay, because I got you out. Actually, we got you out. Yeah, Blondie, you sat in the corner and cried. I saved you, Jessamine, and now you're safe. This darn treatment is inexcusable. But he saved your behinds. And yet they're the one that caught us, ironic, innit? I'm just, like, so happy to be back with you so we can finish our interview. Yeah, like, that whole ghost-possessing-you thing is, like, so dramatic. But it's so great to just sit here and talk. Yeah, so, like, we have to ask you guys. Oh. Oh? Where did they go? Like, oh my god, they put themselves back in the ghost box. Wow, you guys, they just knew that we'd have to, like, do it later. And it's so much work to do it. Aw, that is so sweet of you guys. So that's, like, all for our ghost interview. Thank you for listening. We hope you enjoyed this episode. We hope you enjoyed this episode and interview. In the next episode, we'll be hunting down the ghost from the Axe Murders who has been tormenting people for years. Yeah, and that's, like, totally going to be a rollercoaster. So make sure to listen. And that's all from our Ghost Hunter podcast, episode titled, Haggles and Homes. We'll see you next time.

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