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Seeing in the Dark: The Unseen Work of Love (Hebrews 10:10)

Seeing in the Dark: The Unseen Work of Love (Hebrews 10:10)

Wistler Charles



This message explores Hebrews 10:10, highlighting God's appreciation for our acts of love, even the unseen ones. It encourages listeners to find opportunities to show kindness and compassion to others, knowing that God sees and values their efforts. The message emphasizes that good works are a way to reflect God's love, not a way to earn favor.

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Hebrews 10:10 tells us that God sees and remembers our acts of love, even the small ones. We should shine our light and look for opportunities to show kindness and compassion. Even if no one else sees, God does and values us. Our good works are a response to His love, not a way to earn it. So let's keep shining our light, because every act of love matters to God. Hey everyone, welcome back. Today's verse is a hidden gem. Hebrews chapter 10 verse 10. It offers a beautiful truth about the things we do for God and others. Let's turn the page and see what it tells us. Imagine working hard on something you care about but no one seems to notice. It can be discouraging, right? Well, Hebrews 10 verse 10 assures us that God isn't like that. The verse tells us, God is not unrighteous so as to forget the work and labor of love. This isn't talking about grand gestures. It's about the everyday acts of love He shows. Helping us on the street, volunteering at a soup kitchen, simply being kind to someone having a tough day. These are the labors of love that God sees and rallies Here's the encouragement. Sometimes doing the right thing can seem unseen. This verse reminds us that God sees everything, even the quiet acts of love that happens behind the scenes. So how can we embrace this unseen work of love? Shine your light. Look for opportunities, big or small, to show the kindness and compassion. Focus on others. When you help someone, you're reflecting God's love in the world. Trust in God's sight. Even if no one else sees your good deeds, know that God does and He values you. Remember this my friend, God doesn't forgive. Hebrews 10 verse 10 isn't about earning brownie points for God. Our good works are a response to His love, not a way to buy it. But this verse offers a beautiful comfort. The good things we do, big or small, are seen and remembered by a loving God. So let's keep shining our light, even in the dark places. Because in the eyes of God, every act of love matters. Thanks for joining us today. If you have any questions, or want to share your own experience of unseen acts of love, leave a comment below. God bless, and see you next time on our podcast.

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