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Gurjit Smagh



Importance of music in Early Childhood Education.

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Music plays a vital role in early childhood development, enhancing various skills and preparing children for school. It stimulates intellectual, social-emotional, motor, language, and literacy development. When combined with movement, music promotes holistic growth. Children naturally enjoy music and connect with it physically, emotionally, and cognitively. Teachers can create an environment that exposes children to different types of music, instruments, and cultures. Music can also be incorporated into play-based learning, using drama to create engaging stories and deepen understanding. It is important to allow children to explore music in their own way, fostering their creativity. Ultimately, music is an essential part of early childhood. For a normal person, the definition of music is the art of producing pleasing or expressive combinations of tones, especially with melody, rhythm, and harmony. In early childhood education, this definition is more broadened. Music ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness, including intellectual, social-emotional, motor skills, language, and overall literacy. When music is added with movement, it brought holistic development in a child. Some children enjoy music to relax their mind. For some students, it's the movement of their body. When a child enjoys music, then it gives them a lifelong memory. Yeah, when I was a child, I enjoyed going to music class. I loved dancing on music rhythm, and I enjoyed music from different nationalities. Children naturally love music, whether it's soft, soothing, or it's lively tone. Children feel the music physically, emotionally, and cognitively. It depends on a teacher how they set up the environment. Children can see music from different perspectives. For a child, it could be a cultural thing as well. I like music because I learn about different instruments. Some of those instruments come from different countries, so I learn about different cultures. Moreover, music can be used for daily routine and traditions. The people who advocate for a play-based learning, they feel that music can be used in the play-based learning as well. For example, the conceptual play world ecology talk about five steps to set an environment for a play-based learning. One of the steps talks about drama creating a story, because they believe that when you convey the message to students through drama, then it stays in their mind for a longer time. We can use music to make the scene more dramatic, so it will help them to learn about any story in a deeper way. In order to teach about the music, we don't need a separate music studio in an early childhood setting. Children have a natural ability to develop musical skills, so we should let them explore the music in their own way. A teacher can create an environment where they can display the music instrument, but the student can choose to play with them in their own way. By doing this, we will not be killing their creativity. They have full right to be creative. In the end, music is a life of early childhood.

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