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Hand Full

Hand Full


The whole world is in the palm of His Hand. What He holds together, stays together. Isaiah 40: 10-13, Isaiah 41: 10.

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The speaker is excited to be back and share God's message with the listeners. They talk about the importance of personal experience in understanding and teaching God's word. They introduce the topic of the sovereign righteous right hand of God and explain that the Holy Spirit is the hand of God that rules and carries out His work. They emphasize that the Holy Spirit dwells in believers and empowers them to do what God can do. They discuss how God's hand is able to do the impossible and encourage listeners not to be afraid or discouraged because God is with them and will strengthen and help them. They also mention that the hand of God stitched together the colors of the rainbow as a covenant of His mercy and that what God holds together, stays together. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! People of God, praise God! It's a joy and a privilege to be back again this Sunday evening, bringing God's Word to God's people. It's always a privilege, it's always heartwarming to be able to just go into the Word and search the Word and study the Word in order to bring something fresh and something impactful to God's people. Because as I do this, I am blessed, I am refreshed, I grow even by learning and preparing to bring this Word to God's people. It's not something we take for granted at all because we know that this is a place of covenant and God is a God of covenant. As He has said He will do, He will do. There is a purpose and an assignment for these recordings and we take what we do here very seriously. Last Sunday, we had to go out of station and so we couldn't record last Sunday, so this adds to the excitement of being able to come back today and bring God's Word. Today, I am going to talk about a subject that is very dear to my heart. This is because the manifestation of this truth, the truth in this subject, is very easily the central focus of the life of a believer. This subject is actually dear to me and close to my heart because of personal experience, personal encounter. And you know, like most believers know, if you have walked with God for a little while, you find that when God reveals a certain aspect of Himself to you, it becomes so ingrained in your heart, ingrained in your experience that you can't shake it and then it becomes easier for you as a teacher, as a believer, as a preacher to preach on that particular subject because now you have had a personal encounter with God. You have come to truth, to the knowledge of the truth for yourself. You know now for yourself and such is this subject for me. I know now for myself and I have titled my message, Handful. Handful. That's the subject for my presentation for our discussion this evening and I will be speaking on the sovereign righteous right hand of God. The sovereign righteous right hand of God. Holy Spirit, I thank you. I thank you for your help. I thank you for revelation. I thank you for intercession. I thank you because you will touch my tongue tonight and help me to speak even as the oracles of God. I thank you because even as I speak, you will take me outside of my notes and you will bring me into the truth of what you would like me to speak about tonight. You will teach me how to speak, what to speak and you will land this message on the wings of angels and you will take this message to willing hearts and willing ears so that lives will be transformed tonight. I pray that even as I speak tonight, my life will be transformed. Help us to understand the truth, the truth of the word of God. Let your light shine even more brightly to us tonight that we might see the hand of God and see God even more clearly tonight in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. And so my text for this evening, I have two passages of scripture that we're going to look at tonight. My text, the first one, comes from the book of Isaiah, Isaiah chapter 40 verses 10 to 13. So that's Isaiah 40, 10 to 13 and we're going to support this text with another text, Isaiah 41 and 10. So right now we're looking at the book of Isaiah chapter 40 verse 10 and I read, the Bible says, Behold, the Lord God shall come with a strong hand and his arm shall rule for him. Behold, his reward is with him and his work before him. He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will gather the lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom. And gently lead those who are young, who have measured the waters in the hollow of his hand. Measured heaven with a span and calculated the dust of the earth in a measure. Verse 12 again. Who has measured the waters in the hollow of God's hand? Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand? That's the hand of God now. Who has measured heaven with a span and measured, calculated the dust of the earth in a measure? Who has done any of that? Weighed the mountains in scales. Who has weighed the mountains in scales? And the hills in a balance. Who has weighed the hills in a balance? Who has directed the Spirit of the Lord? Or as his counselor has taught him? So the Bible is posing questions here. The Bible is asking questions. Verse 12 and 13. Asking pertinent questions. So in verse 10 we can see that the strong hand of God rules for him. And the reward, his reward is in his hand. Verse 12 is asking some serious questions. Who has measured the waters in the hollow of God's hand? Where is the human being that has measured the waters? The waters referring to the waters of the earth, the seas, the oceans, the waters of the earth. They are all in the hollow of his hand. Who is it who has been able to measure all these waters, the oceans, the rivers, the seas? They are in the hollow of God's hand. And who has measured these waters? Who has measured the heaven with a span? Meaning that the heavens are also in the hollow of his hand. Who has been able to measure the waters? Who has been able to measure the heavens? And who has calculated the dust of the earth in a measure? Meaning that the earth is in the hollow of his hand. Who has weighed the mountains in scales? Who has weighed the hills in a balance? Who has done all of these things which are in the hollow of God's hand? Who has directed the spirit of the Lord? Or who is the counselor able to teach the spirit of the Lord? Who is able to instruct the Holy Spirit? Or who is able to teach the Spirit of God the path of justice? Who taught the Holy Spirit knowledge? And who showed the Holy Spirit the way of understanding? Who is it that has done any of this? This is now verse 14 actually. So, just by reading our scripture tonight, we see the enormity. The enormity of the hand of God. And some of us might still remember the old Sunday school song that goes something like this. He's got the whole world in his hand. He's got the whole world in his hand. He's got the whole wide world in his hand. He's got the whole world in his hand. As childlike as this song might sound, it's exactly right. Exactly true. And going by the word of God we just read, going by our text today, God has the waters of the earth in his hand. God has the heavens in his hand. God has the earth in his hand, the mountains, the hills. God has the whole of humanity in the hollow of his hand. As mighty as the universe is, it fits snugly in the palm of his hand. It fits snugly in the hollow of his hand and God does not feel a thing from carrying the weight of the world. If we go back to our text, verse 10 of our text, the Bible says, Behold, the Lord God shall come with a strong hand and his arm shall rule for him. His arm shall rule for him. The hand of the Lord is strong and powerful and there is no weight he cannot lift. There is no weight he cannot carry. That thing that weighs you down and seems so impossible as a situation for you, because you have done all you can do, you have tried all you can to get up from under that weight and you can't. You are right. You are absolutely right. It is an impossible situation for man, but for God it is nothing. It is impossible for man, but for God it is nothing. There is a limit to the strength of man. The Bible says the arm of flesh shall fail. There is a limit to the strength of the arm of man. What can you carry? What can you do really? We are limited by flesh. We are limited by our states. Of humanity being in the flesh. But the hand of God rules for him. The hand of God doesn't fail. And this verse 10 of our text in Isaiah 4 shows us that the hand of God is strong and his arm rules for him. Almost trying to tell us that the hand of God is a completely separate entity. Doing the work of God for him. The hand of God is an entity on his own. Doing the work for God. Ruling for God. The arm of God governs on his behalf as a representation of God's authority over all things. So it follows then that the hand of God is his agent. He is the agent and rules for God. Going by the word of God. So who is this hand of God? Who is this agent ruling for God as his hand? The Bible also has the answer. Verse 13. The Bible says in verse 13. The Bible is asking who has directed the spirit of the Lord. Or as his counselor has taught him. The Bible is telling us that the hand of God, the agent through which God rules is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit of God is the hand of God who rules for him and executes the directives of God in the affairs of men. And this Holy Spirit the Bible tells us dwells in the believer. The Holy Spirit of God dwells in the believer. The Bible says greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. So the Spirit of God who is the hand of God by whom God rules over all things dwells in us. This is the Spirit of God who raised up Jesus Christ from the dead. He dwells in you, he dwells in me and he is the arm of God through whom God rules. So if this Spirit of the Almighty God who raised up Jesus Christ from the dead dwells in your mortal body and dwells in my mortal body. This means that you and me we are all filled to capacity with the Spirit of the Sovereign God. And we can do everything the Bible is saying that the hand of God can do. Because what you can do is determined by what you are filled with. The power that fills you determines what you are able to do. By design God has designed us to be able to do what he can do. Because the Bible says in the beginning God created the male, man and woman. And he created us in his image. If we are created in the image of God that means by design God has made us to be like him, to do like him. And now he has given us his Holy Spirit to empower us and activate us to rule as he does. Because the same arm that rules for God dwells in us for a purpose. What is that purpose? To rule. The purpose of the Holy Spirit in us is to rule. So the Spirit of God is given to us to rule for us as he rules for God. Everything that the Bible says God can do. Everything that the Bible says Jesus can do by the power of the Holy Spirit we can do. Because the same Spirit that does for God and does for Christ dwells in us ready to do for us as he is commanded. So what that tells me is if the Holy Spirit of God can raise the dead. Because the Bible says the Holy Spirit raised Jesus Christ from the dead. The Holy Spirit of the Living God raised up Jesus Christ from the dead. And the Holy Spirit is still raising men from the dead now. Raising businesses from the dead. Raising marriages from the dead. Raising dead situations. Raising opportunities. Raising children. The Holy Spirit is still doing all of these things. And he dwells in us. If the Spirit of God can raise the dead so can we. If the Spirit of God can raise dead situations so can we. By the power in the name of Jesus Christ. If the Spirit of God can heal the sick, set captives free so can we. By the agents of the Spirit of God working as the righteous right hand of God. But the question is do you know this? As a believer do you know the power that lives in you? Do you know the power that is at your disposal? Do you know that the hand of God is on standby waiting to be instructed by you? Waiting to be recognized. The hand of God is waiting on you to manifest and exhibit the sovereignty and the almighty power of God. You see the truth is and this is it right here. That thing that seems so out of reach for you. That seems so impossible for you. It's actually quite accessible. It's actually accessible to you. Why? This is why. The whole earth is in the hand of almighty God. All of creation is in the hand of almighty God. Including you. Including that thing you are reaching to get. That seems so far away from you. The whole of creation is in His hands. And God like a master puppeteer. God is able by divine orchestration. God's orchestration is able to move one into place and move another into its place. And suddenly what seems so impossible is achieved by the power of His hand. By the power of His hand. At one glance. At the hollow of His hand. Imagine you have something in your hand. Maybe you have, you know those little toys that children have, those miniatures. Imagine you have some miniatures in your hand. In the palm, the hollow of your hand. Maybe you have five miniatures in your hand. When you take a look at your hand you can see all the miniatures. But the miniatures, they seem so far away from each other. And they are not moving. So they, in their mind, they don't realize that maybe the company that they need. Imagine that one of those miniatures is a male and the other is a female. They are looking to be married and one of them has been praying for a partner. And the partner is not very far away. But because the miniature can't see, the miniature thinks that the partner, that wife, that husband, is so impossible. You can't, you feel lonely. You're thinking, oh, will I ever be married? Will I ever be happy? You're looking for a business partner. You're looking maybe for some success or you're looking for financial breakthrough. And because you can't see it, you don't realize that you're a miniature in the hand of God. And when God takes one glance at the hollow of His hand, He sees you. At the same time, He sees what you're looking for. At the same time, He sees everything that your heart is desiring that seems so unachievable to you so far away. But God can see everything and everyone He created at the same time. All in the palm of His hand. God rules over all things. He knows where everything and everyone that He created is. He doesn't have to go looking for us. His eyes are upon us as we go to and through the earth. God's eyes are following us. Now, our support text, which is from the book of Isaiah, chapter 41, which says, Isaiah 41, verse 10. Isaiah 41, verse 10 says this. Fear not, this is the Lord speaking now. Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. Yes, I will uphold you. How? With my righteous right hand. This is the Lord speaking to us right now. There is someone within the sound of my voice and you're almost giving up. Weary and faint. You are maybe even at the point of suicide. And you're thinking that help will never come. I'm going to read this scripture to you again. And as I read it, I want you to personalize it and realize that God is speaking to you. The Lord is saying, fear not. I, the God of all creation, I am with you. Be not dismayed. I, the only true and living God who fights to win, I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. This is the word of the Lord to you tonight. God is speaking to you. And there is a reason. There is a reason the Lord tells us not to be afraid. God is saying, fear not, for a reason. And that's because He knows that in ourselves, as humans, in ourselves, our abilities are limited. And because of this, we can get overwhelmed. And we can begin to think that we are powerless. Because of the enormity of life sometimes, the enormity of certain situations that we might face, situations so big that we begin to collapse in despair. Because we know that in our own strength, this is an impossible situation. We feel helpless. God knows this. That's why God is saying, fear not. Do not be dismayed. Do not be discouraged. No matter what the situation, I remain a God. And there is nothing I cannot do, says the Lord. I am God of all flesh, of all creations. And I am with you. I don't care how bad the situation seems to you. You are not alone. You are not alone. That situation, yes, it's true. It's a bad situation. For man, it's bad. But I don't care how bad it is. The Lord is saying to you right now, I don't care how bad it is. Right now, I, God, I am with you in that situation. You are not alone. You cannot see God with your naked eye. But God can see you. Why? Because you are right there in the palm of His hand. He doesn't even have to go looking for you. His eyes are on you. And God is saying by His word, Isaiah 41 verse 10, God is saying, I see you. I will strengthen you. I am with you. I will help you, says the Lord. Whatever help you need, when you need it, I will get it to you. Wherever you are, I will find you. And that's because I already know where to find you. I know where you are at all times, the Lord is saying. The eyes of the Lord are upon you. Right there where you are. His eyes are on you. I see you, says the Lord. Someone listening to me now, maybe you walked away from God because of disappointment. Maybe you've been hurt and burned and stung. Maybe even in the church. Maybe someone who used to be so on fire for God. You've walked away now, looking, trying other things, trying, reading all kinds of literature, trying other religions, looking for God in all the wrong places. Why? Because you've been through something. And maybe you are going through something. And you're thinking God isn't there. God isn't there. But God is saying to you, I will strengthen you. When you are weak from life's battles, I will strengthen you. I will let you fight. I will not hold back the fight because you need the fight. God doesn't hold back the fight from his children because we need this fight to be strong. We need to fight to grow. We need to fight. So God isn't going to hold back the fight. You are going to fight. But when you get weak from fighting, God will strengthen you. When you get weak from the battle, God will strengthen you and right on time too. When you get knocked down from fighting, you won't stay down. God will pull you up, back on your feet. God will hold you up so you don't fall again. God will uphold you. How? By his righteous right hand. The same hand that shut up Noah's Ark. And no man could open the Ark until God was done and ready to open the Ark. The Bible says, the hand of God. God shut, he closed the Ark. He closed the Ark. The hand of God closed the Ark and the hand of God opened the Ark. This is the hand that stitched together the colors of the rainbow. At a covenant after the flood, the hand of God closed the door of the Ark. Because it needed the hand of God only to close the Ark. Because if the hand of man closed that Ark, remember the flood. That door would have opened and humanity would have perished. Posterity would have been wiped out. It took the righteous right hand of God to close the Ark. And it took the hand of God to open the Ark. This is the hand after the flood that stitched, sewed together the colors of the rainbow as a covenant of his mercy. And since he did this, no power anywhere, no devil in hell, no demon from the pit of hell has been able to separate the colors of the rainbow. Why? Because the hand of God stitched together the colors of the rainbow. Question! Have you ever? Have you ever seen the colors of the rainbow separate? Since God tied the bow in the heavens, have you ever even heard that one day, someone looked up in the sky and the color blue was standing on one side? Because you know, even the sun in an eclipse slides over the sun. As great and mighty as the sun is, the moon slides over the sun. And there is an eclipse. But have you ever heard that the colors of the rainbow, you looked up one day, the color blue was standing aside, the color red standing to one side, the color yellow standing to one side. No! That has never happened. It will never happen. Why? The reason is clear! What God holds together by his hand, stays together by his hand. There is no power anywhere, there is no hand anywhere, that can separate something that God holds together. Once the hand of God is at work for you, the hand of God holds it together and that is the hand at work for you. All powerful hand of God, ever ready to protect you, ever ready to fight for you, ever ready to defend you, ever ready to provide for you, ever ready to bless you, that is the hand at work for you. But do you know, do you see his hand? His hand, the hand of God is full of power, ready to move on your behalf. But do you know this? Do you know that you are in the hollow of his hand? While you are going up and down the world, going to all the wrong places, going where you shouldn't go, some of you are covenant children. When you were born, you were dedicated to the altar of almighty God and God entered into a covenant with you, entered into a covenant with your parents, that he will never leave you, he will never forsake you, that his hand will be upon you and he has never left you, he has never forsaken you. He has never forsaken you. Just like when his hands sew together the colors of the rainbow, his hand is upon you everywhere you go. I'm sure even sometimes as you go to certain places, you see the manifestation of the hand of God. Why? Because God is a covenant keeping God. The way his rainbow remains in place as a sign of his covenant, that is how his hand remains upon you. That is how the hand of God remains on his people, the believer, by covenant. Everywhere you go, the hand of God is on you. The hand of God is with you. The hand of God is carrying you. Today, my prayer for you is that you will take your place in the hollow of his hand because everything you seek, that you will ever need, that you will ever desire, is already yours, near by you. You can't see with your eye because you are limited by time and space as a human being. But in the realm of the Spirit, you are in the palm of the hand of God. What you are looking for is right there in the palm of God also. And the only one, the only sovereign being who can bring about a divine connection is God himself. Everything you seek is already yours, right next to you, right there, in the palm of God's hand. And I trust and believe that the Holy Spirit of the Living God, by his hand, the hand of God, will locate you today and bring you back into your place in the hollow of God's hand so that you can enjoy intimacy with God. And you don't keep looking for what you already have. God is waiting on you. The Holy Spirit of God is waiting on you. The Spirit of the Living God is waiting on you. Amen. I feel very strongly that the presence of God is here waiting to locate some people and to just help us to find our way back into our place in the hollow of God's hand. And so tonight, Holy Spirit of God, I thank you. Father, I worship you, almighty God. I thank you for this word, this timely word, this word that is so precious and brings such great light. I pray tonight, Holy Spirit, that your word, the word of Ulam, will be light onto someone's path tonight. That someone who is lost out there in the world looking for God in all the wrong places will see the light, will hear this word, and this word will become life and become light to lead such a one back home into the hollow of your hand. My Father, I pray, this week as we go out, let your hand, your sovereign righteous right hand go with us to direct us, to protect us, to defend us, to provide for us, to be shelter for us. Let your hand, with all things in place, hold us together this week. Withstand the enemy for us this week. Open up the heavens, the windows of heaven onto us this week. Every need that falls during our life, let them be met this week. Let your hand lead us to destiny this week. Everyone believing you for one thing or the other, your sovereign hand already has us all in the same place. You can see us all by a divine orchestration of the hand of God, by the move of the Holy Ghost. Let man meet woman, let flesh meet flesh, Lord. Let provision be made available to everyone in need. Above all, I pray for a refreshing and fresh anointing. Let your wisdom, your grace, your favor come upon all your people as we go out in the world this week. I pray this in the name of Jesus and amen. Amen and amen. Thank you, Father. Well, people of God, it's been a wonderful evening with you. We will meet again next Sunday if Jesus tarries. In the meantime, be blessed.

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