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From Generic to Genetic Uncover your Superpowers through genetic analysis, create a happier healthier life, guided by your unique genetic makeup. Create the best training regimes for your body to gain long lasting results and make the best Lifestyle choices for you. Fran

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FXM Life Architects is discussing the importance of understanding your unique genetic makeup when it comes to exercise, training, mindset, and nutrition. They have partnered with MyDNA, a team of qualified scientists and health coaches, to analyze genetic data and provide personalized insights. By understanding your genetic makeup, you can make better choices for long-term health and wellness, including finding the right workout regime and nutrition plan. Knowing your genetic makeup can also help minimize injury risk and optimize recovery time. It cuts through the overwhelming amount of conflicting advice in the health and wellness industry and allows for sustainable behavior changes. Overall, understanding your genetic makeup is key to achieving the healthiest version of yourself. Good morning and welcome to the FXM Life Architect podcast. How are we all this morning? It's a very, very cold morning here in Melbourne, but if you've been up and at it, then this is for you. FXM Life Architects, we like to shake up the landscape a bit. We really like to make things a little bit different. We like to be the pioneers, the innovators, and what we're bringing to you today is we're talking about going from generic exercise, training, mindset, nutrition, to genetic. Now you might say to me, what's that, you know, we've been doing all this training, but this is about creating specific training just for you. Every single person has a different genetic makeup and held within those DNA, within those makeups are very, very different stories of how we all react. If you like, the lifestyle secrets are held within our DNA. If you've ever sort of scratched your head and said, oh my God, like this isn't happening for me, but you couldn't just work out exactly why some people have a diet that works for them and some just don't. Well, you're not alone and the secret of this is that every single person from a health and wellness aspect, everything is different. Every single part of the, every single part of your DNA makeup actually creates a different template, a different blueprint for what you need to do. Now, the truth is there actually is no one size fits all approach to health and wellness. The unique DNA and the unique genetic makeup really does need to be taken into account. And here at FXM, we've been looking at this for a while now and really looking at how we can upgrade our training, how we can upgrade everything around your lifestyle choices. Because when you do have an understanding of why you make lifestyle choices and how they affect your overall health and wellness, it really gives yourself the best chance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle over the long term. So I can hear you say now, okay, so why should you, why should you trust what we say? Well, we've teamed up with MyDNA and they are a team of highly qualified scientists, researchers, and health coaches. The CEO was a former oncology doctor, so together they have around 120 years of actual combined experience and they've analyzed 5,000 plus peer reviewed, reviewed academic papers to really remove that trial and error. So it's not really, it's not really that surprising that, you know, some diets work for some people and not for others. And by diving into the long term health and wellness that can be derived by analyzing your genetics, this really starts to uncover a really, the really powerful insights that reveal, you know, what's best for you, whether it's your workout regime, whether it's your nutrition, but also, you know, the things that actually keep you free from injury. Your genetics can even show you how you can minimize your injury risk during exercise. Now that's got to be pretty good, hasn't it? That's got to be a pretty amazing insight to have as to what you actually need to do to stay happy, healthy, and injury free. So, hey, that's three hacks that are well worth knowing. One of the things that the health and wellness industry, I think, have always been known for is the new fads, the things that come out, the things that, you know, that are the thing of the moment. Oh, yeah, everyone gets into this, everyone gets, and then where's it gone? You know, months, years later, you haven't heard again about the thing. We know the risks of yo-yo dieting. We know the risks of, like, high-intensity training continuously, so, you know, if you want to stop getting sucked into those short-term fads, you know, did you know there are five particular genes that can help you to make better choices and stick to them over the long term? Now, wouldn't that be interesting to actually know those and then be able to work with that really detailed information? You know, there are wellness tricks that you can implement immediately, again, based on your genetic makeup, but all of them will lead to a healthier and happier you. So, going back to nutrition, now, there are four particular genes that empower you and help you understand why some diets work but others don't, and those are based on appetite, they're based on, you know, whether you're more susceptible to sweet foods or savory foods, whether you work more from a snacking perspective, and, you know, all of these genes, which is the FTO gene, have the strongest relationship with body size and risk of obesity. So, that would be pretty good to know, wouldn't it, where you are on those genes? You can look at your fat burning and weight genes, the ADIPOQ gene, which produces the hormone adiponectin, and that's involved in fat burning and helps control energy levels. So, there's so much more information to know about that, so much to actually understand from a genetic makeup, and then you've got the MTIF3 gene, which has been linked to increased body size, which is measured as the BMI, but it also reveals to you whether, once you've actually lost weight, how you store it and whether or not you're going to keep it off once you've been through your nutrition regime. And then you've got fat storage, the PPARG gene, which will reveal what your body does with any excess calories you consume. Now, that's an incredible one to actually know because, as we all know, where do excess calories store? They store in the fat cells. So, when you start to look at these, everything that is analysed, and what we're looking at, is analysing 60 different markers within your genetic makeup to give you a really, really informed insight into how you can achieve maximum benefits for your unique DNA, and this we can show through personalised genetic insight. Are you excited yet? Because I am, and I think this is the future of how we train, going from generic to genetic and really understanding and uncovering that powerful genetic insight that reveals which is the best insight for you and the best workout regime for you. So, your genes play an amazing role in which exercises and workouts actually give you the best results. So, you can follow everything, you can follow that influencer in the gym who's got the great big muscles and does everything, but that may not be the best use of your time. It may not be the best use, you know, if you may not, your natural abilities and genetic strengths, when you get the information from your genetic makeup, it will then allow us to help you to build your actual genetic strengths, leverage your body's natural abilities, and give you the best workouts and the best fitness regimes that we can to help you to actually create the results that you want. We can look at muscle power, muscle strength, muscle energy, endurance, and if you didn't think you could run, I know I didn't, I didn't start running until I was about 42 and then realized that, oh, I can actually do this. So, was it my genetic makeup, but it was my mind, it was everything else that actually didn't help me down the route of being able to run. It was what I told myself, I can't run, whereas in fact, my body was perfectly capable of running. It was my mind that had told me that that wasn't something I could do, until it became something that I wanted to do, because I worked with a group of women who I really got on with, who I loved, and we trained every day, we did marathons, we did half marathons. So, you can do it. If I'd known my genetic makeup back then, then maybe years before I would have started running, because I wouldn't have listened to that, to the voice in my head that said, you can't run, you can't run, because I actually could. So, you know, there are three genetic hacks, which are essential to peak performance, optimal recovery, and whether you're training for your next event, whether you're going to look at doing, you know, whether you're looking at doing marathons, or hiking, or, you know, being part of a sporting team, maybe in high rocks, or, you know, whatever it is, whether you're a dancer, a fitness jockey, or you're just getting started. Understanding your body is as important as the training itself. So, when you can gain a better understanding of your genetic makeup, then we can improve your training regime, we can move it, we can change it, we can adapt it, and we can guide your preparation, your training, and obviously, then also your recovery. We're big on that. You know, here at FXM Life Architects, our core values are mindset, nutrition, recovery, community, and these things are so important. It's about making those healthy lifestyle choices. So, when we throw in the genetic makeup, we're then able to minimise injury risk, optimise recovery time, and just improve your overall fitness regime. Now, how amazing will that be? So, everyone's about living a long, healthy, and happy life, and again, from your genetic makeup, we can actually go through, cut through the overwhelm of all of the conflicting advice that is out there. Everything that surrounds health and wellness today, that is just about, you should do this, you should do that. Fads come and go, and they're often targeted at those short-term results that aren't ideal for change, and they're certainly not sustainable. So, when you want to look at that long-term, when you're looking at six months, 12 months, the rest of your life, about creating a sustainable ability to create the healthiest version of you, so that you feel and look great, that you're happier, that you're healthier, your genes reveal the choices that are best for you, and make it easier to implement long-lasting behaviour changes. So, this isn't just about showing up at the gym. It's about how you show up. It's about the training regime. It's about the recovery. It's everything that you need. Now, don't even start me on sleep. Now, who doesn't want to know how to get a better sleep? I'm one of the lucky people. I can literally get into bed, bang, I'm gone. How do you know whether your own sleep behaviours simply just don't make sense? Are you a morning person, an evening person? How much of your sleep is fragmented? All of these are connected to specific genes. And then let's talk about heart health. How many people do we know that think they're healthy, that may have just run a marathon, and then for whatever reason, massive heart attacks? Make more empowered health choices when you understand your genetic makeup. Now, the genes that are identified during this process can reveal how well your body processes omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids. And you may discover you need to add more to your diet to help with brain function, skin and hair growth, as well as physical development and reproduction, and the balance of blood triglycerides and cholesterol. All of these things are identified in the 60 markers that we'll be testing for. One of the most important things, one of the things that I see every day when new people come to the gym, and sometimes people that have been training here for a long time as well, is energy levels can change. And there are super simple tricks that you can implement right now to feel like the best version of yourself. You know, there's a few healthy changes that will help right away. We know that water is our lifeblood. At FXM Life Architects, we really suggest to you that, you know, three to four litres a day will increase your energy levels. It will definitely affect your different aspects of brain function. Nothing works, your body does not work when it's dehydrated. So replacing those high calorie drinks with water can reduce your calorific intake, but will overall enhance your physical performance, increase your energy levels, and just improve how your brain works. So it's vital to drink enough. Sufficient sleep. Well, we've just talked about that. You know, sleep is one of the most important things. Sleep deprivation has the largest impact, not just on your energy levels, but also on impulsive eating. Studies show that sleep deprivation is associated with the increase in hunger hormone and a decrease in different hormones, which is why people who sleep deprived feel hungry and struggle to lose weight. So shift workers, these are the kind of things that can affect. And then you've got the whole stack of vitamin Bs and how they play a role in your well-being. You know, different foods. Your genes, of course, impact the way your body stores and transfers B vitamins. And it's just one of the other things that you can learn through the DNA process and the DNA markings. There is so much. There is just so much time that can be spent in going through and really understanding how when you're armed with the knowledge of how your genes can impact so many aspects of your daily life, then isn't it just a no-brainer to actually start to look at how your health is impacted, but more so how you can improve your health by going from generic to genetic. My name is Fran Harper and I'm coming live today from the FXM live podcast here in Melbourne. Can't wait to see you and look forward to seeing you on our next podcast. Bye.

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