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Texas Yogurt Shop Murders

Texas Yogurt Shop Murders

Bonnie Malone



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Welcome to Wicked Within, I'm Bonnie and I'm Stephanie and today we are going to talk about a case that's technically unsolved, it's kind of nuts, a Texas yogurt shop case but we haven't been here for a while so we can catch up a little bit on some like nothing really current events that I want to talk about to be honest because I can't think of anything right now truth crime wise that's just like blowing up so big but yeah and I don't know we've had a few stuff come out but yeah nothing of like huge significance we have some things going on here or what I don't know just work's been crazy work has been crazy dude no look I had some guy call the other day and he said um I need to speak to so and so and I was like um well and I can tell from my phone that they're on the other line you know and I'm like well he's on the other line right now do you want to hold or or you want his voicemail do you want to hold and then when he gets off the phone I'll put you through to him and he was like I don't really like either one of them I'm sure and I'm like well I don't really like you right now because what do you want me to do about that like okay bye like he was just being people were just being mean last week I think it's because it's getting real real fucking hot yeah people are sick of it oh I had and they are being grouchy as fuck I had somebody call me the other day and like all the things that we do are to protect you we don't do anything maliciously where we're just sitting in our little air-conditioned bank cubicle like got them no we don't we do this shit to protect you so if you ever have to call customer service at your bank just be nice yeah there's no need to tell me that you feel like a child having to call me and ask me to spend your money well honey we insure what we can insure that we make sure and that is that that's why there's a limit to what you can spend on your debit card that's kind of you know industry-wide that happens I do understand that some other places have a higher limit than we do cool yay for them not us yeah this is one of the many reasons why I'll be finding a new bank well there'll be a limit on every card you get just going forward so you know we don't just make these rules up at our facility we do this um it's kind of an industry thing you know that's how we protect you and shit but whatever do whatever you want to do there's no call here being shitty to me about it right I don't make the rules I just enforce them okay and it sucks I get it but I don't know and another grouchy yeah another thing that I will say too is if you are actively doing your job probably not the best time to call your bank to get that limit raised I'm just saying and then complain to me that you're actively doing your job and having a call and get no you can wait till you get a break or something wait here till seven okay so just calm down breathe a little bit you know drink some water it's hot maybe you're dehydrated I don't know but don't come for me I'm hot too damn it yeah I don't know it's just been nice I'm so tired yeah actually my brain is like and then as a parent you you know summertime comes and you got to figure out that like we're looking at our calendar the other night just as a family you know our little family calendar that I didn't know that we had that my boyfriend keeps in his phone because he's magnificent like that and um you know there's not a weekend that we don't have shit going on yeah which is my least favorite thing to do ever when it's hot outside is have shit going on on my days off because it's hot I don't want to be outside but it's summertime you got to entertain the children and do things and you know now the kids are wanting to go to friends and can I go over here and can I go no you can sit your ass at home in the air conditioning wherever yeah but I get it you want to have fun and make memories and blah blah oh and then Samaya you know my daughter will turn 16 in January so now she has decided that she wants to have a sweet 16th birthday party but what she didn't know is I've been planning for this day since you were born okay you know like I've always wanted to do something kind of bigger for her 16th birthday a little bit different you know like the you rent the venue you have the ball or whatever but now this little heifer wants in on it and I'm like no ma'am you don't get to have any say like no but she's like making boards on Pinterest and like she's already started the playlist and blah blah blah and she's like what if we get a band I'm like what if you get a job I don't know if you know how expensive this shit is but so it's just like every day oh you want to know what I'm no I don't I want you to shut up it's fucking six months away I want you to give me time to find a damn venue so we're looking now no we already have well now Jeremy's clued in so he you know Jeremy's the research guy he does all the research and I'm just not a researcher like I don't like I mean I do research I will say I do research a lot of shit but it's like how many heads did Jeffrey Dahmer have in his house at the time of his arrest right not what is the best venue for my price for this group of people I don't care about shit like that I'm not good at that if it's something I'm interested in I'll fall down rabbit holes till three in the morning if not then I'm just sitting there like like a child make being made to do something they don't want to fucking do yeah I don't like it I don't like it either but we've had so now we're into summer we've had hot the hottest weather um like so hot that Jimmy Fallon was talking about it apparently yeah way to go Adeline San Angelo for reaching that new high um and what else not really I guess that there hasn't been much talk about stuff going on in Texas maybe because it's too hot for people fucking around yeah it's already hot I told everybody stop complaining about the damn rain I'm like stop complaining about it because in a month when it's 110 fucking degrees outside you're going to be wishing it was raining right and I heard that we're getting another rounds coming around yeah I think so yeah I know it's okay rain please yeah and just don't blow hail through my house that's the size of pineapples or what did you see in Texas somewhere they had pineapple sized hail I've never even heard of that in my entire life pineapple size like spongebob was fucking around or something I don't know what was but the most disturbing thing about this is you know you know as a Texan when it hailed but it's like record-sized hail that you've never seen you got to take a fucking picture with it right I saw an article going around and they were like I don't know what they're dropping out of the sky you know conspiracy theorists think that chemtrails control our weather and shit well now after I saw this I'm like huh maybe there's not much okay so they tell you that hail is ice right but it was this big huge block of fucking hail they had melting in their sink for like eight hours generally it's gone by then it still looked the exact same did you see it no but I've seen people set it on fire yeah like what the fuck is that that's plastic bro that's what they're doing with all the water bottles yeah no I don't know plastic would burn though I don't know it's a weird shit dude and then I don't know if you've seen videos of them like 3d printing lettuce have you seen this shit like they literally are 3d printing lettuce and selling it like and I didn't I didn't believe it okay like I really did not believe it Jeremy showed me and they like the way that they do it they 3d print it with something that's edible but then this guy just like puts it in this like a water bath after all the leaves are printed and fucking puts it together makes it look like I had a lettuce yeah but it's not really lettuce if you're 3d printing it with something that's just edible right what does it taste like it tastes like lettuce bitch what are you talking about I don't know I don't know again I didn't research it was a little bit fascinating I'm not even 3d printed anything okay but I didn't believe it I'm like yeah right bro but then the other day I get a lettuce we I had a lettuce right and you know everybody that buys lettuce knows you bang that little piece at the bottom and you just pull that shit out tell me why I bang that bitch to pull it out and it just literally annihilated that little thing into a thousand small pieces of 3d printed lettuce all over my feet it had to be 3d print that thing would not come out there was no core and I'm sitting there like beating the hell out of this lettuce and it is just pulverizing that piece that little round piece right there pulverized it into a bajillion gross little 3d printed lettuce pieces all over my feet I'm not kidding you it was the most bizarre thing I used to run a pizza place we sold burgers we I dealt with heads of lettuce I banged 47 heads of lettuce a week on a counter like that took that core out split my lettuce up yeah you know what I'm saying this shit was fucking I and I'm in there like piss I'm like what is happening right now and I'm just slamming that shit and she's like what are you doing and I'm like come look at this shit babe literally that thing was still intact in the middle of that lettuce and just all around it looked like a crime scene like I'd beat the hell out of it with a baseball bat or something did you cut it open finally cut it off it wouldn't you can't like you can't get you know like usually you can just dig your hand in there rip that shit out that was not happening no I just peeled that lettuce off and said it's my only Jeremy because we were having hamburgers and he's the only person that eats lettuce on his hamburgers oh he ate it yeah he ate that shit he don't care dude he's like fuck it it tastes like lettuce I need a greenhouse so crazy though I didn't do a garden because we just haven't had time to do what we need to do to get it ready you know what I mean well yeah and so and then it just got too hot and so I didn't get to do one this year but I'm gonna need a second greenhouse that's what I want to do it down there where my little garden area is where my pig used to be and turn it into a greenhouse you can do it relatively cheap yeah yeah so anyway well anyway so yeah grow your own food because they're modifying that fucking shit was nuts dude I was pissed too I'm like damn it because Jeremy usually deals with the vegetables like that when we have hamburgers because I don't eat it he likes it cut real thin and shit I don't cut well I don't have good knife skills my knife skills look like a beginner um knifer or something I've been using a knife for 41 years and I don't know how to use one properly but that day I was like you don't have to worry about it Dave I got it for you I'll just smack this head of lettuce around it'll be fine it was not fine it was crazy anyway so now we'll talk about this um it's not a perfect segue but it is a yogurt shop so there's some truth okay so first of all I want to say this is a terrible story and I do want to say that the coolest name for a yogurt shop though honestly because it's called I Can't Believe It's Yogurt is the name of the yogurt shop and if you've heard I mean if you listen to True Crime I'm sure you've probably heard the Texas yogurt shop murders I know that people have done huge dives into this because there are it's technically unsolved but there are arrests made in this case that turn out later to you know be overturned and things like that we'll definitely get to it but that's a whole nother like you know just like the West Memphis 3 and shit like that like it happens a lot I didn't dive deeply into it we'll touch on it we'll we'll find out what they were charged with how it was overturned things like that but like there's so much like they beat the shit out of these kids to get this fucking confession out of like it's nuts it is truly nuts so um it happened in Austin Texas on December 6th of 1991 which can we just can I just say stop committing crimes in December like why you ruin the whole month of people that is like the happiest month for most people Christmas is coming and like the world loves Christmas right like don't do this to people if you gotta commit if you have to commit crimes do it in the summer it's fucking hot everybody's mad anyway but leave the Christmas times alone don't do shit at the holidays it's terrible it's terrible because then the holidays come and they all so every holiday from now for the rest of their entire lives okay they're only going to remember that that's something happened to their loved one on this day in December 10 days before Christmas or because that's how you always hear it like two days after Christmas instead of saying like December 27th people say two days after Christmas or like I have my dad's biological father and I've said it this way since he passed away he passed away four days before Christmas when I was 10 years old it was the worst Christmas of my life yeah and I think that like this was beginning of December okay and anybody that has grieved somebody they know like the first or the worst that's what we say the first time you have to do something that is significant in your relationship with that person for the first time without them yeah that's the worst it doesn't get easier from the first time but I'm saying just that gut-wrenching feeling that you know you have to do this without that person for the first time so that first Christmas would be worse anyway yeah but the fact that their first Christmas was 19 days later that's still so much you know they didn't even have Christmas this year I promise you that because I mean you just can't I don't know maybe they did maybe they went on as a family and we have to do this I've seen I've followed that story and again I'm trying not to sidetrack too much but I'm still following that story out of Baird where those three kids were killed in that car accident I know a lot of people from that area so a lot of people are sharing information and you know they are looking for some justice in that case again I'm not going to go into it at some point I will talk about that but for now there's just so much still up in the air there's so much being said that I don't know what all is exact truth yeah but just watching these people grieve this whole community is grieving so in Austin in 1991 it's not I mean it's not Baird Texas you know tiny Baird but this is still a community that's fully affected so this didn't just affect four like four families it affected an entire community and it's sad anyways okay so on around midnight a police patrolman reported a fire at the I can't believe it's yogurt yogurt shop and when the fire was under control the firefighters discovered four nude bodies inside and through investigation it was discovered that these bodies belong to 13 year old Amy Ayers 17 year old Eliza Thomas 17 year old Jennifer Harbison and Jennifer's 15 year old sister Sarah Harbison which it's not enough to lose one child I cannot imagine losing two of them right any yeah I cannot okay so Jennifer and Eliza were the only employees of the yogurt shop but Sarah and her friend Amy so Jennifer's yep Jennifer and Eliza are the 17 year olds and then Amy and Jennifer had been shopping at the mall and they came and stayed at the yogurt shop with the girls while they closed and then because Sarah and Jennifer are sisters the girls were just going to ride to ride home with Jennifer and spend the night together and and the shop closed at 11 and witnesses did say that about an hour before 11 a man tried to hustle customers that sat in his queue and was permitted to use the bathroom in the back okay so I don't really know what all that means but I guess that he wasn't a paying customer he was just in there trying to probably get money yeah they let him use the restroom the restroom's in the back so they theorized that maybe he opened that back door and left that back door open while he was using the bathroom they don't know again all this is theories because they don't know and and a couple who left the shop just before 11 when it and like when they were leaving Jennifer locked the door so they're leaving right before 11 Jennifer goes behind them locks the door but while they were doing that there were still two men in the restaurant sitting in there and the only thing that they had had were drinks and the way that they just oh they said that they were just sitting at a table acting secretively so you know that's just eyewitnesses yeah whatever so all of the victims have been shot in the head execution style and at least one of them had been raped a 22 caliber gun and a 380 pistol were used in the crime police and investigators believe that the perp went out the back door because they found the back door unlocked it was an organized method of operation so they came in they they did separate them I mean most of them were found together one girl was separated from the group all shot execution style one of them raped and then the whole building was burned down after they left so that is a very organized method of operation because it's a lot for four teenage girls like what did they do to you right so like like I'm saying that the ability to control all four but to me it sounds like there were at least two people because there's two different types of guns being used so it led the police to believe that they were adult perpetrators because no teenager or you know somebody in their age group is going to be this fucking organized yeah unless they've done this before and then we have a different issue um there is dna but it's from an unknown man as the result of one of the rapes it says so it did definitely say that one of the girls was raped I don't know if by that statement that there might have been thought that there were more than one I don't know but a y chromosome match for the perp's dna has been found in an FBI research database but it has not helped identify the person based on the law of anonymity anonymity anonymity anonymity anonymity anonymity anonymity for donors and because thousands of men could bear that fragment of dna so when the girls were found sarah's hands were bound behind her back with a pair of underwear and she's been gagged and raped so sarah had been gagged and raped jennifer wasn't bound but her hands were behind her back eliza had been gagged and her hands were behind her back um and amy was severely charred but she was found in a separate part of the shop so her body was burnt um but 25 to 30 percent of her body had only received second degree burns and very early third degree burns so she didn't die from being burnt I mean they were all shot and dead but her body lets them know that wherever she was at that's not where the fire started because her body wasn't as damaged by the fire um and she was found with a sock like cloth cloth around her neck she had been shot just like the others however the bullet missed her brain she also had a second bullet which had caused severe damage to her brain so the first one missed and I guess they shot her again because she lived through that first one which is just a terrifying thought to think about and it's that that bullet exited through her cheek and her jawbone so I mean like besides the fact that their bodies were burnt even if they had just found them it's a devastating way to be shot because they were all shot in the head yeah the initial investigation produced a large number of people of persons of interest among them a 15 year old who was caught with a 22 caliber gun but that gun was not established as the murder weapon in a nearby mall days after the murder although his initial interview gave promising information detectives determined he was trying to beat the gun charge and eventually eliminated him and three petty criminals he named a suspect all of them were under the age of 17 okay so they interviewed this kid they figure out that he's just trying to beat this gun charge it can't be him they let him go now and several years later in 1997 a new detective on the case theorized that the 14s from 1991 were credible suspects the four teens that I just said that were interviewed yeah they decided well it was one teen being interviewed and he named three of his buddies yeah he decides that these are credible suspects in a I mean what to me feels very much like an execution yeah okay what we're about to find out well we're not really ever about to find out I don't think I don't think we really it never ever really says why he felt that way um I guess something like this 14 you know now it's been what six years they're dead nothing's happened there's no movement in the case a lot of times you just get tunnel vision and you reread this interview and you're like well shit he knew this and this and this and it's always when somebody new comes in because they want to prove a point right they want to try to get this shit so I'm going to solve that case yeah I know like I don't know if this is a sheriff's department or just a I think it's just a regular police department but like a lot of times with the sheriff's department you have to run to be sheriff it's an elected position so a lot of times that will be their promise on these elections is that you know this case has been open for 35 years and I will make sure that it's there's resolution to it blah blah blah and then they just start grasping at fucking straws because there's nothing yeah we the people would rather you take your time and do what you need to do to catch you as the fuck it really is instead of just well because then more lives are ruined yeah you arrest people they spend years in prison oh and just wait it's so fucking crazy dude because most of the time they are compensated for that yeah when they are falsely accused and they go to prison they're convicted they go to prison they come out they get some kind of settlement these kids did not and I'll tell you why and it is fucking insane to me because there's DNA in this case so here's the reason one I mean we'll get to it I'm not telling you yet and so in a in a string of investigations conducted by various detectives confessions were obtained it says they weren't given they were obtained which that wording to say it that way lets me know everything I need to know about those confessions right now right there are not credible confessions if you have to obtain them in a way that is it's crazy and for some of the suspects they said all four so their names are Robert Springsteen Michael Scott Maurice Pierce and Forrest Wellborn had participated in the murders and so there's no record of what was said during the 1991 interrogation I guess interrogation so I guess eventually they interviewed all these kids in 1991 and so it made it possible to to know if they had supplied information to the suspect or if they just knew the information that they gave during their confession so they're just reading this shit on paper and they're saying things in there that make them sound plausible for this crime based on the information that they know but there's no recording of what information they're getting from the detectives and you know when a detective is wanting to solve a case they'll be like so did you shoot her and if you shot her then where did you shoot her at yeah and then they'll be like oh well they were shot you know in the head or whatever and of course probably a person is going to think well they're all dead so if they were shot they were probably shot somewhere that kills them quickly so I'll pay the head yeah you know and so anyway there was no information Robert Springsteen and Michael Scott confessed to the crimes in 1999 they both would later recant their statements and say that the reason for their statements were coerced so just two of them two of them confessed while all four men were implicated in the crime the charges against Pierce and Wellborn were dropped but Scott and Springsteen would go to trial so now there are just two of them the two that gave confession and the charges against the other two were dropped so now two people there was no hard evidence against these two men and just mostly their self-incriminating statements that they've already recanted and said that they were coerced into giving by like having guns put in their face and like yeah just crazy shit they were interviewed for hours hours and they're yelling and screaming and putting guns in their face and saying all this crazy shit to them and like now they're in their 20s but they're still fucking young you know what I'm saying like I'm probably thinking like tripping because they let them go right in 1991 and now you are back saying we did this right and now they're probably maybe I mean you know maybe they've been to the yogurt shop before and they're like well fuck they have something that says that we were there or whatever you know you don't know and they're nervous and you get anybody can be persuaded young can be you can gaslight motherfuckers and be like you did this yeah you did this we know you did this all we need you to do is tell us that you did this well if you know motherfuckers improve that shit how about that how about that and anybody would be nervous going into a interrogation room yeah don't fucking bring you know what they're talking about you know what don't bring me in an interrogation room okay do not I will fucking I will melt down and I'm sure I'll be like what do you want to know I don't even know but I'll I'll tell you whatever you want to hear find out yeah you want me to go in do something I got you whatever you need yeah don't wear a wire yeah what no no because I don't want them to make me unbutton my shirt and there I am you can't get in fast enough like now can you just make it can I get some glasses that have a little camera in them I've seen them yeah I already wear glasses can you just put a camera on these bitches anyways they're anyways they're 20s they're still very yeah they're young and right okay so Scott was sentenced to death at his trial in 2001 and Springsteen was sentenced to life in prison in 2002 because he was 15 at the time of the crime is the only reason why they didn't go for the death penalty so now one of them who was 17 I think at the time of the actual crime okay first of all the initial investigation told you that it was adult perpetrators I get it there's 17 year olds out there that would be like I am an adult no the fuck you're not okay you're not at 17 years old I don't give a shit who you are you have no concept of what adulting even looks like at 17 fucking years old I know I have a 15 year old she's fucking clueless you know what I'm saying like they don't know and but yeah because he was 15 at the time of the crime he did not get life I mean he got life in prison he just didn't get the death penalty and so there were many problems with the case a detective had held a gun to Scott's head during a multi-day oh so multi-day interrogation and another detective admitted to withholding key information for more than a year that all but ruled out Pierce's gun as the murder weapon oh my gosh how in the fuck does this happen and then whenever they tell you that they did it there's a statute of limitation of one year on that shit no you arrest this motherfucker and you make him culpable for that like what the fuck oh by the way oh btw now you have these two boys in prison one of them's on death row okay if something happens and he loses all of his appeals he would have been executed an innocent man yeah okay like by the way I withheld this information that proves that that gun did not shoot those it happens all the time it does and it's so fucking no and whenever you find that I mean I'm sure that there was something that happened to this man but I'm sure it is also the equivalent of me making my child stand in the corner when they draw on the fucking walls with markers or something you know what I'm saying yeah it was not enough for people to rethink doing this shit because this was in 1997 and that shit still fucking happened yeah so and another big factor in this case was the confrontation clause okay so this gets a little bit confusing I'm going to do the best I can again I'm not a lawyer I'm not an expert I think I got a pretty good handle on it if it confuses you I'm sorry but the confrontation clause is part of the sixth amendment and that is where you have the right to confront your accuser okay that's where this comes into play so that means that in order for them to use testimony against you that person must appear in court and be cross-examined in court because that's the only way that you can confront your accuser okay in court is it like you have to be able to that's your right so cross-examination is that confrontation okay so your lawyer on your behalf is confronting your accuser like by cross-examining them in court so that in this case the prosecution used the statements of each person against the other person in court but did not bring them in as a witness and put them on the stand so because of this confrontation clause in the sixth amendment that's grounds for an overturning not overturning but a re-examination where you may go back to trial you know where they like vacate your this conviction and send you back to trial yeah like it's an appeal that's the only thing you need to win to appeal this is that so because they did not bring them into court and make them be a witness against that person in court but they introduced their statement right as like evidence against this person that was being prosecuted then their shit was overturned their conviction was overturned both of them and they did it on both sides they did it on both sides so and yeah so it was the confrontation clause as the defense was never it by it was a direct violation of the confrontation law because i meant the clause because that the defense attorney was not able to cross-examine that person so now you're just enter it pretty much i mean i guess because they're both being accused of this crime but in any other situation that would be hearsay you know what i'm saying like yeah i mean if it was a third person and they were like oh well he told me this that's pretty much the same concept as the prosecution the prosecution saying well i know that he said this but you don't bring him in and let him say that shit for himself and then let this defense attorney have the chance to question what he has to say which is the biggest part of it he didn't have the chance to confront his accuser so and yeah their convictions were overturned on this clause alone they didn't have to do anything else after that was proven and the prosecution would promise and then would be retried so in 2007 the texas court of criminal appeals overturned robert springsteen's condition based on an unfair fair trial it was like 10 years later than right the 97 when the first half of april trial so 10 years they've been in prison for 10 years yeah and it was a overturned yeah because i think that this sorry can you just say it was 97 when they no no no but i'm thinking like when that confer that confrontation clause came into play oh no it's 2001 right he went to prison in 2001 yeah they were convicted in 2001 so they but still he's been in prison for six years yeah and so they overturned robert springsteen's conviction based on an unfair trial okay and the united states supreme court refused to reinstate the conviction in february 2007 so when they overturn it it goes to the u.s supreme court they can decide to reinstate that based on the evidence that they have yes this is not a good reason to overturn it but apparently they didn't feel that need because they did not reinstate it in 2007 and on august 20th 2008 the defense attorneys for spot and springsteen requested dna testing for alternate suspects no matches from the evidence discovered earlier that year were found and seven jurors from the trial stated that they would not have convicted the man had they known the evidence was available at the time of the trial so they had this dna since the crime happened since the crime happened they did not tell the jury that there was dna in this trial and seven of the 12 jurors said that they would not have convicted either one of them had they known about the dna yeah which is just so fucking crazy right so on wednesday june 24th 2009 judge mike lynch rolled in response to travis county district attorney rosemary limberg's request that one of the trials be continued that springsteen and scott be freed on bond so they didn't even get out till 2009 so they started this shit started in 2001 they did eight years and got out so they were freed on bond and impending pending their upcoming trial okay and so for just one second all right so i'm going to actually read her statement because it was a lot to write down i'm just going to read it off here it says so they released them on june 24th 19 oh jesus christ 2009 and and he ruled that and that they be freed on bond pending their next trial and this is what she had to say her name is rosemary limberg today i requested a continuance in the case against michael scott a defendant in the yogurt shop murders his trial was scheduled to begin on july the 6th judge mike lynchberg granted the motion but also released both scott michael scott and robert springsteen on personal bond as he's indicated he would do in his previous scheduling order requesting a delay in the case was a difficult decision but one that i believe is the best course towards the ultimate successful prosecution of this important matter knowing that judge lynch would release both defendants we requested certain conditions on their bond requiring them to remain in travis county and report to court to the court any changes of residence to have no contact with the victim's families or witnesses that they not carry weapons or consume alcohol or illegal drugs and that they report to the court on a routine basis and attend all court appearances as you know both springsteen and scott were convicted by juries in june 2001 and in september of 2002 their convictions were then overturned by the appellate court but their statements to law enforcement were found to be voluntarily given um let me see since the original trial of these two men new developments and dna technology have become available as we prepare for retrial in march 2008 we submitted various evidentiary items into what is called the ystr testing this test looks for male dna only and is deemed to be the most accurate test for samples that are mixtures of female and male dna as in this case we sought this testing because we have an ongoing duty and responsibility to use the most up-to-date sciences available to seek the truth in this and all cases we prosecute currently it is clear to me that our evidence in the death of these four young women include dna for one male whose identity is not yet known to us the defense asserts that the test reveal that the test reveals more than one unknown male but the evidence presented at the hearing on thursday june 18th contradicts that notion the reliable scientific evidence in this case presents one and only one unknown male donor given that i cannot in good conscience allow this case to go to trial before the identity of this male donor is determined and the full truth is known i remain confident that both springsteen and scott are responsible for the deaths at the yogurt shop but it would not be pertinent to risk a trial until we know the nature of the involvement of this unknown male my office and the austin police department remain committed to these cases their further investigation will continue to be priority my commitment to the victims their families in this community is that we will not give up until all of the people responsible for these terrible and tragic murders are brought to justice bitch okay i'm so sorry but to me for her to just stand up there and say i know that these two did it you know the fuck you don't because you have dna that you can't even identify so you don't know that they did shit they happened to be at a mall a few days later and the only thing that brought them to this case was the fact that old boy had a 22 caliber gun yeah that somebody has already admitted to is not the murder weapon in this case yeah so for me you don't have shit that says that these boys did that shit because you have them and you have dna if it was their fucking dna you could match that dna to one of them yeah but you can't no so no ma'am anyways to me i didn't know how to paraphrase that i just wanted you to hear exactly how disgusted she sounded talking about it like they wouldn't it was an unknown male and they're trying to see how he's involved he's not involved with them because they're they've done time they would be turning this motherfucker in like it was right it was him right they don't know right it's so dumb so on october 28 2009 all charges against scott and springsteen were dismissed these men were never awarded compensation for their time in prison because the state said that they did not prove that they didn't commit the murder oh yeah i haven't heard of that maybe it was this case but i have maybe it was another one but yeah they said they wasn't the memphis three do they compensate them i don't know i haven't they let them out but but they didn't you know what i mean they still it was something like that like because they didn't prove that they didn't do it right like oh we're going to let them out but we still we don't have enough evidence to prove that they did but we don't have enough to say that they are they didn't they did it they're completely innocent but we'll go ahead and let them out but to me if this dna that you have yeah does not match these two men that conclusively tells you they did not commit this crime yeah right you've got the dna from a rape victim of this crime yeah right like so how in the fuck does that not prove them to have not committed this crime where they could should be fucking compensated for their time because it's fucking bullshit and like i said you can go dig into these the trial of them all the shit i mean i did not go it's bad enough what we have talked about to me you could i could have made this probably a two-part case based on their trials that information that i could have dug into i didn't i got what we needed for this story because to me the fact that i hate to i hate that this story gets so lost on these two boys yeah because there are four dead teenagers who have now been dead for a 25 years or 30 33 oh yeah 33 years that we don't know who killed them because we got so sidetracked by this little circus that we're dealing with yeah and it's so sad to me that that's how it happens a lot of the time so earlier i was like less uh we believe that we would rather even say if i was my mom i would rather them find out who did it right then to just arrest somebody to close the case you wanted to close the case yeah stupid well because then i would just feel guilty if i had a shadow of the doubt like if it was my somebody and i had one shadow of a doubt that the person that they convicted for this crime didn't do this crime and they were sitting in prison doing time for this crime that was shit what he i mean i would grieve that also you know what i'm saying probably not like i would grieve a lost child but i mean that would just eat away at me every day yeah while i was trying to grieve somebody's child to do anything right okay so on december 23rd 2010 officer okay austin police officer frank wilson and his rookie partner bradley smith conducted a traffic stop on a on a vehicle driven by maurice pierce okay so there were four boys initially maurice is one of the boys that they dropped the charges again in the north northern part of the city after a brief foot pursuit pierce struggled with wilson before removing a knife from his belt and stabbing wilson in the neck wilson who survived the attack pulled his gun shot and killed pierce at that time at the time of the murderers a known serial killer kenneth mcduff was in the area he was ruled out even though his victim profile was teenage girls so there was an active serial killer in this area during this time and they ruled him out police austin police admit that over 50 people including mcduff on the day of his execution have admitted to the yogurt shop murders so even this serial killer on the day he was being executed was like oh hey by the way that yogurt shop killing i did that that was me but 50 other people have also told them that because for whatever fucking reason people are sick and this is what they do yeah um i can a confession by two mexican nationals in 1992 okay so these two men were mexican nationals being held by mexican authorities and um they told them that they committed the yogurt shop murders in texas just because they would rather be extradited to texas to face murder charges than whatever they were going to face in mexico pretty much and and this it was soon proved to be false and this case has never been solved so what's really sad about it is that like you said most of it and it's about the boys yeah there's no there's no no first four young women that is murdered and raped and shot and burned yeah yeah and okay i'm i'm gonna just say this right now and this is just again my opinion if you have a different opinion awesome that's we're human yay um i hope that you embrace yours the way i do mine i don't care very much for joe biden i don't i don't i think collectively as a country we're all in agreeance at this point you know this late in the game that's where we're at but um on august 20 on august 3rd 2022 joe biden did sign in the homicide victims family rights act into law which was motivated by the texas yogurt shop murders and the law is intended to help ensure that federal law enforcement review cold case files and apply all the latest technology to those cases and investigate and standard like oh so to their investigative standards and all the technology so to all the things they're also their investigative standards sorry and the logistics are kind of unclear on the bill which everything that he says is so yay yeah but it does state that it um it states that a request can be made for a cold case review review by federal authority it doesn't i didn't look into that more because it said that it's you know like they tell me that it's very unclear still it's just a couple of years old i'm sure i don't know if that's the request by like the defense the families the prosecution the state you know like i don't know who makes those requests but it does say that a request can be made for a cold case to be reviewed by a federal authority so thank you joe that helped i mean really it does help because let's just face it austin what the austin police department can do and what the federal bureau of investigations can do are fucking light years apart right you know so and sometimes just hometown police get to yeah they get very it's called tunnel vision yeah and they yeah they see that this case could have been solved if they would bring somebody in who doesn't know but he threw his son down the street right and how he's been a troublemaker his whole life you know what i mean right then they don't they look at it different but so that's the texas you ever shot murders and r.i.p to those girls you know and when i mean all of them were young but they're just when i when they are close i've said this a ton of times all those kids are close to my my child has friends those kids age you know when they are close to my kids ages but what my kids ages are now it's just like i don't know i have i i have the most empathy for parents that i can see actively grieving the loss of a child to me on this case though i'm really leaning towards the old serial killer boy because to me they're just four children right and nobody goes in and just murders four children like that and does does what that does what he did whoever it was right it's not just some random teenage boys it's not just to me that is like somebody right done it before and they're going to do it they did it again and they i don't know i mean for me i feel like they they're wanting us to focus on those two men that were acting secretly i mean maybe they were just two dudes meeting over you know having a little business meeting over some sodas in a yogurt shop or something yeah it's late at night whatever whatever but like i do believe that i mean i guess maybe you carry two guns one person could carry two guns but the fact that there were two guns and the fact that there were four victims and none of them were able to escape that building what makes me think that there was more than one person there that night because it's hard for one person to control four people i mean it it just is yeah at some point and maybe not because you know maybe because they are for a young girl they get the little one you know or they get one of them and hold that gun to that girl and tell them y'all are going to do what i say or she dies and they think that in their mind if they just do what they say they can make it out of this situation yeah not knowing that the intention was probably for you to die all along you know what i don't know so and they never found the two guys and the two guys never came forward and be like yo i was there but i didn't do shit when i left the door so that's kind of weird like how would you not come forward because you had to i mean it didn't say a lot investigate i mean i'm sure there are books written about this story so i'm sure that like i said there are people that have dug in done research but for me it really just surrounds these boys so much that i felt like the more i dug into it the more it was just expanding on that story of what their their shit was which i get they are living victims in this story too because they were charged and went to prison for crimes that they did not i do not believe that it was four teenage boys got together and was like hey you know what we should do we should go over here to the i can't believe it's yogurt yogurt shop and just murk all these bitches right now you know like no no i don't think so no they had a 22 caliber weapon and they were probably like shooting birds or like you know shooting frogs to see how reacted where everybody had guns in texas we're in texas but in 91 it was like socially acceptable for you to gift your 15 year old child a 22 caliber rifle for his birthday yeah or something you know what i'm saying something like that but i don't know it's crazy to me to think that um people can just be like yeah you did it and you're going to prison and that's it it's scary anyways so follow us on facebook at the wicked within and tiktok and instagram at v dot wicked within and you can listen on apple podcast spotify amazon music audible all the places you can email us at the wicked within podcast at gmail.com and also though on the listening platforms rate and review nicely we take constructive criticism we don't take words like blow we don't like that audio blows not nice um this is also our first episode using oh yeah you like we did start a new um recording software today we're trying to um step our production game up a little bit see guy it does work even if you aren't nice about it but we don't know how we're really look okay i don't know and this right here it says four four one zero zero eight eight capital h lowercase z what does that mean don't fucking ask me i don't know what's a 32-bit float i mean this sounds like this could be some kind of candy in a root beer float to me i mean but but we did start a new recording software so we are gonna um you know like um use the tube and try to figure it out and shit but um if our next couple of episodes sound a little bit crazy or whatever just bear with us we're trying to make it better for you people um once we get this all figured out we're also gonna um so i know we tangent at the first of the episode i don't care we're ending it out because it's fun to me my son wants to record a podcast so i came down with him and recorded um him telling some little jokes and telling a couple of little stories you know he was like i'm gonna tell you what i did for for christmas vacation summer vacation he said on what did he say spring break he said i'm gonna tell you what i did what we're gonna do next year for spring break i'm like that's far away buddy but then actually he said that but then he actually reverted back to our last spring break and what we did so but i think that once we figure out maybe how to kind of work this where we can cut things in we might use him for some palate cleansers or something throughout our episodes because he's funny i mean he's and he really wants to be out there in the world and i think that introducing him this way would be yeah well because i mean he's telling you yeah my son has adhd like the most adhd and so his brain is very funny to like just watch you know like what he he'll say one thing and then what the next thing that he says is you never know you know his brain the way it fires so he's on there promoting his youtube channel he does a little youtube promoting in there he does some wicked within promotion but he's doing it all he's a well-rounded child so we're going to be bringing you some little um funny blurbs with him because he's just funny so anyway new software bear with us we're learning we're trying to make it better we're almost a year and we want to start amping up our content you know how i can just hit like select compress decompress save the equalize whatever yeah hit us up in the comments but we're going to try to um you know figure it out there's just a lot of buttons there is a lot of buttons and my stomach already hurts so with that being said thanks for listening bye

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