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SE2EP10 Birth-Day

SE2EP10 Birth-Day

Divine Appointment



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Okay, so we're having fun right now We have called Nathan my sister's husband Already and asked him if he'd be able to answer a phone call while we're recording on our podcast And what was his answer? No, because these kids are crying He's got the babies while we record. Yes, so what we're gonna do is we're fixing to call him right back and And ask him the exact same question as if we've never called him Chris like you said Well, I had skittles in my mouth and I was trying to keep them in my mouth for the record I didn't say Was it the s-word? Yeah. Well, everybody go back and listen Everybody should know That I wouldn't say nothing like that regardless of what their ears might tell them If I did Yes, y'all's ears are very very deceiving. So anyways back to what we're doing. Okay. I've got to make sure I put out Why you why you know and don't pause it. I'm going to call him right now. I'm gonna call him and ask him the exact same thing That we put last time yeah I have a question If I call you in a minute and ask you a question for the podcast, could you answer it? Okay, because I thought your answer while ago was completely different I Love you husband. You're so amazing Okay, well here we are by the way Okay, so the question We didn't have one So Today is Christopher's birthday, as you know, and so the question is how many birthdays do we have? It's quarter how old you are and what was your second birthday Born day Amen brother, I'm a husband Those are the only two that I would say that you have. Okay. So when was your spiritual birth? I will say when I was young. I want to say around 93. Oh, wow I Remember it was on Sunday. It was after church service. I Had a walking outside. I was by myself I don't remember exactly what I was doing, but I was walking around just in nature. Just Really just enjoying God's beautiful And I remember a message that just began to resonate that Looking at the two thieves on the cross hmm, and I realized at that age at that point of time that Jesus was on that cross because of me It was my sins that put him on that cross. Wow And so when I realized that My sins was the one that nailed Jesus to the cross. I repented I asked for forgiveness and That's when Jesus saved me by grace nothing that I could do nothing I could earn But it was through the grace and the love That Jesus Christ had for me and each and every one of us Wow That is awesome. Did that answer your question? Some thank you babe for sharing Yeah Thank you brother, thank you so much Well, I love you, hon. I'll let you get back to this the brands. Thank you for taking our call Thank you for sharing I love you. Love y'all. Y'all have a great show. I love you too, brother. Thank you Okay, so that can that was better than what I could ever expect this was supposed to be Because this was supposed to be a Blooper no, no, we're going with this buddy. Okay. Let me go ahead and say hey everybody. Thank you for a Good Divine appointment In case you haven't caught on. This is Chris Cotney. I'm sitting next to my beautiful and awesome sister Elizabeth K Walker aka boss lady aka Liz. Hey, hey a baby So they have done a Very very very thoughtful thing for me today when I got here to the church Wait, let me back up. Look I got a confession. Oh, I Knew that y'all was planning something for tonight Because listen, listen, listen, listen, let me explain the other night I was walking through the living room at mama's house and I actually I come out of the kitchen and the living room and she was on the phone with you and she kind of laughed or whatever and I'm like What is he so nothing that's something that says did she never tells me that she would always share the joke with me because she Would want me to laugh about whatever it is that she's laughing about so I knew that y'all was talking about something then Well, how did you know that it was about that? Because it was a day before my birthday. Okay, wait, there's more so then dawn don't fall Well, that was add to it, but then don't ask me she said hey, so what's your favorite food besides no No, I asked you every week what you want for Friday night. No, but that's not what you asked me You asked me you said so what's your favorite food besides steak and a good salad? Everything else besides that is in a category by their sales So in my defense, I really was asking for Friday night because we already knew what we were doing tonight, but I Thought huh? Okay. Well, I Won't be gone. I won't be coming Wednesday. I Won't be coming Friday or Wednesday. He was testing the waters what you do and she thought you know, and it's just okay This is the other I can't remember the exact conversation, but then my sister text me she said Chris My fault are you not coming to church Wednesday and Friday? I said, um Well, I was just messing with her about tomorrow why What is it? I was just wondering Mom said it's like it what y'all were y'all were too easy and then wait and you knew well before any of those say But here it keeps going so Perry which is best nice your hair always feels very her darling. I mean, yeah, she's my name My that would be my sister's daughter. Oh She text me. She said so I'm looking forward to Seeing you tonight. I've got something special for you Well, bless your heart well, listen sweetie, um, I'm not gonna be coming tonight and She said what? Wow. Wait, what? And she said you're not gonna come and see our skit and I said do y'all have it ready? She said no I said well, then y'all can do it next week Because I've got to work over today and I won't be able to come there. Oh, no, mister. You got to come mister she never calls me mister and my FTR and I'm like, wait, what should you better be there? And I'm like, okay. Yeah, I'm coming So I pulled up. Well, no, okay on my way here I took my 360 and my sister has a lot for a 360 shut off. All right, come on You know I've got to do better than this so I put that So I put I put a bubble on mine because I knew y'all was waiting for it So I put a bubble on my location So you couldn't see where I was at so the bubble stays on that map on my 360 stays to wherever I put it on So I put it that I was still in Pell City Well, I didn't even look at yours because I was too busy waiting on chicken No, I heard what you said I had no idea what you meant by it I was waiting on Jack's chicken. So I was late. And then I get here with the food and you're getting out of your truck. And I said, Nathan, he's coming over here. I'd already been here. Listen, when I walked into the church Pastor Brian, he says hey brother Chris. How you doing? I said I'm doing good and he was like You know giving me hugs and after hug and just wanting to talk small talk I'm walking up the aisle headed towards the side door to come downstairs Where y'all was That I wasn't supposed to know about and all the way up I'll hate Randall brother Randall was sitting in the front facing out just in his own little world Brian yelled out Randall Randall. Don't you have to talk to Chris about something? And I see Randall's head popped up Randall's head popped up and said Yeah, I do. I do. I said come on. So I walked in and he said So did you ride your motorcycle? I'm like No, he said okay good because a lot of people getting hit on I'm like Aww that's so sweet Everybody's trying to work together And I said I said Randall He said huh? I said how long are you supposed to keep me here? He said as long as I can At least he didn't lie about it Yeah so I turn around and here comes Half of my youth group Coming up from downstairs Hey Uncle Chris, hey Chris Hey Brother Chris and giving me hugs How are you doing? They don't even want me looking at the door Meanwhile I'm sitting waiting on chicken And then They're coming if they're not obvious at all Then they're coming to the top of the steps And they're hollering at me Chris is trying to come down here And then somebody apparently Held you up there Yeah I had to tackle him I was standing there Looking like whodunit Having nothing to do Just got off work And I'm like dude If I sit down I don't want to have to get back up So if I sit down right now So I can go downstairs So I had to stand there And I was like you know what So I sit down At the altar And I'm like you know what This is a good spot to stop But anyways It has been A great birthday It really has because I've been shouted With so much love Appreciation Adoration You know I think back Years ago When I had past birthdays In certain places And not even in certain places But certain frames of mind That I was in There's Very few birthdays that I remember I mean I don't recall That I believe That God allows me not to believe them I mean not to remember them for a reason Because there's a lot of bad memories man And To go from there From The places that I was at And the situations I was in To having a Surprise birthday party For me At my church It's You know But it also It makes me so grateful And so much more thankful Knowing what all God's put in my life Well you God put you in our lives And you are an amazing person And we're so proud of you And that's just a little A little glimpse of the future birthdays And Christmases and all that You're on the upper trim brother You are By the way I've just turned 43 And I look to be 23 I'm just kidding And I had to buy 2 boxes of candles To go on your cheesecake What did you do? I'm like wow You had to go to Dollar General And get the 5 pack or something They got 5 packs No Take 5 out 43 Okay we'll see It wasn't 2 full boxes That's 5 years You can look at it that way I had to Well at least I was able to blow them all out With one breath You was I was impressed And you wasn't like Why would I do that? I don't know Why would I do that? You had some people at your age That's what I knew you was into You know I'm picking at you You're actually in good shape for your age Yes I am in very good shape For my age You're in very good shape Period Okay So we got to sing happy birthday With the lights out We had all the youth write something special for him Oh man And I wrote him a poem too And Miss Dawn shared Told him how awesome he is About his little booger Yeah Well look Let me address that Yeah let me address that Just in case nobody's heard that other podcast That is the best Just in case nobody's heard that other podcast Let's just touch on that real quick Chris it's disgusting You know what mom wanted to buy you Yeah She told me it was too much And I said let me put in half She's like no Was it a handkerchief No It was an avage Oh they're the best You would love it Why do you tell me that after you hear that I didn't get one I'm just telling you Do you have one Really Oh I can't Oh I can't But you can blow your nose Did you just gag Boogers do that to me I have five kids and two grand babies And boogers still do that to me Is it your boogers No my boogers I will gag if I have a booger on mine You know what an avage does right Yes I do and I cannot know Like I will leave the house Pumped it out I can't and you can see it though I can't Somebody's got to clean that thing out No I don't want to talk about it We don't want to talk about it They are amazing Especially if you have a son Yeah I had something just pop in my head Were you supposed to say something I was fixing to touch on the booger thing So people don't think I'm trying to change the subject He has a certain way he likes to blow his nose That the norm don't And it's disgusting We don't want to talk about it Let me just say this It's disgusting to blow your nose in the same area That your mouth is Even though it's right above your mouth It's just disgusting How do you know that your slingshot don't work Yes It never has It could like No it's the way What if you got big lips I don't In the mouth She was trying to I was demonstrating How it could happen Ok I wish I could step on that Or If the people around you can get on there Listen the people that do it Out of habit We gain the ability To aim I mean when we aim We hit our target every time It could be a toilet It could be off the sidewalk It could be in a sink It could be in a shower I just don't blow my nose in a handkerchief Because my mouth is in there with it I don't want to step on my nose So you hold the handkerchief in your mouth As you blow your nose No you put your mouth in the handkerchief Well if you shut your mouth My lips are shut off It splatters on your handkerchief It goes all over your nose That's disgusting When you shoot it off the side like that Nothing gets on nowhere Nothing Easy clean up I don't even use I don't see even how that's possible For all of them to just come out So easily I can show you With a force of your Blow You don't just blow Like that real fast You don't play with it You don't play with it You just go all in All in one Oh my goodness Ok people sorry I was like they're talking about boogers again Let's just move forward So So one thing that popped in my head When we were talking about All the people that were surrounded And helping with your birthday And then singing happy birthday Think about when we When we're saved When we get saved and we're reborn again All of the celebrations The celebration in heaven Oh that is so beautiful Right Yeah I wish that people would Celebrate How long have you been saved? How long have I been saved Or how long have I been surrendered How long have you been born again Well that's not always I found Christ And I received salvation 23 years ago At Teen Challenge Ok I didn't know it was at Teen Challenge That's when God showed me who he was That's when Christ Introduced himself to me Of course I back slid And a lot of stuff happened God kept me God kept me alive God kept me safe God kept me close God kept me humble And I think that God Just allowed my back sliding To turn into lessons learned To get me ready for the life I live now You know My back sliding It led me to Imprisonment Um Distrust Dishonorable things Doing immoral things But now I'm a lot more thankful For having Moral values now For being For having a routine everyday I'm thankful for that I'm proud of that Because I've never had a routine before I just live spontaneously I'm I'm thankful for Peace and for freedom Because I remember not having it You know So that's where God has shown me who I am What about when you say surrendered At what point Do you feel like You returned to Where you Feared from And you surrendered At that point It really has I'm hard headed You know what I mean And God knows what it takes to get to me And to get through me So I would have to say My last prison trip Okay That's when the process started That's when my pain Started outweighing my pleasure The pain That I was receiving outweighed The pleasure that I was chasing And that's when I realized You know look I am miserable I am miserable I have nothing to eat You don't have to go back Remember that saying That I don't have nobody to turn to Nobody to cry to And That's where God showed me That he was there all along You know That's when I seen the light You know And that's when I was like you know what It's time to surrender to what I already know To something I already knew I mean I already knew But knowing him And being in a relationship with him Is completely different You know we've said that a lot We probably say it every podcast But it's so important To share that because it really is a big difference Yeah it is I think being surrendered is where you grow It is And growing Well it's a process When you grow it takes time And when you grow there's pains There's growing pains You know as I Realized what surrendered meant I started realizing That you know At one point in time I would stand in church Praising God with my lips But my heart was far from him Because I didn't understand what it meant What it really meant To have a personal relationship with him But let me tell you something When I experienced The darkness When I experienced the pain From my own actions And realized that he died For my actions Then I was like you know what man My best got me where I was at My best effort All my strength Everything that I was Led me to where I was And if I wanted to be any better If I wanted to get anywhere better Then I needed to rely on something besides me Because me got me there And that's when I realized You know I tell you what God I will do it your way If it don't work I'm going back Because scripture tells us To taste him and know that he's good So I tasted him I tasted him and he was good He's real good And I will never Ever Even entertain the thought Of a possible Reenactment of something that's happened in my past Because it's not even Anymore You know it's crazy because I was thinking On the way to work this morning I finally thank you for Taking certain taste out of my mouth On my way to work there's a certain road That I normally always pray on 231 And coming through Benson As soon as you go through Benson You go on that long straight away That's where I start praying But this morning as a matter of fact I was like Father thank you for Taking that taste out of my mouth Thank you for showing me What it meant for me to give it to you Because So many times I thought all I needed to do was get sober Or to get clean And life would be better I got clean And I got sober And I was still miserable And I was thinking This morning I was like you know what I don't get high And I don't drink And I don't do all that Not just because I don't want to Because I don't I don't want to There's no desire To hurt him But I don't want to Lose his presence I don't want to lose his voice I don't want to lose The feeling of knowing That he's inside of me That he's living in me Scripture says the spirit in us envies intensely Because of the desires of battle within us We kill and we covet And we have not because we ask not And His spirit inside of me He leads me and he loves me When I hurt he hurts When I'm hungry he's hungry When I'm sleepy he's sleepy He's doing this journey with me He's living this life with me And I'm sorry if anybody disagrees with me But that's what God has showed me Is that his spirit lives In me And if the spirit lives in me Then he's living this life with me He's on this journey with me So I'm never by myself So I have to make sure That I make him proud I make him happy Not because I want to But because he deserves it That's where the desire comes from The spirit nudges us In the way of Jesus Nudges us to go that direction And when we get off that path Because of our fleshly tendencies I think the spirit says Hey wait a minute Let's go back over here That's what helps us through life Yeah absolutely everywhere you go There I am Yes I love that Awesome This is awesome Okay Dawn Can I ask you a question? You're sitting right in front of us When were you saved? I was saved in January of 98 January of 98 Were you at church? Do you want to share? Sure I used to have a really bad temper So I was Putting my own self in anger management And I was on the way back And I had taken the kids with me that night And I was on the way back And I took the kids to my mom's house Because she lived down the road from my great grandmother And I dropped the kids off with my mom And I went to my great grandmother's house And my uncle was a preacher And so I told her that I needed to talk to Jeannie So she called Jeannie and she said You get over here right now So he came and he prayed with me And I was saved in my great grandmother's living room Oh that is precious I love that I love hearing stories of the You know rebirth I love it She was little and mighty I remember you telling me about her She was a goofy woman but she was Fierce It's a beauty You knew exactly where you stood with her She would love you to pieces and take care of you and feed you That's where I get mine from She loved to feed me and take care of people That's how the older generation is I remember going to my mom's house They always had food Always had something Whether it be biscuits or pie And you better eat or you'll hurt her feelings You would eat something before you left At least have a cup of coffee She would mix it all She would just mix it all in this one container It could walk to you It was so strong She had to have her coffee too Papa was a big coffee drinker My mom is I don't see how she does it She drinks coffee all day Who? I can't do it One cup in the morning and I'm good She does it They don't keep her up I'm like wow But I'm telling you If I drank it anywhere near I don't know 2 Because I've got a bed of 8 So if I drank it anywhere near 2 o'clock You'd be up I don't know I haven't tried it I don't make my coffee very strong So I think I could sleep with it You think she'd answer the phone? Who? You wanna try it? Let's call mom You want me to call her? How old she was when she got saved And give us details Do it now This is recorded so she's gonna know That you told me to do it Okay I don't want everybody to see your face right now Let me fix my mic Let's see if she'll answer I love hearing stories of people Their salvation I was young He was young Do we need to ask? Some people will And I've always said this A lot of people don't Recall the exact date That's okay And I think it's more important The fact that it happened Exactly I can't remember the day I remember the month and the year I know I got saved in September Of 2002 Because I was pregnant With Austin For a long time Because I got baptized When I was pregnant with Austin And you couldn't see nothing But stomach From where I was told I was way out I would love to call Fernando too Okay You're gonna ask the question though If you're gonna call him Just in case anybody don't know Fernando is the owner of the company I work for He's amazing He's a godsend He loves the Lord But I don't know if I mean me and him are very very close But I think I'll give him a heads up Yeah I think that would be good So I'm going to Yeah No I don't know We might be hitting him on the next one I don't know I'm scared Alright so What's the last time Yep Are you talking What That It's my birthday She's not gonna answer I dialed the wrong number I'm so glad you seen that Why did I dial Oh because look it's close I dialed the wrong number You have to let her answer Because I want to see her face Oh my gosh I just dialed the wrong number Okay let's try this number Okay there we go This is gonna be a little bit better I cannot believe I just dialed that number That's hilarious That's so funny Oh she'll answer my call I hope she don't answer Hello Hey mama Hey mom I said hey mom Your daughter said hey Hey Belfast What you doing I'm just standing here Looking at this beautiful sunset Tonight Oh we're talking about sunsets too On our podcast Right this second So you're so important to us We have a very important question for you Mama Mama I know you can hear us Mama Mama No She didn't hang up Y'all are cut now I'm sorry Oh no we're not Okay so look we got a question For one thing this is just recorded But Okay then y'all can stop it and rewind it And cut this part out Yes ma'am we can No because that's the cutest We love it No Yes mom We're talking about being A very special Beautiful nice looking guy's birthday today Right Absolutely Beth Had a I don't know what to do Wait Oh no Don't end an accept No I'm sorry Send an email I accidentally Dialed the wrong number Before I dialed yours Oh good lord And they're trying to call back now It was being recorded Ma'am Please tell me this is not being recorded It definitely is being recorded mommy You need to hit the stop button As we speak or I'm going to start cussing We know better than that We know better than that Well we got a question We're talking about birthdays and stuff right And By the way Beth let me call you Okay When we're talking about Our original birthday Then we're talking about our spiritual birthday Now do you remember the Time frame or how old you was When you got saved Ma'am The time frame I mean Would you like to share That's what Chris is trying to say Well I didn't know Beth told me to call you So I didn't know what she wanted to ask you That's a lie Your feet don't match So we're talking about how amazing It is in the celebration Of happy birthday Our earthly birthday But then also when we're reborn Our spiritual birthday How we celebrate our birthdays And how there must have been a celebration In heaven when we were saved It's talked about that in the bible So we were just discussing About when we first received salvation And I thought well ask mom If she remembers a time frame Of when she got saved And if she would like to share Any of those details Maybe where she was You know And I was 14 years old Oh wow I didn't know that That's awesome That is awesome I was scared I was going to go to jail That's a jump start For a lot of kids That's something to be scared of For sure And I talked to the preacher And he explained it all I didn't know I mean it was still the same age Around that same age But after that When the lord spoke to my heart And I just loved him I accepted him And got out of his will for a while And went back and rededicated my life And been loving him ever since That is awesome mom That is a testimony in itself Praise God I am so glad And I talked my sister into us calling you Uh huh And I mean you better You really really really Need to stop back up And delete And she means that out of love Out of love From the bottom of my heart And all of his bottoms Hey I think Chris Needs 44 Birthday spankings When to grow on What is your name Chris Thank you mom I love you I love you too I love you mom I love you too Chris Thank you I love you bye We will talk later you too Okay love you bye Oh she's mad at you She's going to beat you Yeah you see how you set me up Well you know It's okay She don't know it yet No that's awesome I never knew that she was 14 Aww I don't know it's just something about Hearing people's stories It's beautiful It's hard to explain I don't know I'm looking through my phone now Well So I do have some scripture I can share while you're doing that In John Talking about Nicodemus visiting Jesus Chapter 3 Let's see Which verse I'm going to read So We'll start with one I guess So there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus A ruler of the Jews The same came to Jesus By night and said unto him Rabbi we know that Thou art a teacher come from God For no man can do these miracles Except God be with him Jesus answered and said Unto him verily verily I say unto thee Except a man be born again He cannot see the kingdom of God Nicodemus said Unto him How can a man be born when he is old Can he enter the second time Into his mother's womb And be born Jesus answered Verily verily I say unto thee He cannot enter Into the kingdom of God That which is born of the flesh Is flesh And that which is born of the spirit Is spirit Marvel not that I say unto thee He must be born again The wind bloweth where it listeth And thou hearest the sound thereof But canst not tell when It cometh And whether it goeth So Nicodemus answered And said unto him How can these things be Jesus answered and said unto him Art thou a master of Israel And knowest not these things Verily verily I say unto thee We speak that we do know And testify that we have seen And ye receive not Our witness If I have told you earthly things And ye believe not How shall ye believe In things And no man hath ascended up to heaven But he that came down from heaven Even the son of man Which is in heaven And as Moses lifted up the serpent In the wilderness Even so must the son of man be lifted up That whosoever Believeth in him Should not perish Have eternal life For God so loved the world That he gave his only begotten son To have everlasting life We'll stop there That pretty much does it Folks Right there in red letters I love that song That is something to celebrate And share with other people We should say happy re-birthday Happy what? Rebirthday That's good Did you just make that up? Like two seconds ago Really? That's pretty good Thanks Ready set go I'm nothing Well On the grand scheme of things Good though you asked So anyways Do you have someone else on the list That you would like to ask That they would like to share Oh yeah I do Do you? I mean I'm going through my list I got a bunch of people Well do you want somebody that's going to pick the phone up If at all possible What about Brother Brian There you go Call him Do it See what Uh oh Hey What are you doing Just got home Nothing You are on our podcast As we speak Why do you do this You know what that's been the question of the day Alright So this time I'm going to let my sister take over So Brother Brian He said please don't Brother Brian I have a question You know it's Chris's birthday And how we celebrate You know his earthly birthday here Um and so we started Talking about how you're born twice You know you're born into this earth And then there's a spiritual rebirth Or birth So we've been asking You know it jumps through the question of Hey you know when When did you receive salvation When was your rebirth Uh So we're calling you to see if You could share with us Maybe around a time frame Of when you got saved And you received salvation Maybe where you were If you want to share that Uh yeah Awesome So go ahead Well Mine was February 22nd 1998 Okay Mount Carmel Baptist Church Wow That is awesome You want to tell us like As far as what happened that night Or how it led up to it Or I mean was you You know did you do cartwheels up there Did you crawl up there Did they drag you up there You know just I don't know what none of those three But you know just the story Behind what happened that night Or that day No I wasn't I wasn't drug up there by anybody There you go Good answer Cause I really did As the Pastor preached I thought he was preaching directly to me And then I couldn't wait for the song service to start Cause I knew it would be almost over Oh yeah trying to escape So As I stood there White knuckled on the back of the pew The pastor said Tell the song director to sing one more And Well that's really what it took And that did it I don't know If I'm not mistaken it was just a ZAM Wow That is awesome That is so good We got to be calling more people like this I know Yeah I mean really The only thing I can remember is You saved me That's all it takes A whole ton Alright brother Well listen we appreciate your time I know your time is valuable But We do appreciate your testimony And sharing that with us Because that means a lot Thank you brother Got you Absolutely As a matter of fact Sister we may have a testimony night And we'll have guest speakers To come in To give their testimony Sounds good Thank you brother we appreciate it Love you brother Love you bye That's pretty good Oh the devoted people answering the dad blame phone That's awesome Do I have brother Gene's number I don't have brother Gene's number Well I don't know It's like 20 minutes to 9 right now I think he might We'll wait and call him when we first get started Yeah Oh he's amazing too But you know the thing is I've heard a lot about People having certain dates And That don't remember Specific dates And stuff because Because of Stuff that might have happened after They got saved Because a lot of stuff can happen Even after you receive salvation Salvation just gives you a way A direction In life It doesn't exactly open up a path for you You know the spirit opens up The path for you But I know that When I received salvation I knew where I was at in life And the place that I was at I can't tell you the date No and that's not But the thing is I know That I'm changed I know that He lives in me And I know that that's all that matters But I also know that God gave me a promise A long time ago The same The same way he did Abraham And he does all of us like this The same way he did Abraham With the promised land The same thing he did with Moses And the promised land They wasn't ready when he first gave Look what Look what happened to Abraham He was given a promise that he never received I praise God that He makes plans And he made plans before I was even born I'm living out somebody else's promises Stop and think about that And somebody else Is going to live out promises that God Gives to me and I'm not talking about Physical promises That he's going to give us here and now in life I'm talking like he makes deep promises Do you know what I mean? Stuff that we can't see On the surface Your seed is going to multiply And there's going to be nations That comes out of you There's no way for Abraham To ever see that promise So other people's living out that promise That he gave Abraham Do you see what I'm saying? That is deep So God sometimes he gives us promises For people that's coming after us It's up to us whether or not they receive them Wow Because what if Abraham Would have been disobedient Do you see what I'm saying? Yes I do So it's not about us all the time It's about the promises that God gives And then the obedience we have to them I've never thought about that until just now That's so good, so deep It is, but some of God's promises are deep They are Some of the things that he promises We're like Where's my emotional Feeling that I'm supposed to feel when I get saved And where's this big light That's supposed to pop up When I say Jesus come into my heart Look it's not always going to be Skittles and rainbows with Jolly Ranchers On the side Oh he added Jolly Ranchers this time It's not always going to be sweet Yes that's true But there's promises That we look over Because we look at them sometimes through the carnal I know that Abraham When he was given that promise He looked at his age Sarah Looked at her age Moses was over 80 years old On the Mount Sinai Before he received the tablets What about John's mom You know what I mean So I just I know that I have learned since I received salvation That's one promise That's one promise that we receive Yes That's one promise that we do receive But with that promise comes Guarantees We're guaranteed never to be alone We're guaranteed never To have to struggle Outside of what we're not able to Handle because he's always going to be there To comfort us We're guaranteed a way out And we're guaranteed Help in our time of need That's true Basically we're not carrying anything alone We're not He's always with us I think that I think that everybody Has their own Or should have their own Personal relationship With Jesus Christ And in that relationship Just like any other relationship They're going to be different Everybody's relationship with Jesus Christ is going to be different He's got different assignments for us Yes And I've said time and time again That everybody's calling Everybody has one calling I'm not going to say that's the only call they have But there's one calling that everybody has in common And that's to love the Lord thy God With all thy heart, soul, mind, and strength That is the greatest commandment of all Everybody is called to do that And when they do that Then it opens up doors for these assignments you just talked about These assignments And with these assignments that we have We start receiving the promises that he gives And when we start receiving the promises That he gives us We start living out the calling That he gave us to live So to me It goes over and over It's just a revolving door Of disobedience We're receiving things that we didn't Oh God, the word says That we can receive things that we never worked for That's what the word says That's what the word says So I'm assuming Got you That's so true We just need to be obedient Even if we don't know What's around the corner Especially when we think that God has promised us stuff And In our mind It's taking too long to receive it Oh yeah I'm not seeing it Well listen Abraham never seen the promise Moses never seen the promise They seen certain things come to pass But there was promises that God gave them They never seen through Well maybe it just wasn't about them Maybe it's about the big picture About the grand scheme of things God's plan, God's will And I have to remember that The promises that God has given me Doesn't involve just me And maybe they see it from a different view Yeah Like where they are now After, later on I don't know Speculation Well listen This has actually been a blast It really has I have enjoyed this And I can't believe we're already out of time It went by fast Yeah it went by so fast But listen I want everybody that's listening to this podcast If you know Jesus Congratulations Because that is a relationship that will last As long as you allow it to It will never leave you And never forsake you That's right And don't get caught up in the tradition and the religion of Oh you don't remember when you were saved Listen don't worry about that Don't worry about that Don't worry about what's inside of you Worry about what God's doing through you Don't worry about all the ins and the outs Don't worry about any of that stuff Just know that Jesus loves you And is here with you right now Right this second If you don't know Christ Please reach out to Him Meet Him halfway Try Him I was talking earlier Give Him a shot If you're miserable Try Him If He don't make you happier Then He will refund your misery back And let you go on about your way Yeah if you've tried everything else and it didn't work Why not Because He's lovely He tastes great Alright so hearts and minds clear Are you good? Alright well I'm going to pray this thing out And then we're going to close Father we love you We praise you Thank you for salvation Thank you for saving us Thank you for loving us In spite of ourselves And thank you for dying for us And yet while we're still sinners Father I thank you for your spirit I thank you for your love And I thank you for your mercy In Jesus name, Amen

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