Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The transcription is a conversation between two people discussing famous individuals and their troubled childhoods. They mention Drew Barrymore, Johnny Depp, Mark Wahlberg, Tyler Perry, and 50 Cent as examples of successful individuals who overcame difficult circumstances. The conversation emphasizes the importance of not judging people based on their past and the power of faith and personal growth. Hey everybody, thank you for joining Divine Appointment. This is Chris Cottony and I'm sitting next to my beautiful sister, Elizabeth Walker. Beth, how are you doing? I am so good. How about you? I'm doing good. It's been a, it's been an interesting week. I've been looking forward to tonight. God's been laying some things on my heart and I know that he has been showing you some things. But how's your week been so far before we dive into the topic? Well, it's been really hot. Yes, it has. It's been good. We had some family over this weekend, and we're really, honestly, we're lazy. Saturday really didn't go nowhere, and I'm going to be honest with you, it's been the first Saturday in quite some time that I didn't have something that I had to do. I bet it was nice on you. Oh, it was so nice. I'm so, so lazy. What about you? What about you? I had a great weekend. I actually went, let me see, I went Saturday and got a room up towards Coleman, what is that, Fulton Hill? Fulton Hill area, so I wouldn't have to drive so far the next morning. And I met up with somebody and went to this, no, this was Sunday night, because Monday they had a cookout with this church, and so me and my girlfriend went to this cookout that her church was having. And let me tell you something, you're talking about fellowshipping, these people welcomed me with just hugs, with open arms, man, it was just, it was amazing, the food was great, the fellowship was great, and so it's kind of like I've met new members of the family as far as the kingdom of God, but yeah, all in all, I've had a good week, a short week for work. Yeah, that's always good. Oh, yeah, it's great, I've got one more day left, but look, I want to read a couple of things now, and these are some things that I ran across and I thought would be really, really cool to share with everybody, but before I do that, we are going to open this thing up with prayer. Father, we thank you, and we love you, and we praise you for being who you are. Thank you for your spirit. Thank you for shutting up a fire inside of us and letting it ignite inside of us and help us to be able to speak to others, speak peace to each other, to speak joy to each other. Father, I thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to be able to come into your presence, and Lord God, I just ask you to speak in and through us today, and I ask you to give us knowledge, wisdom, and understanding and insight into you, your character, and your word. In Jesus' name, amen. Amen. All right, so I'm going to read a couple of facts about a few famous people, and, yeah. Go ahead. Okay. That actually sounds better. Okay. Yeah. And I'm going to read these facts, and I'm going to give you an opportunity to see if you can guess on who these people are, these famous people, and these are facts about their childhood. Okay. All right, so number one, this person ... Oh, let me make sure I start this off right. All right, this person started smoking cigarettes at nine years old. She started drinking at 11 and started using cocaine by the age of 13. This individual was in and out of rehab as a teen and even attempted suicide, and though it didn't kill her, it changed her mind on the way that she looked at life, so she decided to turn her life around and end up becoming one of the most successful actresses in Hollywood, and now the mother of two currently lives in Santa Barbara with her husband. Do you have any clue who this might be? Britney Spears. Nowhere close. Well, that would be a female. I have no idea. Drew Barrymore. Oh. Yeah. Oh. Fun fact. Okay. Wow. Now, here's another one. I did not know that about her. I knew she struggled with the things, but I had no idea. I knew that there was a lot of things that had happened to her, but I didn't know that she had committed suicide or tried to commit suicide. Wow. I didn't know that she was addicted to cocaine, but I knew that she had a past. Well, here's somebody else. This person describes their childhood as being troubled. He explains that his father's job constantly had the family relocating every few years, and that caused him to have difficulty making friends. This person says he began experimenting with drugs and alcohol as a young teen. He considered himself a loner who engaged in self-harm and would lock himself in his room for days at a time just to avoid family problems. Now, this individual evidently turned out to be the most in-demand actor in Hollywood history. Oh. Do you know who this would be? There's several that come to mind, but I'm not sure. Who is it? Johnny Depp. Wow. Johnny Depp. Huh. See, you would never know that. Oh, you wouldn't. You would never even think these things. Because you see people at their destination, but you don't know what their process was. What they went through to get there. What they went through to get there. Yeah. Alright, I've got three more. Okay. Alright. Number three. This might be number four. This is number three, isn't it? I believe you are correct. That is the third one already. That is the third one you have in your hand. Okay. Alright, number three. This individual grew up in South Boston. He was the youngest of nine siblings. Wow. This person's parents divorced when he was only 11, and he grew up in a divided home traveling between the two. This individual had been in trouble 20 to 25 times with the police department during his youth. At age 13, he had developed an addiction to cocaine. At age 15, a civil action was filed against the actor for his involvement in two separate incidents of small children, of fights. He got in a fight with a bunch of kids. At age 16, this individual was charged with attempted murder and was sentenced to prison. My goodness. This individual has admitted that he made a lot of mistakes growing up in his past, but he learned from them. That's the key. Today, this person is a practicing Roman Catholic and attends church mass every single day. Wow. He's in church every day. Do you know who this is? I have no idea. I'll let you read the name. Wow. Mark Wahlberg. You know what that reminds me of? That reminds me of that movie he played. See, he played in a movie being a priest or becoming a priest. Oh, really? I can't remember the name of it now. Wow. But you know what? I just have to tell you about this. The one that you've caught out already, you can tell by some of the movies they've played in. They've played in some popular parks, you know, their past. That's crazy. That is crazy. I was thinking Johnny Depp. I'm thinking, hmm, Edward Scissorhands. Yeah. He was locked up in that house. Wow. That's a good point. I didn't think about that. Wow. Here's the next one. I've got to be careful not to say this person's name. This individual says he was physically and sexually abused by his family members. He even remembers his alcoholic father beating him with a cord until his skin was coming off his back. Oh my goodness. But this person says that his faith helped him through his dark childhood, and today he's one of the most successful actors and directors in entertainment with a net worth of over $400 million. Wow. Do you know who this person is? I have no idea. You don't know? You ain't seen this one, have you? No, but I want to know who it is. Hurry up, tell me. Tyler Perry. I can see that. Yeah. Yes, I love his movies. Stop thinking about his movies and what happened in his past. Wow. That is crazy. That is cool. Wow. Oh wow, I forgot about this one. Okay, so just in case nobody knows, which I mean nobody should know at this point in time, but my sister's topic is... We mentioned it last week. Well, maybe they didn't get to hear it last week. That's true, too. The topic is, there's a song for everything. That is right, there is. And if you stop and think about it, there's a movie for everything if you take it in contrast to what we just read. That is true. Yes. We just went ahead and covered both of them. Yeah. Alright, so this is the finger. It says that, let me make sure I don't say his name. He was born by a mother that was only 15 years old and she was a drug dealer and she continued to deal drugs until she was murdered when he was only 8. Oh my goodness. Following her death, this individual moved in with his grandmother, but by age 11, he had started selling crack cocaine. By age 12, he was carrying a gun to school and after being caught with a gun in high school when he was only 16, this individual was sent to a correctional facility. It was there that he adopted his stage name, which is a metaphor and we'll get to it in a second. He is a 39-year-old hip-hop artist and his net worth is $140 million. Now, this guy changed his name because what he changed it to is a metaphor. It's 50 Cent. And it says here that he used that name for quote unquote change. I love that. And I never knew that. Change, but change. 50 Cent, yep. And 50 Cent being change, but he said that he used that as a metaphor because he wanted to change. That's neat. Yeah. I mean, you can stop and think about some of his music. Who would have thunk it? Who would have? Well, I would have. Yeah. But I mean, knowing how successful he is now, there's no way that he would have ever dreamed then that he would have something like that, what he has now. It's amazing. It's even more amazing when you have people who continue their faith and give glory to God. Because a lot of times, it don't matter what you have if you don't use it in the way God would have you use it. You know what I'm saying? That makes sense. In my mind, it does. And I know that God, He will come to us and even when we're first born or before we're even born, He will put a gift inside of us. He would give us an anointing. And what the enemy would try to do, as soon as we're born, is he'll try to get that gift and wrap it around our neck and choke us with it. And try to treat it like a curse. And 50 Cent, Johnny Depp, all the people we just read, was given an anointing. Was given an assignment in life. An opportunity. An opportunity. But the enemy tried to take them out because all of the people that I just read off has done something good for a charity. That's what all of them had in common with each other. Now, I can't remember what charities or if all of them were the same charities, but I know that all of them gave to charity. It's the small things that sometimes make a big difference. But I know that in my life and in your life and most of our listeners' life, we have anointings and assignments and calling in our life. And the enemy would try to come at us and try to stop that anointing. Stop us going through with what God has called us to do by perverting it. That's true. But anyways, okay, so a song for everything. I really want to hear what you've put together since last week. I've got a few little thingies I was thinking about. But, you know, we can go through life and we can use our talents that God gave us. And we can give to charity and we can be nice to people and we can try to help people. But if our heart is not right and we don't know Jesus, it's not going to mean a hill of beans. No, that was country. I am country. You are so right. You are so right. There's going to be a lot of good people from a worldly standard that's not going to enter the gates of heaven. And you know what's bad? And I'm not saying that about them because I don't know their heart. No, I know what you're saying. He's the way. Yeah, and you've got a really good point. Because, I mean, not only that, and that's not plugged in. Okay. But not only that, but, you know, the enemy will come at us, at the ones that saved us and that's living for God. And they'll keep them from living out the fulfillment of the joy of the Lord. You know, they'll take in the word of God and they'll sit on it and they'll be like, you know, okay, you know, praise God, praise God. It's situational. Yeah, circumstantial. But they never get to experience the true joy. The fire. Why are you laughing? You're corrected, man. I said that too. But yeah, I mean, I get what you're saying. But do you see what I'm saying? I've felt that fire. I've felt that freedom and that joy, and you have too. But there's some people, I don't want to, I want to be careful with the way I word this. There are Christians that are miserable. Do you see what I'm saying? Yeah. There are Christians, born-again Christians, born-again believers that have salvation, that have the word in their heart. And me and Sally was talking about this the other day. And, you know, she brought up a really, really good point. That there are, unfortunately, there are Christians out there that we may know that knows God. That sits back and takes in the word of God and and seemingly receives it but that joy and that fire and the presence of the living God it's just it almost gets, it probably makes them feel like they're searching for something but they can't quite get to it. You know? Because it's that fire the taste of God, the smell of God, the feel of God, the voice of God, just the very, His very being just being right there with them. You know what I mean? And unfortunately, there are Christians that will live their entire life for God, being faithful, being obedient, that may never get to experience the presence. They won't get out of their box. And that's where surrender comes in. Yeah. Total surrender. There's a big difference from being saved and being saved and surrendered. Oh, it is. It's a huge difference. And that, by my own experiences, it's just about relationship. It is. It's a totally different level. So yeah, there's a song for everything. Is there? Yes, there is. I hope so because this podcast is going to end pretty quick. It sure is. So, fun fact. Nope, not going there yet. Oh yeah, I am. Okay, so music was first mentioned in the Bible in the Old Testament in Genesis 4, 20 and 21. It was actually instruments that was mentioned. The harp, was that one? Flute. Yep. So that was pretty cool. So I got a couple of verses I wanted to read. Let's see. Isaiah 42, 10 through 12. Let me flip over there. And here we go. Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise from the end of the earth, ye that go down to the sea. And all that is therein, the isles and the inhabitants thereof. Let the wilderness and the cities thereof lift up their voice. The villages that Kedarg does inhabit, let the inhabitants of the rocks sing. Let them shout from the top of the mountains. The top of the mountains. That's what it's about. So, we're supposed to sing praises to him, right? Yes. So I'll look at the song of Moses. They sang to the Lord because he had delivered Israel from the Egyptians. Yeah. They did a lot of psalms as pretty much songs. And so yeah, psalms of praise in the Lord. They sang unto the Lord a new song and his praise from the end of the earth. The works of light and darkness. Speaking unto yourselves in psalms and hymns. I said unto, didn't I? I meant unto. Speaking unto yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual singing. Singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. There's a lot of songs. Like I said, there's a song for everything. There's actually a song by, I'm probably going to butcher this name. Maureen Morris titled A Song for Everything. Really? It talks about the different songs, genres, that spoke to different seasons of someone's life. It's pretty cool. I never heard it before. So I did this little study thingy. They're all genres of music. You know, some people favor this one. Some people favor rap, rock, whatever. Gospel. In many instances, music can be therapeutic for people. A lot of times, people can relate to music. It speaks to you when you're sad. A lot of people a lot of times people choose a music that would replicate or relate to their current mood. Wow. Sometimes I'll just sit in a pity party. And my drinking years, when I would drink, I would listen to Mike Williams Jr. Here's No, don't do it. Okay, I'm not going to do it. You don't want me to sing, okay? When you mention that, the first thing that comes to my mind is and I know from experience here recently, when you hear a song sometimes, you hear lyrics and music and you put them together and you get emotions. Yes. And it's an emotion that you can't put into words. That's right. The song does it for you. Exactly. And so, you know, when you want to express yourself to somebody, you find just the right song and you send it to them. Yeah. Which means I've been sending songs back and forth. But listen to this. I think that that's what David was going through. Because, oh wow, just like when he played the harp for King Saul. Yeah, I was just thinking that. That was emotion. When he sung psalms unto God in Psalms 95. Yeah, read that. Yeah. In Psalms 95, it says, Come, let us sing to the Lord. Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. Let us come to Him with thanksgiving. Let us sing psalms of praise to Him. For the Lord is a great God, a great King above all gods. He holds in His hands the depths of the earth and the mightiest mountains. The sea belongs to Him. For He made it. His hands formed the dry land, too. Come, let us worship Him and bow down. Let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker. For He is our God. We are the people He watches over, the flock under His care. If only you would listen to His voice. I love that. There's no way that you can just sit back and be in prayer with God and say something like that without it being a psalm or a song. Yeah. It's the emotion behind it. Right. You know, there's something about singing songs that portrays the emotion better than just normal words. Even if you can't sing. I can't sing. I will not sing. That's why I'm a good talker. I'm not a good singer. But you get into a groove, right, and you'll be singing. No, I can't get into a groove. If I get into a groove, I'll fall. Flat on my face because there's no way that anybody is going to listen to me sing. Okay, so Alright, so we're in the middle of eating banana splits. No, we're not. Well, Beth is. I'm not. I've only eaten one. You done? Yep. Chris eats I I don't even think that he tastes it. He eats so fast. No, it was good. It was really good. What was that? I really hope they can hear that. That's not ladylike. I'm not burping anything. You did what? Okay, back to what we were talking about. A song for everything. I wonder if there's a song about burping. Burping? Oh, we gotta focus. Yes, I'm sure there is. Chris' song for everything. I wonder if there is a song about burping. We'll have to look and see. I'm sure there is. Hey, Siri. Chris. What? Oh, okay. Go ahead. Just sing. Alright. Hey, Siri. I don't think there's a song that never ends. Why did you do that? Let's try that again. Hey, Siri. Uh-huh. Is there a song about burping? I couldn't find that on Apple Music. Oh, well. There you go. Thank you, Siri. Is there a song that never ends? What do you want, man? Hey, Siri. There he is. That's my husband. Lamb chops. She's listening to everything you're saying. Siri. I didn't get that. Could you try again? Is there a song that never ends? Apple Music. We'll search for it. Oh, dear Lord. No. No. Cancel. I'm not that interested. I'm sorry. I can't complete your request. Okay. I'm not that interested. Okay. Anyway. Yes, there is. There is. No, there's not. Oh, there is. This is a song that never ends. No, not that one. Ain't that a Mickey Mouse song? No. It's the lamb chops. What's that? Lamb chops. It's a like a sheep or something. A sheep? Yeah, that sings. I don't know. Look it up. True story. Siri, what's a lamb chop? Chris. What? It says lamb chop is a sock puppet. Lamb chop is a sock puppet anthropomorphic sheep created by the late puppeteer and ventriloquist Sherry Lewis. That's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life. You have never made a sock puppet. Yes, but I never called it a lamb chop. What did you call it? Puppet or sock? Oh my goodness. I never called it a lamb chop. Well. Well, hence the song that never ends. Okay. Oh dear lord help us. Alright. The song that never ends. I mean a song for everything. Yep. So. Alright. So if you think about it, we all have our own song too. It's our life story. It's our life story. Do we sing it well? Do we? Do we sing it well? That's the question. It can always be a praise song where we were and where God brought us from. So a lot of people do their testimony in songs. A lot of the Christian music that we hear. There's a story behind it. There's a lot of artists that turn their testimony into music into songs. So if you had a, what was that? If you had a song that would describe your past life and where you're at now, what would the title of that song be? Boom. The title of that is, if I could like title my song as my life story, it would have to be hmm. Got to think quick. Oh yeah. I know we don't have like all night. I mean we can pause it. Nah. Oh. So yeah. It would have to be something like here I come. Here I come. Or there I went. Like speaking on terms of I am trying to focus on God and I am going to heaven. I'm coming. It's going to happen. It's terrible. That is a terrible title. I could have come up with something better than that. But you put me on the spot and I don't think quick. I don't think fast. It's one of those things like too bad I can't do the right thing now. Like it's too late. I said that so wrong. See that's what I'm talking about. I keep talking pressure. Okay. What's yours? Mine would be watch this. Chris. See that you already knew all along what you were going to say. No I come up with it while you were thinking about yours. So you could have at least wrote something down and gave me a good one. Well mine was not really that good. It was like watch this. Back then it would mean different than something now. Yeah. Well. If you stop and think about it. There's a double meaning there. Back then if I said that it would mean you know watch this. But now the way I live now it's me speaking to the world and telling them hey watch this. You know because now I'm doing something they thought I could never do. God is helping you with that. Yeah. So he's actually doing it. Through you. Okay. Your obedience. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh huh. Yeah. I can't see your thumb. Give me a thumbs up. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What are you looking at? Yeah. She's rolling her eyes. He side eyed me. Really weird. He side eyed me. Yeah. I really meant that I was doing it by myself without God. Well that's just so sad. Watch this. Well as a matter of fact at one point in time I did try to do things without God. I think we all have. Yeah. And we fall flat on our faces too. Every time we try to do that. Or when we have done it. So yeah. So we like what we can relate to. Right? Yeah. People who like to drink like drinking songs. People who like romance may like romantic slow toned songs. Music. Many songs that are written are lyrics of a testimony. I just said that. Something someone has experienced. You can tell a lot about someone by the music they relate to most. What's your song? Do your songs replicate the goodness of God? Do you relate to depressing songs because of depression? Do you sit and wallow in these circumstances? Or do you praise God for where he has brought you from? So we all have a song. You know you'll learn a lot about yourself and where you're at in life and what season you're going through if you stop and think about the music that you listen to the most. And I'm not saying about, you know, some people might have a favorite song they'll listen to from time to time that's endless that they would listen to at any point in time. But just the type of music and some of the songs that we listen to in season and then changes it with another season according to what's going on in your life. If you really stop and think about some of the music that we listen to from time to time it'll tell you a lot about our heart, about the emotions that we're having. Because I promise you right now there are songs right now that mean more to me than they did a month ago. Oh yeah, some of them just touch on different times. It's all according to what season you are in life. You know What's your favorite song? Let's say your favorite gospel song. I've got two of my top ones. Well no, actually I've got three top ones. I can't really. One is Reckless Love. The other one is Chasing Rebels. And then the third one is Gratitude. I think them three now of course I've got some that I would listen to at any point in time. Good Good Father, Red Letters. Love Red Letters. Now those I will listen to at any point in time but at this season of my life there's a lot of other songs that I would listen to as far as secular music that I would listen to that I wouldn't have about a month ago. Just some heartfelt songs and stuff. It's because of the season of my life that I'm going through right now. But as far as my spiritual walk I know that Chasing Rebels I know that he's done that with me. I know that that Gratitude I know that I can sing that with a grateful heart. I have an attitude of gratitude. And then Reckless Love I can definitely relate to that because his love for me knew no bounds. Didn't care what was in the way. It went through everything to get to me. Nothing stopped it. Nothing. So that brings up a question. What is your favorite song? Oh, well I'm lucky I have a few that I like. One of my favorite songs has to be Come Jesus Come. That song never gets old for me. And it's so heartfelt. That one I can only imagine is another one. That's a classic. Yes. And then there's a couple of you know like hymn songs that I love. Like the Roll is called Up Yonder. I love that song. I know it's old but I love it. Look, so you can pretty much put it all together and see kind of what season I'm in. Like, you know, here I come. And I'm kind of like watch this. You know, I'm longing for that day. There's a song about that too. I really am. I think I'm at a point to where I'm longing for this day. Do you see what I'm saying? Because and that's huge and that's really really different if you stop and think about it. Because I'm waiting for the day where I can go home with my Savior and be with my loved ones that's no longer here. And that I can experience the true presence of God in His presence. But until then I'm looking forward to what He's doing for me today. Oh, absolutely. Do you see what I'm saying? Yes. We should. Yeah. And the urgency. I mean, you've talked about that. The urgency of saying, okay, listen, I know that I'm going to be home with the Lord one day. I know that. That is sealed, signed, and done. And will be delivered, yes. So that being said, now I'm excited about today. I see today. Because I know what He's already done for me and it blows my mind what all He's done in a short period of time. I know what He's done for you. And it blows my mind how far He's brought you through what all that you've been through. And so I'm excited, man, about what He's about to do. Oh, yeah. About what He's promised that He's going to do for us, do in us, and do with us. So, yeah, I'm waiting for that role to be called up yonder. I said that right, right? But at the same time, when the role is called up yonder, I'll be there. Hey, sing it. Sing it. No. Oh, come on. I'll start it off. You know, I think that that is one thing that I can actually sing and sound decent at. Sing it. A hymn song, period. If I could sing, if I knew the words to any hymn songs, I could probably sing them and sound good. Sing it. Because all I got to do is use my deep voice. Oh, use the bass. Yeah. And then, like, you know... There's a song about that, too. Is there a song about deep voice? Yeah. Daddy sings, let's see, Mama sings bass, Daddy sings tenor. What? Me and something... I can't remember, I guess. Oh, my goodness. Nathan knows that whole song. Oh, my God. Okay, God. I'll think about it in a minute. Okay, I know you won't. And I give the correct lyrics. Okay. But I see... Looking back, I can see how according to what season I was in on what songs stuck out to me the most. And I remember I think it was our intro song that I think that you could barely hear it when we first started this session, this episode. It was the name of it, Cornerstone, which there's a lot of different groups that have sung a lot of different songs titled Cornerstone, but this one would come out, I think, in, like, the early 2000s, right? And I'll never forget this, man. I was at Alabama Teen Challenge. I think it was back in 2001, 2002. And that's where God showed me who He was, who He was. And that's where I first heard that song. And it's kind of fast and, you know, it's got a rock sound to it. I'm like, wait a minute. This is Christian music? No, not at all. You know what I mean? And God got my attention with that. And God can use stuff like that to get our attention. That's true. Because if I would have heard just a hymn song, or if I would have heard just an old country song, gospel song, old timey southern gospel song, whatever, then I wouldn't have had no attention. Because it didn't grab my attention. Do you see what I'm saying? And others, it may would have. But me, it didn't. Because the frame of mind and the season that I was in at that point in time, but God knew exactly what I needed. He knew exactly what He needed to get my attention. So I heard that song. I heard, there was this song that Jeremy Camp come out with. Oh, man, I can't remember the name of it now, but it was so good. Toby Mack come out with I'm Yours. And, I mean, when he sung that song, the first time I heard that, I was watching the live concert. And he was doing a march and everything, body surfing. And I'm like, what? This dude with these long dreadlocks that's marching and headbanging is actually singing Christian music? And then um, what's that guy's name that was the lead guitarist for Korn? Brian, I mean, shoot, I don't know if people are listening now. Have you heard his testimony? Yes, I have. I listened to it at work the other day. His testimony is insane. Lead singer from Korn. No, no, he was the lead guitarist for Korn. Amazing. Oh, yeah. Really, really good testimony. But I look back and I see that. And I see that God was trying to show me who He was for me. Yeah. Because, you know, we have to work out our own salvation while fearing and trembling. So God was showing me what He could be because my needs was different than anybody else's. Just like everybody's needs is different. Everybody is different. So at that point in time, God was showing me that He could be what I needed Him to be. So He showed me who He was. And I remember a point in time I was at this other Christian discipleship program, years later, and the song uh, Who Am I? Oh my goodness, I love that song. Yeah, that song, uh, I'll Praise You In The Storm, I Cast Their Crowns, what's the title of that? Storm, or I'll Praise You In The Storm, or whatever. I think that's the name, I'm not sure. Yeah, did do come out. That's where God showed me, see, the first time He showed me who He was, and then through this type of music and me realizing who God says that I am. So He showed me who I was in that season of my life, through music. Yeah. He grabbed my attention, and let me know, it's okay to praise Him through the storm. That's right. And it's okay to question who I am compared to Him. But He still loves me, you know, no matter what frame of mind, no matter what season I'm going through, but He knows how to get through to me, He knows how to get a hold of me. And so, from that, from God showing me who He was with that type of music, then He showed me who I was through songs like that, going through struggles and stuff, but now, God has showed me who we are, together, me and Him, through Red Letters, through Chasing Rebels, through uh, uh, Reckless Love, uh, all the, just about every Lauren Daigle song you can think of, all the music that's out right now, God has reminded me of who me and Him are together. Right. Of what I can do with Him, and He can do through me. And so, yeah, there is a song for everything, including for every season. That's right, for everything. Every season, every circumstance. Yes, God has revealed so much of Himself through some of this music. You're praising Him, too. Yeah. With this music, and you know like, when Breonna was struggling, um, I remember talking, two songs that she really liked that I sent to her, during the time that she was struggling, um, with addiction, uh, one of them was, There Was Jesus. Yeah. And the other one was, uh, Fear is a Liar. Mm. And she loved both of those songs, and she would talk about how those songs helped her through situations in her life. Mm. And you know, you hear these lyrics that touch your heart, and it's true, and it's raw, because the people that come up with these lyrics, there's a story behind it. Oh, yeah. And it's relatable. Yeah. It's a testimony, and that's what God wants us to use to reach other people, and that's one way He does it. You know, you got some people that are introverts, that are not, well, not just introverts, because some people can be, um, not just introvert, and not be able to speak, or don't want to speak out loud in front of people, um, but it's hard for them to express how they feel, and music does that for them. Yes. And it calms them, and comforts them, and I'll tell you what, there's something about, um, Christian music, and being, and standing there, listening to it, with your hands held high, just praising God, just being there, and praising His name, and, man, my Holy Spirit just I was just thinking that. I love it. Because, look, Scripture tells us to stir up the gift inside of us, and I remember sometimes I would have to make myself do stuff that I didn't feel like doing. Small things, big things, things that really don't matter, things that did matter. Let me tie all this together, what I'm trying to say. I remember a time where I didn't feel like getting up and going to church, and anybody that's listening to this, if they're honest, they've had them days too. Uh, yeah. And I remember times where I would get into the church, and I wouldn't pay attention to the way I felt, I just made the decision to go, and I remember songs being played that would stir up the gift inside of me, the Holy Ghost. And the Holy Ghost would just start moving inside of me, and I'd start feeling Him, and I know that He's more than a feeling, I know that He's more than an emotion, but that's how He started off with me. Because I kept I started feeding Him with my ears, and once my ears stopped feeding Him, my heart started feeding Him. And when He kept eating, and He kept eating, and He kept getting stirred up, and stirred up, and before I knew it, my hands were raised, I'm on my knees, I'm on my face, whatever the case might be, I am in the Spirit of God now, I'm letting His Holy Ghost take over me, just because, not because I felt like it, but because I allowed Him to take control. I allowed Him to move. And a lot of times, more often than not, music helps. And we praise God with our tongues and our mouths sometimes, but our heart is far from Him. That's what the Word of God says that happens. Well, if we start from the heart, that out of abundance of a man's heart does a mouth speak. So if we start with a heart, we stir up that gift, let the Holy Ghost start flowing inside of us, and you open your mouth up, and you praise what comes out of it. See, and that's one thing that I've realized, through trials and tribulations, if I just praise Him, and I just thank Him, and I just continue to give Him praise through it, wow, what a difference it makes. It makes a big difference than me wallowing in my self-pity, I guess you could say. You know, and I mean, just to be honest, sometimes that's what it is. But if I praise Him in the storm, see, there is a song for everything. It says, you know, I praise you in the storm, I will lift my hands, because you are who you are, no matter where I am. That's right. And every tear I cry, you hold in your hand. I'm surprised I remember these. And if you stop, God almighty, some of them lyrics are so true, but I would never think of them until I hear them. That's right. Oh wow, that's me. How did they know I felt that way? And that tells us that we are not alone in this. We are not alone with some of these emotions we feel, because all of us are created by the same God. So all of us have something in common. God almighty. All of us have something in common. We're created by the same God, which means that we may deal with the same emotions, just in a different way. Sometimes we don't know how to express ourselves. And then sometimes, more often than not, other people are gifted with being able to express ourselves. And that's their common to help other people deal with what they don't know how to comprehend, or how to figure out why they feel the way they feel, or how to put into words. But when they hear this anointed person start singing about their struggles, or start singing about the presence of God, they're like, you know what? That is so true. That's their testimony. That's why it's so important for us to share it. Yes. Whether that be by song, by poem, by speech, verbally. It's all worship. Yep, that's right. That is so true. There's many forms of worship. It's all worship. And worship to me is more like closely to a lifestyle. Do you see what I'm saying? Where our lifestyle is what sings praises to God, and the way that we live, our obedience to Him, our obedience to His Spirit. And I've never been awakened inside so much than when I hear a song that is singing praises to Him about struggles that I couldn't comprehend that I had. And I'm like, wow. You know, that is so true. Every tear I cry, He does hold in His hand. Yep. Beautiful. Because He is who He is no matter where I am. I don't care if I'm in the valley. I don't care if I'm on the mountain. God is the same God in the valley as He is on the mountain. And I sit back and I hear some of these struggles, Beth, and I hear some of these emotions that people come with songs and I'm like, wow. They get it. They get it. And through their obedience and their anointing and them completing their assignment that God's got for them, I'm able to have strength to do mine. Through understanding of how I feel, the way I feel, and why I feel that way. But anyways, there's a song for everything. And one of the comments, Bob Marley. Oh, yeah. I don't know if you know this or not, but Bob Marley's final words to his son. Do you know what they were? No, I have no clue. I've just seen the name Bob Marley on your paper. I'm like, I wonder what she's been writing about him. Let's be careful. That was one of Breonna's favorite performers. She loved him. Go ahead. His final words to his son were, money can't buy life. When I read that, I was like, wow. Wow. Yeah, I'm sitting here thinking about that. And about the life that he lived. And you know, it surrounded, up until towards the end of his life, his entire existence was consumed by money and pot drugs. Yeah, and that was his final words. Yes, for them to be his final words, He figured something out. He come to a realization at the end of his life that everything that he'd done up to this point didn't matter. Didn't matter. At the end, it did not give him what he was looking for. And you know, I can think back on our lives and the things that we searched for and put our hope in and put our time in and invested us into certain situations and certain people. We never ever got what we was looking for or would have never led us to a dead end road. And I'm glad and I praise God that we was able to come to that conclusion at this age instead of at the end. Because now we have a chance to make a difference. You know, we have a chance to be happy. We have a chance to have a happy marriage. To have a happy home. Surrounded by God. Surrounded by the presence of God. Knowing that we were on assignment. We're completing what He's called us to do. I know that if I would have kept going the way I was going, I would probably be at the end of my life now, if not before now. No doubt about it. But God seemed fit for me to see truth and to feel His Spirit and taste Him and know how good He is. Now I'm going to have an opportunity to enjoy all the things I just said. Right. You know, I'm not young. Yes, you are. Okay, thank you. Yes, I am. You're young. But I know that... When you get 80 then you can say that. Oh, I'm going far past 80. I'm going far past 80. As a matter of fact, I'm claiming that them eastern skies is going to split open before I pass away. Well, I hope it ain't when you 80. There's a long time to come. I'm like, come, Jesus, come. Hurry up. Please. But you know it's so crazy how we look at things differently but the same. Yeah. Is it not? Yeah. And how we're in different places in God's calling as far as, you know, your testimony, my testimony kind of how I walk. And when you were talking about that, I was just sitting here thinking like, you know, I dug them wrong. God blessed us here on this earth by our obedience and our faith that we put in Him. I truly believe that. But I also believe that in death we're truly living. Yeah. So, when we... If you're saved, obviously, you're more alive than ever. Yeah. Because to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Yeah. Who don't want that? Yeah. And when we leave this earthly body the joy and everything that we've experienced now through the Holy Ghost stays because there's something better waiting on us. I'm going to be with it. It's the very presence of Jehovah. And when we get there with Him, God Almighty. I used to be scared of death. Yeah. I don't know. I would say more of scared of the unknown. Yeah. Maybe as far as, you know, knowing your physical state here and not knowing how your physical state is there. You know, the questions that we have and we don't have answers to. And, you know, God will reveal those if He wants to when He gets ready. But you know, after Brianna passing away I don't know. God just revealed so much to me and I'm not. I am not. I'm actually looking forward to it. But I have to keep things real. Yeah. At the same time. Like, you know, I need to focus on the journey at the same time. The journey that I'm on going that way. And sometimes that can be hard when, you know, grief sets in. You have those good and bad days. So in those pits it can be a little bit difficult. Yeah. That's when I'll be singing that song, Come Jesus Come. I'll be like, Come Jesus Come, please. You know. Yeah. I know on that path and that the process of going through that path. I know that God puts people in the same path as us. God Almighty. I promise you. I promise you. If God's got an assignment for you, you're not going to be alone in it. No. He is going to put somebody. Absolutely. He's going to put somebody. And it may be when you're 42 years old. Yeah. But He is going to put somebody in that path to help you. To help you grow closer to Him. To help you be the best version of you. Somebody that's going to help you direct that path. To help complete that assignment. Because all of us have got an assignment. And look. Newsflash. Assignments can be completed. And you can be reassigned other assignments. Yeah. Because you ain't done until you've done. Right. And with any assignment, you study for them. Yeah. You study for assignments. You equip yourself with assignments. And I think that God has us on certain paths with certain people to equip us to complete assignments that He's got for us inside of our calling. Because look. I'm going to tell you my belief about everybody's calling. Quote, unquote, their calling. Everybody's got the same calling. Everybody. It's to love the Lord thy God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. That's everybody's call. Everybody is called to love Him with everything they are. And to witness for Him. But that will come if you love Him with everything you have. So everybody's calling is to love Him with everything you have. But with that calling, now that you have that calling and you're doing that call, which is loving Him with everything you are, then these assignments, you're equipped to complete them. You cannot complete assignments that God gives you if you don't love Him with everything in you. You cannot. He's already given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. So everything we need is already here. All we have to do is love Him with what's inside of us. Everything. We do that, we can complete assignments. When we complete one assignment, He'll assign us something else. Different seasons. And we're almost done. We are. And I just keep thinking what a day that'll be. No, I'm talking about the podcast. Oh. That was good. What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see. Is that him? Yes, it is. You're learning. I'm learning. I'm not real diverse. What do you call it? Something like that. Don't call me out. With hymns and stuff. Great lyrics. Beautiful lyrics. Beautiful. There's so much. I know the history behind a couple of the songs that's in the hymn books. Yes. That one. We don't have time to touch on that. I wish we would have. The next episode we will. That would have been a good one. It would have. God is well with his soul. That's it. He watched them drown on their way to come see him for his birthday while he was in a watchtower watching. But he said it is well with my soul. There's a story for everything too. And there's a verse for everything. What? We need to start a series called God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. God is well with his soul. We love you, Father. We thank you for getting our attention when we turn our heads from you. In Jesus' name, amen. Amen.