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Religion: What does it mean to be Christian?

Religion: What does it mean to be Christian?

David Paik



In our modern world, many people either have a religion or do not have one. Almost 70% of Americans classify themselves as Christian out of all other religions. So, what does it mean to be Christian, and how does one's life look like who possesses Christian values? Pastor Kim from the Korean Presbyterian Church is joining me today as my guest to discuss his life as a Christian, what it means to be one, and how having a religion can be beneficial and helpful to individuals' life.

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This is a podcast interview with Pastor Kim from the Korean Presbyterian Church. They discuss the benefits of religion, the most common religion in America, how to find God, and the positive impact of having a religion. Pastor Kim shares his personal story of finding faith and the importance of community and purpose. They also touch on the topic of Christianity's view on other religions. The podcast ends with a sponsor advertisement for a Black Friday sale. Good morning and welcome back to Jin's Daily Podcast. That is a noise I heard almost every Sunday when walking into church as a little toddler. And I was like, wow, this music is pretty loud. Anyways, I'm your host for today, Jin, and I'm an entrepreneur who creates daily podcasts with exciting and interesting topics you want to know about. So don't forget to comment and send me a message about what you want to hear for this podcast weekly after this one's over. Anyways, I'd like to first welcome our guest speaker, Pastor Kim from the Korean Presbyterian Church. Pastor Kim, what are you drinking? What am I drinking? I'm having holy water, thank you. How about you? I'm drinking a Rattler with a little ginger ale, one of my favorites I've discovered when I traveled to Munich, Germany last year. Germany? I have not been there yet. I heard the churches there are beautiful and the things you see there are very diverse. Oh, it sure is, and you definitely have to travel there one day. Anyways, back to business. Pastor Kim, thanks for coming on the show and please introduce yourself. Good morning, Jin, and good morning, everyone. Thank you for having me, and it's a good day to spread the words of Jesus and discuss any questions you and the audience have about Christianity. Yes, yes, interestingly, Christianity is a widespread religion, not only in America, but all around the world. Do you know which religion is most common in America, by chance? Yes, it is indeed a common religion, and it has many deviations in the modern world. Seven in ten Americans label themselves as Christian, which is almost 70% of the American population. So, Pastor, what are some of the benefits of religion, and how does it change lives? One of religion's benefits is that it allows the person to reach their own God and communicate and worship them, bringing them purpose in life. Also, it gives a sense of structure and allows someone to connect to a community with a related belief. The research mentions that having a religion can reduce drug use, alcohol abuse, and even suicide. Furthermore, believing in Jesus Christ changes other people's lives if they trust God and believe in him. So, how does one find God? Is there a particular method one must follow, or how does that specifically work? It depends on everyone. One can find God during their most challenging time, whereas others can find him during worship and prayers. The Holy Spirit enters the body and allows the person to sense the presence of Jesus Christ. Huh, the Holy Spirit. What is that, and how does it affect their lives? In 1 Corinthians 12, verses 8-11, it states that the Holy Spirit performs miraculous things such as healing, wisdom, and prophecy, which should still happen to anyone today. That is very wild. I'd love for the Holy Spirit to find me one day then. Did you have a reason why you wanted to be a pastor? Did you find Jesus Christ, and how? Yes, that's a good question. Many think pastors become pastors because of their families or parents who have something to do with the church. So, as a high school student, I wasn't a good kid. I had terrible grades, hung out with the wrong group, and had an alcohol problem due to my abusive father. I'm sorry about that. No, it's all good now. Thanks. Anyways, one day, an old friend of mine in middle school asked if I wanted to join him for church on Sunday. He told me about Jesus, and how believing in Him can take you to heaven, and how you can ask for anything in your prayers and talk to Him. Also, he told me about the delicious food the church served after the sermon. So that's why you went, huh? Yes, pretty much. No, I'm kidding. Moving forward, I had nothing to do on Sundays, so I was like, alright, I'll give it a try. I'm free. I like to eat. I want to hear about this guy who says he rules all and who's God, forgives sin, and listens to one's prayers. So, on a particular Sunday, my friend and I went to church, and I followed him and sat next to him during sermons, where they sang, prayed, and spread the words of Jesus. The sense of community and unity was something I'd never felt. And as a 17-year-old kid, this was all new to me. It allowed me to feel a sense of family that I've never felt under the house of God. We are all brothers and sisters from different backgrounds and stories that worship Jesus, and believe He was the true Messiah who would save us from this world. Once people realize that Jesus Christ died for us, our sins, and loved us, the way they act in this world, their purpose will be more apparent. That is a beautiful story regarding the new family and community you made under the church. We'll talk more about this after we have a short break in advertisement. This is the news for FIFA World Cup 2018. The next countries that will go up against each other are South Korea and Germany, which will kick off tomorrow at 9pm EST. Germany is ranked as one of the highest teams in the world. Will South Korea push through and win Germany that blocks them from going up to the next round? Stay posted. News FIFA World Cup. Welcome back to Jim's Daily Podcast, guys. And I'm here with Pastor Kim, the head of the Korean Presbyterian Church. Pastor Kim, we're welcome to have you, and thank you for coming again. It's a pleasure, and I'm happy to share my stories on the topic of Christianity. So, you already told me about what made you go to church, and how becoming a Christian made you feel you belong inside God. But how do Christians view other religions? Are they open to it, or are they against it? I'm sure some of our audience who are either religious or non-religious, and those who have a different religion could be curious. That's a very valid question, and I'm glad you asked. As Christians, we forgive and spread the word of Jesus as our duty to help other brothers and sisters who have not heard the grace and actions of God. However, we also respect other religions and do not have the intent to undermine them. Oh, I forgot to ask, by the way. Do you have a religion by chance? Yes, I do, matter of fact. I'm also a Christian. Well, to be fair, I grew up in a Christian family. And what made you Christian? Like I mentioned, I grew up in a Christian family, and I guess you're asking the questions now, huh? Anyways, I grew up in a Christian family and attended church regularly on Sundays. And this allowed my faith to grow, and I realized that perhaps someone looks over us and listens to our prayers. But after I became a teenager, I stayed away from attending church because I became lazy and didn't take it quite seriously. This continued on for a long time until I struggled with life. And I found myself going back to church and asking God for wisdom and asking Him to send His knowledge so that I can be a better worshiper and Christian. And pretty much that sums up my religious story. That's beautiful, and I'm glad you saw it, God. And I asked Him for help in times of struggle. Once people realize that they trust God and believe that they let down their prayers and thoughts to the Lord, He will move mountains and help them in ways you cannot imagine. Well, Pastor Kim, tell me some of the experiences that you've encountered that are beneficial to having a religion. Like, what are some of the good and the positive impact it has on one person? Just not only for Christianity, but also just having a religion in general. Great question, Jim. So, having a religion, whether it's Christianity or anything else, it first gives you a sense of community. It allows you to connect with people who have like-minded thoughts and like-minded beliefs, which allows you to pretty much be part of a community. Also, it gives you mindfulness and unity with those things around you, and it allows you to find purpose with the help of not only your community, but from your God. Well, that's really interesting to hear. Are there any benefits for specifically being a Christian? Like, what are some of the important things that gives it value? Not just general religion in general, but just Christianity as a whole, Pastor? Yes, that's a very good question. First of all, believing in God, Jesus Christ, allows us to enter eternal life. In John 3, 16, it states that whoever believes Jesus and God will not perish and will have eternal life. Furthermore, it allows us to forgive sins and freedom from guilt, and it allows you to have a relationship with God. And furthermore, as I mentioned earlier, you receive the Holy Spirit and are able to encounter it. And it gives you a sense of purpose, as mentioned earlier, and allows you to figure out how you will live your life, and why God has sought for your purpose and what you were meant to do in this world. Pastor Kim, thank you. I really appreciate you coming out here, and I hope to see you around. Likewise, Jim. Thank you for having me. God bless. Thanks for everyone listening, and please send me a message or leave a comment about what you thought and other topics you want to learn or hear about. We're going to close with an announcement with a sponsor by Coupang Company, where they have a Black Friday sale up to 90% this holiday. Go check it out, y'all. Here it goes. Christmas shop at Coupang for Black Friday season that has clothes on sale up to 90% off. The ultimate retail clothing store that has all sorts of brands for cheaper prices, subject to availability. Coupang. We're cheaper when bested.

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