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Paik_Audio_Process Note

David Paik



Process Note for Assignment


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The key takeaways of the podcast are introducing and educating listeners about what it means to be a Christian and the benefits of having a religion. The most entertaining element is having a guest speaker who is knowledgeable and credible. The two critical questions from the survey were about which religion listeners wanted to learn about the most, with Christianity being the majority choice, and whether having a religion affects a person's day-to-day life or character, with a majority saying yes. The information influenced the research and podcast development by including topics related to Christian values and how they affect one's character. The defining characteristic of the audience is that the majority is religious. The podcast name and episode title were chosen to distinguish what it means to be Christian. The criteria for selecting a guest speaker were being a follower of God and a pastor. The script was helpful, but some deviations were made to include advertisements. Question Hello, Captain Scott. This is my multi-modal assignment, part number one from a process note in an audio version. So I'm just going to go through each question one by one and give an answer. So number one, what are the key takeaways of your podcast? The key takeaways of my podcast is pretty much introducing and educating the listener about what it means to be a Christian and what some of the benefits of having a religion, even though it doesn't have to be Christian, and also what it means to live a life as a Christian, which is pretty much the key takeaway of this podcast. Pretty much outlining the values that Christians have and how that affects their daily life and how they make decisions based off on it, which makes a really huge difference when someone pretty much goes about their daily life. I firmly believe that values are what shapes you and your character, and I feel like as a... This is my personal opinion, but I think there is a very clear difference when someone is religious and someone isn't religious. For instance, like a religious person, I believe when their loved ones or family is facing death, they're more at peace because they believe that when their family member or friends die, that life isn't over and that there is actually eternal life waiting for them under Christianity, under God, and under Jesus Christ, thus have a different approach to things in life in that scenario. On the contrary, if someone doesn't believe in God, they probably think this life on earth is the end, thus more likely to not be in peace. Think about the fact that your loved one is gone forever. So I think that is some of the key takeaways of my podcast and pretty much educating my listener about what it means to be Christian, what are the values that we incorporate, how it serves purpose in our life. And what I did was... Moving on to the next question, what is the most entertaining and engaging element of your podcast and why? I think the most entertaining element of my podcast is going to pretty much be having a guest speaker, not just me talking. I think that's very entertaining and engaging because you are going to interview someone who is knowledgeable and more credible in the podcast. Like for me, I just had a fictional character named Pastor Kim and I pretty much voice synced for him. I would change between the host, my voice, and then between Pastor Kim's voice. Hopefully it wasn't too cringy or obvious. I'm sure maybe it was. Anyway, the key takeaway is that having a guest speaker, at least for this hypothetical scenario, we had a pastor who was Christian who goes to a church and pretty much is like an expertise in that field. And I think that makes it engaging and it gives credit. It's more credible, I think, the podcast, which also goes back to some of the literary devices of logos and ethos. So I think that those are some of the engaging and entertaining elements I have in my podcast rather than having just one person speaking and educating the audience. Moving on to the third question, recall the question you used for the survey. Which two questions seem the most critical, important for the development of your podcast and why? So I'm pulling up my survey, which is right in front of me. So I believe the two questions that had a major impact on how I made my podcast is A, what religions do you want to learn about the most? And pretty much the majority of the class voted Christianity when you had a choice from Catholicism, Buddhism, and Muslim. And so obviously I wanted to talk about specific topics, which is why I chose that. And then moving on is the other question. Do you think having a religion affects a person's day-to-day life or character? And 91.3% of the class voted yes and 8.7% said no. I think that's very important because as I mentioned earlier, one of the key tasks or key element or the reason why I'm doing this is because my audience pretty much wants to believe that having a religion, in this case Christianity, has an effect on how you are as a character, how your ethics are, how your morale is, how you distinguish between right or wrong, and if that aligns to your religious values, whether it's Christianity or Buddhism, X, Y, and Z. So I think those two are very important where I made that decision for my podcast. Moving on, let's see, next question is, what now consider the responses to those questions? Did you get the information you needed? How did it influence your research and the podcast development process? So as I mentioned, did you get the information you needed? Yes, I received the information I needed, like I stated, since majority of the class stated that if you have a religion, it's most likely that they're going to affect a person's day-to-day life and character, therefore I included some of the values of, without intervening pastor Kim, pretty much I've included what a daily life of a pastor or even a Christian looks like and how those values affect their character. Also moving on, the next question that I chose was whether they were, what kind of topic they wanted to learn, what religion. So there was four topics, four religions that they could choose from. The majority of the class chose Christianity out of Buddhism, Catholic, and Muslim, but I chose that as my topic for religion to talk about. So that pretty much, and the next question for Part 3B, how did it influence your research and the podcast development process? As mentioned, it influenced my research because it gave me an idea of what the audience wanted to listen to and B, it gave me, when I was writing the script for Pastor Kim, it gave me an opportunity to write about how it affects one's character and how being a Christian is different from, how Joe is like the difference of when you're Christian and when you're non-Christian, or whether you're religious or non-religious. Moving on to question number four, consider your relationship with your attended audience. What decisions did you make when making your podcast that were influenced by your understanding of the audience? I think once I, what decisions did I make when making the podcast that were influenced by your understanding? Since the audience answered my survey and showed me what they're interested in, what they want to hear, how they want to hear it, for instance, I asked whether they wanted it educational or conversational or both, and most of them, a majority pretty much answered both. So I wanted it to be conversational by having a guest speaker, which made a difference, thus helping me understand my audience and how I would approach making this podcast. I think that's it for part A. For part B, what sorts of things were the defining characteristics of your audience? Describe why you think they're important. I think that the defining characteristics of my audience was the question where I asked, are people here religious or are you an atheist? And I received, out of 23 responses, I received 65.2% stating no and 34.8% saying yes. So that pretty much shows how the majority of the class is religious rather than non-religious, which is a defining characteristic of my audience, telling me that, oh, actually most of my audience are religious, thus they would most likely be interested in this religious topic and how it affects our daily life and what makes us different and how it pretty much changes the way we think and the way we find purpose through their God. So I think that's it for that question. Moving on to number five, consider the name and the episode of title of your podcast. Why did you choose these names? What significance do they have and or how do they relate to your podcast? Let's see. So my podcast is named, right here, Religion, What Does It Mean to be Christian? And for the description, I stated that in our modern world, many people either have a religion or do not have one. Almost 70% of Americans classify themselves as Christian. So what does it mean to be Christian and how does one's life look like who possesses Christian values? I think I chose this name because I really wanted to distinguish what it means to be Christian and how that differentiates you from a person who is not a Christian. And I think the significance of the title is that it is a pretty much eye-catcher to the audience who is interested in the topic of Christianity according to my survey, which is an important part of making my podcast, I believe. Moving on to number six, if you included a co-host and a guest speaker, what criteria did you use to select who should be on the show? Since I was talking about Christianity and what it means to be Christian, I think it was best to have someone who is a follower of God, a person who is always present in church, who is a pastor. Apparently, I included a fictional character just named Pastor Kim and stated he was from a Presbyterian church, which allowed me to interview him about some of the values of being Christian, what it means to believe in God, what are some of the benefits, how religion affects the way one thinks, how they find their purpose. So I think that's some of the criteria that I used to select my guest speaker for in this case, which is a pastor. Moving on to question number seven, did you find the script helpful? How much did you deviate from the script when recording? Was there a particular reason why? I think the script was very helpful. The very difficult part, I did deviate very slightly. I believe some of the script, it didn't mention any of the advertisements for certain clothing brands, they were doing a sale during the holidays, X, Y, and Z. But I think I included that because that kind of shows that real podcasts, actual podcasts, they have advertisements. They are sponsored by certain brands and X, Y, and Z. So I explicitly stated we were sponsored by a fake company that I just made up called Coupon Co. and that they were having a holiday sale and that the audience should check it out, X, Y, and Z. So I think overall having a script was very helpful, but I realized at the end of the day it was a little bit difficult because I was interviewing pretty much myself with my different voice, I guess, which was a little bit difficult. However, I think having a script was very helpful. But I definitely prefer a podcast going naturally, going with the flow, asking questions that weren't on the script, I think is a great exposure to not only your comfort zone as a host, but also it gives answer to the audience in which they're wondering about the topic. Moving on to question number eight, if you were to conduct a critical analysis of a podcast, what questions would you have for the creator? If I were to conduct a critical analysis, I think some of the questions that I ask the host is first and most importantly how you had a target audience, how you chose your guest speaker and why, how you chose that topic, and pretty much because it has a big influence in what your podcast is about. And knowing your audience, I believe, is very important because that pretty much is the people you want to educate, the people you want to target. So I think those are some of the questions I ask. I'd also ask what kind of resources and citations and expertise, opinions they use to pretty much broaden their, broaden the way the host and the guest speaker educates the audience and how that pretty much makes a difference and impact on the podcast. I think those are some of the critical analysis that I would ask to the creator. And moving on to the last question, what was the most difficult part of the assignment and why? I think the most difficult part of this assignment was having, doing research. Well, first, I think the most difficult part was being the host and the guest speaker simultaneously. I had to make pauses in between each character. That way it wasn't too obvious that I was the person speaking with one line of breath. Next, I think it was hard, difficult to do research about certain values of Christianity, the benefits of it, because some of them I didn't know. Some I had personal experience as a Christian, but B, I was open to new ideas, which was good, but pretty much finding out a lot of information, I guess, and putting it into a 10-minute podcast was a little bit difficult because I feel like I had to include just the important ones and necessary ones that are beneficial and educational for the audience. And I believe that is pretty much it. Thank you for listening to my audio clip.

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