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About My Fathers Business

About My Fathers Business

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Interactive Teaching Podcast Message Who was Jesus Father? What was his Father's Business? Are we about our father's Business or about our own business? This encouraging and challenging podcast will encourage you to be busy about our Father's Business

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The main ideas from this information are that Jesus, at the age of 13, declared that he would be about his father's business. While his earthly father was a carpenter, Jesus was referring to his heavenly father's business, which involved feeding and caring for God's flock and rescuing souls from eternal domination. This business also included preaching the word of God and bringing direction, understanding, and light to people. Jesus' purpose was to destroy the works of the devil and to call sinners to repentance. The kingdom of God was central to Jesus' mission, and he came to preach its good news and to convert sinners to righteousness. So we would be about our Father's business. We'll restart some of this. Welcome. It's Friday and it's September the 16th is it today? Hallelujah. And we'll be just 17. Thank you. So we just desire to share from this passage Luke chapter 2 verse 46 to 49. The passage for Jesus was lost by his parents. So the practice was he was going for his 13th year Bar Mitzvah. In that practice, in the custom, he would be under his mother's care and instruction mostly until he was 13, which he was then pronounced to be a man. And as a man, from that day forward, he would be with his father and he would be about his father's business. And so we know clearly that his father was a carpenter and Jesus worked in the carpenter business with his father. Those things we know from scripture. We know it from history. But this business that he was talking about was not carpenter shop business. This business, when he said, how is it that you are speaking for me? Did you not know, or in the old English, which he not that I should be and I must be about my father's business. There's so much to that simple statement. He's sitting in the midst of scribes, Pharisees, of the doctors of the time in the temple, and he's both asking questions and speaking. As a 13-year-old young man. And it says that they were astonished at his understanding, his questions and his answers. I suppose he proposed questions which had no answers, although he had the answers. This is one way that they would teach. They would ask a question and there would be an answer given by the one who asked the question. So my question tonight is, in that style, what was Jesus' father's business? Brother Cassandra, where does that lead you to? What was the business of Jesus' heavenly father? Brother Cassandra, are you there? You're formulating an answer, yes. That's a strong question. And I'll call on you, Brother Jerry, second, all right, if you don't mind. And let's just open this up and hash it and see what we come up with. Go ahead, Brother Cassandra. You'll be first. You can also pass, if you like. I want Jerry to be number two. Oh, number two? Yeah, Jerry, you be number two. What is Jesus' heavenly father's business? The father's business is the business of his house, which involves feeding the lambs. If you notice, what Jesus was about had to do with the world, asking questions on the word of God, receiving answers. So everything had to do with feeding God's flock, God's house, that's God's business. Is the flock fed? Are they prayed for? That's the core business of the father. Something that has to do with the word of God. That's why it's called the mystery of the world. The word of the word? The word of the word has to do with the word of God. Oh, okay. And Brother Jerry, you'll be next. And then let me call on Brother Emmanuel Alawoku to follow after Jerry. I was just looking up in the passage what was the feast that they had gone up for, and I realize it's the Passover. They had gone, okay, for the Passover. Well, that's big, right? Passover is all about him. But before that, the first thing that came to mind was, my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations. So that was the first thing that popped into my mind. So in terms of praying. So yeah, what was the circumstance that surrounded Jesus' statement, my house shall be a house of prayer? There's a few keys in that statement about the zeal of my house. Do you remember where that is, Brother? What was the circumstance? It's a few days before his crucifixion. Yes. Or unless it was the first time he went to Jerusalem. I'm not sure. Yeah. So the circumstance was he just cleared out the temple from all of the religious menagerie that were doing business in the house of God, making profit and even stealing from the people, perhaps, for the little corruption. And Jesus cleared the temple. And what did he say? The zeal of your house has consumed me. It's a quote from the Old Testament as well. I don't have that quote immediately off the top of my head. But he says, my house, my father's house, is to be called a house of prayer. Okay, good answer, Jerry. All right, Brother Emanuel, tackle this question. There's more than one good answer, I know. Alyssa, well, I believe the business of his father is just the business of rescuing souls from eternal domination. And Jesus was saying to his family or to his parents, I need to talk to people. I need to pass that information to people that would bring them that deliverance from eternal domination, from a life that would end up without having Christ in it. So the business of his father, which he was intended in practicing in that day or three, was to talk to people to deliver them from missing their life without Christ. Praise God. All right, before we release Sister Bertha, I know she's got answers. So let's see, Brother Faber, are you able to address this question? Okay, Reverend, I believe that the business of the father, the business is the kingdom business. And just like Brother Jerry rightly pointed, where the Lord said, my house should be called a house of prayer, the kingdom business, I would say it's, and this, of course, doesn't come as something new to each and every one of us. Right. The kingdom business is not the same as conventional business, right? It's not the same as the business of buying and selling goods and services. It comes as a business of the father, and the business is centered around souls. And what he does is this, and I believe from the scripture, right, um, he was interacting with the people, uh, the lawyers and all the pharmacies, and he was interacting with them, speaking with them. And if you notice, thank you, Holy Spirit, if you notice, the Lord Jesus often took this format. In John chapter four, he would, he would interact with this American woman. He would talk with her, he talked with her, he would interact with her. And that's how he did with the other people. So I believe that the kingdom business is the business of bringing, of bringing direction, understanding, um, you know, direction, understanding, shedding light. So it's the business of, so it's centered around the souls, right? It's centered around, so that's, that's, that's the kingdom business. That's the business. The business is of, um, redeeming life and saving souls from darkness, confusion, and, um, Amen. Amen. Sister Bertha. Yes, uh, yes, uh, yes. Yeah, you're very clear tonight. Everyone is so clear tonight. Thank God. Yes, we hear you. Um, before talking about the business, Jesus Christ was telling his parents that, asking them if they didn't know he was to be about his father's business. From the beginning, it was prophesied that Jesus Christ was going to be born of a virgin and he will be named Christ, which is the anointed one. Someone who has been anointed and then the name, Jesus Christ, the savior of the world. So at the initial, he was created and manifested to be the savior of the world, not just by his blood, but also by his teaching and his lifestyle. I just take us a little bit about Luke chapter five from verse 30 and I read, And this, and this Christ and the Pharisees complained against his disciples saying, why do you eat and drink with past collectors and sinners? Jesus answered and said to them, those who are well have no need of a decision, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous for sinners to repentance. So in addition to all that my brethren has said about the business, Jesus Christ was talking about, it is about also the winning of souls, the conversion of sinners from their state, that sinner's state to a righteous state. Because even in John nine four, he said, I must do the works of him that sent me now that it is still day, because the ninth comment, when no man can walk, all this was talking about going out and preaching the good news of the kingdom of God, because that is the reason why he was also manifested. In addition to destroying the world from darkness, he was also manifested to preach the kingdom of God's name. Thank you. The last reference that you said was John four, what? No, Luke chapter five from verses 30 to 32. Wasn't there a second one? Okay. John nine verse four. Okay. I'm going to put this in the notes and I'll include that. For all of you to have the first one was Luke. And what was the verse of Luke? Luke chapter five from verse 30 to 32. Luke chapter five. Okay, good. Thank you. Thank you, sir. All right. Brother Kasandu reading. Did I miss anyone? Yes, a favor from UK. If you would like to answer this question, I would love to hear your input. What was Jesus' father's business? Brother favor. All the way from the UK. Are you there? Can you join? While we're waiting for him, you're still welcome to join in. Brother Kasandu, first John three verse eight. I know all of you were thinking of this one as well. Okay. Just go ahead. Okay. First John three verse eight. Right? Yeah. Okay. It says the one who does what is sinful is of the devil because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work. All right. So that one's pretty straightforward, isn't it? One for this purpose, the son of God was manifested or came to this world that you could, that he could destroy the works of the devil. So sin has always been the issue. Hallelujah. And the devil is the source of sin as he works together with the desires of our flesh as the word teaches us. And so Jesus, one of Jesus' main purposes, which is very clearly stated in first John three eight, that he might destroy the works of the devil. It's not his only purpose. All of you have come up with very good purposes. And there are more. There's more concerning the kingdom of God that has not been mentioned yet in our study up to now. Anyone else want to, Jerry, you want to add to that specifically? What did Jesus come to do regarding the kingdom of God? Regarding the kingdom of God. I can't help but to lean back towards the Passover. Okay. Let's hear it. It's God's redemptive plan to save mankind. And it's interesting that he goes there for that feast. And this story is happening around that time. And he's involved in the teaching and is with the priests and he's discussing things. I'm sure he's discussing things about that. I would think so. Yeah. Yeah. Sort of poking into that and then just going, opening their minds for them to see the purpose behind what their rituals are and what they're doing. The business of God is to save mankind, as we rightfully said, all around. And the means of that salvation is through the Passover, through the spotless lamb. Yeah. And he's sort of preparing that work. He's preparing. He's talking about it. He's raising conversation. He's preparing himself. He's looking into it. He's looking into the feast. The whole Old Testament points to him. The whole Old Testament, the law, the prophets, the Psalms, they speak of him. Genesis. So here he is. God is about to do his business. He's getting ready. And here he is. He's showing up into the scene. He's preparing himself. He's not just doing rituals. He's getting into the point of why he's there and who he is. And that feast talks about that beautifully. I wonder how much that... I don't believe that he revealed that he was the Christ, the Messiah, the promised one at that time at all, even if he himself suspected that. But I believe, through wisdom, that he may have been asking the questions about the Passover and about various other places where this is the same type, and the foreshadowing is mentioned, that is, as you said, pointing towards Christ. And the fulfillment of redeeming mankind back unto himself. Amen. So I love the answer that he came to destroy the works of the devil. Because the story is like this. Before man was even created, God, the three in one, discussed with himself. With themselves. A plan. A predestined, preordained plan of redemption and salvation and purchasing and winning a people unto himself. A remnant from out of darkness. I remember we had a study. Why did God allow Satan to continue and to be upon this earth and interact with humans the way that he did? It wasn't an accident. In my opinion, it had to be an intentional part of the plan. A horrible plan in some ways, and yet so beautiful, because without sin, how could there be mercy? Without failing, how could there be forgiveness? Without weakness, how could there be drawing on God's strength? When I am weak, then I am strong, Paul begins to say. So from the beginning, this plan began to unfold. And I believe, as you said very well, Jerry, that Jesus, I believe, began to ask questions and also unfold some of these Old Testament references that refer to the coming of the Passover lamb. The fulfillment of that type from the very beginning. That God himself will provide a lamb, as God showed himself to Abraham. Amen? God himself will provide a lamb. And in many other cases where God declared himself to be the lamb, the branch, to be the deliverer. And that God himself would bear his own right arm and bring deliverance. Because he couldn't find a man. So therefore, he himself brought salvation. Hallelujah. Oh, this beautiful plan of salvation is throughout the Old Testament, throughout the word of God. You can't help but see Jesus. And I just wonder if some of what they marveled at was the depth of understanding of God's plan that Jesus had. Because these people had religion to discuss. But Jesus knew the Father. And he understood the Father's business. Hallelujah. He knew the Father's heart. Oh, thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah. So 1st John 3.8 is so much more meaning to me. Because it's part of that plan. He says, the devil has committed sin from the beginning. The beginning of what? And he brought sin into the world. And Jesus' purpose, the Son of God, he refers to him as the Son of God in this case. For this purpose, John said, the Son of God was manifested. He didn't say son of man. The Son of God come to earth. The plan of God fulfilled. Hallelujah. The prophecy fulfilled. Hallelujah. That he might destroy the works of the devil. Yes, that it would be called a house of prayer. Yes, that the word would be taught and preached. And that's so important. And yet the central theme is that redemption, that mercy being demonstrated. The substitutionary death of Jesus Christ. To pay for the sins of many. Hallelujah. Anybody else want to add before we move forward and onward? Hallelujah. Anything else, Jerry? It's beautiful, isn't it? Yes, it is. All of this from one verse. Didn't you know I should be about my Father's business? And when we ask, what is the Father's business? That Jesus was about. Amen. A simple question. That's what the Lord asked me. And that's where the study comes from. What is the Father's business? Let's turn to Matthew, the 25th chapter. By the case, if you're able to read. I think it disappeared. For the favor, can you grab that? Matthew 25. Or verse, tell you guys to choose whoever starts. I'm happy. Matthew 25 from 14. Matthew 25 from 14. All the way to like 30 even. No, yeah. Okay. Matthew 25. Let's hold on that. I'm sorry. That's my mistake. Um, Luke chapter 12. Uh, 42 to 48. That's where I intended to start. Thank you. Luke 12, 42. And we'll, we'll, we'll mention Matthew later. And the Lord said, who then is that faithful and wise he would. Who his master will make ruler over his household. To give them their portion of food in due season. Blessed is that servant who his master will find so doing when he comes. Truly, I say to you that he will make him ruler over all that he has. What if that servant says in his heart, my master is delaying his coming. And begins to eat. I'm me. I'm begins to beat the male and female seven. And to eat and drink and be drunk. The master of that seven will come on the day when he is not looking for him. And as an hour, when he's not aware, and we caught him in two. And appointing his portion with the unbelievers. And what servant who knew his master's view. And did not prepare himself. Or do according to his view shall be given. Shall be beaten with many stripes. 48. But he who did not know. Yet committed things deserving of strife. Shall be beaten with few. For everyone to whom much is given. From him much will be required. And to him whom much has been committed. Of him, they will ask the more. Praise the Lord. Amen. Thank you. Brother case was cast out by his. Network. Funny man. Hallelujah. Another favor. How does this passage. How could it possibly apply to our subject tonight. Of our father's business. I hear you are receiving many texts. So that's good. Oh, I thought I was thinking. You were the one getting the vibration. Because I hate as well. Okay, it wasn't me. Okay. Yeah, well, Reverend, I think. First off. I like the. I like the last verse. That's just the birth already said. But he that and not. And did commit things worthy of strife. Shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given. Of him shall be much required. And to whom men have committed much. Of him, they will ask the more. And so the kingdom business is not one. That is not one that we. Or our father's business. Is not one that we approach ignorantly. So this is how this is what I see. It's not one which we approach ignorantly. Ignorance is. It's not it's not tolerated. He will be beaten with few stripes. It's not tolerated. But at the same time. The punishment is probably not as much as when. We approach the kingdom business. With we are obstinate. Yeah, because the verse before that says. And that servant which knew his Lord's will. And prepared not himself. He neither did according to his will. Shall be beaten with many types. Okay, so we. Oh, we lost your favor. Beaten with many stripes and then what, sir? Hello. Their audio just simply disappeared. In the middle of a very good statement. Hello, favor, are you back? I was looking forward to what you're going to say. Oh, thank you, Lord, for a good network. The whole evening for each one. Thank you for the helper. Other favor, we're missing you. Hello, okay. They're very clear. Okay, so you were talking about few stripes. And then you disappear. Yes, so I thought I had talked about few stripes. And we find out that ignorance is not. Tolerated or acceptable in the father's business. Although the punishment is not as much as compared to that of. And I wonder if the punishment would be like Hebrews 4. And where it would be instructional. For every son, whom his father does not. Discipline the same is a rejected son or not want to be. I wonder if the first case should be more instructional directional. Just as you go ahead then. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. For ignorance, I think it should be more instructional as well. I believe that the father will chastise. And that, but the punishment for we see in verse 47. A punishment for optimacy and ill preparation. And this is very interesting because I see. Where he says, I'm prepared, not himself. This would take my mind back to would take my mind to Matthew 25. I find out that the Lord doesn't. The Lord doesn't tolerate ill preparation. All right, if we don't prepare well, it's not tolerated. Because the Bible tells us in Matthew 25. The parable of the 10 virgins. You see the punishment. Punishment for not taking extra oil. One would say, but Lord, that's too much punishment. But then that tells that tells us how the Lord takes the subject. Of ill preparation very seriously. And so he says in that verse 47. That the servant who knew his Lord's will. And prepared not himself. Neither did according to will. So he wasn't prepared and it was obstinate. He goes like, well, I can do what I will. He shall be beaten with malice twice. And this is. I just want let me contribute on this because I see all things. But let me just stay here. Let me just stop here for now. So that we look through the other things and get more. Right. And it helps for the continuity of the lesson. Even though you're looking ahead. That you'll wait until we get to there. And that's excellent. Thank you, favor. Yeah, there's so much could be said about preparing ourselves. And our hearts and our minds to doing the will of the father. I think there's. I have a whole lesson about that. And it would be a good one. For us to look at preparing our hearts and our minds. Or expecting to be used of God. I want to say that again. I just said we should be expecting that God desires to work through you. Hallelujah and eager anticipation. A joyfulness about the honor of being a servant of the Lord. Speaking the words of God, discerning the will of God. Performing the works of God. Hallelujah. It's possible. So I also wanted to note. Where it says unto whom men have committed much. It's in the Luke 12 verse 42 to 48 passages that we're looking at. And when it says committed much. It means that something has been entrusted into this servant's care. Entrusted into their care. You see, the master is not here. Hallelujah. The master is not. You will not see Jesus in the flesh. He will not be there leading the way. No, he's in Jesus help us. He has entrusted something of this father's business into our care. And this is the stage where we are at. A phase where we are at in God's plan. Is that Jesus would leave and he would leave the work with mankind. That the son of man, son of God, would become son of man to raise up many sons. And sons, in that case, in Romans 8, it's the elder sons. And sons are entrusted with the father's business. Are we still children learning from our mother, our mother God? Let me say it that way, not disrespectfully. But the time of nurturing and discipling is only a period of time in our lives. And I feel the strength of what I'm saying. There's a time where God nurtures and prepares us. And loves us and ministers to us as a mother. But there comes a day of our bar mitzvah or a season that changes. And that it's time for some of that father's business responsibility. To begin the work upon our heads, in our hands. Oh, not by might and by power, but by his spirit. He has provided everything that's needed. Romans 12 just says, with every spiritual gift comes the faith. And the proportion of faith needed to move in those gifts. So, he gives the gifts and he gives the faith to work them. And so that we can work the works of him that sent us. Hallelujah. Oh, am I getting excited? I need to calm down. Amen. So, it's been entrusted into someone's care. Are we a servant? Does this parable apply to us? Well, the disciples thought it applied to them. Because they had just asked a question. And that question had an answer. And that the answer was in the parable. And so, Jesus was telling his disciples that soon. Hey, soon I will be leaving. And soon I will be entrusting something into your hands. Hallelujah. And don't be like this unfaithful servant. Who was not found so doing when his master appeared. Dear ones, we know Jesus is going to appear again. And he's going to appear with a reward in his hand. He's going to appear with a blessing. The rejoicing. He's going to say, well done, you good and faithful servant. I've entrusted the work of my father's business into your hands. And you've done well. This is where the talents, the parable of the talents. It was just referred to earlier, has to do. We've been entrusted with spiritual gifts and truths and abilities. Amen. The faith to pronounce and to herald the kingdom of God. The saving power of Jesus. But are we burying that talent? That spiritual gift and that intercessory prayer ability. The calling of God. Are we neglecting that? Are we pressing into that? For to whom much is given, much will be required. Oh, let's, and yet Paul says eagerly seek these gifts. Eagerly seek that you would prophesy, that you would heal, that you would be used of God in every area. That operates by the spirit of God for you. Oh, we've been entrusted, haven't we? Hallelujah. Go ahead, anyone with a thought on this? Jerry, what are you thinking? I'm just going with the flow here. If you have anything to add to the flood, then go ahead, my brother. Hallelujah. Go ahead. Somebody cleared their throat. Brother Cassandra, welcome back. Brother Cassandra, welcome back. Thank you so much, Adi. I know you missed a little, and we welcome you back. Luke 12, verse 42 to 48 is where we've been reading. Talking about that good and faithful and wise servant, whom was entrusted with responsibilities. And he ends up saying, blessed is he if he finds him so doing when he comes. For unto whom much is given, so much be required. And much was entrusted to that servant's hands. And what was entrusted? We see that he was entrusted in order to feed the servants in due season. It's found in the Matthew passage, to feed the servants in due season. Again, like you were saying, Brother Case, that's the work of a minister, is to encourage and strengthen and build up and usher in the new ones, the little lambs. Well, what did Jesus ask Peter to do, huh? He said, feed my lambs, and feed my lambs. Hallelujah. All right, Brother Case, read Matthew 24, verse 11 to 14. Matthew 24, verse 11, okay. It says, And many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. All the way to 14. Okay, I read 11 again, it said, And many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. But the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations. And then the end will come. I believe God has entrusted into our hands this gospel of the kingdom being preached into all of the world. I believe the coming of the Lord is not on a certain date that was set years ago. I believe that when the time is full, when the cup of the wrath of God is full, when the number of those coming in has been fulfilled, as only God knows, I believe the business of the Father has been entrusted into our hands. The great commission has been placed upon us. The same purpose that Jesus said would be about his Father's business, it is also about, it is our business. Amen. Bless the name of the Lord. I believe God is calling us to prepare ourselves, to burn up our loins and prepare ourselves for action. To be available vessels and to separate ourselves for his purpose. Amen. Separate ourselves for his purpose and not our own. He said, don't you know that you are not your own? You've been bought with a price. Therefore, glorify God in your bodies. Let's read 1 Peter chapter 1, verse 13. He who finds it first, please read. 1 Peter 1, 13. If you find it, don't hesitate, just read it. After unmuting. 1 Peter 1, verse 13. There is a word here, which is to gird up your minds for action. I think, James, if you're, I think Sister Bertha, we lost her. Sister Bertha, we lost her. There's a word here, which is gird up your minds. And to gird up, I think we went through the study not too long ago. It's a military term for action. They would allow their outer garment to flow during relaxing time or discipline walking. But when action was required, whether work or whether we were required to fight, then at that time, they would wrap their outer garments up tight around them. So almost they were wearing like a pair of shorts, like we would wear today to do in the gymnasium or play basketball. It's difficult to play basketball for the women in long dress. No, they want a pair of shorts, something that can prepare them for action. And 1 Peter 1, 13, this very word is used to gird up your mind for action. You know, the Lord is speaking to us that our Father has business that He desires for us to do. To work together, not by might, not by power, but by His Spirit, by His gifts, by His word, by His anointing and His calling. And He desires for us to set ourselves, prepare ourselves, being sober minded and depending fully on the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. And I want to say that this, the revelation of Jesus Christ can reveal, can be, I'm sorry, can refer to when He comes again, but it definitely can also refer to that experience when Jesus begins to work through us and His glory is revealed in us. Paul made it clear that there came a time when Jesus was revealed in him that he might preach. And it's in Galatians, the first chapter. He was revealed to him on the road to Emmaus, but later he was revealed in him so that he might preach. And it's the work of Christ by the Holy Spirit through us that we proclaim and we herald and we prophesy and we preach and God uses us. But we also have to offer our lives as a, say, Lord, here I am, a living sacrifice. God, here I am, send me. Here I am, use me. God, I'm presenting my life, not for myself, but unto you. For I am your handiwork. I've been created in Christ Jesus for good works in order to be about my Father's business. And how blessed is the servant whom he finds so doing when he's come because he's entrusted something into our hands. Not that we can do it by might, but that he will do it through us. So let's be excited that God desires to use us in the midst of difficulty. There's so many places in the word of God. He talks about the remnant, those that arise up out of persecution and out of trial and tribulation and continue to do the great works of God. What is it, Daniel chapter 11, what verse is it? Those who do know their God shall do great exploits. Verse 32, yeah, let's read Daniel 11 from 31 to 33. Go ahead, Sister Bertha, if you find it. Daniel 11, 31 to 33. Okay, it's speaking at the end of times. Daniel 11, 31 to 32. 33. 43. Okay, and, and for this shall be mustered by him and they shall defile the sanctuary fortress. Then they shall take away the daily sacrifices and place there the abomination of desolation. Those who do wickedly against the covenant, he shall corrupt with slavery. But the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits. And those of the people who understand shall instruct many. Yet for many days, they shall fall by sword and flame by captivity and plundering. So 33. Thank you. Not a pretty picture and not how that I would write the story if I was the one writing the story. However, those who do know their God in the midst of terrible troubles and persecutions. Those who have not allowed themselves to turn from the covenant of God have kept it. Those who have not allowed themselves to be flattered by the love of the world, or it's another place that says, because iniquity abounds, the love of many will grow cold. I'm encouraging myself and all of us, don't let your love grow cold. Stir up yourself, gird up the loins of your mind for action. That's lucky. They are going to slumber, I'm going to sleep because my master carries. Don't you know we should be about our father's business. You know that as we walk with him and know him, great exploits can be done at the hands of simple people. Oh, it doesn't require your money or your talents. It requires your availability. It requires your commitment. It requires your eagerness. Say, here I am, Lord, use me, send me, even prevail before him saying, God, don't cast me away. Use me, prepare me, discipline me, correct me, instruct me. Oh, Lord, help me. And so that this gospel of the kingdom of salvation and deliverance and healing and hallelujah, souls can be one. Those who need your redemption to be brought into your kingdom. Oh, Lord, that the works of Satan would be destroyed even as you died for. That souls could be rescued. Oh, Jesus, that the works of Satan would be destroyed through the church. Amen. Oh, mighty God. Amen. Amen. This is much more, but this is what's in my heart for tonight. I'd like to just open for anyone. Go ahead, Sister Bertha, since your mic is open. What is the Lord just touching your heart with tonight? Okay. I really want to bless God for the teaching tonight and please, am I loud and clear enough? Yeah, you're perfect. Okay. I really want to bless God for the teaching tonight and while the teaching was going on, my mind constantly kept going back to mantras, calling and anointing. Because I think it's a follow-up and just like where we read in Luke chapter 12, reading from 2 verse 42, where Pastor Faber was trying to explain those that don't understand the father's calling and those that understand it. There was one thing I took, one basic thing I took from the teaching of Luke chapter 12 from the teaching of last time, two weeks back, which is on mantras, callings and anointing. Those who were called from Elisha to the apostles of their time, they first of all believed that they had a call from God. They obeyed and then the last thing that followed was that they followed their calling. They accepted the mantra, they accepted the call and then they were anointed to do that which they've been called to do. So, one thing is basic and certain in Buddhist teaching and that one thing is to understand, just like in Luke chapter 12. Right. And I think that's where most of us, many a time, miss it. Because sometimes we do not understand. Jesus Christ said you are here because you don't even understand. You don't know your days of visitation. So, this has been a challenge for everybody and even for me because lately I have been trying to also ask the Lord to lead me to, for lack of a better word, my calling. Where exactly? What position? What is His will for my life? Because I want to fulfill purpose. I don't want to get to... I make this prayer almost every time. I don't want to get to the gate of heaven. And then God says, the Lord says, okay, better you try. But this is the house that was supposed to be yours. But because you did well but were not careful enough to fulfill purpose. So, you tried, yeah? You made it at last. Come in. But that is the one that we have kept for you because you did not fulfill purpose. You did not fit into your calling well. You did not understand what was meant of you to do. And then while you were talking, Reverend, my mind was just going through a couple of things in the scriptures. I remember Matthew, Matthew, is it 38? Nah, yes. Matthew 28 from verses, I think, 18 to 20, where Jesus Christ said, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. And then in 20, He said, teaching them to observe all that I have taught you and know I am within until the close of age. And then that is the mandate for, I believe, sometimes I look at it and I'm like, okay, are these people formal apostles or are they called into something else? And then the mandate is for every single Christian. And then as you spoke, my mind also, I was also taking to Romans chapter 12. Let me read this part, please. Romans chapter 12, verses 6 to 8, because I was trying to really understand, because I was also trying to ask myself better where exactly do you fit in so that you can be able to do the master's work very well. And then I remember, I think the Holy Spirit took me to Romans, Romans verse 12. I also mentioned, yes. Yes, Romans 12, 6 to 8. Let me read it. Okay. Romans 12, 6 to 8. And he says, he says here, having their gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them. If prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith or ministry, let us use it in our ministering. He who teaches in teaching, he who exalts in exaltation, he who gives with liberality, he who leads with diligence, and he who shows mercy with cheerfulness. And then 1 Corinthians 12, 28 says, that is a path that sometimes, because I've heard a couple of persons say that, oh, I don't have to preach the world, that I can preach the world, you know, by just the way I behave. I don't have to vocally bad the world. There are people who the Lord has called to do that, so I don't have to fit into that. In my serving, you know, my lifestyle and my conduct and all of that can point people to Christ. And then I remember I've seen somewhere in 1 Corinthians chapter 12, from verses 28 to 30, and it says, now you are, sorry, let me take it from 27, now you are the body of Christ and named that individually. 28 says, and God has appointed this in the church, first apostles, second prophets, third teachers. After that, miracles, then gifts of healing, help, administration. I think the Norman King James Version has this administration as government, varieties of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all workers of miracles? Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? But in all of these 31 things, but earnestly desire the best gifts, and yet I show you a most excellent way. Now I'm looking at that, for the first time, I think this part has really ministered to me. Let me not say for the first time, because I guess the Holy Spirit has given me an in-depth understanding in it, because I've come to realize that there are varieties of gifts in trying to do the Master's will, and fitting into our call, with the anointing that He has given to us, when we are called, when the mantle was placed on us, like Elisha or the apostles. Now all of us have been called into various capacities, and from this place we rise, you see that it is not even only in the house of God, but there are varied gifts, even outside in government, in the household, that are varied gifts that the Lord has given to each and every one of us. The church needs governmental and administrative gifts as well, sis. You know, it doesn't leave it out of the church. The church, perhaps the way we have it now, perhaps is not so much needed, but a disorganized church is ineffective. Go ahead. Okay, so wherever we find ourselves, you know, sometimes when they mention this calling, some people only attribute it to when the Lord has called you to be a pastor, or an administrator in the church, or an evangelist, or a prophet. I don't even understand what I'm saying, but there are diverse, yes, there are diverse gifts, just like the scripture has said. So if God has called you to be a president, that is your gift, and you have to use that position to serve the Lord faithfully, to take care of the people He has placed you under. And then if He has called you as a servant, just like Saint Paul said in the book of Ephesians, you must come without eye service, knowing that you have a master that is above you. And if He has called you to be a teacher in the house, or if He has called you to be an evangelist, we all have to do that, knowing that all these gifts are from the one and the same Spirit. So it's not just about us being called to be teachers, like Reverend, you know, Reverend, you are a very seasoned teacher, and I really bless you for your life, sir. Thank you. I really bless you for your life, and Bro. Cassandra and each and every one of us, I see our gifts, you know, but God is calling us, regardless of where He's called you to be, He could call you to be a vice chancellor, He could call you to be a lecturer, He could call you to work in an office, but let us be sure that there is something the Lord has placed in our hands. And wherever we find ourselves, we are supposed to allow the light of Christ to keep shining, just as He said, Reverend, because the love iniquity will abound, just as in our age and time right now. The love of many is really waxing cold. So let us live in the consciousness of the times we are in, may God help us to live in the consciousness of the times we are in, so that our love and the zeal burning in our heart for Christ will not be cold. I pray that the Lord will continue to help us and give us deeper understanding and meaning to His word. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. Amen. Thank you, sis. So, and what I see about that passage that you mentioned in Corinthians is that there are offices mentioned there, there are positions, offices, calling, because an office in God's house is something we are called to and then anointing for, but there are also gifts that are given that says individually or severally to each one, each believer. So in no case do we say, well, I'm not called to be an apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, evangelist, but that doesn't leave you out of the gifts because they're available to each and every believer. So there are definitely offices and calling, but there's also gifts and there's a usefulness and a fruitfulness that's required of each and every person, not just, oh, the pastor has to do it. No, no. You know, you have a shepherd, but who bears the lambs, the shepherd or the sheep? It's the sheep that bear the lambs and the shepherd cares for the flock, the entire flock, but mama sheep really takes care of her lamb and she teaches that lamb. And so it's the sheep that bears the lambs and bears the fruit. The shepherd is the overseer and often the word overseer is used in the Bible to refer to the deacon, the bishop, the pastor, all of those terms are all interchangeable and they're simply the overseer. Some of you might not like that. That's just what I see. And yes, to preach is one thing, but to the office of a preacher, bishop, deacon, and even shepherd, they're all very similar in how they're used in the New Testament and the actions that they take. It's the modern church who has made all the positions so distinct and so different. But actually, let me be clear. It's not necessarily the scriptural demonstration, but it's been a man-made organization. And I don't say it's all bad. I just have to say it wasn't like that in the beginning. So I know if you're a brother in study in a Bible school and they're teaching you, they're going to teach you differently, all slightly. But it's okay. We must operate by the gifts and the calling and anointing of God. And that's what's important more than our position. When we strive for a position, we're trying to please man and fit into a man-made structure. But when we obey God, we might disturb the man-made structure. Jesus did it a lot. All the early disciples did it. So why are we so special? Man loves to make structures. But God loves to anoint people that are about the Father's business. Amen. Well, thank you, Bertha, for referring back to this very special message on mantles and callings and anointings. Because this is kind of like another step in that to be about our Father's business. Amen. Anyone else with thoughts? And before we close, Brother Cash, do you have any thoughts? And if not, then if you just close in prayer, because our time advance is now. Okay. I was thinking about the Father's business. And I see that all through scriptures, the Lord is serious with all his own. He's serious with his people, beginning with the people of Israel, whom he chose. Israel, he's first born. Then coming to the new covenant, God is serious with his church. You could see why Jesus would take up a whip and say, my house is a house of prayer. And he chastised those who do merchandise there. And we could see how Jesus would talk so solemnly to Peter and say, feed my lambs. And had the Lord in John 17 given an account of his stewardship and he's saying, why I was on earth, I kept those you gave me. Not one is lost. So that's how serious the Lord takes his business. And this business is not a business of money. The business of the souls of men whom he wants set. Bible say he wants all to come to repentance. So, and not just does he want all to come to repentance. When they come, they must also be properly fed and also kept away from the evil one, from deceivers, from false teaching, false prophets. So it's a serious business. The Lord's business is a serious business. And those of us who are called, I think all of us are called to stewardship in one way or the other. We must take notes of the Lord's feelings towards his house, towards his people. And we'll think in the same light to guide us in all that we do. So I would don't treat the lost people with levity or carelessness or abuse power in any way. That's what I see. I see that the Lord takes notes of his own, cares for his own. It's concerned about his own. He's jealous about his own. Yeah. And that's serious business when we have to be stewards. And the way the Bible describes it, it's stewards of the mistress of God. Yes. I know. So serious, something serious. I'm trusting that the Lord will help me. I had a friend. He, he's non-late, but he said something I'll never forget. He said, Lord, save me from my sheep and my sheep from me. That was a powerful prayer. And I said, I agree with you. Thank you. That's a good point. Amen. First Kings 19 says Elijah is praying and he's worried that he's the only one serving the Lord. It's a time of, there's been three and a half years of famine. There's drought and there's been all these things happening. The persecution of anyone who won't worship Baal. And the Lord says, don't worry, Elijah. I still have reserved. I love the word reserved. I still have kept and reserved 7,000 in Israel. All whose knees have not bowed to Baal and whose mouths have not kissed him. I have reserved. I have preserved. I have kept. I've watched over. I have drawn to myself and I have shadowed over 7,000 in Israel. Oh, you're so correct, brother. God loves his people. Amen. Even the martyrs are the highest honored by the Lord in heaven. Amen. Brother Gary, any thoughts? Well, I was, I sort of got hooked on the servants, on the idea of servants. And a couple of characteristics popped into my head. Well, actually, I was studying recently about servants. Servants won't have the will of their own. They don't choose what they're going to do. Servants are subject to the master's instructions. Yes. And as such, we ourselves also cannot do what we want. We are not free to do what we want. We are free, but we're not free. We're subject to the Lord's instruction. A servant must be able to hear and understand his master's instructions. So we need to have our ears set on the Lord to distinguish from our own desires. So we need to have our ears sharpened to decipher the voice of the master. So we don't waste time, and we don't go on a tangent, and we don't waste years investing on the wrong journey. And then another thing is the Lord, he wants his servant to be faithful in little things. So the amount does not matter. It's the outcome. What you do with what he gives you is what matters. You don't say, oh, I'm not going to do it until he gives me something big. He is testing you. He wants you to see, he wants to see if you're going to be faithful with the Lord. Yes, in the little things. In significant things. If you are, that's gold in his eyes. You're shining in his eyes. So that's another part of a servant that needs to be faithful when he's watching you and he's not watching you. You know, significant or not. Those are little characteristics of servants that, you know, speaking up to me throughout the latter part of it. So, hey, Jerry, if you could take the time and put those points into a little note and post it to the group, that would be helpful to everyone. Because I appreciated what you were saying. Amen. Not seeking the approval of men. There's so many things. I was even thinking about Ezekiel, the 34th chapter, if I recall correctly, and he's reprimanding the shepherds. And there's a whole study on the shepherds and how they are feeding themselves off the sheep. They're becoming fat and all the things. It's quite a good study as well. Amen. We can see how that as a shepherd we ought to be. Amen. Well, bless the Lord. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Jerry, close this out in prayer with me. Hallelujah. Amen. Thank you, Lord, for the unity of the spirit that we unite in Christ. And you teach us, Holy Spirit. You saw us through your truth. So we are human. We are sworn. We are tied together to the spirit of unity. That is your word and your truth. And we know your voice, Lord. The sheep know the voice of the shepherd. Hallelujah. How sweet is your voice, Lord, that you call us by name. You know us. You tend for us. You care for us. You examine us. You're concerned about us and you care of your sheep, Lord. You're such a beautiful and good shepherd, Lord, you are. You are truly the good shepherd. Hallelujah. We love you. We love to follow you, Lord. And just as you gave your life, Lord, we also give our lives as a living sacrifice. Yet as we live, we don't live for ourselves, but we live for you, Lord. We give you our days, our weeks, our life, our years. Take it, Lord. Bless my brothers and sisters, Lord. Bless their lives. It may be a fragrant offering unto you in whatever you do, speak, serve, in all their life, to witness their attitudes, their smiles, and minister your grace to everybody around them. Hallelujah. Thank you for this evening, Father Gordon. Anointing, strengthening of health, wisdom, spiritual anointing. I thank you, Father, and I pray for your peace to be with us as we speak in Nigeria. May your peace cover us and be with us the rest of this evening here. In the name of Jesus, Father, in the name of Jesus, amen, amen, amen. Thank you, each one, for your great participations tonight. It made it really a joy, didn't it, as we could all participate together.

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