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What is My Name. tell me if you know !

What is My Name. tell me if you know !


What is My Name and the Name of My Son, Tell me if you know!!

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The host of the radio program discusses the controversy surrounding the true identity of Yeshua (Jesus) and the agenda of institutionalized Christianity. He mentions a booklet by Paul Wilkinson that exposes the anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian stance of certain denominations. The host also quotes various religious leaders who claim that Jesus was Palestinian. He argues against the belief that Yahweh and Allah are the same, citing Proverbs 30:4 and Isaiah 43:11 to support his claim that Yahweh is the true savior. He warns that Christian Zionists and pre-Gnostic Christians are being excluded from this new movement of Christian-Palestinianism. Hello, New Zealand and the world. Welcome to the program, Let Us Reason Together, a weekly radio broadcast to prepare us for the coming of the King and the restoration of the whole house of Israel. Our host today, Boaz Nuad. Shalom and welcome to the program. Well, the program today, after we have discovered what our biblical identity is, and now that we have discovered that in Messiah we are biblical Israelis, and we have had a look at the apologetics about the apostle Sha'ul, and we've come to see that there was in fact nothing wrong with our Sha'ul, but that he's been put words into his mouth, and that he was a Torah observant, bond-servant of Yeshua, from the day that he was confronted on the road to Damascus, until he finally disappeared, and he warned us that wolves would come who would change things around. Well they certainly have, and as I mentioned in my last program, that today we want to deal with who this Yeshua really is. And that's very controversial today, because even in the newest Bible translations, for example the New King James Version, they have translated certain things like, whereas in the Book of Acts it says that Yeshua is the son of Elohim, they have now made him into a servant, because he is only a prophet and a servant, so that he is acceptable in the ecumenical circles, which of course includes Islam. Now the other day my dear friend Rob Moore handed me a website, or a link, and that link pertained a detailed writing by a Mr. Paul Wilkinson, entitled Prophets who prophesy lies in my name. And this comes very timely, because it shows exactly the intent of institutionalized Christianity. All of its persuasions, may it be Roman Catholic, or may it be Protestant, or Evangelical, it doesn't really make any difference. And in this document, which I've had printed off and put into a little booklet, I'm going to quote you some of what the Palestinian Media Watch, which is an Israeli research institute that analyzes messages that are being delivered by the Arab-Palestinian population and its leaders, and they say very clearly that, for example, on May 12th 2009, its religious leaders of the Palestinian Authority, Muhammad Hussain, said that Jesus, or Yeshua and Mary, were Palestinians par excellence. And Mustafa Barghouti, he said, he is an influential leader within the Palestinian Authority, and he says that Jesus, or Yeshua, is the first Palestinian who was tortured in the land. Now this whole booklet, by Mr. Wilkinson, is something which all of us should read, because it clearly shows the hand of institutionalized Christianity as to what they are really up to. And they are up to a new theology, which is Christian-Palestinianism and the anti-Israeli crusade. So they are clearly re-emphasizing their replacement theology, whereby Israel is replaced by the institutionalized church. The institutionalized church, doesn't matter what format of it, is now aligning itself with the Palestinians against the Israelis. And this whole booklet shows you, for example, on page 15, the denominations that are in agreement with the declaration that was made by the Reformed Churches of America in 2004, which states, to declare the ideology of Christian Zionism and the extreme form of dispensationalism that undergirds it, to be a distortion of the biblical message, noting the impediment it represents to achieving just peace in Israel stroke the Palestine. In other words, Christian Zionism, which are Christians within the Christian denominations, who have a heart for Israel, who believe that Moshiach, or the Messiah, will come and rule and reign here for a thousand years, did Israel, they proclaim, according to the Reformed Churches of America, that that is a distortion of the Scriptures. And this is also agreed by the United Church of Christ, the Presbyterian Church of the United States, the Church of England, the United Methodist Church, Church of Scotland, the National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States, the Methodist Church of Great Britain, and, as I said, the Reformed Churches of America. Now it is clear that all these denominations, including the Roman Catholic Church, where the Pope recently announced that the Jews are no longer the chosen people, and they therefore have no right to the land of Israel, it is clear that the agenda is pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli. I want to quote you one of these gentlemen, which absolutely made my hair curl, but I don't get surprised anymore these days, however, this one certainly surprised me. And this is one of the leaders in that movement, Mr. Michael Pryor, a radical Roman Catholic priest and theologian, and at a recent meeting, or at a meeting which was held, he was one of the most controversial speakers, when he said, he believes that the narratives in Genesis to Joshua belong to the genre of myths and legends, describing Joshua as the patron saint of the ethnic cleansers, and the god whom the Christian Zionists worship as the great ethnic cleanser, a militaristic, an exophobic, a genocidist, who is not sufficiently moral even to conform to the requirements of the Fourth Geneva Convention. So that's Mr. Pryor's take on Joshua, on Genesis to Joshua, and his take on Yahweh. Mr. Michael Pryor is in the meantime deceased. The point that this is making is that in this new movement of Christian Alestinianism, there are two distinct groups which have to be excluded. One of them, you have already guessed, that are the Christian Zionists, in other words, people in the Christian Church, with a heart for Israel, who believe in a literal millennial kingdom here on earth, where the Messiah will reign. They are definitely excluded, and, according to information, in the not-too-distant future these people will have to make a choice as to where they stand, and if they are going to remain a Christian Zionist, they will be expelled from these denominations. And the other group are going to be what is termed to be the pre-Gnostic Christianity. Pre-Gnostic or Gnostic Christianity came in under Simon Magus in the Book of Acts. So it's pre-him, so that must refer, without doubt, to the early assembly of which James, the brother of Yeshua, was the leader, with Peter and John, and the Apostle Shaul, or in other words, the Nazarenes, and I am quite happy to let you know that I also belong to that assembly. In other words, I am also a Nazarene follower of Yeshua. They are also excluded from this movement, and therefore, let us be clear when the Scripture says, and our Master says, that we will be persecuted for His namesake. So the line is being drawn in the sand. This whole Christian-Palestinianism has been in the making for quite a number of years, and it is now being brought out, or rolled out, so therefore, no doubt, you will soon hear about it. It is said that in September of this year, 2011, they are going to call out the Palestinian State, and then, of course, Yahweh will judge the nations. Now, why am I mentioning all this? Because we want to determine from the Scriptures who is the true son of Elohim, in relation to Proverbs chapter 30, verse 4, and I am going to read to you from Proverbs chapter 30, from verse 1. This man declared to Etiel and to Ukal, I am the most ignorant of men. I do not have a man's understanding. I have not learned wisdom, nor have I knowledge of the Holy One. Who has gone up to heaven and come down? Who has gathered up the winds in the hollow of his hands? Who has wrapped up the water in his cloak? And who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name and the name of his son? Tell me if you know. So do you know what is his name? The one who holds the whole world in his hands, who has wrapped up the waters in his cloak, and who has established all the ends of the earth, do you know what his name is? Yes, you do. His name is Yahweh, he who was, he who is, and he who is to come. And then he says, and the name of his son. This is one of the most important parts of scripture by which we determine quite clearly that Yahweh of the Bible and Allah of the Koran cannot be one and the same, for the simple reason that the Koran clearly states that Allah has no son, and here it says that he who holds, or he who has established all the ends of the earth, has a son. And tell me his name if you know. So therefore these two, Yahweh and Allah, cannot be the same. This has been preached all over the place, that indeed they are all one and the same. There is only one God and Allah, one calls him Allah, the other one calls him Yahweh, and the other one calls him Buddha, but it's all one and the same, you don't need to worry about it. Well, I'm telling you that you do need to worry about it, because it's not true. It's not true by the writings of Yahweh in his scriptures, and by Allah in his Koran. He says, I have no son. Okay, Proverbs 30 verse 4, what is his name, and the name of his son? I want to refer you to the book of Isaiah, Isaiah the prophet, chapter 43, verse 11. In Isaiah 43, verse 11, it says, I, even I, am Yahweh, and beside me, Yahweh, there is no saviour. That's very interesting. Yahweh says, besides me, there is no saviour, and the Hebrew word for saviour is Yasha, Y-A-S-H-A, Yasha, so apart from me, Yahweh, there is no Yasha. So let's go to the Strong's Concordance. For those of you who do not know who Strong is, James Strong was a gentleman who put together a concordance and gave each Hebrew word a number, and then he gave an English translation of what the word means. And the word Yasha is the Strong's word 3467, which means wide or free, to be safe, to defend, to deliver, or a deliverer, to preserve, rescue, to be safe, or to bring salvation, or to be a saviour. So apart from Yahweh, you are not free, apart from Yahweh, you will never be safe. He is the one who defends, delivers, helps, preserves, rescues, saves, brings salvation, and is the saviour. Apart from me, Yahweh, there is no saviour. Just remember this. Okay, who is this saviour? I will declare the decree, Yahweh has said to me, thou art my son, this day I have begotten thee. It says in Psalm 2 verse 7. You see, but this word begotten can sort of intimate that the son was created. Therefore you want to look at the Hebrew word, which is the Strong's word 3205, and is the Hebrew word Yalad, Y-A-L-A-D. And the Hebrew word Yalad means to bring forth. To bring forth. When you read, for example, in the Gospel of Matthew, that Mary brought forth, that's the word Yalad, the child came from within her. So it is with Yahweh and his son, he brought him forth. And shortly we will see how and as what he was brought forth. So instead of today I have begotten you, it should read today I brought you forth. And then in the book of Genesis, in Genesis 1 verse 1, in your English translation, there are a couple of words missing. The Hebrew of Genesis 1 verse 1 reads Barashit bara Elohim alef taf ha-shamayim ve-yet ha-aretz. And what's missing in the translation in English is the alef taf. And this alef taf is the beginning and the end. The same beginning and the end, the same alef taf that we read in Revelations 1 verse 8. And in Revelations 1 verse 8 we know who this alef taf was. It was Yeshua. What does Yeshua mean, again? Yeshua means Yahweh who saves. Remember? Besides me there is no savior or redeemer or protector. I am Yahweh, besides me there is no savior. Yahshua, Yahweh who saves. And He is the alef taf or the beginning and the end. So in the beginning Elohim alef taf created the heavens and the earth. Yes, that's exactly right. Because perhaps this alef taf is better known to you as the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. The Hebrew equivalent is the alef taf, the beginning and the end. You see, because we read in John chapter 1 verse 1 that in the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with Elohim, or the Word was with God, and the Word was Elohim. This is important. Please try to get hold of this. In the beginning was the Word of Elohim and the Word was with Elohim. And that Word was Elohim. So what did Yahweh bring forth out of Himself? He brought forth out of Himself the Word. And that Word was with Him in the beginning. It was part of Elohim, if you like, and it was Elohim. You know, like my voice is part of me, so the Word was part of Yahweh. And that Word was brought forth, says John, and that Word became flesh. Now, in Genesis 1 verse 3, Elohim says, Let there be light, it says in your English translation. But if you go to a Hebrew translation, it's very clear that it says, Let Him be light. Who is Him? Well, doesn't Yeshua say, I am the light of the world, John 8 verse 12. So this light is brought forth by Abba Yahweh before the sun, the moon and the stars were created. And in the last book of Revelations we see exactly the same, because everything must go back as to how it was in the beginning, that in the eighth day we see no sun, moon and stars, but the light of Yahweh again will enlighten the whole place. That's how it was in Genesis 1 verse 3. And Yeshua is this light, John 8 verse 12. The light and the darkness, the light equals the day and the darkness equals the night. That's important because in 1 Thessalonians 5 verse 4, we read, You are all children of the light. So if we are children of the light, then we are children of Yeshua, because He is the light. And if we follow Him, we walk in the light. And therefore we are children of the day, because you will see in Genesis 1 verse 3 number that the light was called day and the darkness was called night. So we are children of the light and of the day, 1 Thessalonians 5 verse 4, and it says you are not of the night nor of the darkness. Now the word of Elohim in Genesis chapter 1 in verses 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26, 28 and 29, 10 words, in 10 words the word of Elohim said and spoke everything into being. And Elohim said let there be light and Elohim said etc. In 10 words by the word of Elohim was everything spoken into being. Who is the word of Elohim? In the beginning was the word, the word was with Elohim, the word was Elohim and that word became flesh in the figure of Yeshua who is Yahweh who saves. Yes, this is exactly what the Brit Galashah or the New Testament confirms. For by Him, Yeshua, all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, Colossians 1 verse 16. And Yeshua is that word, for by Him, Yeshua the word, all things were created in heaven and on earth. And He is the word of Elohim of John chapter 1 verse 1. OK, who is this Elohim? Well let's have a look in Isaiah 43 verse 3, that's the one we've already read, I am Yahweh your Elohim, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour. So who is Israel's Saviour? Yahweh, right? He is the Set-apart One of Israel, His Saviour. I'm not saying it, Isaiah 43 verse 3. He is the Yahshua of Israel. Isaiah 43 verse 10. You are my witnesses, saith Yahweh, and my servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe me, not the wolves of Ignatius, but that you believe me and understand that I am He, and here it comes, before me there was no Elohim formed, neither shall there be one after me. So Yahweh says that before Yahweh there was no Elohim or God, and after Him there will not be any Elohim or God. So therefore, you must bring this back to John chapter 1 verse 1, which says in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was Elohim, and the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim. And if Elohim is Yahweh, and before Him there was no Elohim, and after Him there will be no Elohim, then the Word is Yahweh. Yeah? Did we get this? If the Word is Elohim, and before Yahweh there was no Elohim, and after Yahweh there is also no Elohim, then the Word and Yahweh are, and have to be, one and the same. Isaiah 43 verse 11. I, even I, am Yahweh, apart from me there is no Saviour or Yahshua. Absolutely not. Isaiah 43, 14 and 15. Thus saith Yahweh, your Redeemer. Who is your Redeemer? Yahweh, right? The Holy One of Israel, or the Set-apart One of Israel. Who is that? Yahweh. I am Yahweh, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King. Who is your King? According to Isaiah 43, 14 and 15, Yahweh is the King, the Holy One, and the Redeemer of Israel. Isaiah 44 verse 6. Thus saith Yahweh, the King of Israel, and his Redeemer, Yahweh of hosts. I am the first, and I am the last, and beside me there is no Elohim. Besides me there is no Elohim. In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim. So the Word, which became flesh in Yahweh who saves, and Yahweh of hosts, the King of Israel, and Israel's Redeemer, are one and the same. He is the Aleph and the Toph, I am the first, and I am the last. Yahweh is Israel's Elohim, Israel's Savior, Israel's Holy One, Israel's King. I am the first, and I am the last, and apart from me there is no Savior. In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim. And that Word, He is the image of the invisible Elohim. How do we know that? Colossians 1 verse 15. He, Yeshua, is the image of the invisible Elohim. This conforms exactly with what the prophets are saying, and I have just recited to you. He is Israel's Elohim, Israel's Savior, Israel's Holy One, and Israel's King. Who is that? The Word. Who is the Word? Yahweh who saves, the Holy One of Israel. He is the image of the invisible Elohim. In other words, if you see Yeshua, then you see the Father. Because He and the Father are One. Yes, they are Echad, they are One. The Word of Yahweh and the Spirit of Yahweh are One with Abba Yahweh. Not three, they are not three individual gods as apostate Christianity teaches, no. They are One. It is the Ruach Elohim and the Davar Elohim. For the Word, the Spirit and the Word are One with the Father. And the Father brought forth the Word from out of Himself and made that flesh so that it could be seen by us as the representative of the invisible Elohim. In other words, Yeshua is one of a number of physical representations of the presence of Yahweh. Yeshua is one of the physical representations of Yahweh's presence. He is also, according to the Brit Hadashah or the New Testament, the Alpha and the Omega or the Aleph-Tav, the Beginning and the End. And what does this Elohim say of Himself in Isaiah 42, verse 8? I am Yahweh, that is My Name, you see. So He says, I am Yahweh, that is My Name. Not Lord. He doesn't say, I am the Lord, that is My Name, no, no. He says, I am Yahweh, He who was, He who is, and He who is to come, who is the Redeemer King of Israel. I will not give My glory to another or My praise to idols. That's what Yahweh says of Himself. And now, says Yeshua in John 17, verse 5, Father, glorify Me in Your presence with the glory that I had with You before the world began, you see. Yeshua pre-existed as the Word with Abba Yahweh before the world began. Well, if you say that to the left side of the Dutch Reformed Church in the Netherlands, they will laugh at you because they see Yeshua as a prophet and not as Elohim. But that's not what the Scripture teaches. And this is what everybody wants to teach again today, so that Jesus will be acceptable by everybody, but then He can no longer be Elohim, let alone that He is the physical representation of Yahweh in the flesh. No, no, no, they can't have that, but that's who He is. He says I'm not going to share My kavod, My glory or My honor with any other Elohim. So don't we do that either. Make sure that you do not let the words of other Elohim or other gods come over your mouth. That's a miswot, that's a Torah commandment. You see, and the important thing to understand is that no man can be in the presence of Yahweh and live. In 1 Timothy 6 verse 16 it is made clear to us who, that is Yahweh, only has immortality. You see, it is only Yahweh who has immortality. And in Yeshua, at the last day, which is quite a little bit off still, at the last day when He will raise the dead, right, and those who are in Him, they will then take on this immortality. But only Yahweh is immortal, and in Yeshua, at the last day, when He says I will raise up the dead, He says they will take on this immortality. Where do we find this? 1 Corinthians 15. He Yahweh who has immortality dwelleth in the light which no man can approach unto, whom no man has seen nor can see, to whom be honor and power everlasting, Amen. That's what Timothy says. You see, we cannot walk into the Holy of Holies, that's the place of the High Priest, and He is going to bear our names as Israelites in the stones before Abba Yahweh in that Holy of Holies, because we cannot come there. Let me not hear again the voice of Yahweh my Elohim, neither let me see this great fire any more, that I die not. That's what the Israelites said in Deuteronomy 18, verse 16. Yes, I hear what you are thinking. I hear it. What about the people then who say, oh, the Lord came to sit on the end of my bed and He spoke to me? Did He not? Not according to this, Yahweh has never sat on the end of anyone's bed, because He lives behind unapproachable white light. No one has seen Him nor can see Him, and Yahweh is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth. So you have to be a little bit sceptical when you hear people say these things. Because Israel, when they were at Mount Sinai, they said to Moses, Moses, please, please, you go for us, because if we see Yahweh, we will die. And this Yeshua, this Yahweh who saves, has to be the Prophet like unto Moses. Doesn't it say, in the book of Deuteronomy, we went through it last time, that Yahweh says, I'm going to give you the Prophet like unto you from your brothers, whose brothers were Jewish, weren't they not, who were Israelites, who were not Palestinians, they were Israelites. Therefore, Jesus of the apostate church might be a Palestinian, but Yeshua of the Scriptures, He is from the tribe of Judah, so He is Jewish, and He is an Israelite, not a Palestinian, as they are trying to let you to believe. And He is the Prophet like unto Moses, and Moses was from the tribe of Levi, an Israelite. This is that Moses which said unto the children of Israel, a Prophet shall Yahweh, your Elohim raise up unto you, of your brothers, like unto Me, and Him shall you hear. Not the theologians of the Christian Palestinianism, who have an anti-Israel crusade, they are anti-Yeshua, and they are anti-Yahweh. They say that Yahweh is such, that He can't even conform to the Geneva Convention, what? How dare these people even take these words on their lips? Deuteronomy 18 verse 15, Yahweh your Elohim will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto Me, unto Him shall you hearken. That church was already in the wilderness, it started at Mount Sinai, and the oracles that were passed on, they must also be passed on to us, say the apostles of the followers of the Nazarene. Well I can read you, I can read you from certain of these people here, in this booklet, what they say about the apostles of Yeshua. In particular when the apostles talked about, are you going to restore the Kingdom to Israel at this time? Well do these theologians here say, you know, these apostles were so naive, they had no idea, no idea, and Yeshua rebuked them and said to them, look you guys need enlightenment from the Spirit because, you know, this is old fashioned stuff we don't even believe in anymore. It's all here in this booklet, it's unbelievable, it's unbelievable how these people interpret the Scriptures. There is a part here where you can take the Scriptures and interpret it the way you like. Let me just read to you, before we go and have a break, what they are saying. One of the most conspicuous characteristics of Christian Palestinianism is its low view of the authority of Scripture. The very fact that its proponents deny any future prophetic role for the nation of Israel and fail to acknowledge the sovereign hand of Elohim in Israel's reestablishment in 1948 substantiates this claim. Consider the following statement made by Naim Atik as he expands what he calls a new way of interpreting the Scripture, what he calls a new hermeneutic. It's on page 81 of his book Justice and Only Justice. He says, quote, when confronted with a difficult passage in the Bible, one needs to ask such simple questions as, is the way I am hearing this the way I have come to know God in Christ? Does this fit the picture that I have of God, of the God that Jesus has revealed to me? If it does, then that passage is valid and has authority. If not, then I cannot accept its validity or authority. So if somehow you don't understand and it doesn't speak to you, you say, sorry, this is not for me, I just take what I want and I leave out what I don't want. Can you imagine this? This is unbelievable. You see, dear friends, at the end of the age there will be such deception, and here it is, it's called Christian-Palestinianism, an anti-Israeli crusade and this is only the tip of the iceberg. And they quote great men like, for example, John Calvin. They take for baiting the teachings of Plato, who was a philosopher who lived 429-347 B.C. and Oregon took over Plato's teachings, Oregon lived in 185-254 A.D. and it was really driven home in the churches by Augustine, 354-430 A.D., up and into John Calvin, 1509-1564. I always call John Calvin the Pope of the Dutch Reformed Church. Because these four gentlemen, Plato came up with the, you know, the material world is evil and irrelevant, it's totally corrupt, so we only deal with the spiritual. Therefore, Oregon said we've got to spiritualize everything, right, in the scriptures. And Augustine said, yeah, we allegorize everything, right, so that Israel is now replaced by institutionalized church and we do not have a millennium, we are amillennialists, next thing that's gonna happen we all go to heaven. And John Calvin says, yes, the church is the people of Elohim or the people of God and all the covenants that were ever made with Israel are now culminating in one covenant called the covenant of grace. Well, you can't find it anywhere in the scriptures and that's why all these things are now in a mess. You see, I want to read you from this one guy and then we go to a break and he is interpreting John Calvin. John Calvin was a Swiss-French Protestant reformer and he is very popular within Dutch reformed circles, amongst, of course, others. And here is this fellow, Donald Wagner, and he is making some comment on John Calvin, but he also is adding some mockery. And remember what the Apostle Peter says, that in the end of the age mockers will come and they will mock all these things and here we have one of them and I want to quote him to you. His name is Donald Wagner. It was as if the disciples were saying, well, Lord, we were truly impressed by the miracles you performed whilst we were laboring with you, we were inspired as well by your great teachings and then the resurrection was truly fantastic, but now, will you do the big one? Will you restore the kingdom to Israel now and drive the Romans from our land? I think the Lord needed to employ every bit of his sense of humor at this point. I can see him saying, half in jest and half seriously, I don't believe it. Where have you people been for the past three years? You've missed the point of everything. Then Jesus became very harsh with his disciples. This is a clear word from the Lord to the futurist dispensation list. Here Jesus was telling the disciples not to place their trust in, nor devote their energy to end time prophecy or the militant Zionist ideology. Can you imagine it? Can you imagine it? How dare they say it? You see, remember that in our previous messages we talked about adding and subtracting from the word of Yahweh, that those who do that according to the book of Revelation are going to be written out of the tree of life. Friends, we are going to have a song and a break and then we will continue our teaching. We are going to have a song and a break and then we will continue our teaching. We are going to have a song and a break and then we will continue our teaching. We are going to have a song and a break and then we will continue our teaching. We are going to have a song and a break and then we will continue our teaching. We are going to have a song and a break and then we will continue our teaching. We are going to have a song and a break and then we will continue our teaching. We are going to have a song and a break and then we will continue our teaching. We are going to have a song and a break and then we will continue our teaching. We are going to have a song and a break and then we will continue our teaching. We are going to have a song and a break and then we will continue our teaching. Okay, what other evidence do we have that Yahweh and Yeshua are one and the same? Well, let's go to Genesis 22 verse 15 and 16. There we see that the angel of Yahweh called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time and said, By myself have I sworn, saith Yahweh. You see, the messenger of Yahweh and Yahweh here are one and the same because he called unto Abraham out of the heavens the second time and said, By myself so this is the angel or the messenger of Yahweh said, By myself I have sworn, saith Yahweh for because thou hast done this thing and hast not withheld thy son, thy only son. The messenger or the angel, the Melach is the Strongsword 4397 which is somebody who is dispatched as a deputy a messenger specifically of Elohim a prophet, a teacher, a king, an ambassador, a deputy so this deputy is Yeshua who is Yahweh who saves the messenger of Abba Yahweh or the teacher and then we see in Exodus 3 verse 2 to 5 And the angel of Yahweh appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of the bush and when Yahweh saw that he turned aside to see Elohim called unto him out of the midst of the bush and said, Moses, Moses and he said, Here I am. Do you see it? Here we have again this deputy of Yahweh appearing in the midst of the bush and then it says, And when Yahweh saw that he turned aside to see Elohim called, so here we have all three of them, the messenger, Yahweh and Elohim, but they are all one and the same that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he before me there was no Elohim formed neither shall there be one after me, remember so Yahweh and Elohim and the deputy, the word of Yahweh are all one and the same, Isaiah 43 verse 10 then we read of course in Deuteronomy 6 verse 4 Hear O Israel, Yahweh our Elohim Yahweh is one, he is one Elohim because before him there was no one, after him there was no one besides him there is no one, he is the only one therefore he is one, not three but a physical representation of Yahweh's presence is for example Yeshua who was the word of Yahweh made flesh so that he was the physical representation of Yahweh's presence he is the rock, who is the rock? for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them and that rock was the Messiah, 1 Corinthians 10 verse 4 then if you go to Isaiah 44 verse 8 it says Is there an Elohim beside me? Yea, there is no Elohim, I know not any but that word Elohim in this text is the Strong's word 6697 and we know that the word God as this has been translated here is the Hebrew word Elohim but the Hebrew word 6697 is Tsar and Tsar is a sharp rock so what this should read is rock not Elohim therefore Yeshua he is the light, he is the word he is the Melach or the angel or the messenger he is the rock, the redeemer, the king the Pesach lamb, the prophet, he is Elohim Aleph Tav of Israel, he is not the Palestinian par excellence he is son of Israel born of Miriam from the tribe of Judah and remember that the scripture says that salvation is of Judah and not of the Palestinians the lamb, he is the lamb that takes away the sin of the world Exodus 12 verse 13 he is the king and the redeemer when you are going to shortly celebrate the Passover I think it is April 17th and you will again put the blood on the door posts of your heart and you will remember when you did that originally that you were born from above you were born from above and you were saved by the blood of Messiah who cleansed you from all your Torah violations and presented you before Abba Yahweh spotless as though you were without sin who can forgive sin? for I Yahweh will forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sin no more Jeremiah 31 verse 34 bless Yahweh O my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgiveth all thine iniquities and who heals all thy diseases Psalm 103 verse 3 who is an Elohim like unto thee that pardoneth iniquity and passes by the transgressions Micah 7 verse 18 or that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins Mark 2 verse 10 and he Yeshua said unto her my sins are forgiven thee Luke 7 verse 48 it is only Yahweh and Yahweh who saves that can forgive sin yes? yes you will say but hang on a minute what about in the days of old when we bought indulgences from the Pope and we paid him for example 500 dollars and then our sins were forgiven he's not Yahweh he can't forgive your sins therefore you don't repent to the Pope you repent to Yahweh and you follow his decrees and you follow his laws and you live his lifestyle because he is the one you are to obey make sure that you have the right Elohim Yeshua seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy son be of God good cheer thy sins be forgiven thee Matthew 9 verse 2 you see he and the Father are one Yeshua the Redeemer only He can redeem how do we know that because didn't we read in Isaiah 43 that Yahweh is the only one who can redeem He is the only Saviour of Israel Israel's Saviour and Redeemer none of them can by any means redeem his brother nor give to Elohim a ransom for him you see if Yeshua according to the Christian Palestinianism and all other Christian denominations is only a man then he is not able to pay for your sins and therefore the Apostle Shaul says if he therefore did not rise from the dead and if he therefore did not pay the price of your sins then you still live in your sins and you are therefore men and women most miserable just remember this right is done Psalm 49 verse 8 none of them can by any means redeem his brother nor give to Elohim a ransom for him when I was teaching in a place in Friesland in Holland some years ago I noticed in the audience an orthodox Jewish gentleman and afterwards he came to me and he said brother I haven't eaten so well in a long time but he says Yeshua is Elohim he says I can't see that I said to him my friend then you have to deal if he is only a man then you have to deal with Psalm 49 verse 8 he said that's a good one you see he knew it that's a good one none of them can by any means redeem his brother nor give to Elohim a ransom for him so if Yeshua died for the sin of the world he has to be Elohim and he only can redeem he was with the father before the world began because that's also denied you see because they say no no no he only came to earth when he was born of Mary no no no no he pre-existed with Yahweh before the foundations of the world were laid the scripture says as the word he the word was from eternity to eternity Isaiah 55 11 this word will not return unto him void because in the beginning was the word and the word was with Elohim and the word was Elohim John 1 verse 1 and Psalm 90 verse 2 before the mountains were brought forth or even thou hadst formed the earth and the world even from everlasting to everlasting thou art Elohim and if the word is one with El then the word is also from everlasting to everlasting what does Zechariah 12 verse 10 say and I who is I in context here Yahweh I will pour upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and of supplication I is Yahweh in context here and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced who is me in context here if I in Zechariah 12 10 is Yahweh then me in context has to also be Yahweh yes because not Abba Yahweh was nailed to the cross but his physical representation in Yeshua the Messiah was nailed to the cross who is me Yahweh who saves and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced we have pierced Yeshua and he is from eternity to eternity John 17 verse 5 and now O Father glorify Thou me with Thine own self and with the glory which I had with Thee before the world began but Thou bethlehem Ephratah though Thou be little among the thousands of Judah yet out of You shall he come forth unto me that is the ruler in Israel whose going forth has been from everlasting Micah 5 verse 2 you are to give him the name Yeshua and he will save his people from their sins Yeshua Yahweh who saves or Yahweh the Redeemer Matthew 1 verse 21 Yeshua is he your Savior or have you also been beguiled by apostate Christianity and do you believe now that he is a Palestinian just a nice Palestinian prophet like Mohammed but not as authoritative friends let me reiterate again from the Psalms that no man can pay the price for your Torah violations to Abba Yahweh so therefore if you believe in a Savior who is only a man according to the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15 you are man or women most miserable dear friends at this day and age and at this time it is absolutely paramount that you are clear in whom you believe that you are clear who Yahweh is and let me hasten to add that I cannot explain him to you you see Yahweh does not live in the universe but the universe lives and exists in him and who am I to tell you exactly who Yahweh is he is spirit and those who must worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth but he has made his word flesh so that we could identify with Yeshua who is Yahweh who saves and he says look if you see me you see my father and I look at Yeshua I see him as the walking and living Torah lifestyle laws decrees of Yahweh and I am to live like him and I fail but I am trying dear friends make sure that you have a Savior who can indeed redeem and save you out of this dark and evil world and in the not too distant future it is he who is going to come for Israel for biblical believing Israel that has made herself ready and if you look at this whole Christian palestinianism you can see the five wise and the five foolish virgins come into play I am going to stop with the words of the scriptures Matthew chapter 24 that at the end of the age there will be much deceit there will be false anointed ones people who say that they are the anointed ones of Yahweh they are prophets who prophesy life in his name therefore you must decide whom you will serve are you going to serve Yeshua the Jewish Messiah of Israel or are you going to serve the Jesus of the Christian palestinianism that was the first palestinian martyr in Palestine who is just a nice man almost like Mohammed that is the choice that you must make please make the right one next week we are going to continue with the book of revelations and we are going to ask the question the book of revelations is it all going to happen now or are we blinded by our amillennialism until then I wish you Shalom Shalom Shalom Shalom Shalom Shalom Shalom Shalom Shalom Shalom

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