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Targeting Ghaddafi: Taking out third world trash without culpability

Targeting Ghaddafi: Taking out third world trash without culpability

A VanopolisA Vanopolis



Political leaders in the West have been able to suck resources from Africa by denying it access into the modern world. Africa must survive in a state of perpetual turmoil and corruption or face vengeance from those who profit from its resources.


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targeting Gaddafi, taking out third-world trash without culpability. Political leaders in the West have been able to suck resources from Africa by denying it access into the modern world. Africa must survive in a state of perpetual turmoil and corruption or face vengeance from those who profit from its resources. While caring and compassionate organizations from around the world have contributed billions of dollars to alleviate Africa's suffering, the continent is purposefully constructed to fail. By fostering despair and dysfunction, Western leaders ensure the survival of self-isolating slave regimes. When an African government's right to self-determination clashes with a malicious foreign goal, it must be reformed, sanctioned, or destroyed. The Western media will suppress genocide and despotic domination of African masses until an independent leadership opposes their people's captivity. A star burns bright over North Africa. This was the case in Libya, where Muammar Gaddafi rose to power in 1969 and ruled for over 50 years. Muammar Gaddafi was one of the few African leaders willing to challenge the West's subhuman norms and eventually lead his people out of servitude. The Western media, or state-sponsored propaganda ministry, is hired to conceal both internal and exterior truths that could undermine the ruling class's narrative. This is why Westerners were so unaware of Gaddafi's true accomplishments, only hearing about his fictional, terrible reign. Of doubt, Gaddafi committed some heinous crimes against humanity, but that is survival in the Third World 101. The Gaddafi dictatorship did not have the luxury of ruling under the guise of democracy, as those in the West do, but he would nevertheless advocate for advancement for the Libyan people. Instead of imposing a stagnant existence on his people, like his poor neighbors, Gaddafi encouraged education, industry, and family strength. Libyans had free education and high-quality health care, and couples were given $50,000 to start families. Gaddafi accelerated his people's progress by enacting more enriching policies and firmly opposing the formation of terrorist cells, such as al-Qaeda. Unlike regional despots and their ignored populations, Colonel Gaddafi provided water to all of his countrymen. Not only was fuel made affordable to everyone living under Gaddafi's rule, but housing was recognized as a human right. Women in Libya were not obliged to stay at home or publicly cover their faces with a rag, no matter how distressing they appeared. Unlike Western governments, Gaddafi safeguarded his people and Libyan culture, refusing to let illegal migrants seeking benefits. Targeting Gaddafi In 2011, the West would hate and condemn Gaddafi, not for committing horrible atrocities against his fellow man, as most of his African counterparts had done, but for plotting to monetarily fuck the ruling class. The now-renegade colonel presented a proposal for a financially independent Africa, which was clearly a no-starter for Western elites. Immediately, the mainstream media began portraying Gaddafi as an insane ruler who massacred his subjects. The American political theater unleashed stale old clichés about expanding global democracy and sanctifying an oppressed people. Obama has allowed al-Qaeda and other CIA-sponsored provocateurs to pose as revolutionaries and destabilize Libya. They were painstakingly planting the seeds of misinformation, which would only result in murder and disaster. The state-sponsored media, including Fox, CNN, ABC, and NBC, were ingeniously producing top-level propaganda to persuade the American public that the expulsion was legitimate. CORNERING THE RAT On October 20, 2011, Gaddafi was a cornered rat, surrounded by Western-armed and supported insurgents high on illicit drugs and bloodlust. Muammar Gaddafi, Africa's savior, was brutalized and ridiculed, sodomized with a sword, and finally killed on public television. Following this, Hillary C.L.

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