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9-11 Podcast 5

9-11 Podcast 5

Gianna R



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How did police officers or the government reassure the public after 9-11? Well, reassure what? That it was not going to happen again? Yeah. I don't think they did reassure the public. I just think they said they were going to hunt them down. They blamed Osama Bin Laden and they blamed other people. But, you know, I don't believe... It's a tricky question because they kept saying, OK, we're going to hunt all the terrorists down and get them. Well, most of the terrorists that were on the plane, they hunted them down too. You know, what you do is they... I know behind the scenes, people were following the money. You follow the money, you follow who had... You know, they found out who the terrorists were. And then what happens is you find out who got them the visa, then who backed them to come over to the United States. You know, some of them went into pilot schools. But there was a lot of stuff. There was stuff like one of the pilots, he wanted to learn how to fly. He didn't want to know how to land. All he wanted to do was learn how to fly. Well, the people that taught him, I think that was down in Florida, that's a red flag right there. How would you want to know how to land a plane or take off? Similar to the suicide bombers in Japan? Yeah. Yeah, you need to know the whole aspect of it. But I don't know... I know President Bush kept saying, you know, we're going to hunt the people down. You know, and that's... A lot of times that's just lip service. You know, they're just saying certain things that... You want to make the public feel comfortable. And whether you know it's true or not, you've got to say it to make them comfortable.

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