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A tale of two brothers

A tale of two brothers

A VanopolisA Vanopolis



Senator Robert Kennedy was fatally shot on June 5th, 1968, as he was leaving the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles by a professional hit squad. Evocative of the assault on his sibling John, which took place four years earlier, a convenient pawn was strategically placed at the scene and wrongly implicated for the offense.


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The transcription talks about the dark forces behind Richard Nixon's presidency, JFK's resistance to their control, and his assassination. It also mentions the assassination of Robert Kennedy and the suspicious circumstances surrounding it. The CIA is implicated in both assassinations and in spreading misinformation during the recent US presidential election. Tale of Two Brothers The dark forces behind the hidden hand selected Richard Nixon to serve at their behest in the White House, governing vicariously through him and pillaging the national coffers. To their dismay, the people's will prevailed, and young JFK would ascend to the White House. Kennedy would prove to be as flawed and compromised as were the fraternity of fuck-ups that preceded him, seemingly susceptible to blackmail. Even a closet full of skeletons couldn't contain him. He resisted shadow directives and refused to send soldiers to die on jungle floors. In spurning the unelected elites, the 35th president would pay the ultimate price. On November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy faced his day of reckoning. Well-placed assassins delivered Lyndon Johnson to power after over a year of sinister plotting. On March 16, 1968, less than five years after that dark day in Dallas, JFK's little brother launched his campaign for president. With Lyndon, Chip Byrd, Johnson losing the primary and abandoning his campaign, only two losers remained between RFK and the nomination. The threat of Bobby Kennedy in the White House sent panic through the soulless flesh suits of those in power who were afraid for their lives. They enjoyed the horror and bloodshed of the Vietnam War and thought that if Kennedy won, it would end the killing for money in the Far East. Ambassador Robert Kennedy was fatally shot on June 5, 1968, as he was leaving the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles by a professional hit squad. Evocative of the assault on his sibling John, which took place four years earlier, a convenient pawn was strategically placed at the scene and wrongly implicated for the offense. RFK's assailant, unlike JFK's, was a petite and handsome young man of Palestinian descent. With a .22 revolver in hand and eight shots at his disposal, Sirhan Sirhan's body was present, but his mind was elsewhere, possibly reminiscing about Palestine and enjoying a falafel. The CIA heavily altered his brain and transformed a fragile dove into a lethal assassin harpy eagle. While none of his shots had landed on Kennedy, the bewildered young assailant had unquestionably accomplished his mission. As one would expect, Kennedy was killed by a shot fired from close range behind the ear. The reality is that Sirhan was standing several feet away from Kennedy when the tragic event occurred. A significant amount of logistical discrepancies were present, much like those witnessed in Dallas. The official explanations that followed the assassinations were largely absurd and logistical impossibilities at the very least. Deception of this kind and reach could only be sanctioned by high-ranking government officials, overseeing the CIA. The organization responsible for orchestrating the execution of both of Kennedy's sons was also responsible for the propagation of misinformation that favored a delusional elderly man with dementia over Donald Trump.

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