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Chiron the Wounded Healer

Chiron the Wounded Healer

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Chiron, the wounded healer, is now in retrograde along with several other planets. This retrograde period is bringing up past traumas and forcing us to confront our wounds. The archetype of the wounded healer teaches us to find healing within our own wounds. Jacob's story in the Bible symbolizes the transformative power of being wounded. When we embrace our wounds, we open ourselves up to the unconscious and receive its gifts. This retrograde period is a time for humility and vulnerability as we heal and grow. Our wounds can be a source of strength and creativity. It is through embracing our brokenness that we can elevate ourselves and experience the light within. This retrograde period is urging us to face our wounds and release our courage and worthiness. It is part of the divine plan for us to be broken in order to become fully ourselves. Only by accepting and embracing our wounds can we truly escape the suffering they bring. So greetings and salutations to everyone and I felt it was important to pop a little bit of a deeper insight into Chiron and the wounded healer mythos as it now relates to Chiron going into retrograde as of today in Ares which just joined Venus in retrograde in Leo and that makes now as of you've already stipulated the six planets in retrograde Saturn is in retrograde Pluto is in retrograde Neptune is in retrograde Venus is in retrograde Chiron is in retrograde and very shortly we're going to have Mercury also in retrograde now what's really important knowing that this is coming down the pipe and this is going to affect every single person on the planet this is no longer allowing our conscious self to suppress our trauma so one of the primary mythic patterns which is informing our consciousness and giving shape to what is collectively playing out on our world stage as well as within the human psyche is the archetype of the wounded healer to be at home in the darkness of suffering and there to find these gems of light and recovery with which as though by some form of magic or enchantment to bring forth a cathartic release, a sun-like healer. The archetype of the wounded healer has to do with discovering the healing encoded within our wounds as if we are finding light that is hidden within the darkness. The wounded healer is literally the deeper pattern that is at the bottom of the process of healing itself. The figure of the healer who is wounded symbolically reveals to us that is only by being willing to face, consciously experience and go through our wounds do we receive its blessing. We've all been wounded which is to say that we are all potentially wounded healers in training in Gaia's classroom on planet earth. Now the process of individuation that is a becoming part to the whole is to quote C.G. Jung's closest colleague Mary Louise von Franz. Generally begins with a wounding of the personality and the suffering that accompanies it. This initial shock amounts to a sort of call although it is not often recognized as such. Once we become wounded we usually project the obstruction onto some external event or person in our lives. Upon closer investigation however our wound brings into bold relief the nature of our limited condition. It is not imposed on us from outside by external powers but rather the genesis of the forces obstructing us arises within our own being. So we not only create and perpetuate the mythos of the wounded healer, we play it out in actionable form. As if following a deeper calling the event of our wounding sends us on a journey in search of ourselves. It is a wounding experience when the ego construct initially encounters something greater and more powerful than itself. Initially encounters something greater and more powerful than itself. Which is to say that the event of our wounding is initiatory. Potentially leading us to our true vocation and even our destiny in life. This idea is expressed in the biblical story of Jacob. After wrestling with the dark angel of God who was the clearest the stronger of the two, Jacob was wounded in the hip. For the rest of his life he carried a limp as a result of the encounter. Symbolizing the fact that the birth of the self is a wounding experience for the ego. As a result of his ordeal Jacob is given a new name Israel. He who has wrestled with God. Signifying that his identity has been changed as a result of his encounter with this nuance in the universal tapestry of existence. It should be noted that Jacob was wrestling with the angel in the first place because he would have been killed otherwise. Our fight-or-flight mechanism is very much triggered by the energy of the wounded healer. So when Chiron is direct we are finding it very easy to reflect and play out those wounded episodes. And now that Chiron is in its detriment or in its review and retrograde status it's about reviewing where we are wounded in our lives and how we believe we got those wounds or got to that place in the very, very beginning. The initiatory stage of where we ended up. Where did we start and ultimately where did we end up. Being wounded can catalyze a breakdown or even a breakthrough depending upon our ability to creatively express and give meaning to our overwhelming inner experience. This is often referred to as the dark night of the soul. So Chiron, the wounded healer in retrograde, especially when it's squaring off to Pluto, also in retrograde squaring off to the nodes which have just shifted out of their last 18 month cycle of both Taurus and Scorpio and have now moved in north node to Aries and the south node has moved into Libra. The experience of becoming wounded can seemingly break us while simultaneously breaking us open, thereby facilitating a connection to the world of the unconscious with its inexhaustible riches. This is the Pluto energy and why it is being amplified also by Jupiter being in Taurus. Oh, by the way Jupiter is also getting ready for its major retrograde. In fact, the day that Venus, who is in her 40 day never-before-seen energetic retrograde in Leo, in our lives, when she stations direct, the day she stations direct, I think it's something like September the 11th or something, the day that she stations Jupiter goes into retrograde, which completes the entire outer planet, inner planet cycle of a composite, full-on retrograde season. Now, when we open this hyper gate, this doorway into the unconscious, we potentially move through that doorway which flows a revitalizing stream of the unconscious with its infinite creator. So we actually create a hyper gate, a wormhole if you like, that brings us into a direct connection and into the light of the creator because we'll be using the creator to help us not only anchor our wounds in our consciousness but to heal them. When our conscious ego encounters a charged unconscious, that is, if the concomitant tension experienced as an uncomfortable state of suffering, if it can be endured, then something new and creative will evolve as a course and as a result. The surrendering of our ego pretense and acknowledging and embracing our brokenness opens us up to be able to recognize and receive more resources from both the psyche and the world at large. Being in touch with our woundedness is a hedge against inflation, keeping us grounded and ensuring against any tendency we might have to become too self-important. This is a time to be humble, this is a time to exercise a deeper humility in our lives and be vulnerable. Yes, I feel really angry, I'm really upset, I feel really depressed, I feel really betrayed, I feel ghosted, I feel used up, I feel like a dishrag of someone else's making and choosing. Songwriter Leonard Cohen sings, there is a crack, a crack in everything, that's where the light comes in. So we're dealing with our shadow who's still wanting to tower away and hide under the many, many layers of our subconscious so that it can't experience the light that we all desperately want to bring into our lives and flood our psyche to flush out the parasites that have taken us over. Though entering us through the cracks in our fragmented self, this power of light, the numinous dimension of the psyche with its mythopoetic nutrients, is imbued with a living intelligence all of its own that can deeply enrich our experience of being human. To know our woundedness is to be human. To heal our woundedness is to be an elevated human. Similarly, the esteemed psychologist William James says, if there are sub-super normal powers, it is through the cracked and fragmented self that they enter. Some of us become even stronger when we have ourselves opened up to our broken mirror of connectivity or lack of. This is prompting us for a greater level of evolutionary growth. Our wounds can potentially reveal itself to be a sacred affliction that is mysteriously bound up with our creative genius, such a supposition and a dichotomy that creates a paradox in itself. But the bottom line is that you can't run away. When Chiron, the wounded healer, goes into retrograde, you can't run from it. There's nowhere to hide. So we're bringing this forward in an effort to stimulate and push your buttons to release your courage. This is your courage. This is your worthiness. This is your valour. They are three of the six heart virtues in themselves. In recent times, I've actually shared a very powerful alignment of the beams simulated or assimilated through the movement of a Rubik's Cube, saying that when our consciousness is out of alignment or out of resonance with the planet, then the Rubik's Cube appears in all of its solidified colourful form. Yet when the beams are put back into balance, then those colours disappear and we are left with the pure emotional state itself. Now when we come into a grips with that, we are actually creating an intention to deal with and heal our wounds. And when we do that, our Rubik's Cube actually becomes completely luminous, with no nodes, with no edges, with no actual form, but rather a state of fluid antimatter. Meaning that the form, even in its liquid state, can be shaped by influencing thoughts coming from our healed woundedness. It is an archetypal universal idea that becoming broken, though on one hand seemingly obscuring our wholeness, is actually an expression of it. This is to say that getting broken is part of the divine plan. For example, according to the Kabbalah, it was only after the sacred vessels that God had prepared to pour his light into actually break that humanity's potential to become fully itself is set in motion. It is as if some form of destruction, deconstruction and disintegration is a prerequisite for individuation and is necessary for the birth of the true self. As long as we feel victimised, bitter and resentful towards our wound, however seeking to escape from the suffering of it, we will remain inescapably bound to it. Paradoxically, we can only escape the suffering by accepting another kind of suffering that is both purifying our wound and cleaning our aural state, our auric field. If we are able to turn the violence that initially created our wound into what Jung calls genuine suffering as distinguished from unproductive neurotic suffering, we can recognise our wounding as a numinous event, an archetypal moment that seeks to make us participants in a divine, eternal happening ordained by God. We are then able to restore to our soul its capacity for consciously re-experiencing the suffering intrinsic to the initial wounding event. Suffering is an often times unacknowledged means of transforming consciousness. Suffering is not pathological. It is a passion of the soul, not a disease of the mind. And again to quote Jung, real liberation comes not from bossing over or repressing a painful state or feeling, but rather to nurture and nourish its rebirth. The key is to consciously experience our wound without identifying ourselves with it. It is a universal wound. It may appear through the limited perception of our reality as our individual state of woundedness, but in a larger collective quantum expression it is actually part of that collective focus. Now we could go into more of the esoteric meanings to further expand, according to Jupiter, the mythos and the reflective mirror that woundedness creates. But instead, I think what I'll simply go into more detail about is how it is our chakras, it is our consciously focused energy centres that are subsequently blocked and contain our woundedness. So to identify in any one person's cosmic channel where the main blockage of energy stems from, then that is a good place in which to focus the thought process in clearing the karma around it and bringing it back to a neutral balance. It's like re-alkalising the body from all of the acidic toxicity that we've willingly forced upon it. So in order to actually gain closure with our deeper subconscious self as it relates to where we've been wounded in past incarnations and this incarnation, that is where we reverse the polarity of what is taking place. What's taking place in what we perceive to be the cause or the root cause of why we feel so bad, why we feel so isolated, so far removed from the greater expanse of societal influences. There is a transformative and healing effect when we recognise how our individual suffering is a personalised reflection of the collective suffering I spoke about that actually pervades the entire field of consciousness. The plane, the inner plane as many esoterics and alchemists refer to it, that is the wholeness of a personalised reflective collective consciousness. In this case, a collective consciousness that's foundationed or founded in suffering and pain, pain, disassociated behaviour, is a really difficult and rather lower astrally fuelled counterpart of our psyche that many of us just cannot even bring ourselves to honour, let alone recognise, let alone deal with. It becomes like the localised signature of the impersonal collective wound in which we all have a hand in. It is liberating and healing to step out of pathologising ourselves to recontextualise our personal conflicts, problems and wounds as part of a wider transpersonal pattern enfolded throughout the global field of our human experience. As if potential shamans who have taken on, which does have a double meaning, to confront as well as to take into ourselves the illness in the field, we are suffering from the spirit of the age, we create that separation which leads to the illness in the field. Interestingly, Chiron, who symbolises the wounded healer, inhabits a cave within which is an entrance to the underworld, Pluto. This symbolises that to fully experience our wound, Pluto, just like the archetypal descent of the shaman into the underworld, demands that we travel into the depths of the darkness within the unconscious. In Kabbalah this is known as the descent on behalf of the assent. Those fortunate to come out the other side and return back to the human world of consensus reality bear healing gifts for the community as fruits of their impacting ordeal. The prototypical example of the archetype of the healer who carries a wound is the cross carrying Christ himself. Symbolising this archetypal process, after his crucifixion, Christ descended into the hell realms, only returned bearing the resurrected body. Interestingly, in the Acts of John, one of the most important apocryphal texts, Christ says, I will be wounded and I will wound. Amen. A revelation of numinous events, our wounding can become the catalyst for the creative spirit to inspire us to grow beyond ourselves. Acceptance of our suffering is the supreme act of worship as it is the most intimate participation in the sacred way of the cross that Christ symbolises. Just as the spear wound in Christ's side was seen to be the womb of the church, our wound, born openly and willingly with consciousness, becomes the vessel for our individuating soul. So, we cannot really evolve on a soul level without resolving karma and dealing with our wounds. Now, because we are all time-shifted humans, meaning that whatever is playing out in our reality and what we are responding to or reacting to is going to be different for every different soul because that's the way that God's divine plan set out the parameters of our life existence, our life wave. Part and parcel of our life wave growing stronger, speeding up, being resilient to the darker forces is to have wounded experiences. Consider life as we know it a metaphor of a battlefield where we are going to lose many of our comrades and our battalion or team to the wounds of this existence. In other words, some people don't make it back from the deep wounds that have been inflicted through negative experiences. Now, depending on how much woundedness you have ultimately clocked up as part of your karmic debt through different incarnations, meaning that in a previous life you were probably, if not even publicly exposed as a serial killer, as a pedophile, as some kind of satanic worshipper, cult leader, manipulator. It all depends what the different given circumstances of the timeline you operated on will definitely have a bearing on what you've clocked up as far as the wounds for your actions. So, I feel that we've come to a point now where we can look at each day from now until Chiron has the ability to be quelled in the warlike energy of Ares, keeping in mind that Mars, which rules Ares, is also very, very clearly aspecting all of those warring and fire-like qualities that are emanating from the celestial source. There is no turning back. Granted, if you are alone, if you are rather devoid of the public sphere, and you've also recognised that many of the people that you used to hang out with and have bonds or friendship with are no longer a frequency match, and so you have allowed them or surrendered them and let them go, it is definitely going to be easier to handle and manage how you're going to deal with and navigate this Chiron retrograde. For those that are in fairly dense social relationships where we have marriage and we have children and we have extended family and we have typical 3D obligations like punching a clock for work and trying to feel validated in the world as well as continuing to buy into the myth of let's just accrue and aggregate more shit we don't need because that's what we work hard for to earn our so-called bread and butter. This particular transit will be very difficult. So the best course of action in the beginning as you prepare your vessel to go deep into your shadow work in order to find the source of these wounds is to cut yourself some slack. Better to unplug from your obligations in the 3D, and I mean unplug, that is less time glued to the screen, less time doing the doomsday scroll, less time focused on your black mirror, will give you that detox process needed to prepare your vessel for the adventure that is this Chiron in retrograde. And there's no such thing as a wound too great that can't be healed, a wound too small that it doesn't need to be recognized. All wounds form part of your karmic debt because wounds emanate from experiences that are part of the reflective mirror when dealing with the darker fragmented aspects of yourself. I said to someone just the other day, when you look in the mirror, really focus your eyes into your own reflective eyes, and you will see movement because not only is you, the conscious you, the physical you, staring back through this mirror, which is a one-way mirror, that's where the true deception lies, but your darker self, your wounded self, your satanic self, your demonic self, I call them the dweller on the threshold, the tulpas, the doppelgangers that I spoke about in my last Rumble video, it's also staring back at you. And if we continue to suppress, that energy will eventually feel as if it has been discarded and or betrayed or oppressed. So it will no longer want to share the game, that is this 3D plane of existence, no longer want to share the game with you, but rather take you over and have 100% of your focus. This is what I mean about people no longer being a frequency match, because they have allowed too much of their darker shadow self, their demonic self, to hijack their soul and create a disconnect between their reality and spirit. I think this is really important to understand, that this is a time to trust our intuition and not follow the sheeples, not follow the mainstream narrative, and certainly not buy into all of the distractions being thrown at us. Once we know what the endgame is, once we know what the final coordinates to the agenda really is, we are always going to be one step ahead of the curve. We're always going to be able to see in advance what's coming down the pipe energetically and be prepared and ready to face it with the appropriate action. Those that are simply, I'm just going to live, I'm just going to do whatever I need to in order to stimulate and sustain my safety and security in this life, they are going to go through hell and beyond. A planet that is evolving, where its resonance is becoming more pronounced, and our frequency falls further and further away from Having that resonance with our planet's electromagnetic field isn't something that our planet, which is much more evolved than we are, is going to stand for that level of perpetual ignorance. It will take steps to remove those large sectors of the population that continue to buy into the American dream. There is no American dream. There never really was, but for a while there, when everybody seemed to be playing fair, you could say that there was some kind of authentic collective American dream, but no more. And believe me, if there's no American dream, there's certainly no Australian dream, and there's no German dream, because it's all interconnected. The science backs it. The spiritual evolution backs it. So we've just got to be mindful, using a filter of discernment to ascertain the checking and the rechecking and the rechecking again of whether or not the data, the circulated data that we're receiving in our neurons that orientate how we react to things, that's something that's just a given. You can't run the opposite way. You have to understand that these data circulations, this information generation, is now how things are set into defined order. You have to have the courage to state clearly to another soul, sorry, that's not the way that I perceive the defined order in my life. No, I will not comply with that, and frankly, I'm taking a little bit of an egoic stand and saying I'm offended by your bravado to make this a thing. Don't let people make a thing about something to you. Don't even try to kind of collate it or even decipher it. Let it be. Just use your filter of discernment to say well, if I acknowledge this, if I buy into this, if I attach to this, for whatever reason, ask yourself why am I attaching to it? Is it because it's part of the predictability of the way that I go about things? Which is indicative of the way that my feedback loop operates, creating that smash of the conscious and the subconscious, the mess and the drama that it creates? Or am I in my power, I recognise when there's an anomaly at play, I no longer give my power away, I can recognise when I'm not in a frequency match with something, and I have the valour to stand up and say no. During this Venus retrograde we're going to feel this false sense of well-being. It's a trap. There's nothing balanced and or part of well-being or our vitality when Venus is in retrograde. Venus is a bitch. This is the truth within the echo point of evolutionary astrology. She's not a planet of love. She never was. That's an illusion. That's a perpetuated myth. Venus is like a schizo. She's a fully schizophrenic, multi-dimensional, multi-personality planet. And she's not happy where she is. Because Leo is all about getting it done, getting it done, rising to the occasion, showing your true colours. Venus doesn't want you to do that. Venus wants to find a way how to manipulate that and make it all messy and bitchy and egoically driven. So this is it. This is a massive human test that will take us right through to the end of this year. 2023 has been a luck show. Not that 2022 was much better. But the key is to get through from now, the 25th of July 2023 to around the 14th or the 15th of January 2024 when all of these planets will release their chokehold on the Universe and loosen their grip and start to move forward again. This has really charged up electrical energy that we haven't experienced before. So we've just got to cut ourselves some slack. We've just got to create that moment of pause, withdraw from our obligations and hold fast, stay in our plane to January of 2024. Things will change drastically once Pluto finally says, okay, I've had enough of dropping in and out of Capricorn where I've been for the last 20 years and actually leave and permanently pick up sticks and go home to Aquarius for the next 20 years. Now that has a whole can of worms attached to it as well because Pluto never truly moves into the light. It can't. That's not the archetype it was designed by God to be. So I hope this has brought some clarity, shown some important light on the subject of the Wounded Healer, on the subject of Chiron in retrograde and most importantly on the subject of you as the protagonist in the mythos as the Wounded Healer. You are that archetype. How are you going to handle it? This information gives you enough grounding to kind of take stock of the situation and say, okay this is where I am right now and this is where I'd like to be tomorrow. What do I have to recognise in order to make that happen without falling into the trap of reacting badly to my woundedness being exposed? And therein lies the rub my good friends. So thanks for listening. Take good care. Remain in the heart. Remember forgiveness of self. The loving of self is the absolute key and cornerstone to conscious evolution. So make that your mantra from here on till the end of the year. Thanks again and Namaste.

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