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"I" stands for intention

"I" stands for intention


“I” stands for intention. Intention is a force of nature. Intention is what creates our reality. Intention is what orchestrates the fulfillment of our dreams, and goals. Intention is about fulfillment. It has infinite power. You must clearly visualize your intended outcome. Put your attention in your heart. And listen with your soul. What do you want? What do I want? What do I want? Don't seek the answers right away. Just ask the question. Ask and you shall receive.

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The Your Life Now Show, hosted by Coach Rhea, emphasizes the importance of intention in achieving goals and creating fulfillment. Intention is described as a force of nature that creates our reality and guides us towards our dreams. The show encourages listeners to clearly visualize their intended outcomes and understand the reasons behind their goals. It also emphasizes the need to be flexible and open to change, as well as the importance of self-care and self-appreciation. Strategic planning is discussed, with a focus on having a clear vision and setting goals to achieve it. The show concludes by encouraging collaboration and celebrating one's own journey. Listeners are invited to visit the show's website for more information and support. Welcome to the Your Life Now Show, where your life and your business matter. Your host is a certified executive coach and trainer with the passion to help make a difference in the world. Your Life Now Show brings you powerful resources and effective tips to help you manage your life and your business at its best. And now, here's your host, Coach Rhea. Hello, everyone, and welcome. You are listening to Your Life Now Show, where your life and your business matter. I am your host and executive producer, Rhea Wilkie, also known as Coach Rhea. Thank you so much for joining us, and welcome. I hope you had a chance to listen to our first episode of the year, Set Your Intention for 2023. I thank you for doing so, and I thank you for sharing. So let's talk a little bit more about intention. What does intention stand for? I mentioned in the episode that intention is like you setting a goal, but intention is a force of nature. Intention is what creates our reality. Intention is what orchestrates our fulfillment of our goals and dreams. Intention is about fulfillment. It has infinite power. You must clearly visualize your intended outcome. This could be anything. Again, it's like a goal you want to achieve for yourself or your business. Whether personally, a physical, you know, people like to lose weight, they always get into the New Year's resolution that they want to lose weight, they want to do this. But we talk about when you live your intention, you need to understand why you want to lose weight. What's the health benefit for you? Maybe you want to manifest abundance or success or increase energy or vitality or enthusiasm or sense of connection, love, joy, whatever your intention is, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you understand that intention and you live that intention. Whatever your intention is, whether it's for abundance, for higher guidance, choose the intention that really resonates with you and put that intention in your heart and soon you will be inspired to make choices that reflect your true intention. It allows you to step out of the hopelessness and into a state of inner strength and power. Today, let us break the illusion of dependency through the power of intention. I mentioned one of my favorite books that I've read and lived and really resonate with me is by Dr. Wayne Dyer, The Power of Intention, check it out. So if you have chosen your intended outcome, put that intention in your heart and listen with your soul. What do I want? What do I want? What do I want? Don't seek the answer right away, just ask the question. Empathy starts with a simple question and leads to higher awareness. Ask and you shall receive. Live with that question, move with this question. What do I want? What do I want? And soon you will be moving into the answers. The answers will come to you if you ask the question, but you must ask the question first. A situation, circumstances, events, relationships, insights, all come to fruition just the way you want them if you actually move toward your intention. I understand that changes could be difficult for some people, but one thing that I would love to share with you is that changes will only be painful if we are rigid in our thoughts or behaviors. Again, change can be painful if we are rigid in our thoughts or behaviors. If we just stuck on what we think it is and not really thinking in an open form, why, cause and effect, allow yourself to flow with the current of life, let the old part wash away so you can replace it with something new, a new aspect, a new opportunity that can delight you and improve your life, your business, and everything in it. Let your heart sing with joy, allow yourself to feel that. Declare this day to be a perfect day, a whole day, an eternal day, and welcome the new in an open heart and an open mind. Let your attitude be based on how you treat yourself and not how others treat you. Treat yourself better if you want to have a better attitude. The choice is yours. Are you keeping yourself overwhelmed by what you need to do and get done and accomplish? Overwhelm yourself with these new year's resolutions? Stop! And next time you think that you cannot, ask yourself why not? Treat yourself better if you want to have a better attitude. Keep yourself relaxed and centered today, just for today, one day at a time. When things are too much, breathe in and breathe out. It's truly important to keep ourselves from thinking that we have to do too much to get too much done. That is not true. Take a few moments and breathe into your body and ask it to relax. Breathe in and breathe out. Breathe in and breathe out. The truth is there is only one thing to do. Choose to do that one thing at a time and do it right. Remember to be yourself because no one else is better qualified than you. When you are content by simply being yourself, you don't need to compare yourself or compete with anyone else. I love what Laszlo has said, when you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you. So if you feel stuck, not sure where to go from here, pause for a few minutes and ask yourself this, what am I afraid of? We talked about intention as setting a goal but we also talked about obstacles that can show up and I mentioned the construction you are driving and GPS trying to reroute you. If you are not flexible and choose a different alternative, you are going to be feeling stuck. So ask yourself, what am I afraid of? What do I want? Obstacles can show up but when you understand your fears, you honor and understand your fears, you can move forward and know how to conquer those fears. Pause for a few moments and ask yourself this again, what am I afraid of? What am I afraid of? Getting into the root of things allows you to think clearer and you will have better understanding of your fears. Trust yourself because after all, fear cannot win if you have faith and believe in yourself. Appreciate yourself, when you appreciate yourself, you are appreciating you. Amplify your appreciation for just being who you are, for being alive, for the beauty and love that you have in your life and watch what happens. Allow yourself, your true self to be visible to others. Lift others up and inspire them because you are awesome in so many ways. And allow, I always wonder why it is so difficult for many to see and have a clear vision or intention for themselves and what they want for themselves and for their business. Strategize with yourself, with those who understand your goals, your intention and remember progress is everything. So here are six important elements to successful strategic planning. So make a plan, we talked about writing a letter to yourself, make a plan, how are you going to conquer 2023? Have a vision, have an intention, have a goal, mission, why? What's your mission? What are your goal values? What are your strategic areas of focus? What are your strategic goals? What are your action plans? So vision, mission, core values, strategic area of focus, strategic goals and action plans are elements to successful strategic planning. And do you notice what comes first is having a vision. We talked about focus goals. What do I want? What do I want? Keep focusing on it, understanding. If you have a clear vision, you would eventually attract the right strategy. However, if you don't have a clear vision, no strategy will save you. I have seen this over and over again in my professional practice as an executive coach and as a business advisor and in my personal life. Once I get a clear vision on what I want and how I want things to happen, I feel I'm on the right track. What if you can spend some time somewhere private to clear your mind with one objective in mind and that objective is to get a crystal clear on what your vision is. What do you want to see happen? What would your vision look like a year from now, three years from now, and so on? Don't be concerned with the how, remember, stay focused on your vision. If you think about the how too soon, you are likely to inhibit your vision. You want to block yourself from thinking big. What we truly need is a vision that is so big and compelling, not only to others but also to ourselves. The vision should be so compelling so it can motivate you to stay the course and accomplish your vision. So grab your notebook, a piece of paper, and list your vision statement. Write it down and do what it takes to see it clearly. That's your intention. Follow your vision, follow your intention, live your intention even if others cannot see it. I personally and professionally experience staying focused so I can really kind of avoid what others think and what they see of my progress because they are not working my life and my business, I am. Vision gives your life a purpose and living on purpose is what life is all about. Cheers, until next time I hear you. And remember, our podcast is available everywhere you get your podcasts. You can listen to our podcast on our homepage at yourlifenow.info, on Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts and anywhere you get your podcasts. I welcome your positive feedback and I welcome you contacting us directly if we can be of service to you to help you make this year the year that you are proud of. And remember one more thing, it takes collaboration and mutual agreement to make the impossible possible. So go ahead and celebrate who you are, join hands and make the impossible possible. Look for insight, be present and move forward being mindful and present in your own life. If you would like to know more about us and how we can be of service please reach out by going to our website at yourlifenow.info, again that is yourlifenow.info. Until next time, be amazing, you are amazing and much love to all.

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