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Keep Calm and Wild-out

Keep Calm and Wild-out

Willie WhittleWillie Whittle



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The speaker talks about the importance of finding a calm space in their mind while being chaotic internally. They discuss the value of having conversations with like-minded people who challenge their thoughts and provide different perspectives. The speaker emphasizes the need for personal growth through conflict and not being afraid to pursue wild thoughts. They mention the struggle of finding a routine that fits them and the discipline required to stick with it. The speaker also advises limiting social media usage in the morning and focusing on controlling what can be controlled. Collaboration and teamwork are seen as important for personal and generational growth. Grand Razz, Willie Whittle, that's the pod, it shall be dope. You know every time I get in front of the mic before I start talking, I almost feel like hoes, you know what I mean, like getting ready to make the song cry or whatever. And I get into my like deep breathing and my zone because I'm getting ready to talk a lot about life and my personality and my experiences and what not. But I always get in my head and it's always a weird, dangerous, scary place, you know what I'm saying, anytime you get in your head and then I just start talking. So I have agendas, ways that I try to write down some of these items that I do want to talk about and in time I'm going to introduce some people to the pod and we're going to collaborate, we're going to chop it up about all of our experiences because every experience is unique, you learn from it. And it makes you feel empowered differently once you see different perspectives on kind of the same topics but from a different angle. You know I had this conversation the other day with one of my coworkers and we were talking about perspective and she's dope at like doing the analytical, technical, you know, gotta be right type of portion of our job, the data analysis and all of that, she's dope at it. And I'm more the guy who's like, I know there's an answer in there somewhere, we just got to find it and not ask the questions that bring up the thought-provoking concepts, you know what I'm saying. So between the both of us, we can dig down and get into some serious conversations about what we need to do and she throws different perspectives at me towards my thoughts, which I love. Like if you can give me perspective, that's dope, but challenge me, like I'm always trying to get challenged and not in a combative or competitive way but just challenge me because I want to grow. I feel like the only way that we find a way to grow is through conflict and conflict not being negative, right. We got to keep a lot of these thoughts positive. People hear conflict and they're like, oh so you got to argue to get results. And that's not the truth, you know what I'm saying. So my thing is sometimes you got to keep calm and you got to wild out at the same time. It's different in everybody's head. But first of all, anytime we go around certain people, certain types of environments, our daily lives, we're supposed to be calm. We're supposed to be structured. We're supposed to always know what to do and it's funny because that couldn't be more far from the truth, right. So when I say keep calm, you just got to be at peace with not knowing what to do sometimes because inside your mind, you're wilding out. You're trying to figure out like what the next step is and it's chaos between those two ears and for me under my fitted because I've always got a hat on. But sometimes chaotic in that place and to get it out and produce a product that you're proud of is tricky because we're so critical on ourselves, right. You always see the Instagram posts or the TikToks that say something to the extent of do better or find some kind of structure for yourself and I'm not going to lie to you. They get to me too because those little inspirational tickets helped give me the push, helped me get to this point. You know what I mean? One of my boy Hector sent me one that actually had me sit in front of the mic and I'm like I have to, I have to do it now because you know he sees that in me and he's like just go do it. You know what I'm saying? But we're so critical on ourselves that we don't do some of the things that we should be doing and imagine if we were able to have that free-flowing conversation where when we're supposed to keep calm but inside we're wilding out and people understand that as wild in your head as chaos and you can still have that conversation with like-minded people. That's a powerful situation because out of those conversations you get something beautiful and I don't think people really realize that like the holding back, the love, the being scared of the changes is what kind of stunts our growth. So yeah we got to keep calm but we also like inside while we're wilding out we got to actually be able to pursue some of those wild thoughts. Let it out. You know what I mean? So I appreciate the fact that I can sit in front of a microphone and speak some of my mental truths because it's wild. It's wild in my head and I talk about it often with some of my people because I could be talking about one thing and then it could be something else jumping off the side and it's like yo and then I transition into talking about a grocery list or something and they're like what are you talking about? So I know I'm not the only one but yeah and then it's finding structure. So one of the important things that you know I started off talking about was you know when you sit down in front of a mic and you get into your mantra, you get into your zone right? You got to find that happy medium within you and your routine and I've struggled with that lately because of the changes that we went through and where my mental state actually could be. I'm not going to say where it is because I don't know exactly where it is but I'm working through some stuff and you know that's a nice way of saying I'm messed up but as I'm working through some stuff, life keeps going. So we got to be you know, we got to be always ready to call an audible you know what I mean? We Joe Burrow in the pocket. We call our audibles. Sometimes we can't step back and take a time out and look at the playbook, we just got to be in the game and call an audible which takes a lot of you know being calm in a wild out situation. So with that being said, I try not to be at war with my thoughts. I try to be calm, I try to let it go through but I need to find this routine that fits me and one of the things that I saw that intrigued me about making this routine was to not get on any social media, any internet, anything early like as soon as you wake up, restrict yourself from influence and this one was big. I'm sharing this one with my family because I like this one because I cannot count how many times you wake up, grab your phone, not just to turn the alarm off either. You get up, you might check the weather, you might check for an event, you see a couple notifications came through and then you're getting rid of the notification buttons. I'm him, I do that and next thing I know I'm doing scrolling or something and I'm lost for the next 20 minutes. That 20 minutes is precious and I'm not saying be anti-social media but I am saying we got to find a restriction and boundaries within our routines, discipline. The discipline of your routine is critical, critical to our growth. I'm a guy who's methodic but I'm also sporadic so I have to structure my routine. I have to get into a routine that fits me and then I'm kind of stubborn, that Aries energy, I'm kind of stubborn so sticking with it is the tricky part because I'm like I did it, I can do it, whatever, I proved myself, I'm going to go and move on but it's not that and I got to get back in my bag, my discipline bag where I'm actually doing what I'm supposed to be doing and hold myself accountable for it. So what I'm saying is with all of this rambling, what I'm saying is keep it calm, stick with my discipline even in a wild out state in my mind because the discipline that helped me stay in my routine. I'm going to get up in the morning and stay away from social media, put your phone down for a little bit, get into your bag, listen to background music, play a little mantra play which right now I'm really feeling alive and well, the song is Alive and Well by Jhene Aiko, a 10 minute mantra song, dope, let it play, let your chakras get aligned while you get your morning started, you know what I'm saying, make your bed and be prepared for the chaos because some things you can control and some of the stuff that you can't control is some of the stuff that we wild out about anyway, right, in my head that's the stuff that bothers me the most because you know if you would have heard my wife say it, she'd say what are you stressing about again, like I used to stress about money, I used to stress about living check to check and sitting back and saying man I can't wait until we get out of this situation and it's irritating to hear somebody say that from Monday to Friday until you get paid, every day the same thing, so I get the fact that when I was wilding out she was like calm down and those gems I'll never forget because she felt it, she knew, she was like I know how to struggle, I know how to hustle so calm down and I felt the same thing in my heart, I just had to have it right, you know I'm kind of this controlling micromanager sometimes, but all in all at the end of the day it worked out and a little piece of advice for everybody, just you know you can't control the stuff that you can't control, so just control the stuff you can and that's part of the chaos, that's part of the wilding out, right, and it's cool, it's cool, just be cool, so once again like I said if we're able to have these conversations with some of the people who can bring you not just peace but a perspective, they can bring you perspective, they can bring you insight, they got different views on the world where you can collaborate, that's why I love collaboration because it's a bond, it's a bond, I love teamwork, it's a bond that people share that they don't know that they see the best in themselves sometimes and then somebody else will look at you and be like that's dope and then when they feel like they're doing something dope off of the small stuff that they might have been doing then they find confidence in themselves and watch that watch that flower blossom and bloom into something great, that's the move, that's where our generation needs to thrive and I feel like from what I see there's a lot of, there's a lot of love to be had, right, it's a scary place but it was a scary place when we was growing up too and then it's an innovative place but it was innovative when we were growing up too, it's now just so fast with the way that we process information or give out or get information that sometimes we don't know how to process it, you know what I'm saying, you see a group of kids that used to be alright, you know, we used to be that age obviously but you see them doing TikTok dances, right, and then when they're doing their TikTok dances or whatever you like, man, you wouldn't have never caught me outside where I grew up in College Hill like doing a TikTok dance for a video or something like that, like it was just not me, the image that I wanted to portray was somebody who, you know, was cool but don't mess with me man, I ain't sweet like and it's not about that for this generation, it's about expression, it's about showcasing your expressions and, you know, being the tough guy is not always the right choice, right, so in my mind you struggle with the way that you need to be and then you try to suppress it henceforth to keep calm and while you're trying to keep that calm, you're trying to still define who you are and sometimes it's not working the way you're trying to conform henceforth to wowing out, so I hope that makes sense to people because it's a struggle that everybody goes through especially when you have changes in life, especially when you have the audibles, especially when you have the influence that we go through, through society, through having general accesses to these pathways of information, none of that's bad, none of that's bad, it just needs to be monitored, we need to adapt a little bit different and I know I've been doing a pretty decent job of that and I know I've been doing a pretty decent job of adapting and I have a strong family base with the people inside this house which I love to death obviously and they're getting it and it's so great to see people moving in their essence, but for me, still chaotic sometimes, not gonna lie to you, still trying to figure stuff out and I don't ever expect it to stop, it's just noticing it so I can find discipline, so it can help me control the things that I can control, so I'm not wowing out all the time, it's just a funny anomaly to me because it's not too much about how you control it, it's the results that you get from it and there's some people who I understand are going through some things right now that need support and they don't know how to ask for support, I was talking to my son the other day, my oldest son, yesterday actually and he has a situation and it was essentially with his friend and I'm not gonna get into deets or nothing like that, but what I did tell him was the energy that you vibrate at is the energy that you're gonna get back, he had a good day yesterday, like he had a real good day yesterday, he went out and did something new in the daytime and then he was feeling pretty good, feeling different, feeling viby and then something in my opinion huge happened, like I said without putting this business out on the streets, in my opinion something huge happened and it made him really think and what I told him was when you were feeling like your world was chaotic, the person that helped keep you calm was there and unfortunately you didn't reciprocate that in their time of need being a true friend, so I had to tell him I felt like he was making a bad decision nonetheless the first time, but he's a man, he's 20, but he's a man, he has to figure these things out with a little bit of guidance from me, I can't control that situation, I can't, old me, you know, pre my wife, like when she was here, I would have tried to control that situation 100%, 100%, now I'm a little wiser because I gotta be, I gotta be different, I gotta be the microphone for my wife's soul and I know for a fact what she would have said, but I gotta let him figure it out, right, and that's the part about me letting him figure it and that's the part about me, like in my head, I'm like, you know, you gotta do this, but the wild out, like chill bro, like you can't, you can't get in that bag right now, you gotta calm down, you gotta let him, let him cook, so what a, what a situation, what a conundrum that, that caused, but it's, it's all a learning experience to me because, you know, we used to say it before, like I never had a 20 year old, I never had a 17 year old, every time my first, my firstborn used to do something, you know, me and my wife would say, we never had that happen before, so it's, it's new territory for all of us, so we gotta see what it feels like, we know how it was when we grew up, but we don't want to be, we didn't want to be those parents that said, like, oh, back in my day when I was 20, you know, I felt like that when we was 19 and 20, we were struggling, we was struggling, we was trying to figure it all out and I was stubborn, hard-headed, didn't care, burning bridges, like, you know, I never struggled, I remember saying that, bro, I ate that humble sandwich like crazy, my wild out was crazy back then, it was, I never, I never need you, I had an appetite for destruction and that destruction appetite fed me humble sandwiches later, so I just want y'all to know, like, as I am talking and rambling about me and my life and whatnot, it's okay, it's okay to take our time to try to figure it out, to collaborate and to keep calm and it's okay to wild out, but just get, get our discipline in order. Bottom line, I'm going to keep doing me, I'm going to find a routine that works, I am an early bird, I like getting up early, I like seeing the sunrise, I think the first, first light of the day is beautiful, so I'm gonna let that cook, so find y'all a routine, find, find something that enlightens you and, and let it ride, let it ride out and let it control some of your urge to wild out and just find peace in some of the people that you collaborate with, maybe call somebody today and just have a peaceful conversation with them and get some understanding about what they got going on because maybe they're, they're wilding out to help you with your calm, you never know, so just give it a try and bottom line is no matter what you try, if you do it with peace and love in your heart, it shall be dope, till next time y'all.

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