Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
farewell message to Canadian consumers thanking them for their loyalty. Hello, hello, hello, hello. Hi, Montreal. How's it going? Guess you didn't expect to see me back here. I made it to episode two. How's it going? It's new show, Who Dis? live from Concordia Loyola campus. And I'm sitting here with Montreal's one of our very own superstars, I got Aaron Rodgers here in the studio. Aaron, does your mic work? I hope so. I hope it does too. Can you say that again? I hope so. Say it again. I hope so. It does not work. Hold on. I hope so. Say it again. I hope it's working. It really does not seem to be working. Hold on. Oh, God. Oh, God. Here we go. Try that mic. Yeah. Check, check. Is that one working? That one sounds like it's... Is it working? Okay, yeah, that one's working. Go scooch a little closer to that guy. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. We're really good at tech around here at... Tight operation, I see. Listen, listen, it's Mama's second show. Thank you. Thank you. We made it this far. Not on our tech skills, I will tell you that. No. No, no, no, not at all. But, however, we still stand. We still show up on the Tuesdays at the 4pm. Yeah. That's what time it is. Yeah, we're good with that. That's what time it is. Cool. All right, so maybe just tell me a little bit about yourself, what you do, some things you like, like chocolate or vanilla. What's up? Well, I'm a musician. I'm also a student at Concordia, and I'm also working, like everybody else has to. Mm-hmm. Definitely. Required. Yeah. Oh, God. And, yeah, I play a lot of bass guitar, and that's primarily the only thing I play, really. Two more strings after four is too much for me. That's a lot of... Yeah, I'm a ukulele guy too. Once we get to the six strings, screw that. No, no, no, no. I just can't get into that. No, no, absolutely not. Okay, so now we have to talk about your music specifically. How many bands are you in? It's like quite a few. Two. Two. Okay, that's not that many. It's literally one more than one. Okay, tell me what the names are. Well, we've got one called Hole in Heaven, which is an alternative rock band with... Yeah, it's an alternative rock band, three-piece, really good lead vocal melodies and stuff, and that we bring to the front. And then I'm in another band called Empress. That's a shoegaze band, kind of grunge gays. Grunge gays? That's even a genre. I wish I hadn't said that, actually. Oh, no, you're going to have to go into that now. Okay, it's just people are adding gays at the end of every genre that kind of has reverb in it, so it's like grunge, but with a lot of reverb, so grunge gays. Right, you know, I sometimes identify as a grunge gay, but you know. Same, same. Okay, so grunge gays, that was the first band, it's called Empress, or that was Hole? Empress is the grunge gays. Okay, work, work. And Hole in Heaven is the kind of alternative rock, Radiohead-y, Deftones, Cranberries. Right, so if it sounds like Radiohead, it's really appropriate that you're here on the radio heading this operation. And I have a huge head, so. He's humble, he's humble, he doesn't have a big head, but okay, I am sitting across from him in the studio. It's perhaps slightly larger than the average dome. Well, that's just what people used to make fun of me for, so that's it. Maybe you're just super smart, and your head has to accommodate for all that knowledge in there, you know, all that freaking talent, creativity, rhythm. Yeah, work. I'm impressed, I can see that you have a lot going on in there. Cool, so do you remember how we met? Well, we were discussing this a bit briefly before. I don't know what you're talking about, we haven't talked about this show. No, okay. Well, I thought it was at a jam, but then I got thinking, you introduced yourself to me at a jam, and we briefly discussed how we had met at that jam. Yeah. I don't remember either time how we actually met. I'm not offended, I'm not offended, I'm not offended. So I'm going to say no, that I don't remember how we actually met. Work, fair, fair. We've got an honest man, second honest man we've had in the studio here in Montreal. The first one didn't know what the word pragmatic meant, and he said so on the show. Okay, you know what, stand up, work, thank you, guess, you're really honest. We met, shouldn't smack the table, we met back in like 2000 and I want to say 16, 17, would have been 17, when I was trying to put a band together called The Gays, and you were very briefly in it for one practice. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, with some other musicians Yeah, it wasn't a two-piece, that's true, we were there, it really, you were there just before it all kind of fell apart, because I had this really stupid idea of trying to make a band, well it was called The Gays, and in order to not get cancelled, I had to make sure everybody in the band was gay, which sounds like an awful idea on paper, and it was an awful idea in real life. Yeah, it didn't take very long. I think you came for one practice, and then you had other commitments, and then I did get like a four-piece together, but it was like one or two practices before they were all having like jealousy dramas and making out with each other, and it was just like, boys, we're here for the music. What do you expect? You're all fired. Yeah, I mean, it wasn't him, but like, that's I think our origin story. Okay, so I have to ask, this show is really like, it's an interview show, and I haven't prepped you that much, I just said don't be scared, but it might be chaotic. You name-dropped Eric Andre, so yeah, I'm scared. I did, I also have him on speed dial, but maybe that's who I'm gonna call. Yo, before this show, I like had my manager come in here and show me how to use the phone. The terror on Aaron's face when he saw that I was gonna bring this phone into the show. I'm not sure I'm gonna do it yet, but we'll see how it goes. We'll see how it goes, but yeah. I have to ask you the hard-hitting questions. So, you're in two bands, right? Which one do you like more? That is a hard-hitting question. Pick a favorite child. Pick a favorite child. They're listening for sure. One will cry for sure. Empress in Heaven. Is which? Empress in Heaven. Oh, you sly duck. Yeah, that's the one that's my favorite. That's a combo of the two names, isn't it? Yeah, my favorite one is the one that pays me the most amount of money. Work, girl, yes. Yeah, so wait, oh wait. I lived. Yeah, work, it's hard out here for a bassist, I assume. Yeah. Yeah, right? You hold down the foundation. They should pay you more than nothing. Yeah, they should pay me the most amount of any of the band members, which is the same as they're paying me now. Work. Well, I'm so thankful that we can give you such a hefty stipend for coming in here today and letting us take up your very valuable time on the show. So, the answer to the question of which one you prefer was, you slyly mixed the two names together very diplomatically and walked away like a boss. Of course. Work. It's like picking between two children. You can't. I could easily do that. If I had two kids, I would absolutely have a favorite. Rank them. You would rank them. Well, I mean, if there's only two, it's a pretty clear ranking of one's my favorite. Yeah, I guess. We could have like a competition board or something like that. Oh, I would put them through like little Olympics and stuff. I would have like Survivor, my children. The one that wins gets to like go to college or something. Yeah, exactly. Word. Okay, so you played the bass in both, and I wanted to know if you have ever, are you the writing of, are you writing the bass lines or are you told what to play? Are you a puppet? I'm a bit of a puppet in one of the bands, and the other band, I'm kind of like a lot more creative direction and stuff like that. I can write a bit of the songs and the direction that's going in as well as the bass lines. But, you know, the other one, Empress, I'm following the direction, the creative direction of one of the other members. Okay. And that's really good. It's a totally different philosophy than with Hole in Heaven. I'm really part of a more democratic band. Word. That's really cool. Right. I actually really enjoy both styles. We can get a lot done in both. Worded. Yeah, I'm impressed that you can work like that. I'm really like, I've always struggled to be like led along and like told what to do in musical projects, and it's just kind of because I'm a bit of a douche. But, you know. Yeah, you are. Oh, Aaron! I'm going to push you down some stairs. I hate you! Oh my god, I bring this kid in here on full trust. I'm going to get you, girl. Maybe in this episode, you asking for it now. These gloves, they're going to be off. Work. Well, on that note, can you send me the link to one of the songs you'd like to play, and I'll get that up as we continue to chat? Where should I send it to? You can send it to me on Messenger. I did. Oh, you did? Word. Well, clearly, I really did my homework. Okay. Yes, we have the bandcamp. I can put you the URL if you want. Oh, you have it memorized? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Word. No, you don't. Yeah. Like the HTTPS? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go off. Okay, whatever. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Let's test this. I don't have my phone out. I'm going to get this up on the Googs. I have to choose who's ... Let's say it's a guest. Oh, guest might work. Okay. All right, Mr. Steve Jobs, ram it off. A Hole in Heaven? There's no like www.wowhipster? No. Okay. A-H-O-L-E. How do you spell the next? In. Word. In. Heaven. Heard of it. Dot. Period. Bandcamp. Bandcamp. Dot com. Dot com. Don't you go be looking this up, Montreal, because this is unreleased. Please go look it up. Oh, wait. This is the released one. Go look this up. This is our front page. You can ... I hit enter. Oh, it says I have to sign up for an artist account. No. Skip. Oh, wait. Maybe it didn't work. Maybe that's the artist. Oh, God. Failure. Failure. Girl messed up. Okay, wait. Okay. We're going to do that one in the commercial break, and you'll log in. Right on. We have three, two and a half minutes until the commercial break. Okay, so I wanted to also ask you if you're up to anything else besides music. Yeah, I'm up to other stuff. I'm a student at Concordia Bootcamp. I'm doing data science. That's almost over, and I'm cutting into my valuable final project time just to be here, which is great. Oh, well, again, the stipend. It's quite large. Yeah. For college videos. It actually might pay off, which is really cool, but ... Yes, yes. I love all things imaginary. Yeah. Data science is like computers and stuff, right? Yes, computers and stuff. It's like machine learning, AI, Python. Yeah. Sometimes I get my oven a smack when it burns things. I'm like, learn. Yeah, learn. Learn. Come on, now. Is an oven a machine? Yeah. The oven's a machine, yeah. Now they have AI for ovens. I, I, I. Oh, my gosh. I'm sure they do. That was the worst joke you made on the show. Have you ever had someone says AI, and you're like, I, I, I. I'm sure you don't. It's really stupid. No one should ever do that. I get annoyed when people say AI for no reason. You just said it. Yeah, I know. You know it? A little bit. Okay, good. You have double standards here. Gosh. Okay, wait. Is it because you're in data science that you're able to remember that URL? URL? No. I didn't even get it right. Well, that's, well, I think you did get it right, but it's like you have to be logged into your Bandcamp account to see the page. Oh, okay. So, actually, the jury's out, y'all. Maybe he did get it right. It did open Whether or not it would have actually, in reality, linked to the song is still, the jury's out. Yeah, it wouldn't have linked to the song. It would have linked to our front page, which it would have linked to the song. That was the idea, at least, but I think that's actually just the page I go to to edit my account. Right. I do that all the time. Sometimes, yeah, I go on my little Bandcamp and I'll just change the mix on something or name something stupid for a day, just to see if anyone's paying attention. They never are, but you never know. You never know. Okay, so I am going to have to do my most stressful thing I have to do all episode, and that is get the ads ready. So, hold on. I have to play one ad called Population 2. Oh, actually, I just traded a pedal with one of the members from Population 2, I believe. So insane. Did you hear that much, y'all? Wow. I think I did. I think he was in Population 2. I could be wrong. Maybe I should have held my tongue there. Whatever. Well, I mean, you just rep them. They're not going to be mad. Yeah, sure. Unless you're like, they're shit. They're bad. Excuse me. Yeah, but I don't know. I don't even know who they are. I just know I have to advertise them right now-ish. I know. Okay, so, I'm going to do my famous DJ trick where I fade things out and fade things in, and y'all Montreal listeners, you're going to cross your dang fingers because we're going to... Aaron is looking stressed. I am sweating, y'all. I am sweating. Okay, here we go. I am going to turn us down. Bye for a bit, Montreal. For music lovers seeking an adventurous listen, shop at Sonopolis, a record store specialized in new and used vinyl and CDs. Whether you're into indie, jazz, blues, world, or experimental, Sonopolis has got you covered. Open five days a week and located on 207 Bernard West in the Milan. Shoppers can also order online at Delivery is available for all customers on Montreal Island. Do you want to have a discussion about movies? You've already pretended to be a Cossack from South Boston. Every weekend, sergeant. And happy Iconic Sons of Cinema. Tune in to After Movies with Iconic Sons every Tuesday mornings from 8 to 9 a.m. Only on CJLA 1590 a.m. with your host, Remy. Don't laugh! This ain't reality TV! Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello. I think that was good. I think I paid all the right ads. Aaron, you want to do a little talky-talky for me? Make sure your mic's working. Yeah, yeah. Is it working? Try now. Checking. Oh, now she good. She good. Okay, good. Okay, so we are on the hunt for this song on the bandcamp, and I'm going to try my best because maybe, perhaps, Montreal, I do not know how to spell heaven, okay? Maybe, I'm not saying yes, I'm not saying no. We're honest folks on this show, right? I did, okay? I spelled it wrong, okay? Okay. Listen, okay, every other guest has been so honest. I spelled heaven incorrectly, okay? Yeah, that means you're going to hell if you do that. Oh, for sure. Grammar is, like, incorrect grammar is a sin, y'all. Especially heaven. That'd be like spelling God like G-A-D, like gad. Gid. Gid. What's the other one? Good? Gad? Gid? Gad? God. Is what? Guide? Guide. Guide. Sure. Yahweh. No way. Okay, that was a horrible, horrible, horrible. Oh, God. He's all, his references. God, if you're listening, we'll be expecting a check for all this representation. We're doing good things for the church here. Not that we're trying to. Hole in heaven. That's probably a sin, too. Probably, yeah. I think that's some ozone stuff. I mean, this is rock music. Rock. Lucifer, stay behind me. Okay, so if there is a God, I'm going to be able to spell heaven correctly and find your song. So, you know, talk amongst yourselves. I know there's just you, but go off. Yeah, yeah, okay. Tell us a joke. Do you have any good jokes? No, I don't. I really don't. What a hilarious joke. I know you do. I can talk about the, I don't know, the song, maybe. Sure. This one we've had in our back pocket for a long time, and hopefully we'll get it released at some point. But we got it on Bandcamp very recently. Do you have it on Bandcamp? Yeah. Come over here. Come over here. Okay, I'll be back in a minute. We're going to actually bring him over to this side of the booth. Y'all, this is a new show, Who Dis First? And you, maybe I actually spelt heaven correctly. You can go and type her in there. Welcome to my side of the booth. He is typing away. We are having, oh, how? I hate you, Aaron. Okay, well, apparently, you know, I just don't know how to work Bandcamp. Yeah, well, he found it very, very easily. I'm a ditz. And, yeah, so here is your first song. It's called Rush. Is that any reference to anything? Amyl nitrites, perhaps? I didn't write the lyrics, so you'd have to ask somebody else, but it's probably a reference to drugs. No, no. We have an honest man here in studio today. It's not. It's not? I don't know. I don't know. Well, you can listen to it, listen to the lyrics, figure it out for yourself. That is a brand of Amyl nitrites. I do know that. Yes, it is. I mean, not that anybody knows what they are. Don't go Google that, Montreal. Anywho, it's not about drugs. No, I don't know. I don't know what it's about. It could be about drugs. It could be about drugs. All right, you be the judge, Montreal. You be the judge. You decide if this song, called Rush, by Hall of Heaven, is about drugs. I think it is. Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Rush by Hall of Heaven Salsa Dancing Heelys Slay Girls Croissants Salsa Dancing Salsa Dancing Mais non, Lola! Non, non, non, non, non! Je suis grosse travail! Travail! Bien travail, Lola! C'est faux l'employé! Wait, one more. Each of your bands, Hall of Heaven... Slay... Keeping in mind that does mean kill. I mean... I can't take it back, there's only one answer. Can we swear on the show? I'm... Yes and no. Like, there's, like, we should not be saying the F-bombs and blah blah blah. You didn't tell me that beforehand. I think you could say, like, light swears, like pity or something like that. Okay. But no hard P. Half-merry kill, is this what this is? Oh, you mean intercourse, betrothed and deceased? Yeah. Yeah, no, we can't say that. No, we can't say that. Yeah, you can say that. Well, you can say half-merry kill for sure. Okay, so for Hall of Heaven, it would be slay, for sure. It's not that kill, but, like... Right. It's more in the sense of, like, slay, like... Duh, I see what you're saying, yeah. Very clear. And, like, Empress, it's like work. Work! It's a lot of work. Being an Empress, even if nothing, it's quite a governmental system that you have to govern, I suppose. Yeah. Yeah. It's impressive. Ooh. That is blatantly untrue. That is blatantly untrue, you little mulrat. I'm going to push you down the stairs. If you never see Aaron Rodgers after this show, it is because I killed him. And I will commit to it, and I will admit it in court, because I want everyone to know. Okay? But I won't do that, because it is illegal. But... Okay. Yeah. Only because it's illegal. Ah! Yeah. Yeah, that's pretty much... You thank the gosh-dang stars that there's the law, or else, you know, yeah. Okay. I'm known to... I'm known to be vicious if threatened, you know? Oh. Oh, no. Yeah. We can't swear on the show, but I will push you down the stairs. That's fine. Can you do it on the show? I... Well, we don't have mics out in the hallway, but maybe we could rig it up for next time. Okay. We could do a feature. You could come back just to be pushed down the stairs. That'd be great. We can't give you a stipend for that. Or like a Justin Trudeau falling down the stairs. I love that clip. Honestly, if I was ever... I was never so close to voting in my life. You should vote. Don't listen to me, just because I don't do it is because I'm lazy. But I was so close. And it was like when Jagmeet Singh got a TikTok. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I was like, wow, he's doing it for the people. Like, I know what TikTok is. He knows what TikTok is. Justin fell down the stairs. I myself have fallen down stairs. It's all coming together. Mm-hmm. Did you vote? Of course. For who? I'm not saying. I don't even know who the candidates are. Wait, federal election? Yeah. NDP. Work. So that's Jagmeet. Yeah. It's because of TikTok? Actually, no. Yeah, yeah, I did vote NDP. It might have been Green, I'm not sure. That's it. Okay, work. You just flip-flopped like a sandal. You flip-flopped like a sandal, boy. Mm-hmm. Green and NDP are so different. Yeah. One is letters and one's a color. Mm-hmm. They're so, so different. Yeah. Yeah, work. All right, well, we are sitting here in studio live with the bassist on whose face I'd sit. And we're going to go to a show promo. What's that? All right, we might have to cut that one in post. I don't know. In post? This is live. Shush, darling. That's not true. It might be true. Okay, wait. How do you do the show promo again? Uh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. Okay. Oh, it's this one. We're good, we're good, we're good. You just calm down over there, okay? A-Aaron. I'm sitting here with my mouse on the clicky thing. Here we go. The trail had been cold for weeks, and this was my last chance to unmask this body. But what is she taking out of her pocket? A radio? And tuned to what frequency? 60, 90 AM? That's TGLO and Montreal Gazette, my favorite radio station. And then I knew. She was on to me. All right, we're back. Okay, so I do need to circle back and make a very sincere apology to Montreal. During that, um, only, what, 45 second show, uh, station, you know, promo. You put the mic on. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Just imagine. No, but during that brief, brief time, the station did receive over 50 complaints about me, and I quote, stating that my guest in the studio today is Aaron Rodgers, a bassist on whose face I sit. Okay, I said that. Yeah, I did. There was a lot, there was over 50 complaints into the station, and I need to say I'm sorry. I realize now my mistake, and I should have said the bassist on whose face, whomst face I sit. Wow. Grammar is important, y'all. Grammar is real. Okay, and callers, we're sorry. We're so sorry. It won't happen again. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. Whomst. 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